Example usage for javax.servlet.http HttpServletResponse SC_UNAUTHORIZED

List of usage examples for javax.servlet.http HttpServletResponse SC_UNAUTHORIZED


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.servlet.http HttpServletResponse SC_UNAUTHORIZED.



To view the source code for javax.servlet.http HttpServletResponse SC_UNAUTHORIZED.

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Status code (401) indicating that the request requires HTTP authentication.


From source file:io.github.howiefh.jeews.modules.oauth2.controller.AccessTokenController.java

private HttpEntity<String> buildInvalidClientSecretResponse() throws OAuthSystemException {
    OAuthResponse response = OAuthASResponse.errorResponse(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED)
    return new ResponseEntity<String>(response.getBody(), HttpStatus.valueOf(response.getResponseStatus()));

From source file:com.google.gsa.valve.rootAuth.RootAuthorizationProcess.java

 * /*from  ww w  .  j av a2  s  .  c  o  m*/
 * This is the default root authorize method that manages the whole 
 * authorization lifecycle when accessing the backend repositories.
 * <p>
 * Based on the information included in the config file, it uses that 
 * information to manage the authorization process. If there is any URL 
 * pattern defined in the config file that matches with the url sent to 
 * the authorize() method, a new authorization class of that kind is created.
 * <p>
 * At the end, it collects the error message coming from the specific 
 * authorization class' authorize() method. If there is any problem during 
 * the processing, it's returned as well.
 * @param request HTTP request
 * @param response HTTP response
 * @param authCookies vector that contains the authentication cookies
 * @param url the document url
 * @param id the default credential id
 * @return the HTTP error code
 * @throws HttpException
 * @throws IOException
public int authorize(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Cookie[] authCookies, String url,
        String id) throws HttpException, IOException, nonValidSessionException {


    // Initialize status code
    int statusCode = HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED;
    boolean patternMatch = false;
    boolean rootIDExists = false;

    UserSession userSession = null;

    //GSA cookie
    Cookie gsaAuthCookie = null;

    //Encoding support
    String newURL = null;

    //Try to avoid the double encoding problem
    try {
        newURL = URLDecoder.decode(url, ENCODING);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        logger.error("Illegal Argument when decoding/encoding URL");
        newURL = url;
    URLUTF8Encoder encoder = new URLUTF8Encoder();
    url = encoder.encodeURL(new URL(newURL));

    //read vars
    if (valveConf != null) {
        //Set config vars

    } else {
        logger.error("Configuration error: Config file is not present");
                "Configuration error - Kerberos is not set properly");
        return HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;

    //set auth Cookie                                
    Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies();

    if (cookies == null) {
        cookies = authCookies;

    if (cookies != null) {
        logger.debug("authCookieName is: " + authCookieName);
        for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
            logger.debug("Cookie found: " + cookies[i].getName() + "; value=" + cookies[i].getValue());
            if (cookies[i].getName().equals(authCookieName)) {
                gsaAuthCookie = cookies[i];
                logger.debug("Auth Cookie found!");

    //manage Sessions                
    if (isSessionEnabled) {
        logger.debug("Session is enabled. Getting session instance");
        try {

            //Session Support. Get Sessions instance            
            sessions = Sessions.getInstance();

            //Get user session
            userSession = manageSessions(gsaAuthCookie);

        } catch (nonValidSessionException nVS) {
            //throw Exception
            throw nVS;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("Error when geting session: " + e.getMessage(), e);


    //setting auth cookies
    if ((!isSessionEnabled) || ((isSessionEnabled) && (sendCookies) && (!isSAML))) {
        //send auth cookies as those coming straight from the browser
        authCookies = request.getCookies();
    } else {
        //auth cookies are those that are in the session
        authCookies = userSession.getCookies();

    logger.debug("Authz authorizing [" + url + "]");

    if (repositoryConfigurations == null) {
        logger.error("Authorization Repository Vector has not been initialized");
        return HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED;

    //Pattern of the host that has been confiogured that needs to be macthed to the URL that is being authorized.
    RE authZHost = null;

    //The host of the GSA, need to detect a request from this host and skip past it
    RE queryHostRE = null;
    try {
        queryHostRE = new RE("/search", RE.MATCH_CASEINDEPENDENT);
    } catch (RESyntaxException reSynTaxExp) {
        logger.error("Failed to created queryHost RE: " + reSynTaxExp.getMessage());

    ValveRepositoryConfiguration repository = null;

    logger.debug("Repository length: " + repositoryConfigurations.size());

    for (int i = 0; i < repositoryConfigurations.size(); i++) {

        repository = repositoryConfigurations.elementAt(i);

        logger.debug("Repository ID: " + repository.getId());

        //Pattern for this repository that needs to be macthed
        try {
            authZHost = new RE(repository.getPattern(), RE.MATCH_CASEINDEPENDENT);
        } catch (RESyntaxException reSynTaxExp) {
            logger.error("Failed to created authZHost RE: " + reSynTaxExp.getMessage());
            logger.error("Pattern trying to use: " + repository.getPattern());

        if (queryHostRE.match(url)) {
            logger.debug("Query AuthZ");
            statusCode = HttpServletResponse.SC_OK;
            patternMatch = true;
        } else {
            if (authZHost.match(url)) {

                //Need the correct authZProcess implementation for this repository ID
                AuthorizationProcessImpl authZProcess = getAuthorizationProcess(repository);

                if (authZProcess != null) {
                    //URL matches a pattern
                    if (repository.getId().equals("root")) {
                        //If this is a match for the root id then it's the internal host used to test valve/test.html, so should just return valid
                        logger.debug("Internal AuthZ");
                        statusCode = HttpServletResponse.SC_OK;
                        patternMatch = true;
                        rootIDExists = true;
                    } else {
                        logger.info("Authorizing with " + repository.getId());
                        patternMatch = true;

                        //Add credentials
                        try {
                            addCredentials(authZProcess, userSession);
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            logger.error("Error during Kerberos authZ treatment : " + e.getMessage(), e);

                        try {
                            String repoID = repository.getId();
                            statusCode = authZProcess.authorize(request, response, authCookies, url, repoID);
                            //If statusCode is UNAUTHORIZED, then the process has to stop here
                            if (statusCode == HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            logger.error("Error during authorization: " + e.getMessage(), e);
                } else {
                    logger.debug("The URL matches with the pattern defined for repository " + "["
                            + repository.getId() + "] but could not instantiate the class");


    if (!patternMatch) {
        //check if "root" repository was created in the config file
        //if not: check if the URL is a Valve one. If so, return SC_OK
        if (!rootIDExists) {
            RE internalRE = new RE(new URL(internalURL).getHost(), RE.MATCH_CASEINDEPENDENT);
            boolean samePorts = (((new URL(internalURL)).getPort()) == ((new URL(url)).getPort()));
            if ((internalRE.match(url)) && (samePorts)) {
                logger.debug("This is an internal URL");
                statusCode = HttpServletResponse.SC_OK;
            } else {
                logger.debug("No pattern has been defined at any repository for this URL");
                //Set Status Code equal to "-1", so we do know there was no pattern found
                statusCode = -1;
        } else {
            logger.debug("No pattern has been defined at any repository for this URL");
            //Set Status Code equal to "-1", so we do know there was no pattern found
            statusCode = -1;

    userSession = null;

    return statusCode;

From source file:com.sjtu.icare.modules.sys.utils.security.FormAuthenticationFilter.java

private void onLoginFail(ServletResponse response, String errorString) throws IOException {
    HttpServletResponse httpResponse = (HttpServletResponse) response;
    //       JSONObject errorJsonObject = new JSONObject();
    //       errorJsonObject.put("errno", HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED+"");
    //       errorJsonObject.put("error", errorString);
    BasicReturnedJson result = new BasicReturnedJson();
    result.setError(errorString);//from ww  w.j  a  v  a 2s.  c om

From source file:de.logicline.splash.controller.UserController.java

 * user login with captcha verification//from   w ww.  j  a  va2 s  .  co  m
 * needs configured heroku connector add on
 * returns specific error if auth failed or config not don
 * @param userInput
 * @param request
 * @param response
 * @return
@RequestMapping(value = "/user/clogin", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public @ResponseBody Map<String, String> userLoginWithCaptcha(@RequestBody Map<String, String> userInput,
        HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {

    String username = userInput.get("username");
    String password = userInput.get("password");
    String challenge = userInput.get("recaptcha_challenge_field");
    String uresponse = userInput.get("recaptcha_response_field");

    ReCaptchaResponse reCaptchaResponse = reCaptcha.checkAnswer(request.getRemoteAddr(), challenge, uresponse);

    if (reCaptchaResponse.isValid()) {
        return null;

    UserEntity userEntityTmp = userService.getUserByName(username);

    if (userEntityTmp == null || BCrypt.checkpw(password, userEntityTmp.getPassword())) {
        return null;

    // TODO merge with normal login
    Map<String, String> responseMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
    String token = userEntityTmp.getToken();
    responseMap.put("token", token);
    responseMap.put("userId", String.valueOf(userEntityTmp.getUserId()));
    responseMap.put("role", userEntityTmp.getRole());

    ContactEntity contactEntity = userService.getContact(token);
    if (contactEntity != null) {
        responseMap.put("firstName", contactEntity.getFirstName());
        responseMap.put("lastName", contactEntity.getLastName());

    return responseMap;

From source file:org.ngrinder.script.controller.DavSvnController.java

 * Request Handler./*from ww w  . j ava2s . c  om*/
 * @param request
 *            request
 * @param response
 *            response
 * @throws ServletException
 *             occurs when servlet has a problem.
 * @throws IOException
 *             occurs when file system has a problem.
public void handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException {

    if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
    try {
        final String head = DAVPathUtil.head(request.getPathInfo());
        final User currentUser = userContext.getCurrentUser();
        // check the security. If the other user tries to the other user's
        // repo, deny it.
        if (!StringUtils.equals(currentUser.getUserId(), head)) {
                    head + " is not accessible by " + currentUser.getUserId());
        // To make it understand Asian Language..
        request = new MyHttpServletRequestWrapper(request);
        DAVRepositoryManager repositoryManager = new DAVRepositoryManager(getDAVConfig(), request);
        ServletDAVHandler handler = DAVHandlerExFactory.createHandler(repositoryManager, request, response);
    } catch (DAVException de) {
        handleError(de, response);
    } catch (SVNException svne) {
        StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
        svne.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw));

         * truncate status line if it is to long
        String msg = sw.getBuffer().toString();
        if (msg.length() > 128) {
            msg = msg.substring(0, 128);
        SVNErrorCode errorCode = svne.getErrorMessage().getErrorCode();
        if (errorCode == SVNErrorCode.FS_NOT_DIRECTORY || errorCode == SVNErrorCode.FS_NOT_FOUND
                || errorCode == SVNErrorCode.RA_DAV_PATH_NOT_FOUND) {
            response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, msg);
        } else if (errorCode == SVNErrorCode.NO_AUTH_FILE_PATH) {
            response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, msg);
        } else if (errorCode == SVNErrorCode.RA_NOT_AUTHORIZED) {
            response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED, msg);
        } else {
            String errorBody = generateStandardizedErrorBody(errorCode.getCode(), null, null,
    } catch (Throwable th) {
        StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
        th.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw));
        String msg = sw.getBuffer().toString();
        LOGGER.debug("Error in DavSVN Controller", th);
        response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, msg);
    } finally {

From source file:com.vmware.identity.samlservice.impl.AuthnRequestStateTLSClientAuthenticationFilter.java

public void authenticate(AuthnRequestState t) throws SamlServiceException {
    log.debug("AuthnRequestStateTLSClientAuthenticationFilter.authenticate is called");

    Validate.notNull(t);/*ww  w . j  a v a2s .c  o m*/
    IdmAccessor accessor = t.getIdmAccessor();
    HttpServletRequest request = t.getRequest();
    AuthnRequest authnRequest = t.getAuthnRequest();

    PrincipalId principalId = null;

    X509Certificate certChain[] = null;

    //Get from the custom header first.
    String certStr = request.getHeader(AuthnRequestStateTLSClientAuthenticationFilter.clientCertHeader);

    if (certStr != null && certStr.length() > 0
            && request.getAuthType() == SecurityRequestWrapper.VMWARE_CLIENT_CERT_AUTH) {
        ByteArrayInputStream bais = null;
        CertificateFactory cf;
        try {
            cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
            bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(Base64.decode(certStr));
            X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) cf.generateCertificate(bais);
            certChain = new X509Certificate[] { cert };
        } catch (CertificateException e1) {
            log.error("Error reading client certificate from http header. ", e1);
            ValidationResult vr = new ValidationResult(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED,
                    WebSSOError.UNAUTHORIZED, WebSSOError.INVALID_CREDENTIAL);
            throw new SamlServiceException("Client Certificate error.", e1);

    // Get from standard place of sl client cert location
    if (certChain == null || certChain.length == 0) {
        certChain = (X509Certificate[]) request

    if (certChain == null || certChain.length == 0) {
        ValidationResult vr = new ValidationResult(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED,
                WebSSOError.UNAUTHORIZED, WebSSOError.NO_CLIENT_CERT);

    } else {
        try {
            principalId = accessor.authenticate(certChain);
            Validate.notNull(principalId, "principalId");
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // could not authenticate with the certificate
            ValidationResult vr = new ValidationResult(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED,
                    WebSSOError.UNAUTHORIZED, WebSSOError.INVALID_CREDENTIAL);

    if (principalId != null) {

From source file:com.ecyrd.jspwiki.dav.WikiDavServlet.java

protected void doPut(HttpServletRequest arg0, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException {
    response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED, "JSPWiki is read-only.");

From source file:de.perdoctus.synology.jdadapter.controller.JdAdapter.java

public void handleClassicRequest(final String jk, final String crypted, final HttpServletResponse resp)
        throws IOException {
    LOG.debug("Configuration: " + drClient.toString());

    try {/*  ww w  .ja  va2 s  . c o  m*/
        final String key = extractKey(jk);
        final List<URI> targets = Decrypter.decryptDownloadUri(crypted, key);
        final List<URI> fixedTargets = fixURIs(targets);

        LOG.debug("Sending download URLs to Synology NAS. Number of URIs: " + targets.size());
        for (URI target : fixedTargets) {
        analyticsTracker.trackEvent(ANALYTICS_EVENT_CATEGORY, "Classic Request", "added targets",

    } catch (ScriptException ex) {
        LOG.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
        resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Failed to evaluate script:\n" + ex.getMessage());

    } catch (SynoException ex) {
        LOG.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
        if (ex instanceof LoginException) {
            resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED, ex.getMessage());
        } else {
            resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, ex.getMessage());

    } catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
        LOG.error("Decrypted URL seems to be corrupt.", ex);
        resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, ex.getMessage());

From source file:com.janrain.backplane.provision.ProvisioningController.java

 * Handle auth errors/*  w w w  . j a v  a 2 s .  c o m*/
public Map<String, String> handle(final AuthException e, HttpServletResponse response) {
    logger.error("Provisioning authentication error: " + e.getMessage());
    return new HashMap<String, String>() {
            put(ERR_MSG_FIELD, e.getMessage());

From source file:dk.dma.msinm.user.security.SecurityServletFilter.java

 * Main filter method// ww w . j a va2 s  . c o m
public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res, FilterChain chain)
        throws IOException, ServletException {
    HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) req;
    HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) res;

    // As of Wildfly 8.1, once a request has executed a successful request.login(),
    // subsequent requests will stay logged in. Surely this is an error(?).
    // Hence, we ensure that the request is logged out by default:
    try {
    } catch (ServletException e) {
        log.debug("Failed logging request out");

    // Check if the security filter needs to process this requested resource
    if (securityConf.checkResource(request)) {

        // Handle JWT
        if (securityConf.supportsJwtAuth()) {

            // Check if the request is a user-pwd or auth token login attempt
            if (securityConf.isJwtAuthEndpoint(request)) {
                handleJwtUserCredentialsOrAuthTokenLogin(request, response);

            // If the request contains a JWT token header, attempt a login on the request
            request = attemptJwtAuthLogin(request, response);

        // Handle Basic Authentication
        if (securityConf.supportsBasicAuth()) {
            // If the request contains a Basic authentication header, attempt a login
            request = attemptBasicAuthLogin(request);

        // Check if the request resource specifies a required role
        CheckedResource errorResource = securityConf.lacksRequiredRole(request);
        if (errorResource != null) {
            log.error("User must have role " + errorResource.getRequiredRoles() + " for resource "
                    + errorResource.getUri());
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(errorResource.getRedirect())) {
            } else {
                response.setStatus(getErrorStatusCode(request, HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED));

    // Propagate the request
    chain.doFilter(request, response);