List of usage examples for javax.servlet.http HttpServletRequest setCharacterEncoding
public void setCharacterEncoding(String env) throws UnsupportedEncodingException;
From source
/** * HTTP GET//from w ww .j ava 2 s .co m * Processes requests for description documents - WSDL, Human Readable and Human Readable for a specific function * * TODO: I think simple webservices can also be called using GET, so we may need to cater for that as well * but first it would be best to write the doPost() method, split the code out into functions and also use it for this. */ public void doGet(DBBroker broker, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String path) throws BadRequestException, PermissionDeniedException, NotFoundException, IOException { //set the encoding if (request.getCharacterEncoding() == null) { request.setCharacterEncoding(formEncoding); } /* Process the request */ try { //Get a Description of the XQWS final XQWSDescription description = getXQWSDescription(broker, path, request); //Get the approriate description for the user byte[] result = null; if (request.getParameter("WSDL") != null || request.getParameter("wsdl") != null) { //WSDL document literal result = description.getWSDL(); //set output content type for wsdl response.setContentType(MimeType.XML_TYPE.getName()); } else if (request.getParameter("WSDLRPC") != null || request.getParameter("wsdlrpc") != null) { //WSDL RPC result = description.getWSDL(false); //set output content type for wsdl response.setContentType(MimeType.XML_TYPE.getName()); } else if (request.getParameter("function") != null) { //Specific Function Description result = description.getFunctionDescription(request.getParameter("function")); } else { //Human Readable Description result = description.getHumanDescription(); } //send the description to the http servlet response final ServletOutputStream os = response.getOutputStream(); final BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(os); bos.write(result); bos.close(); os.close(); } catch (final XPathException xpe) { LOG.debug(xpe.getMessage()); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); writeResponse(response, formatXPathException(null, path, xpe), "text/html", ENCODING); } catch (final SAXException saxe) { LOG.debug(saxe.getMessage()); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); writeResponse(response, formatXPathException(null, path, new XPathException( "SAX exception while transforming node: " + saxe.getMessage(), saxe)), "text/html", ENCODING); } catch (final TransformerConfigurationException tce) { LOG.debug(tce.getMessage()); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); writeResponse(response, formatXPathException(null, path, new XPathException("SAX exception while transforming node: " + tce.getMessage(), tce)), "text/html", ENCODING); } }
From source
@Override public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); HashMap fv = new HashMap(); //IMPORTANT - processingNotes can be used to add notes on data handling (e.g., poorly formatted dates) that can be reconciled later by the reviewer //Example usage: processingNotes.append("<p>Error encountered processing this date submitted by user: "+getVal(fv, "datepicker")+"</p>"); StringBuffer processingNotes = new StringBuffer(); HttpSession session = request.getSession(true); String context = "context0"; context = ServletUtilities.getContext(request); Shepherd myShepherd = new Shepherd(context); myShepherd.setAction("EncounterForm.class"); System.out.println("in context " + context); //request.getSession()getServlet().getServletContext().getRealPath("/")); String rootDir = getServletContext().getRealPath("/"); System.out.println("rootDir=" + rootDir); /*/* www. j a v a2s. c om*/ Vector<String> fbImages = new Vector<String>(); int fbi = 0; while (request.getParameter("socialphoto_" + fbi) != null) { fbImages.add(request.getParameter("socialphoto_" + fbi)); fbi++; } System.out.println(fbImages); if (fbImages.size() > 0) { FacebookClient fbclient = null; try { fbclient = SocialAuth.getFacebookClient(context); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("SocialAuth.getFacebookClient threw exception " + ex.toString()); } WebContext ctx = new J2EContext(request, response); //String callbackUrl = ""; String callbackUrl = "http://" + CommonConfiguration.getURLLocation(request) + "/XXXSocialConnect?type=facebook"; if (request.getParameter("disconnect") != null) callbackUrl += "&disconnect=1"; fbclient.setCallbackUrl(callbackUrl); OAuthCredentials credentials = null; try { credentials = fbclient.getCredentials(ctx); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("caught exception on facebook credentials: " + ex.toString()); } if (credentials != null) { FacebookProfile facebookProfile = fbclient.getUserProfile(credentials, ctx); User fbuser = myShepherd.getUserBySocialId("facebook", facebookProfile.getId()); System.out.println("getId() = " + facebookProfile.getId() + " -> user = " + fbuser); if (fbuser != null) System.out.println("user = " + user.getUsername() + "; fbuser = " + fbuser.getUsername()); if ((fbuser != null) && (fbuser.getUsername().equals(user.getUsername())) && (request.getParameter("disconnect") != null)) { fbuser.unsetSocial("facebook"); //myShepherd.getPM().makePersistent(user); session.setAttribute("message", "disconnected from facebook"); response.sendRedirect("myAccount.jsp"); return; } else if (fbuser != null) { session.setAttribute("error", "looks like this account is already connected to an account"); response.sendRedirect("myAccount.jsp"); return; } else { //lets do this user.setSocial("facebook", facebookProfile.getId()); //myShepherd.getPM().makePersistent(user); session.setAttribute("message", "connected to facebook"); response.sendRedirect("myAccount.jsp"); return; } } else { System.out.println("*** trying redirect?"); try { fbclient.redirect(ctx, false, false); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("caught exception on facebook processing: " + ex.toString()); } return; } } */ //private Map<String, Object> measurements = new HashMap<String, Object>(); //Map<String, Object> metalTags = new HashMap<String, Object>(); /* private String acousticTagSerial = ""; private String acousticTagId = ""; private String satelliteTagSerial = ""; private String satelliteTagArgosPttNumber = ""; private String satelliteTagName = ""; */ //set up for response response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); boolean locked = false; String fileName = "None"; String username = "None"; String fullPathFilename = ""; boolean fileSuccess = false; //kinda pointless now as we just build sentFiles list now at this point (do file work at end) String doneMessage = ""; List<String> filesOK = new ArrayList<String>(); HashMap<String, String> filesBad = new HashMap<String, String>(); List<FileItem> formFiles = new ArrayList<FileItem>(); List<File> socialFiles = new ArrayList<File>(); //Calendar date = Calendar.getInstance(); long maxSizeMB = CommonConfiguration.getMaxMediaSizeInMegabytes(context); long maxSizeBytes = maxSizeMB * 1048576; if (ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request)) { try { ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(new DiskFileItemFactory()); upload.setHeaderEncoding("UTF-8"); List<FileItem> multiparts = upload.parseRequest(request); //List<FileItem> multiparts = new ServletFileUpload(new DiskFileItemFactory()).parseRequest(request); for (FileItem item : multiparts) { if (item.isFormField()) { //plain field fv.put(item.getFieldName(), ServletUtilities.preventCrossSiteScriptingAttacks(item.getString("UTF-8").trim())); //TODO do we want trim() here??? -jon //System.out.println("got regular field (" + item.getFieldName() + ")=(" + item.getString("UTF-8") + ")"); } else if (item.getName().startsWith("socialphoto_")) { System.out.println(item.getName() + ": " + item.getString("UTF-8")); } else { //file //System.out.println("content type???? " + item.getContentType()); TODO note, the helpers only check extension if (item.getSize() > maxSizeBytes) { filesBad.put(item.getName(), "file is larger than " + maxSizeMB + "MB"); } else if (myShepherd.isAcceptableImageFile(item.getName()) || myShepherd.isAcceptableVideoFile(item.getName())) { formFiles.add(item); filesOK.add(item.getName()); } else { filesBad.put(item.getName(), "invalid type of file"); } } } doneMessage = "File Uploaded Successfully"; fileSuccess = true; } catch (Exception ex) { doneMessage = "File Upload Failed due to " + ex; } } else { doneMessage = "Sorry this Servlet only handles file upload request"; } if (fv.get("social_files_id") != null) { //TODO better checking of files (size, type etc) File socDir = new File( ServletUtilities.dataDir(context, rootDir) + "/social_files/" + fv.get("social_files_id")); for (File sf : socDir.listFiles()) { socialFiles.add(sf); filesOK.add(sf.getName()); } filesBad = new HashMap<String, String>(); fileSuccess = true; } session.setAttribute("filesOKMessage", (filesOK.isEmpty() ? "none" : Arrays.toString(filesOK.toArray()))); String badmsg = ""; for (String key : filesBad.keySet()) { badmsg += key + " (" + getVal(filesBad, key) + ") "; } if (badmsg.equals("")) { badmsg = "none"; } session.setAttribute("filesBadMessage", badmsg); if (fileSuccess) { //////////////////////////////////////////// START //{submitterID=tomcat, submitterProject=, photographerEmail=, metalTag(left)=, sex=unknown, measurement(weight)=34234, location=, acousticTagId=, behavior=yow behavior..., measurement(weightunits)=kilograms, acousticTagSerial=, photographerName=, lifeStage=sub-adult, submitterAddress=, satelliteTagSerial=, releaseDate=, photographerPhone=, measurement(lengthunits)=meters, measurement(weightsamplingProtocol)=samplingProtocol0, measurement(length)=, submitterOrganization=, photographerAddress=, longitude=, year=2014, lat=, measurement(lengthsamplingProtocol)=samplingProtocol0, submitterEmail=, minutes=00, elevation=, measurement(height)=, measurement(heightsamplingProtocol)=samplingProtocol0, scars=None, submitterPhone=, submitterName=tomcat, hour=-1, livingStatus=alive, depth=, country=, satelliteTagName=Wild Life Computers, metalTag(right)=, month=1, measurement(heightunits)=meters, Submit=Send encounter report, informothers=, day=0, satelliteTagArgosPttNumber=, comments=} //check for spamBots TODO possibly move this to Util for general/global usage? boolean spamBot = false; String[] spamFieldsToCheck = new String[] { "submitterPhone", "submitterName", "photographerName", "photographerPhone", "location", "comments", "behavior" }; StringBuffer spamFields = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < spamFieldsToCheck.length; i++) { spamFields.append(getVal(fv, spamFieldsToCheck[i])); } if (spamFields.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf("porn") != -1) { spamBot = true; } if (spamFields.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf("href") != -1) { spamBot = true; } //else if(spamFields.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf("[url]")!=-1){spamBot=true;} //else if(spamFields.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf("url=")!=-1){spamBot=true;} //else if(spamFields.toString().toLowerCase().trim().equals("")){spamBot=true;} //else if((theForm.getSubmitterID()!=null)&&(theForm.getSubmitterID().equals("N%2FA"))) {spamBot=true;} String locCode = ""; System.out.println(" **** here is what i think locationID is: " + fv.get("locationID")); if ((fv.get("locationID") != null) && !fv.get("locationID").toString().equals("")) { locCode = fv.get("locationID").toString(); } //see if the location code can be determined and set based on the location String reported else if (fv.get("location") != null) { String locTemp = getVal(fv, "location").toLowerCase(); Properties props = new Properties(); try { props = ShepherdProperties.getProperties("", "", context); Enumeration m_enum = props.propertyNames(); while (m_enum.hasMoreElements()) { String aLocationSnippet = ((String) m_enum.nextElement()).trim(); if (locTemp.indexOf(aLocationSnippet) != -1) { locCode = props.getProperty(aLocationSnippet); } } } catch (Exception props_e) { props_e.printStackTrace(); } } //end else //end location code setter fv.put("locCode", locCode); //TODO this should live somewhere else as constant? (e.g. to build in form as well) String[] scarType = new String[] { "None", "Tail (caudal) fin", "1st dorsal fin", "2nd dorsal fin", "Left pectoral fin", "Right pectoral fin", "Head", "Body" }; int scarNum = -1; try { scarNum = Integer.parseInt(getVal(fv, "scars")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { scarNum = -1; } if ((scarNum < 0) || (scarNum > 7)) { scarNum = -1; } if (scarNum >= 0) { fv.put("scars", scarType[scarNum]); } //System.out.println("about to do int stuff"); //need some ints for day/month/year/hour (other stuff seems to be strings) int day = 0, month = -1, year = 0, hour = 0; String minutes = ""; //try { day = Integer.parseInt(getVal(fv, "day")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { day = 0; } //try { month = Integer.parseInt(getVal(fv, "month")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { month = 0; } //try { year = Integer.parseInt(getVal(fv, "year")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { year = 0; } //switch to datepicker LocalDateTime dt = new LocalDateTime(); if ((getVal(fv, "datepicker") != null) && (!getVal(fv, "datepicker").trim().equals(""))) { //System.out.println("Trying to read date: "+getVal(fv, "datepicker").replaceAll(" ", "T")); //boolean badDate=false; try { DateTimeFormatter parser1 = ISODateTimeFormat.dateOptionalTimeParser(); LocalDateTime reportedDateTime = new LocalDateTime( parser1.parseMillis(getVal(fv, "datepicker").replaceAll(" ", "T"))); StringTokenizer str = new StringTokenizer(getVal(fv, "datepicker").replaceAll(" ", "T"), "-"); int numTokens = str.countTokens(); if (numTokens >= 1) { //try { year = reportedDateTime.getYear(); if (year > (dt.getYear() + 1)) { //badDate=true; year = 0; throw new Exception( " An unknown exception occurred during date processing in EncounterForm. The user may have input an improper format: " + year + " > " + dt.getYear()); } //} catch (Exception e) { year=-1;} } if (numTokens >= 2) { try { month = reportedDateTime.getMonthOfYear(); } catch (Exception e) { month = -1; } } else { month = -1; } //see if we can get a day, because we do want to support only yyy-MM too if (str.countTokens() >= 3) { try { day = reportedDateTime.getDayOfMonth(); } catch (Exception e) { day = 0; } } else { day = 0; } //see if we can get a time and hour, because we do want to support only yyy-MM too StringTokenizer strTime = new StringTokenizer(getVal(fv, "datepicker").replaceAll(" ", "T"), "T"); if (strTime.countTokens() > 1) { try { hour = reportedDateTime.getHourOfDay(); } catch (Exception e) { hour = -1; } try { minutes = (new Integer(reportedDateTime.getMinuteOfHour()).toString()); } catch (Exception e) { } } else { hour = -1; } //System.out.println("At the end of time processing I see: "+year+"-"+month+"-"+day+" "+hour+":"+minutes); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println( " An unknown exception occurred during date processing in EncounterForm. The user may have input an improper format."); e.printStackTrace(); processingNotes.append("<p>Error encountered processing this date submitted by user: " + getVal(fv, "datepicker") + "</p>"); } } String guess = "no estimate provided"; if ((fv.get("guess") != null) && !fv.get("guess").toString().equals("")) { guess = fv.get("guess").toString(); } //let's handle genus and species for taxonomy String genus = null; String specificEpithet = null; try { //now we have to break apart genus species if (fv.get("genusSpecies") != null) { StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(fv.get("genusSpecies").toString(), " "); if (tokenizer.countTokens() >= 2) { genus = tokenizer.nextToken(); //enc.setGenus(tokenizer.nextToken()); specificEpithet = tokenizer.nextToken().replaceAll(",", "").replaceAll("_", " "); //enc.setSpecificEpithet(tokenizer.nextToken().replaceAll(",","").replaceAll("_"," ")); } //handle malformed Genus Species formats else { throw new Exception( "The format of the submitted genusSpecies parameter did not have two tokens delimited by a space (e.g., \"Rhincodon typus\"). The submitted value was: " + fv.get("genusSpecies")); } } } catch (Exception le) { } System.out.println("about to do enc()"); Encounter enc = new Encounter(day, month, year, hour, minutes, guess, getVal(fv, "location"), getVal(fv, "submitterName"), getVal(fv, "submitterEmail"), null); boolean llSet = false; //Encounter enc = new Encounter(); //System.out.println("Submission detected date: "+enc.getDate()); String encID = enc.generateEncounterNumber(); enc.setEncounterNumber(encID); System.out.println("hey, i think i may have made an encounter, encID=" + encID); System.out.println("enc ?= " + enc.toString()); AssetStore astore = AssetStore.getDefault(myShepherd); ArrayList<Annotation> newAnnotations = new ArrayList<Annotation>(); for (FileItem item : formFiles) { JSONObject sp = astore.createParameters(new File(enc.subdir() + File.separator + item.getName())); sp.put("key", Util.hashDirectories(encID) + "/" + item.getName()); MediaAsset ma = new MediaAsset(astore, sp); File tmpFile = ma.localPath().toFile(); //conveniently(?) our local version to save ma.cacheLocal() from having to do anything? File tmpDir = tmpFile.getParentFile(); if (!tmpDir.exists()) tmpDir.mkdirs(); //System.out.println("attempting to write uploaded file to " + tmpFile); try { item.write(tmpFile); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Could not write " + tmpFile + ": " + ex.toString()); } if (tmpFile.exists()) { ma.addLabel("_original"); ma.copyIn(tmpFile); ma.updateMetadata(); newAnnotations.add(new Annotation(Util.taxonomyString(genus, specificEpithet), ma)); } else { System.out.println("failed to write file " + tmpFile); } } ///////////////////TODO social files also!!! if (fv.get("mediaAssetSetId") != null) { MediaAssetSet maSet = ((MediaAssetSet) (myShepherd.getPM().getObjectById( myShepherd.getPM().newObjectIdInstance(MediaAssetSet.class, fv.get("mediaAssetSetId")), true))); if ((maSet != null) && (maSet.getMediaAssets() != null) && (maSet.getMediaAssets().size() > 0)) { int num = maSet.getMediaAssets().size(); for (MediaAsset ma : maSet.getMediaAssets()) { newAnnotations.add(new Annotation(Util.taxonomyString(genus, specificEpithet), ma)); } session.setAttribute("filesOKMessage", num + " " + ((num == 1) ? "file" : "files")); } } enc.setAnnotations(newAnnotations); enc.setGenus(genus); enc.setSpecificEpithet(specificEpithet); /* String baseDir = ServletUtilities.dataDir(context, rootDir); ArrayList<SinglePhotoVideo> images = new ArrayList<SinglePhotoVideo>(); for (FileItem item : formFiles) { // this will actually write file to filesystem (or [FUTURE] wherever) // TODO: either (a) undo this if any failure of writing encounter; or (b) dont write til success of enc. try { //SinglePhotoVideo spv = new SinglePhotoVideo(encID, item, context, encDataDir); SinglePhotoVideo spv = new SinglePhotoVideo(enc, item, context, baseDir); //images.add(spv); enc.addSinglePhotoVideo(spv); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("failed to save " + item.toString() + ": " + ex.toString()); } } for (File sf : socialFiles) { File encDir = new File(enc.dir(baseDir)); if (!encDir.exists()) encDir.mkdirs(); File targetFile = new File(encDir, sf.getName()); System.out.println("socialFile copy: " + sf.toString() + " ---> " + targetFile.toString()); Files.copy(sf.toPath(), targetFile.toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); SinglePhotoVideo spv = new SinglePhotoVideo(encID, targetFile); enc.addSinglePhotoVideo(spv); } */ //now let's add our encounter to the database enc.setComments(getVal(fv, "comments").replaceAll("\n", "<br>")); if (fv.get("releaseDate") != null && fv.get("releaseDate").toString().length() > 0) { String dateFormatPattern = CommonConfiguration.getProperty("releaseDateFormat", context); try { SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormatPattern); enc.setReleaseDate(simpleDateFormat.parse(fv.get("releaseDate").toString()).getTime()); } catch (Exception e) { enc.addComments("<p>Reported release date was problematic: " + fv.get("releaseDate") + "</p>"); } } if (fv.get("behavior") != null && fv.get("behavior").toString().length() > 0) { enc.setBehavior(fv.get("behavior").toString()); } if (fv.get("alternateID") != null && fv.get("alternateID").toString().length() > 0) { enc.setAlternateID(fv.get("alternateID").toString()); } if (fv.get("lifeStage") != null && fv.get("lifeStage").toString().length() > 0) { enc.setLifeStage(fv.get("lifeStage").toString()); } List<MetalTag> metalTags = getMetalTags(fv); for (MetalTag metalTag : metalTags) { enc.addMetalTag(metalTag); } List<Measurement> measurements = getMeasurements(fv, encID, context); for (Measurement measurement : measurements) { enc.setMeasurement(measurement, myShepherd); } enc.setAcousticTag(getAcousticTag(fv)); enc.setSatelliteTag(getSatelliteTag(fv)); enc.setSex(getVal(fv, "sex")); enc.setLivingStatus(getVal(fv, "livingStatus")); if (fv.get("scars") != null) { enc.setDistinguishingScar(fv.get("scars").toString()); } int sizePeriod = 0; if ((fv.get("measureUnits") != null) && fv.get("measureUnits").toString().equals("Feet")) { if ((fv.get("depth") != null) && !fv.get("depth").toString().equals("")) { try { double tempDouble = (new Double(fv.get("depth").toString())).doubleValue() / 3.3; String truncDepth = (new Double(tempDouble)).toString(); sizePeriod = truncDepth.indexOf("."); truncDepth = truncDepth.substring(0, sizePeriod + 2); fv.put("depth", (new Double(truncDepth)).toString()); } catch (java.lang.NumberFormatException nfe) { enc.addComments( "<p>Reported depth was problematic: " + fv.get("depth").toString() + "</p>"); fv.put("depth", ""); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { fv.put("depth", ""); } } System.out.println("depth --> " + fv.get("depth").toString()); if ((fv.get("elevation") != null) && !fv.get("elevation").toString().equals("")) { try { double tempDouble = (new Double(fv.get("elevation").toString())).doubleValue() / 3.3; String truncElev = (new Double(tempDouble)).toString(); //String truncElev = ((new Double(elevation)) / 3.3).toString(); sizePeriod = truncElev.indexOf("."); truncElev = truncElev.substring(0, sizePeriod + 2); fv.put("elevation", (new Double(truncElev)).toString()); } catch (java.lang.NumberFormatException nfe) { enc.addComments("<p>Reported elevation was problematic: " + fv.get("elevation").toString() + "</p>"); fv.put("elevation", ""); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { fv.put("elevation", ""); } } if ((fv.get("size") != null) && !fv.get("size").toString().equals("")) { try { double tempDouble = (new Double(fv.get("size").toString())).doubleValue() / 3.3; String truncSize = (new Double(tempDouble)).toString(); //String truncSize = ((new Double(size)) / 3.3).toString(); sizePeriod = truncSize.indexOf("."); truncSize = truncSize.substring(0, sizePeriod + 2); fv.put("size", (new Double(truncSize)).toString()); } catch (java.lang.NumberFormatException nfe) { enc.addComments("<p>Reported size was problematic: " + fv.get("size").toString() + "</p>"); fv.put("size", ""); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { fv.put("size", ""); } } } //measureUnits if ((fv.get("size") != null) && !fv.get("size").toString().equals("")) { try { enc.setSize(new Double(fv.get("size").toString())); } catch (java.lang.NumberFormatException nfe) { enc.addComments("<p>Reported size was problematic: " + fv.get("size").toString() + "</p>"); fv.put("size", ""); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { fv.put("size", ""); } } if ((fv.get("elevation") != null) && !fv.get("elevation").toString().equals("")) { try { enc.setMaximumElevationInMeters(new Double(fv.get("elevation").toString())); } catch (java.lang.NumberFormatException nfe) { enc.addComments( "<p>Reported elevation was problematic: " + fv.get("elevation").toString() + "</p>"); fv.put("elevatoin", ""); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { fv.put("elevation", ""); } } if ((fv.get("depth") != null) && !fv.get("depth").toString().equals("")) { try { enc.setDepth(new Double(fv.get("depth").toString())); } catch (java.lang.NumberFormatException nfe) { enc.addComments("<p>Reported depth was problematic: " + fv.get("depth").toString() + "</p>"); fv.put("depth", ""); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { fv.put("depth", ""); } } //let's handle the GPS if ((fv.get("lat") != null) && (fv.get("longitude") != null) && !fv.get("lat").toString().equals("") && !fv.get("longitude").toString().equals("")) { //enc.setGPSLatitude(lat + "° " + gpsLatitudeMinutes + "\' " + gpsLatitudeSeconds + "\" " + latDirection); try { double degrees = (new Double(fv.get("lat").toString())).doubleValue(); double position = degrees; /* if (!gpsLatitudeMinutes.equals("")) { double minutes2 = ((new Double(gpsLatitudeMinutes)).doubleValue()) / 60; position += minutes2; } if (!gpsLatitudeSeconds.equals("")) { double seconds2 = ((new Double(gpsLatitudeSeconds)).doubleValue()) / 3600; position += seconds2; } if (latDirection.toLowerCase().equals("south")) { position = position * -1; }*/ enc.setDWCDecimalLatitude(position); double degrees2 = (new Double(fv.get("longitude").toString())).doubleValue(); double position2 = degrees2; enc.setDWCDecimalLongitude(position2); llSet = true; } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("EncounterSetGPS: problem!"); e.printStackTrace(); } } //enc.setMeasureUnits("Meters"); enc.setSubmitterPhone(getVal(fv, "submitterPhone")); enc.setSubmitterAddress(getVal(fv, "submitterAddress")); enc.setSubmitterOrganization(getVal(fv, "submitterOrganization")); enc.setSubmitterProject(getVal(fv, "submitterProject")); enc.setPhotographerPhone(getVal(fv, "photographerPhone")); enc.setPhotographerAddress(getVal(fv, "photographerAddress")); enc.setPhotographerName(getVal(fv, "photographerName")); enc.setPhotographerEmail(getVal(fv, "photographerEmail")); enc.addComments("<p>Submitted on " + (new java.util.Date()).toString() + " from address: " + request.getRemoteHost() + "</p>"); //enc.approved = false; enc.addComments(processingNotes.toString()); if (CommonConfiguration.getProperty("encounterState0", context) != null) { enc.setState(CommonConfiguration.getProperty("encounterState0", context)); } if (request.getRemoteUser() != null) { enc.setSubmitterID(request.getRemoteUser()); } else { enc.setSubmitterID("N/A"); } if (!getVal(fv, "locCode").equals("")) { enc.setLocationCode(locCode); } if (!getVal(fv, "country").equals("")) { enc.setCountry(getVal(fv, "country")); } if (!getVal(fv, "informothers").equals("")) { enc.setInformOthers(getVal(fv, "informothers")); } // xxxxxxx //add research team for GAq if (!getVal(fv, "researchTeam").equals("")) { enc.setDynamicProperty("Research Team", (getVal(fv, "researchTeam"))); } if (!getVal(fv, "vessel").equals("")) { enc.setDynamicProperty("Vessel", (getVal(fv, "vessel"))); } if (!getVal(fv, "conditions").equals("")) { enc.setDynamicProperty("Conditions", (getVal(fv, "conditions"))); } if (!getVal(fv, "camera").equals("")) { enc.setDynamicProperty("Camera", (getVal(fv, "camera"))); } if (!getVal(fv, "lens").equals("")) { enc.setDynamicProperty("Lens", (getVal(fv, "lens"))); } if (!getVal(fv, "card").equals("")) { enc.setDynamicProperty("Card", (getVal(fv, "card"))); } if (!getVal(fv, "folder").equals("")) { enc.setDynamicProperty("Folder", (getVal(fv, "folder"))); } if (!getVal(fv, "numberOfBoats").equals("")) { enc.setDynamicProperty("Number of boats", (getVal(fv, "numberOfBoats"))); } if (!getVal(fv, "startTime").equals("")) { enc.setDynamicProperty("Start Time", (getVal(fv, "startTime"))); } if (!getVal(fv, "endTime").equals("")) { enc.setDynamicProperty("End Time", (getVal(fv, "endTime"))); } if (!getVal(fv, "endLongitude").equals("")) { enc.setDynamicProperty("End Longitude", (getVal(fv, "endLongitude"))); } if (!getVal(fv, "endLatitude").equals("")) { enc.setDynamicProperty("End Latitude", (getVal(fv, "endLatitude"))); } if (!getVal(fv, "startLongitude").equals("")) { enc.setDynamicProperty("Start Longitude", (getVal(fv, "startLongitude"))); } if (!getVal(fv, "startLatitude").equals("")) { enc.setDynamicProperty("Start Latitude", (getVal(fv, "startLatitude"))); } if (!getVal(fv, "beginWaypoint").equals("")) { enc.setDynamicProperty("Begin Waypoint", (getVal(fv, "beginWaypoint"))); } if (!getVal(fv, "endWaypoint").equals("")) { enc.setDynamicProperty("End Waypoint", (getVal(fv, "endWaypoint"))); } //xxxxxxxx String guid = CommonConfiguration.getGlobalUniqueIdentifierPrefix(context) + encID; //new additions for DarwinCore enc.setDWCGlobalUniqueIdentifier(guid); enc.setDWCImageURL((request.getScheme() + "://" + CommonConfiguration.getURLLocation(request) + "/encounters/encounter.jsp?number=" + encID)); //populate DarwinCore dates DateTimeFormatter fmt =; String strOutputDateTime = fmt.print(dt); enc.setDWCDateAdded(strOutputDateTime); enc.setDWCDateAdded(new Long(dt.toDateTime().getMillis())); //System.out.println("I set the date as a LONG to: "+enc.getDWCDateAddedLong()); enc.setDWCDateLastModified(strOutputDateTime); //this will try to set from MediaAssetMetadata -- ymmv if (!llSet) enc.setLatLonFromAssets(); if (enc.getYear() < 1) enc.setDateFromAssets(); String newnum = ""; if (!spamBot) { newnum = myShepherd.storeNewEncounter(enc, encID); //enc.refreshAssetFormats(context, ServletUtilities.dataDir(context, rootDir)); enc.refreshAssetFormats(myShepherd); Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EncounterForm.class);"New encounter submission: <a href=\"" + request.getScheme() + "://" + CommonConfiguration.getURLLocation(request) + "/encounters/encounter.jsp?number=" + encID + "\">" + encID + "</a>"); System.out.println("ENCOUNTER SAVED???? newnum=" + newnum); } if (newnum.equals("fail")) { request.setAttribute("number", "fail"); return; } //return a forward to display.jsp System.out.println("Ending data submission."); if (!spamBot) { response.sendRedirect(request.getScheme() + "://" + CommonConfiguration.getURLLocation(request) + "/confirmSubmit.jsp?number=" + encID); } else { response.sendRedirect( request.getScheme() + "://" + CommonConfiguration.getURLLocation(request) + "/spambot.jsp"); } } //end "if (fileSuccess) myShepherd.closeDBTransaction(); //return null; }
From source
private void setEncode(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { try {/* www . jav a 2s . com*/ if (null != request) { request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); } if (null != request) { response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); response.setContentType("text/html;charset=utf-8"); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { } }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Object[] set(Object action, ActionInfo ai, HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException { SetterConfig cfg = ai.getSetterConfig(); List<SetterInfo> setters; if (action != null) { Class cls = action.getClass(); setters = setterMap.get(cls);//from w w w . j a va 2 s. com if (setters == null) { synchronized (this) { setters = setterMap.get(cls); if (setters == null) { Map<Class, List<SetterInfo>> map = new HashMap<Class, List<SetterInfo>>(setterMap); map.put(cls, setters = parseSetters(cls)); setterMap = map; } } } } else { setters = Collections.emptyList(); } List<SetterInfo> args = argMap.get(ai.actionMethod); if (args == null) { synchronized (this) { args = argMap.get(ai.actionMethod); if (args == null) { Map<Method, List<SetterInfo>> map = new HashMap<Method, List<SetterInfo>>(argMap); map.put(ai.actionMethod, args = parseArgs(ai.actionMethod)); argMap = map; } } } if (setters.isEmpty() && args.isEmpty()) return new Object[0]; Map<String, Object> params; try { if (cfg.getCharset() != null) { request.setCharacterEncoding(cfg.getCharset()); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // } if (ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request)) { params = new HashMap<String, Object>(request.getParameterMap()); request.setAttribute(WRPName, params); ServletFileUpload fileUpload = new ServletFileUpload(); if (cfg.getCharset() != null) { fileUpload.setHeaderEncoding(cfg.getCharset()); } if (cfg.getFileUploadSizeMax() != 0) { fileUpload.setSizeMax(cfg.getFileUploadSizeMax()); } if (cfg.getFileUploadFileSizeMax() != 0) { fileUpload.setFileSizeMax(cfg.getFileUploadFileSizeMax()); } boolean throwe = false; try { FileItemIterator it = fileUpload.getItemIterator(request); while (it.hasNext()) { FileItemStream fis =; if (fis.isFormField()) { String s = Streams.asString(fis.openStream(), cfg.getCharset()); Object o = params.get(fis.getFieldName()); if (o == null) { params.put(fis.getFieldName(), new String[] { s }); } else if (o instanceof String[]) { String[] ss = (String[]) o; String[] nss = new String[ss.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(ss, 0, nss, 0, ss.length); nss[ss.length] = s; params.put(fis.getFieldName(), nss); } } else if (!fis.getName().isEmpty()) { File tempFile; try { tempFile = File.createTempFile("wfu", null); } catch (IOException e) { throwe = true; throw e; } FileExImpl fileEx = new FileExImpl(tempFile); Object o = params.get(fis.getFieldName()); if (o == null) { params.put(fis.getFieldName(), new FileEx[] { fileEx }); } else if (o instanceof FileEx[]) { FileEx[] ss = (FileEx[]) o; FileEx[] nss = new FileEx[ss.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(ss, 0, nss, 0, ss.length); nss[ss.length] = fileEx; params.put(fis.getFieldName(), nss); } Streams.copy(fis.openStream(), new FileOutputStream(fileEx.getFile()), true); fileEx.fileName = fis.getName(); fileEx.contentType = fis.getContentType(); } } } catch (FileUploadException e) { if (action instanceof FileUploadExceptionAware) { ((FileUploadExceptionAware) action).setFileUploadException(e); } } catch (IOException e) { if (throwe) { throw e; } } } else { params = request.getParameterMap(); } if (cfg.getSetterPolicy() == SetterPolicy.ParameterAndField || (cfg.getSetterPolicy() == SetterPolicy.Auto && args.isEmpty())) { for (SetterInfo si : setters) { si.setter.set(action, si.member, params, si.paramName); } } Object[] as = new Object[args.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < as.length; i++) { SetterInfo si = args.get(i); as[i] = si.setter.set(action, null, params, si.paramName); } return as; }
From source
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { String adopterName = ""; String adopterAddress = ""; String adopterEmail = ""; String adopterImage;/* w ww. ja v a2s . c om*/ String adoptionStartDate = ""; String adoptionEndDate = ""; String adopterQuote = ""; String adoptionManager = ""; String shark = ""; String encounter = ""; String notes = ""; String adoptionType = ""; String number = ""; String text = ""; // Saved to the selected shark, not the adoption. String newNickName = ""; // Storing the customer ID here makes the subscription cancellation process easier to do in less moves. String stripeCustomerID = ""; // Stores some wack response string from google recaptcha. String gresp = ""; boolean adoptionSuccess = true; String failureMessage = ""; //set UTF-8 request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); HttpSession session = request.getSession(true); String context = "context0"; context = ServletUtilities.getContext(request); Shepherd myShepherd = new Shepherd(context); myShepherd.setAction("AdoptionAction.class"); System.out.println("in context " + context); //request.getSession()getServlet().getServletContext().getRealPath("/")); String rootDir = getServletContext().getRealPath("/"); System.out.println("rootDir=" + rootDir); // This value is only stored in the email specific edit form. Boolean emailEdit = false; if ((Boolean) session.getAttribute("emailEdit") != false) { emailEdit = (Boolean) session.getAttribute("emailEdit"); number = (String) session.getAttribute("sessionAdoptionID"); } //setup data dir String rootWebappPath = getServletContext().getRealPath("/"); File webappsDir = new File(rootWebappPath).getParentFile(); File shepherdDataDir = new File(webappsDir, CommonConfiguration.getDataDirectoryName(context)); //if(!shepherdDataDir.exists()){shepherdDataDir.mkdirs();} File adoptionsDir = new File(shepherdDataDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/adoptions"); if (!adoptionsDir.exists()) { adoptionsDir.mkdirs(); } //get the form to read data from // AdoptionForm theForm = (AdoptionForm) form; //set up for response response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); boolean locked = false; String fileName = "None"; String username = "None"; String fullPathFilename = ""; String id = ""; boolean fileSuccess = false; //kinda pointless now as we just build sentFiles list now at this point (do file work at end) String doneMessage = ""; List<String> filesOK = new ArrayList<String>(); HashMap<String, String> filesBad = new HashMap<String, String>(); List<FileItem> formFiles = new ArrayList<FileItem>(); Calendar date = Calendar.getInstance(); long maxSizeMB = CommonConfiguration.getMaxMediaSizeInMegabytes(context); long maxSizeBytes = maxSizeMB * 1048576; //set form value hashmap HashMap fv = new HashMap(); //else { id = "adpt" + (new Integer(date.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH))).toString() + (new Integer(date.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1)).toString() + (new Integer(date.get(Calendar.YEAR))).toString() + (new Integer(date.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY))).toString() + (new Integer(date.get(Calendar.MINUTE))).toString() + (new Integer(date.get(Calendar.SECOND))).toString(); //} System.out.println("Starting an adoption submission..."); Calendar todayDate = Calendar.getInstance(); if (ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request)) { try { ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(new DiskFileItemFactory()); upload.setHeaderEncoding("UTF-8"); List<FileItem> multiparts = upload.parseRequest(request); //List<FileItem> multiparts = new ServletFileUpload(new DiskFileItemFactory()).parseRequest(request); for (FileItem item : multiparts) { if (item.isFormField()) { //plain field fv.put(item.getFieldName(), ServletUtilities.preventCrossSiteScriptingAttacks(item.getString("UTF-8").trim())); //TODO do we want trim() here??? -jon //System.out.println("got regular field (" + item.getFieldName() + ")=(" + item.getString("UTF-8") + ")"); } else { //file //System.out.println("content type???? " + item.getContentType()); TODO note, the helpers only check extension if (item.getSize() > maxSizeBytes) { filesBad.put(item.getName(), "file is larger than " + maxSizeMB + "MB"); } else if (myShepherd.isAcceptableImageFile(item.getName()) || myShepherd.isAcceptableVideoFile(item.getName())) { formFiles.add(item); filesOK.add(item.getName()); } else { filesBad.put(item.getName(), "invalid type of file"); } } } doneMessage = "File Uploaded Successfully"; fileSuccess = true; } catch (Exception ex) { doneMessage = "File Upload Failed due to " + ex; } } else { doneMessage = "Sorry this Servlet only handles file upload request"; } session.setAttribute("filesOKMessage", (filesOK.isEmpty() ? "none" : Arrays.toString(filesOK.toArray()))); String badmsg = ""; for (String key : filesBad.keySet()) { badmsg += key + " (" + getVal(filesBad, key) + ") "; } if (badmsg.equals("")) { badmsg = "none"; } session.setAttribute("filesBadMessage", badmsg); boolean isEdit = false; if (fileSuccess) { if ((fv.get("number") != null) && !fv.get("number").toString().equals("")) { //handle adoption number processing number = fv.get("number").toString(); if ((number != null) && (!number.equals(""))) { isEdit = true; System.out.println("Ping! Hit adoption number recieved by action servlet."); //myShepherd.beginDBTransaction(); } //end adoption number/id processing } if ((fv.get("adopterName") != null) && !fv.get("adopterName").toString().equals("")) { adopterName = fv.get("adopterName").toString().trim(); } if ((fv.get("adopterAddress") != null) && !fv.get("adopterAddress").toString().equals("")) { adopterAddress = fv.get("adopterAddress").toString().trim(); } if ((fv.get("adopterEmail") != null) && !fv.get("adopterEmail").toString().equals("")) { adopterEmail = fv.get("adopterEmail").toString().trim(); } if ((fv.get("adoptionStartDate") != null) && !fv.get("adoptionStartDate").toString().equals("")) { adoptionStartDate = fv.get("adoptionStartDate").toString().trim(); } if ((fv.get("adoptionEndDate") != null) && !fv.get("adoptionEndDate").toString().equals("")) { adoptionEndDate = fv.get("adoptionEndDate").toString().trim(); } if ((fv.get("adopterQuote") != null) && !fv.get("adopterQuote").toString().equals("")) { adopterQuote = fv.get("adopterQuote").toString().trim(); } if ((fv.get("adoptionManager") != null) && !fv.get("adoptionManager").toString().equals("")) { adoptionManager = fv.get("adoptionManager").toString().trim(); } if ((fv.get("shark") != null) && !fv.get("shark").toString().equals("")) { shark = fv.get("shark").toString().trim(); } if ((fv.get("encounter") != null) && !fv.get("encounter").toString().equals("")) { encounter = fv.get("encounter").toString().trim(); } if ((fv.get("notes") != null) && !fv.get("notes").toString().equals("")) { notes = fv.get("notes").toString().trim(); } if ((fv.get("adoptionType") != null) && !fv.get("adoptionType").toString().equals("")) { adoptionType = fv.get("adoptionType").toString().trim(); } if ((fv.get("text") != null) && !fv.get("text").toString().equals("")) { text = fv.get("text").toString().trim(); } // New nickname to save to marked individual object. if ((fv.get("newNickName") != null) && !fv.get("newNickName").toString().equals("")) { newNickName = fv.get("newNickName").toString().trim(); } if ((fv.get("g-recaptcha-response") != null) && !fv.get("g-recaptcha-response").toString().equals("")) { gresp = fv.get("g-recaptcha-response").toString().trim(); } if (isEdit) { id = number; } // Grab the stripe customer out of session. stripeCustomerID = (String) session.getAttribute("stripeID"); File thisAdoptionDir = new File(adoptionsDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + id); if (!thisAdoptionDir.exists()) { thisAdoptionDir.mkdirs(); } String baseDir = ServletUtilities.dataDir(context, rootDir); ArrayList<SinglePhotoVideo> images = new ArrayList<SinglePhotoVideo>(); for (FileItem item : formFiles) { /* this will actually write file to filesystem (or [FUTURE] wherever) TODO: either (a) undo this if any failure of writing encounter; or (b) dont write til success of enc. */ //try { //SinglePhotoVideo spv = new SinglePhotoVideo(encID, item, context, encDataDir); //SinglePhotoVideo spv = new SinglePhotoVideo(enc, item, context, baseDir); try { //retrieve the file data ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); InputStream stream = item.getInputStream(); //System.out.println(writeFile); //if ((!(file[iter].getFileName().equals(""))) && (file[iter].getFileSize() > 0)) { //write the file to the file specified //String writeName=file[iter].getFileName().replace('#', '_').replace('-', '_').replace('+', '_').replaceAll(" ", "_"); //String writeName=forHTMLTag(file[iter].getFileName()); String writeName = "adopter.jpg"; //String writeName=URLEncoder.encode(file[iter].getFileName(), "UTF-8"); //while (writeName.indexOf(".") != writeName.lastIndexOf(".")) { // writeName = writeName.replaceFirst("\\.", "_"); // } //System.out.println(writeName); OutputStream bos = new FileOutputStream(new File(thisAdoptionDir, writeName)); int bytesRead = 0; byte[] buffer = new byte[8192]; while ((bytesRead =, 0, 8192)) != -1) { bos.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } bos.close(); //data = "The file has been written to \"" + id + "\\" + writeName + "\""; adopterImage = writeName; // } //close the stream stream.close(); baos.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { System.out.println("File not found exception.\n"); fnfe.printStackTrace(); //return null; } catch (IOException ioe) { System.out.println("IO Exception.\n"); ioe.printStackTrace(); //return null; } } // This verifies the user being logged in or passing the recapture. boolean loggedIn = false; try { if (request.getUserPrincipal() != null) { loggedIn = true; } } catch (NullPointerException ne) { System.out.println("Got a null pointer checking for logged in user."); } boolean validCaptcha = false; if (loggedIn != true) { String remoteIP = request.getRemoteAddr(); validCaptcha = ServletUtilities.captchaIsValid(context, gresp, remoteIP); System.out.println("Results from captchaIsValid(): " + validCaptcha); } if ((validCaptcha == true) || (loggedIn == true)) { System.out.println("Ping! Hit the Adoption creation section."); try { Adoption ad = new Adoption(id, adopterName, adopterEmail, adoptionStartDate, adoptionEndDate); if (isEdit || emailEdit) { ad = myShepherd.getAdoption(number); ad.setAdopterName(adopterName); ad.setAdopterEmail(adopterEmail); ad.setAdoptionEndDate(adoptionEndDate); ad.setAdoptionStartDate(adoptionStartDate); } ad.setAdopterQuote(adopterQuote); ad.setAdoptionManager(adoptionManager); ad.setIndividual(shark); ad.setEncounter(encounter); ad.setNotes(notes); ad.setAdoptionType(adoptionType); ad.setAdopterAddress(adopterAddress); ad.setStripeCustomerId(stripeCustomerID); if ((filesOK != null) && (filesOK.size() > 0)) { ad.setAdopterImage(filesOK.get(0)); } myShepherd.beginDBTransaction(); if (adoptionSuccess && !isEdit) { try { myShepherd.storeNewAdoption(ad, id); } catch (Exception e) { adoptionSuccess = false; failureMessage += "Failed to presist the new adoption.<br>"; } } // New logic to change marked individual nickname if necessary in adoption. MarkedIndividual mi = myShepherd.getMarkedIndividual(shark); if (!newNickName.equals("")) { if (adoptionSuccess && !isEdit) { try { mi.setNickName(newNickName); mi.setNickNamer(adopterName); } catch (Exception e) { failureMessage += "Retrieving shark to set nickname failed.<br>"; } } } // Sends a confirmation email to a a new adopter with cancellation and update information. if (emailEdit == false) { try { String emailContext = "context0"; String langCode = "en"; String to = ad.getAdopterEmail(); String type = "adoptionConfirmation"; System.out.println("About to email new adopter."); // Retrieve background service for processing emails ThreadPoolExecutor es = MailThreadExecutorService.getExecutorService(); Map<String, String> tagMap = NotificationMailer.createBasicTagMap(request, mi, ad); NotificationMailer mailer = new NotificationMailer(emailContext, langCode, to, type, tagMap); NotificationMailer adminMailer = new NotificationMailer(emailContext, langCode, CommonConfiguration.getNewSubmissionEmail(emailContext), type, tagMap); es.execute(mailer); es.execute(adminMailer); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error in sending email confirmation of adoption."); e.printStackTrace(); } } if ((adoptionSuccess && isEdit) || (emailEdit == true)) { myShepherd.commitDBTransaction(); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("The recaptcha passed but something went wrong saving the adoption."); e.printStackTrace(); } } } // Sets adoption paid to false to allow multiple adoptions session.setAttribute("paid", false); //return a forward to display.jsp System.out.println("Ending adoption data submission."); //if((submitterID!=null)&&(submitterID.equals("deepblue"))) { if ((adoptionSuccess) && (emailEdit == false)) { response.sendRedirect(request.getScheme() + "://" + CommonConfiguration.getURLLocation(request) + "/adoptions/adoptionSuccess.jsp?id=" + id); } else if ((adoptionSuccess) && (emailEdit == true)) { response.sendRedirect(request.getScheme() + "://" + CommonConfiguration.getURLLocation(request) + "/adoptions/editSuccess.jsp"); } else { response.sendRedirect(request.getScheme() + "://" + CommonConfiguration.getURLLocation(request) + "/adoptions/adoptionFailure.jsp?message=" + failureMessage); } //} myShepherd.closeDBTransaction(); }
From source
/** * If setting character encoding is enabled for this filter, and there isn't already a character encoding on the request, then * set the encoding./* w ww . ja va 2 s. co m*/ */ protected void handleCharacterEncoding(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { if (m_characterEncodingEnabled && req.getCharacterEncoding() == null && m_characterEncoding != null && m_characterEncoding.length() > 0 && req.getAttribute(ATTR_CHARACTER_ENCODING_DONE) == null) { req.setAttribute(ATTR_CHARACTER_ENCODING_DONE, ATTR_CHARACTER_ENCODING_DONE); req.setCharacterEncoding(m_characterEncoding); } }
From source
/** * Performs the count triplet query and returns the generic count view for occurrences. * /*ww w . j a va 2 s. co m*/ * @param triplets * @return * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException */ private ModelAndView getCountsView(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String returnFieldsKey, String viewName, SearchConstraints searchConstraints) throws Exception, ServiceException, UnsupportedEncodingException { CriteriaDTO criteriaDTO = CriteriaUtil.getCriteria(request, occurrenceFilters.getFilters()); // fix criteria value request.setCharacterEncoding("ISO-8859-1"); CriteriaUtil.fixEncoding(request, criteriaDTO); List<PropertyStoreTripletDTO> triplets = queryHelper.getTriplets(occurrenceFilters.getFilters(), criteriaDTO, request, response); triplets.add(new PropertyStoreTripletDTO(queryHelper.getQueryNamespace(), selectFieldSubject, returnPredicateSubject, returnFieldsKey)); SearchResultsDTO searchResults = countsQueryManager.doTripletQuery(triplets, criteriaDTO.isMatchAll(), searchConstraints); ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView(viewName); mav.addObject(countsModelKey, searchResults); mav.addObject(resultsModelKey, searchResults.getResults()); // add filters mav.addObject(filtersRequestKey, occurrenceFilters.getFilters()); mav.addObject(criteriaRequestKey, criteriaDTO); return mav; }
From source
/** * Retrieves the counts against the departments for this set of criteria * /*from w ww .ja v a2s . c o m*/ * @param request * @param response * @return ModelAndView which contains the provider list and counts * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException */ public ModelAndView searchDepartments(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception, ServiceException, UnsupportedEncodingException { // interrogate the criteria - if it only contains a taxon filter then switch CriteriaDTO criteriaDTO = CriteriaUtil.getCriteria(request, occurrenceFilters.getFilters()); // fix criteria value request.setCharacterEncoding("ISO-8859-1"); CriteriaUtil.fixEncoding(request, criteriaDTO); if (criteriaDTO.size() == 1) { logger.debug("Switching to using service layer method getDepartmentCountsForTaxonConcept"); CriterionDTO criterionDTO = criteriaDTO.get(0); FilterDTO filterDTO = FilterUtils.getFilterById(occurrenceFilters.getFilters(), criterionDTO.getSubject()); if (filterDTO.getSubject().equals(classificationFilter.getSubject())) { List<CountDTO> counts = taxonomyManager.getDepartmentCountsForTaxonConcept(criterionDTO.getValue()); ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView(occurrenceFilterDepartmentCountsView); mav.addObject(countsModelKey, counts); mav.addObject(resultsModelKey, counts); // add filters mav.addObject(filtersRequestKey, occurrenceFilters.getFilters()); mav.addObject(criteriaRequestKey, criteriaDTO); mav.addObject(countsAvailableModelKey, true); return mav; } } int totalNoOfDepartments = departmentManager.getTotalDepartmentCount(); return getCountryCountsView(request, response, "SERVICE.OCCURRENCE.QUERY.RETURNFIELDS.DEPARTMENTCOUNTS", occurrenceFilterDepartmentCountsView, new SearchConstraints(0, totalNoOfDepartments)); }
From source
/** * Retrieves the counts against the counties for this set of criteria * //from w w w . ja va 2 s .c o m * @param request * @param response * @return ModelAndView which contains the provider list and counts * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException */ public ModelAndView searchCounties(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception, ServiceException, UnsupportedEncodingException { // interrogate the criteria - if it only contains a taxon filter then switch CriteriaDTO criteriaDTO = CriteriaUtil.getCriteria(request, occurrenceFilters.getFilters()); // fix criteria value request.setCharacterEncoding("ISO-8859-1"); CriteriaUtil.fixEncoding(request, criteriaDTO); if (criteriaDTO.size() == 1) { logger.debug("Switching to using service layer method getCountyCountsForTaxonConcept"); CriterionDTO criterionDTO = criteriaDTO.get(0); FilterDTO filterDTO = FilterUtils.getFilterById(occurrenceFilters.getFilters(), criterionDTO.getSubject()); if (filterDTO.getSubject().equals(classificationFilter.getSubject())) { List<CountDTO> counts = taxonomyManager.getCountyCountsForTaxonConcept(criterionDTO.getValue()); ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView(occurrenceFilterCountyCountsView); mav.addObject(countsModelKey, counts); mav.addObject(resultsModelKey, counts); // add filters mav.addObject(filtersRequestKey, occurrenceFilters.getFilters()); mav.addObject(criteriaRequestKey, criteriaDTO); mav.addObject(countsAvailableModelKey, true); return mav; } } int totalNoOfCounties = departmentManager.getTotalCountyCount(); return getCountryCountsView(request, response, "SERVICE.OCCURRENCE.QUERY.RETURNFIELDS.COUNTYCOUNTS", occurrenceFilterCountyCountsView, new SearchConstraints(0, totalNoOfCounties)); }
From source
/** * Retrieves the counts against the paramos for this set of criteria * //from w w w . j av a 2 s.c o m * @param request * @param response * @return ModelAndView which contains the provider list and counts * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException */ public ModelAndView searchParamos(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception, ServiceException, UnsupportedEncodingException { // interrogate the criteria - if it only contains a taxon filter then switch CriteriaDTO criteriaDTO = CriteriaUtil.getCriteria(request, occurrenceFilters.getFilters()); // fix criteria value request.setCharacterEncoding("ISO-8859-1"); CriteriaUtil.fixEncoding(request, criteriaDTO); if (criteriaDTO.size() == 1) { logger.debug("Switching to using service layer method getParamoCountsForTaxonConcept"); CriterionDTO criterionDTO = criteriaDTO.get(0); FilterDTO filterDTO = FilterUtils.getFilterById(occurrenceFilters.getFilters(), criterionDTO.getSubject()); if (filterDTO.getSubject().equals(classificationFilter.getSubject())) { List<CountDTO> counts = taxonomyManager.getParamoCountsForTaxonConcept(criterionDTO.getValue()); ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView(occurrenceFilterParamoCountsView); mav.addObject(countsModelKey, counts); mav.addObject(resultsModelKey, counts); // add filters mav.addObject(filtersRequestKey, occurrenceFilters.getFilters()); mav.addObject(criteriaRequestKey, criteriaDTO); mav.addObject(countsAvailableModelKey, true); return mav; } } int totalNoOfParamos = departmentManager.getTotalParamoCount(); return getCountryCountsView(request, response, "SERVICE.OCCURRENCE.QUERY.RETURNFIELDS.PARAMOCOUNTS", occurrenceFilterParamoCountsView, new SearchConstraints(0, totalNoOfParamos)); }