Example usage for javax.servlet.http HttpServletRequest getPathInfo

List of usage examples for javax.servlet.http HttpServletRequest getPathInfo


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.servlet.http HttpServletRequest getPathInfo.


public String getPathInfo();

Source Link


Returns any extra path information associated with the URL the client sent when it made this request.


From source file:com.jd.survey.web.settings.DataSetController.java

@Secured({ "ROLE_ADMIN" })
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = "text/html")
public String createPost(@RequestParam(value = "_proceed", required = false) String proceed,
        @Valid DataSet dataSet, BindingResult bindingResult, Principal principal, Model uiModel,
        HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest) {
    log.info("create(): handles " + RequestMethod.POST.toString());
    try {//  w  w w. j  a v a 2  s .  com
        User user = userService.user_findByLogin(principal.getName());
        if (!user.isAdmin()) {
            log.warn("Unauthorized access to url path " + httpServletRequest.getPathInfo()
                    + " attempted by user login:" + principal.getName() + "from IP:"
                    + httpServletRequest.getLocalAddr());
            return "accessDenied";

        if (proceed != null) {
            if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
                populateEditForm(uiModel, dataSet, user);
                return "settings/datasets/create";

            if (surveySettingsService.dataset_findByName(dataSet.getName()) != null && !surveySettingsService
                    .dataset_findByName(dataSet.getName()).getId().equals(dataSet.getId())) {
                bindingResult.rejectValue("name", "field_unique");
                populateEditForm(uiModel, dataSet, user);
                return "settings/datasets/update";

            dataSet = surveySettingsService.dataSet_merge(dataSet);
            return "redirect:/settings/datasets/"
                    + encodeUrlPathSegment(dataSet.getId().toString(), httpServletRequest);
        } else {
            return "redirect:/settings/datasets";

    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        throw (new RuntimeException(e));


From source file:fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.service.HTTPTransport.java

 * Starts a HTTP server to given port./*from w ww . j a va2  s  .c  o m*/
 * @param params: the parameters of the connection, including HTTP port and host
 * @param manager: the manager which will deal with connections
 * @param serv: the set of services to be listening on this connection
 * @throws AServException when something goes wrong (e.g., socket already in use)
public void init(Properties params, AServProtocolManager manager, Vector<AlignmentServiceProfile> serv)
        throws AServException {
    this.manager = manager;
    services = serv;
    tcpPort = Integer.parseInt(params.getProperty("http"));
    tcpHost = params.getProperty("host");

    // ********************************************************************
    // JE: Jetty implementation
    server = new Server(tcpPort);

    // The handler deals with the request
    // most of its work is to deal with large content sent in specific ways 
    Handler handler = new AbstractHandler() {
        public void handle(String String, Request baseRequest, HttpServletRequest request,
                HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException {
            String method = request.getMethod();
            String uri = request.getPathInfo();
            Properties params = new Properties();
            try {
                decodeParams(request.getQueryString(), params);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                logger.debug("IGNORED EXCEPTION: {}", ex);
            // I do not decode them here because it is useless
            // See below how it is done.
            Properties header = new Properties();
            Enumeration<String> headerNames = request.getHeaderNames();
            while (headerNames.hasMoreElements()) {
                String headerName = headerNames.nextElement();
                header.setProperty(headerName, request.getHeader(headerName));

            // Get the content if any
            // This is supposed to be only an uploaded file
            // Note that this could be made more uniform 
            // with the text/xml part stored in a file as well.
            String mimetype = request.getContentType();
            // Multi part: the content provided by an upload HTML form
            if (mimetype != null && mimetype.startsWith("multipart/form-data")) {
                try {
                    //if ( !ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent( request ) ) {
                    //   logger.debug( "Does not detect multipart" );
                    DiskFileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
                    File tempDir = new File(System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"));
                    ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory);
                    List<FileItem> items = upload.parseRequest(request);
                    for (FileItem fi : items) {
                        if (fi.isFormField()) {
                            logger.trace("  >> {} = {}", fi.getFieldName(), fi.getString());
                            params.setProperty(fi.getFieldName(), fi.getString());
                        } else {
                            logger.trace("  >> {} : {}", fi.getName(), fi.getSize());
                            logger.trace("  Stored at {}", fi.getName(), fi.getSize());
                            try {
                                // FilenameUtils.getName() needed for Internet Explorer problem
                                File uploadedFile = new File(tempDir, FilenameUtils.getName(fi.getName()));
                                params.setProperty("filename", uploadedFile.toString());
                                params.setProperty("todiscard", "true");
                            } catch (Exception ex) {
                                logger.warn("Cannot load file", ex);
                            // Another solution is to run this in 
                              InputStream uploadedStream = item.getInputStream();
                } catch (FileUploadException fuex) {
                    logger.trace("Upload Error", fuex);
            } else if (mimetype != null && mimetype.startsWith("text/xml")) {
                // Most likely Web service request (REST through POST)
                int length = request.getContentLength();
                if (length > 0) {
                    char[] mess = new char[length + 1];
                    try {
                        new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(request.getInputStream())).read(mess, 0,
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        logger.debug("IGNORED Exception", e);
                    params.setProperty("content", new String(mess));
                // File attached to SOAP messages
            } else if (mimetype != null && mimetype.startsWith("application/octet-stream")) {
                File alignFile = new File(File.separator + "tmp" + File.separator + newId() + "XXX.rdf");
                // check if file already exists - and overwrite if necessary.
                if (alignFile.exists())
                FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(alignFile);
                InputStream is = request.getInputStream();

                try {
                    byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
                    int bytes = 0;
                    while (true) {
                        bytes = is.read(buffer);
                        if (bytes < 0)
                        fos.write(buffer, 0, bytes);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                } finally {
                params.setProperty("content", "");
                params.setProperty("filename", alignFile.getAbsolutePath());

            // Get the answer (HTTP)
            HTTPResponse r = serve(uri, method, header, params);

            // Return it
            ((Request) request).setHandled(true);

    // Common part
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new AServException("Cannot launch HTTP Server", e);

    // ********************************************************************
    //if ( params.getProperty( "wsdl" ) != null ){
    //    wsmanager = new WSAServProfile();
    //    if ( wsmanager != null ) wsmanager.init( params, manager );
    //if ( params.getProperty( "http" ) != null ){
    //    htmanager = new HTMLAServProfile();
    //    if ( htmanager != null ) htmanager.init( params, manager );
    myId = "LocalHTMLInterface";
    serverId = manager.serverURL();
    logger.info("Launched on {}/html/", serverId);
    localId = 0;

From source file:com.jsmartframework.web.manager.ServletControl.java

private String getRedirectPath(String path, HttpServletRequest request, boolean authNeeded) {
    StringBuilder nextUrl = new StringBuilder();

    if (authNeeded) {

        if (!request.getContextPath().equals("/")) {
        }//  w w w  . j  a  va  2s  .  c o m

        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(request.getPathInfo())) {
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(request.getQueryString())) {
            nextUrl.append(encodeUrlQuietly("?" + request.getQueryString()));
    } else {
        String nextPath = request.getParameter(NEXT_URL);
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(nextPath)) {
            return nextPath;
    return (path.startsWith("/") ? request.getContextPath() : "") + path + nextUrl;

From source file:com.liferay.petra.doulos.servlet.DoulosServlet.java

protected void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {

    String remoteAddr = request.getRemoteAddr();

    if (_log.isInfoEnabled()) {
        _log.info("Remote address: " + remoteAddr);
    }/*from w w  w  .  ja  v a2  s  . c  o m*/

    if (!isValidIP(remoteAddr)) {
        sendError(response, "IP " + remoteAddr + " is invalid.");


    String pathInfo = request.getPathInfo();

    if (pathInfo.length() > 1) {
        if (pathInfo.endsWith("/")) {
            pathInfo = pathInfo.substring(0, pathInfo.length() - 1);

    for (Map.Entry<String, DoulosRequestProcessor> entry : _doulosRequestProcessors.entrySet()) {

        String doulosRequestProcessorKey = entry.getKey();

        if (!pathInfo.startsWith(doulosRequestProcessorKey)) {

        DoulosRequestProcessor doulosRequestProcessor = entry.getValue();

        if (_log.isInfoEnabled()) {
            _log.info(StringBundler.concat("Processing ", String.valueOf(request.getRequestURL()), " with ",

        try {
            String payload = request.getParameter("payload");

            if (_log.isInfoEnabled()) {
                _log.info("Payload parameter: " + payload);

            if (payload == null) {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                String line = null;

                BufferedReader bufferedReader = request.getReader();

                while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {


                payload = sb.toString();

                if (_log.isInfoEnabled()) {
                    _log.info("Payload body: " + payload);

            JSONObject payloadJSONObject = null;

            if (payload.length() > 0) {
                payloadJSONObject = new JSONObject(payload);
            } else {
                payloadJSONObject = new JSONObject();

            JSONObject responseJSONObject = new JSONObject();

                    pathInfo.substring(doulosRequestProcessorKey.length()), request.getParameterMap(),
                    payloadJSONObject, responseJSONObject);

            String redirect = responseJSONObject.optString("doulosRedirect");

            if (!isBlank(redirect)) {


            String json = responseJSONObject.toString();

            write(response, new ByteArrayInputStream(json.getBytes("UTF-8")));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();

            PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(stringWriter);


            String output = stringWriter.toString();

            if (_log.isInfoEnabled()) {

            sendError(response, output);


    sendError(response, "Unregistered path " + request.getPathInfo() + ".");

From source file:net.nan21.dnet.core.web.controller.ui.extjs.UiExtjsFrameController.java

 * Handler for a frame html page./*from w w w  .jav  a 2s .  co  m*/
 * @param frame
 * @param request
 * @param response
 * @return
 * @throws Exception
@RequestMapping(value = "/{bundle}/{frameFQN}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
protected ModelAndView home(@PathVariable("frameFQN") String frame, HttpServletRequest request,
        HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {

    try {
        ISessionUser su = (ISessionUser) SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getPrincipal();
    } catch (java.lang.ClassCastException e) {
        throw new NotAuthorizedRequestException("Not authenticated");

    Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    this._prepare(model, request, response);

    String[] tmp = request.getPathInfo().split("/");
    String frameFQN = tmp[tmp.length - 1];
    String bundle = tmp[tmp.length - 2];
    String[] t = frameFQN.split("\\.");
    String frameName = t[t.length - 1];

    model.put("item", frameFQN);
    model.put("itemSimpleName", frameName);
    model.put("bundle", bundle);

    // get extensions
    model.put("extensions", getExtensionFiles(frameFQN, uiExtjsSettings.getUrlModules()));

    model.put("extensionsContent", getExtensionContent(frameFQN));

    if (Constants.PROP_WORKING_MODE_DEV.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getSettings().get(Constants.PROP_WORKING_MODE))) {

        List<String> listCmp = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<String> listTrl = new ArrayList<String>();

        DependencyLoader loader = this.getDependencyLoader();
        loader.resolveFrameDependencies(bundle, frameName, (String) model.get("shortLanguage"), listCmp,

        model.put("frameDependenciesCmp", listCmp);
        model.put("frameDependenciesTrl", listTrl);

    } else {
        if (this.cacheFolderWritable == null) {
            synchronized (this) {
                if (this.cacheFolderWritable == null) {

                    if (this.cacheFolder == null) {
                        this.cacheFolder = this.getUiExtjsSettings().getCacheFolder();

                    File cf = new File(this.cacheFolder);
                    if (!cf.exists()) {

                        if (!cf.mkdirs()) {
                            throw new Exception("Cache folder " + this.cacheFolder
                                    + " does not exist and could not be created.");

                    if (!cf.isDirectory() || !cf.canWrite()) {
                        throw new Exception("Cache folder " + this.cacheFolder
                                + " is not writeable. Cannot pack and cache the frame dependencies for the configured `prod` working mode. ");
                    this.cacheFolderWritable = true;
    return new ModelAndView(this.jspName, model);

From source file:com.aipo.container.protocol.AipoDataServiceServlet.java

 * Actual dispatch handling for servlet requests
 *//*from ww w. j  a v  a  2 s.  c  o  m*/
protected void executeRequest(HttpServletRequest servletRequest, HttpServletResponse servletResponse)
        throws IOException {
    if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
        LOG.finest("Handling restful request for " + servletRequest.getPathInfo());

    setCharacterEncodings(servletRequest, servletResponse);

    SecurityToken token = getSecurityToken(servletRequest);
    if (token == null) {
        sendError(servletResponse, AipoErrorCode.TOKEN_EXPIRED);
    if (token instanceof AipoOAuth2SecurityToken) {
        AipoOAuth2SecurityToken securityToken = (AipoOAuth2SecurityToken) token;
        String viewerId = securityToken.getViewerId();
        String[] split = viewerId.split(":");
        String orgId = split[0];
        String userId = split[1];

        String currentOrgId = Database.getDomainName();
        if (currentOrgId == null) {
            try {
                DataContext dataContext = Database.createDataContext(orgId);
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                sendError(servletResponse, AipoErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR);
        } else if (!currentOrgId.equals(orgId)) {
            sendError(servletResponse, AipoErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR);

        TurbineUser tuser = turbineUserDbService.findByUsername(userId);
        if (tuser == null) {
            sendError(servletResponse, AipoErrorCode.INVALID_UER);


            containerConfig.<String>getList(token.getContainer(), "gadgets.parentOrigins"));

    handleSingleRequest(servletRequest, servletResponse, token);

From source file:com.palantir.stash.stashbot.servlet.BuildSuccessReportingServlet.java

public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException {
    try {// w ww . ja v a2s . com
        // Look at JenkinsManager class if you change this:
        // final two arguments could be empty...
        final String pathInfo = req.getPathInfo();

        final String[] parts = pathInfo.split("/");

        if (parts.length != 6 && parts.length != 8) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The format of the URL is " + URL_FORMAT);
        final int repoId;
        final RepositoryConfiguration rc;
        try {
            repoId = Integer.valueOf(parts[1]);
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The format of the URL is " + URL_FORMAT, e);

        // This is necessary if we want unauthenticated users to be able to call this.  *sigh*
        RepoIdFetcherOperation getRepoId = new RepoIdFetcherOperation(repositoryService, repoId);
        ss.withPermission(Permission.REPO_READ, "BUILD SUCCESS REPORT").call(getRepoId);
        final Repository repo = getRepoId.getRepo();

        rc = configurationPersistanceManager.getRepositoryConfigurationForRepository(repo);
        if (repo == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to get a repository for id " + repoId);

        JobTemplate jt = jtm.fromString(rc, parts[2].toLowerCase());
        if (jt == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to get a valid JobTemplate from " + parts[2]);

        final BuildState state = BuildState.fromString(parts[3]);
        if (state == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The state must be 'successful', 'failed', or 'inprogress'");

        final long buildNumber;
        try {
            buildNumber = Long.parseLong(parts[4]);
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to parse build number", e);

        // TODO: ensure this hash actually exists?
        final String buildHead = parts[5];
        final String mergeHead;
        final long pullRequestId;
        final PullRequest pullRequest;

        final String retUrl;
        if (parts.length == 8 && !parts[6].isEmpty() && !parts[7].isEmpty()) {
            mergeHead = parts[6];
            try {
                // This is a pull request, so add a comment
                pullRequestId = Long.parseLong(parts[7]);
                PullRequestFetcherOperation prfo = new PullRequestFetcherOperation(pullRequestService, repoId,
                ss.withPermission(Permission.REPO_READ, "BUILD SUCCESS REPORT").call(prfo);
                pullRequest = prfo.getPullRequest();

                if (pullRequest == null) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to find pull request for repo id " + repo.getId()
                            + " pr id " + Long.toString(pullRequestId));
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to parse pull request id " + parts[7], e);
            retUrl = ub.getJenkinsTriggerUrl(repo, jt.getJobType(), buildHead, pullRequest);
        } else {
            mergeHead = null;
            pullRequestId = 0;
            pullRequest = null;
            retUrl = ub.getJenkinsTriggerUrl(repo, jt.getJobType(), buildHead, null);

        if (mergeHead == null) {
            BuildStatusAddOperation bssAdder = new BuildStatusAddOperation(ub, buildStatusService,
                    configurationPersistanceManager, plf, buildHead);
            bssAdder.setBuildStatus(repo, jt, state, buildNumber);

            // Yeah, I know what you are thinking... "Admin permission?  To add a build status?"
            // I tried REPO_WRITE and REPO_ADMIN and neither was enough, but this worked!
            ss.withPermission(Permission.SYS_ADMIN, "BUILD SUCCESS REPORT").call(bssAdder);
            printOutput(req, res);

        // Update the metadata.  We do this before adding the comment so that any listeners consuming
        // comment events will have the updated state.

        // arg order for bools is started, success, override, failed
        if (state.equals(BuildState.SUCCESSFUL)) {
            configurationPersistanceManager.setPullRequestMetadata(pullRequest, mergeHead, buildHead, null,
                    true, null, false);
        } else if (state.equals(BuildState.INPROGRESS)) {
            configurationPersistanceManager.setPullRequestMetadata(pullRequest, mergeHead, buildHead, true,
                    false, null, null);
        } else if (state.equals(BuildState.FAILED)) {
            configurationPersistanceManager.setPullRequestMetadata(pullRequest, mergeHead, buildHead, null,
                    false, null, true);

        // mergeHead is not null *and* pullRequest is not null if we reach
        // here.
        final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        final String url = ub.getJenkinsBuildUrl(repo, jt, buildNumber);

        /* NOTE: mergeHead and buildHead are the reverse of what you might
         * think, because we have to check out the "toRef" becasue it is
         * the ref that is guaranteed to be in the correct repo.
         * Nonetheless, buildHead is the commit that is being merged "into"
         * the target branch, which is the mergeHead variable here.
        final int hashLength = 4;
        final String shortMergeHead = mergeHead.substring(0, hashLength);
        final String shortBuildHead = buildHead.substring(0, hashLength);

        final String mergeHeadUrl = ub.buildStashCommitUrl(repo, mergeHead);
        final String buildHeadUrl = ub.buildStashCommitUrl(repo, buildHead);

        final String mergeHeadLink = "[" + shortMergeHead + "](" + mergeHeadUrl + ")";
        final String buildHeadLink = "[" + shortBuildHead + "](" + buildHeadUrl + ")";

        final String consoleUrl = url + "/console";

        sb.append("*[Build #" + buildNumber + "](" + url + ") ");
        sb.append("(merging " + mergeHeadLink + " into " + buildHeadLink + ") ");
        switch (state) {
        case INPROGRESS:
            sb.append("is in progress...*");
        case SUCCESSFUL:
            sb.append("has **passed &#x2713;**.*");
        case FAILED:
            sb.append("has* **FAILED &#x2716;**. ");
            sb.append("([*Retrigger this build* &#x27f3;](" + retUrl
                    + ") *or* [*view console output* &#x2630;](" + consoleUrl + ").)");

        log.debug("Registering comment on pr for buildHead " + buildHead + " mergeHead " + mergeHead);
        // Still make comment so users can see links to build
        PullRequestCommentAddOperation prcao = new PullRequestCommentAddOperation(pullRequestService,
                repo.getId(), pullRequest.getId(), sb.toString());

        // So in order to create comments, we have to do it AS some user.  ss.doAsUser rather than ss.doWithPermission is the magic sauce here.
        JenkinsServerConfiguration jsc = configurationPersistanceManager
        ApplicationUser user = us.findUserByNameOrEmail(jsc.getStashUsername());
        ss.impersonating(user, "BUILD SUCCESS REPORT").call(prcao);

        printOutput(req, res);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Unable to get configuration", e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Unable to report build status", e);

From source file:org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.UtilHttp.java

public static Map<String, Object> getUrlOnlyParameterMap(HttpServletRequest request) {
    // NOTE: these have already been through canonicalizeParameterMap, so not doing it again here
    Map<String, Object> paramMap = getQueryStringOnlyParameterMap(request.getQueryString());
    paramMap.putAll(getPathInfoOnlyParameterMap(request.getPathInfo(), null, null));
    return paramMap;

From source file:org.apache.karaf.cellar.http.balancer.CellarBalancerProxyServlet.java

 * For a redirect response from the target server, this translates {@code theUrl} to redirect to
 * and translates it to one the original client can use.
 *//*from   w  w w .  j  a  va2 s.c  om*/
protected String rewriteUrlFromResponse(HttpServletRequest servletRequest, String theUrl, String location) {
    //TODO document example paths
    if (theUrl.startsWith(location)) {
        String curUrl = servletRequest.getRequestURL().toString();//no query
        String pathInfo = servletRequest.getPathInfo();
        if (pathInfo != null) {
            assert curUrl.endsWith(pathInfo);
            curUrl = curUrl.substring(0, curUrl.length() - pathInfo.length());//take pathInfo off
        theUrl = curUrl + theUrl.substring(location.length());
    return theUrl;