Example usage for javax.servlet.http HttpServletRequest getHeaders

List of usage examples for javax.servlet.http HttpServletRequest getHeaders


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.servlet.http HttpServletRequest getHeaders.


public Enumeration<String> getHeaders(String name);

Source Link


Returns all the values of the specified request header as an Enumeration of String objects.


From source file:org.sakaiproject.entitybroker.util.http.EntityHttpServletRequest.java

 * Set all the values from a request on this request object and set this request
 * as the one which the values were copied from
 * @param req any request//from w  w  w.ja v a 2 s  .  c o m
public void setRequestValues(HttpServletRequest req) {
    if (req == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("request cannot be null");
    // get the collections of values out
    Enumeration<String> attribNames = req.getAttributeNames();
    while (attribNames.hasMoreElements()) {
        String name = (String) attribNames.nextElement();
        Object obj = req.getAttribute(name);
        if (obj != null) {
            attributes.put(name, obj);
    Cookie[] ck = req.getCookies();
    if (ck != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < ck.length; i++) {
    Enumeration<String> headerNames = req.getHeaderNames();
    while (headerNames.hasMoreElements()) {
        String name = headerNames.nextElement();
        Enumeration<String> henum = req.getHeaders(name);
        Vector<String> v = new Vector<String>(1);
        while (henum.hasMoreElements()) {
            String h = henum.nextElement();
    for (Entry<String, String[]> entry : (Set<Entry<String, String[]>>) req.getParameterMap().entrySet()) {
        parameters.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
    // get the basic values out
    this.locale = req.getLocale();
    this.method = req.getMethod();
    this.contentType = req.getContentType();
    this.characterEncoding = req.getCharacterEncoding() == null ? "UTF-8" : req.getCharacterEncoding();
    this.contentLength = req.getContentLength();

    this.contextPath = req.getContextPath();
    this.pathInfo = req.getPathInfo();
    this.queryString = req.getQueryString();
    this.requestURI = req.getRequestURI();
    this.servletPath = req.getServletPath();

    this.scheme = req.getScheme();
    this.protocol = req.getProtocol();
    this.serverName = req.getServerName();
    this.serverPort = req.getServerPort();
    this.remoteAddr = req.getRemoteAddr();
    this.remoteHost = req.getRemoteHost();

    this.realDispatcher = true;

From source file:it.geosolutions.httpproxy.HTTPProxy.java

 * Retrieves all of the headers from the servlet request and sets them on the proxy request
 * /*w  ww.ja v a2s  .  co m*/
 * @param httpServletRequest The request object representing the client's request to the servlet engine
 * @param httpMethodProxyRequest The request that we are about to send to the proxy host
 * @return ProxyInfo
private ProxyInfo setProxyRequestHeaders(URL url, HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest,
        HttpMethod httpMethodProxyRequest) {

    final String proxyHost = url.getHost();
    final int proxyPort = url.getPort();
    final String proxyPath = url.getPath();
    final ProxyInfo proxyInfo = new ProxyInfo(proxyHost, proxyPath, proxyPort);

    // ////////////////////////////////////////
    // Get an Enumeration of all of the header
    // names sent by the client.
    // ////////////////////////////////////////

    Enumeration enumerationOfHeaderNames = httpServletRequest.getHeaderNames();

    while (enumerationOfHeaderNames.hasMoreElements()) {
        String stringHeaderName = (String) enumerationOfHeaderNames.nextElement();

        if (stringHeaderName.equalsIgnoreCase(Utils.CONTENT_LENGTH_HEADER_NAME))

        // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        // As per the Java Servlet API 2.5 documentation:
        // Some headers, such as Accept-Language can be sent by clients
        // as several headers each with a different value rather than
        // sending the header as a comma separated list.
        // Thus, we get an Enumeration of the header values sent by the client
        // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

        Enumeration enumerationOfHeaderValues = httpServletRequest.getHeaders(stringHeaderName);

        while (enumerationOfHeaderValues.hasMoreElements()) {
            String stringHeaderValue = (String) enumerationOfHeaderValues.nextElement();

            // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
            // In case the proxy host is running multiple virtual servers,
            // rewrite the Host header to ensure that we get content from
            // the correct virtual server
            // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

            if (stringHeaderName.equalsIgnoreCase(Utils.HOST_HEADER_NAME)) {
                stringHeaderValue = Utils.getProxyHostAndPort(proxyInfo);

            // ////////////////////////
            // Skip GZIP Responses
            // ////////////////////////

            if (stringHeaderName.equalsIgnoreCase(Utils.HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_ENCODING)
                    && stringHeaderValue.toLowerCase().contains("gzip"))
            if (stringHeaderName.equalsIgnoreCase(Utils.HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_ENCODING)
                    && stringHeaderValue.toLowerCase().contains("gzip"))
            if (stringHeaderName.equalsIgnoreCase(Utils.HTTP_HEADER_TRANSFER_ENCODING))

            Header header = new Header(stringHeaderName, stringHeaderValue);

            // /////////////////////////////////////////////
            // Set the same header on the proxy request
            // /////////////////////////////////////////////


    return proxyInfo;

From source file:org.apache.camel.component.websocket.SignalkWebSocketServlet.java

public void init() throws ServletException {
    try {/*from w w  w.jav  a2 s.co m*/
        String bs = getInitParameter("bufferSize");
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            logger.debug("Upgrade ws, create factory:");
        this._webSocketFactory = new WebSocketFactory(this, (bs == null) ? 8192 : Integer.parseInt(bs)) {
            private WebSocketBuffers _buffers = new WebSocketBuffers(8192);
            private Map<WebSocketServletConnection, String> sessionMap = new HashMap<WebSocketServletConnection, String>();

            public void upgrade(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, WebSocket websocket,
                    String protocol) throws IOException {
                String sessionId = request.getRequestedSessionId();
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    logger.debug("Upgrade ws, requested sessionId:" + sessionId);
                if (StringUtils.isBlank(sessionId)) {
                    sessionId = request.getSession().getId();
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                        logger.debug("Request.sessionId:" + sessionId);

                if (StringUtils.isBlank(sessionId)) {
                    sessionId = ((DefaultWebsocket) websocket).getConnectionKey();
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                        logger.debug("Request.wsSessionId:" + sessionId);


                if (!("websocket".equalsIgnoreCase(request.getHeader("Upgrade"))))
                    throw new IllegalStateException("!Upgrade:websocket");
                if (!("HTTP/1.1".equals(request.getProtocol()))) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("!HTTP/1.1");
                int draft = request.getIntHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Version");
                if (draft < 0) {
                    draft = request.getIntHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Draft");

                int requestedVersion = draft;
                AbstractHttpConnection http = AbstractHttpConnection.getCurrentConnection();
                if (http instanceof BlockingHttpConnection)
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Websockets not supported on blocking connectors");
                ConnectedEndPoint endp = (ConnectedEndPoint) http.getEndPoint();

                List<String> extensions_requested = new ArrayList<>();

                Enumeration<String> e = request.getHeaders("Sec-WebSocket-Extensions");
                while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
                    QuotedStringTokenizer tok = new QuotedStringTokenizer((String) e.nextElement(), ",");
                    while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) {


                if (draft < getMinVersion())
                    draft = 2147483647;

                WebSocketServletConnection connection;
                switch (draft) {
                case -1:
                case 0:
                    connection = new WebSocketServletConnectionD00(this, websocket, endp, this._buffers,
                            http.getTimeStamp(), (int) getMaxIdleTime(), protocol);
                case 1:
                case 2:
                case 3:
                case 4:
                case 5:
                case 6:
                    connection = new WebSocketServletConnectionD06(this, websocket, endp, this._buffers,
                            http.getTimeStamp(), (int) getMaxIdleTime(), protocol);
                case 7:
                case 8:
                    List<Extension> extensions = initExtensions(extensions_requested, 5, 5, 3);
                    connection = new WebSocketServletConnectionD08(this, websocket, endp, this._buffers,
                            http.getTimeStamp(), (int) getMaxIdleTime(), protocol, extensions, draft);
                case 13:
                    List<Extension> extensions1 = initExtensions(extensions_requested, 5, 5, 3);
                    connection = new WebSocketServletConnectionRFC6455(this, websocket, endp, this._buffers,
                            http.getTimeStamp(), (int) getMaxIdleTime(), protocol, extensions1, draft);
                case 9:
                case 10:
                case 11:
                case 12:
                    String versions = "13";
                    if (getMinVersion() <= 8)
                        versions = new StringBuilder().append(versions).append(", 8").toString();
                    if (getMinVersion() <= 6)
                        versions = new StringBuilder().append(versions).append(", 6").toString();
                    if (getMinVersion() <= 0) {
                        versions = new StringBuilder().append(versions).append(", 0").toString();
                    response.setHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Version", versions);

                    StringBuilder err = new StringBuilder();
                    err.append("Unsupported websocket client version specification ");
                    if (requestedVersion >= 0)
                    else {
                        err.append("<Unspecified, likely a pre-draft version of websocket>");
                    err.append(", configured minVersion [").append(getMinVersion()).append("]");
                    err.append(", reported supported versions [").append(versions).append("]");
                    // LOG.warn(err.toString(), new Object[0]);

                    throw new HttpException(400, "Unsupported websocket version specification");



                connection.handshake(request, response, protocol);

                connection.fillBuffersFrom(((HttpParser) http.getParser()).getHeaderBuffer());
                connection.fillBuffersFrom(((HttpParser) http.getParser()).getBodyBuffer());
                String wsSession = ((DefaultWebsocket) websocket).getConnectionKey();
                //if(logger.isDebugEnabled())logger.debug("Upgraded session " + request.getSession().getId() + " to ws " + ((DefaultWebsocket) websocket).getConnectionKey());
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    logger.debug("Upgraded session " + sessionId + " to ws " + wsSession + " from remote ip:"
                            + request.getRemoteAddr());
                try {
                    sessionMap.put(connection, wsSession);
                    SubscriptionManagerFactory.getInstance().add(sessionId, wsSession,
                            ConfigConstants.OUTPUT_WS, request.getLocalAddr(), request.getRemoteAddr());
                    //add default sub, or specific sub here, all instant policy
                    String subscribe = request.getParameter("subscribe");
                    if (StringUtils.isBlank(subscribe) || "self".equals(subscribe)) {
                        //subscribe to self
                        String sub = "{\"context\":\"vessels.self\",\"subscribe\":[{\"path\":\"*\", \"policy\":\"instant\"}]}";
                        sendSub(request, sub, wsSession);
                    } else if ("all".equals(subscribe)) {
                        //subscribe to all
                        String sub = "{\"context\":\"vessels.*\",\"subscribe\":[{\"path\":\"*\", \"policy\":\"instant\"}]}";
                        sendSub(request, sub, wsSession);
                    } else if ("none".equals(subscribe)) {
                        //subscribe to none - do nothing

                } catch (Exception e1) {
                    logger.error(e1.getMessage(), e1);
                    throw new IOException(e1);
                // LOG.debug("Websocket upgrade {} {} {} {}", new Object[] { request.getRequestURI(), Integer.valueOf(draft), protocol, connection });
                request.setAttribute("org.eclipse.jetty.io.Connection", connection);

            private void sendSub(HttpServletRequest request, String sub, String wsSession) throws Exception {
                Map<String, Object> headers = new HashMap<>();
                headers.put(MSG_SRC_IP, request.getRemoteAddr());
                headers.put(MSG_SRC_IP_PORT, request.getRemotePort());

                if (Util.sameNetwork(request.getLocalAddr(), request.getRemoteAddr())) {
                    headers.put(MSG_TYPE, INTERNAL_IP);
                } else {
                    headers.put(MSG_TYPE, EXTERNAL_IP);
                headers.put(WebsocketConstants.CONNECTION_KEY, wsSession);
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    logger.debug("Sending connection sub:" + sub);
                producer.sendBodyAndHeaders(RouteManager.SEDA_INPUT, sub, headers);


            protected boolean removeConnection(WebSocketServletConnection connection) {
                //unsubscribe and remove websocket session
                String wsSession = sessionMap.get(connection);
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    logger.debug("Ended wsSession " + wsSession);
                try {
                } catch (Exception e1) {
                    logger.error(e1.getMessage(), e1);
                return super.removeConnection(connection);

        this._webSocketFactory.setMaxTextMessageSize(256 * 1024);

        String max = getInitParameter("maxIdleTime");
        if (max != null) {
        max = getInitParameter("maxTextMessageSize");
        if (max != null) {
        max = getInitParameter("maxBinaryMessageSize");
        if (max != null) {
        String min = getInitParameter("minVersion");
        if (min != null)
    } catch (ServletException x) {
        throw x;
    } catch (Exception x) {
        throw new ServletException(x);

From source file:at.gv.egiz.bku.online.webapp.WebRequestHandler.java

protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
        throws ServletException, java.io.IOException {

    BindingProcessorManager bindingProcessorManager = (BindingProcessorManager) getServletContext()
    if (bindingProcessorManager == null) {
        String msg = "Configuration error: BindingProcessorManager missing!";
        log.error(msg);//  w w  w . ja v a 2  s . co m
        resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, msg);

    Configuration conf = ((BindingProcessorManagerImpl) bindingProcessorManager).getConfiguration();
    if (conf == null)
        log.error("No configuration");
        MoccaParameterBean.setP3PHeader(conf, resp);

    Id id = (Id) req.getAttribute("id");
    if (id == null) {
        String msg = "No request id! Configuration error: ServletFilter missing?";
        resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, msg);

    // if binding processor with same id is present: remove

    Locale locale = AcceptLanguage.getLocale(req.getHeader("Accept-Language"));
    if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
        log.info("Received request (Accept-Language locale: {}).", locale);

    // create new binding processor
    String protocol = MoccaParameterBean.getInitParameter("protocol", getServletConfig(), getServletContext());
    if (protocol == null || protocol.isEmpty()) {
        protocol = req.getScheme();
    HTTPBindingProcessor bindingProcessor = (HTTPBindingProcessor) bindingProcessorManager
            .createBindingProcessor(protocol, locale);

    // set headers
    LinkedHashMap<String, String> headerMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
    if (req.getHeaderNames() != null) {
        for (Enumeration<?> headerName = req.getHeaderNames(); headerName.hasMoreElements();) {
            String name = (String) headerName.nextElement();
            // Account for multiple headers with the same field-name, but
            // they are very rare, so we are not using a StringBuffer.
            Enumeration<?> headers = req.getHeaders(name);
            String value = null;
            while (headers.hasMoreElements()) {
                value = (value == null) ? (String) headers.nextElement() : value + ", " + headers.nextElement();
            headerMap.put(name, value);

    // set request stream 
    InputStream inputStream;
    if (req.getMethod().equals("POST")) {
        inputStream = req.getInputStream();
    } else {
        headerMap.put(HttpUtil.HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, InputDecoderFactory.URL_ENCODED);
        String queryString = req.getQueryString();
        if (queryString != null) {
            inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(queryString.getBytes("UTF-8"));
        } else {
            inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[] {});

    bindingProcessor.consumeRequestStream(req.getRequestURL().toString(), inputStream);

    // process
    bindingProcessorManager.process(id, bindingProcessor);

    log.debug("Sending redirect to user interface.");


From source file:com.icesoft.faces.webapp.http.servlet.ServletEnvironmentRequest.java

public ServletEnvironmentRequest(Object request, HttpSession session, Authorization authorization) {
    HttpServletRequest initialRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request;
    this.session = session;
    this.authorization = authorization;
    //Copy common data
    authType = initialRequest.getAuthType();
    contextPath = initialRequest.getContextPath();
    remoteUser = initialRequest.getRemoteUser();
    userPrincipal = initialRequest.getUserPrincipal();
    requestedSessionId = initialRequest.getRequestedSessionId();
    requestedSessionIdValid = initialRequest.isRequestedSessionIdValid();

    attributes = new HashMap();
    Enumeration attributeNames = initialRequest.getAttributeNames();
    while (attributeNames.hasMoreElements()) {
        String name = (String) attributeNames.nextElement();
        Object attribute = initialRequest.getAttribute(name);
        if ((null != name) && (null != attribute)) {
            attributes.put(name, attribute);
        }/*w w  w.j  a  v a2 s . co m*/

    // Warning:  For some reason, the various javax.include.* attributes are
    // not available via the getAttributeNames() call.  This may be limited
    // to a Liferay issue but when the MainPortlet dispatches the call to
    // the MainServlet, all of the javax.include.* attributes can be
    // retrieved using this.request.getAttribute() but they do NOT appear in
    // the Enumeration of names returned by getAttributeNames().  So here
    // we manually add them to our map to ensure we can find them later.
    String[] incAttrKeys = Constants.INC_CONSTANTS;
    for (int index = 0; index < incAttrKeys.length; index++) {
        String incAttrKey = incAttrKeys[index];
        Object incAttrVal = initialRequest.getAttribute(incAttrKey);
        if (incAttrVal != null) {
            attributes.put(incAttrKey, initialRequest.getAttribute(incAttrKey));

    headers = new HashMap();
    Enumeration headerNames = initialRequest.getHeaderNames();
    while (headerNames.hasMoreElements()) {
        String name = (String) headerNames.nextElement();
        Enumeration values = initialRequest.getHeaders(name);
        headers.put(name, Collections.list(values));

    parameters = new HashMap();
    Enumeration parameterNames = initialRequest.getParameterNames();
    while (parameterNames.hasMoreElements()) {
        String name = (String) parameterNames.nextElement();
        parameters.put(name, initialRequest.getParameterValues(name));

    scheme = initialRequest.getScheme();
    serverName = initialRequest.getServerName();
    serverPort = initialRequest.getServerPort();
    secure = initialRequest.isSecure();

    //Copy servlet specific data
    cookies = initialRequest.getCookies();
    method = initialRequest.getMethod();
    pathInfo = initialRequest.getPathInfo();
    pathTranslated = initialRequest.getPathTranslated();
    queryString = initialRequest.getQueryString();
    requestURI = initialRequest.getRequestURI();
    try {
        requestURL = initialRequest.getRequestURL();
    } catch (NullPointerException e) {
        //TODO remove this catch block when GlassFish bug is addressed
        if (log.isErrorEnabled()) {
            log.error("Null Protocol Scheme in request", e);
        HttpServletRequest req = initialRequest;
        requestURL = new StringBuffer(
                "http://" + req.getServerName() + ":" + req.getServerPort() + req.getRequestURI());
    servletPath = initialRequest.getServletPath();
    servletSession = initialRequest.getSession();
    isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie = initialRequest.isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie();
    isRequestedSessionIdFromURL = initialRequest.isRequestedSessionIdFromURL();
    characterEncoding = initialRequest.getCharacterEncoding();
    contentLength = initialRequest.getContentLength();
    contentType = initialRequest.getContentType();
    protocol = initialRequest.getProtocol();
    remoteAddr = initialRequest.getRemoteAddr();
    remoteHost = initialRequest.getRemoteHost();

From source file:io.datenwelt.cargo.rest.Request.java

public Request(HttpServletRequest servletRequest, List<ContentType> supportedContentTypes,
        List<ContentEncoding> supportedContentEncodings) throws APIException {
    this.servletRequest = servletRequest;
    this.supportedContentTypes = supportedContentTypes;
    this.supportedContentEncodings = supportedContentEncodings;
    this.method = servletRequest.getMethod();
    this.path = Segment.normalize(servletRequest.getPathInfo());

    StringBuffer url = servletRequest.getRequestURL();
    String query = servletRequest.getQueryString();
    if (query != null && !query.isEmpty()) {
    }// ww  w  .  j  av  a2 s  .com

    // Parse request URI and construct the base URI.
    try {
        requestURI = new URI(url.toString());
        String basePath = (servletRequest.getContextPath() == null ? "" : servletRequest.getContextPath())
                + (servletRequest.getServletPath() == null ? "" : servletRequest.getServletPath());
        baseURI = URI.create(new StringBuffer().append(requestURI.getScheme()).append("://")
        path = Segment.normalize(requestURI.getPath());
        if (path.startsWith(basePath)) {
            path = path.substring(basePath.length());
    } catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
        throw new APIException(new InternalServerError(), "Unable to parse request URI from string '"
                + requestURI + "'. Using defaut value for base URI. Error: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);

    // Parse query string.
    String queryString = servletRequest.getQueryString();

    // Parse header values
    Enumeration headerNames = servletRequest.getHeaderNames();
    while (headerNames.hasMoreElements()) {
        String name = headerNames.nextElement().toString();
        Enumeration values = servletRequest.getHeaders(name);
        while (values.hasMoreElements()) {
            Header header = headers.get(name);
            if (header == null) {
                header = new Header(name);
                headers.put(header.getName(), header);
            String value = values.nextElement().toString();
            header.add(Header.decode(name, value));

    // Collect infos about the remote end.
    remoteAddress = servletRequest.getRemoteAddr();
    remoteHost = servletRequest.getRemoteHost();
    remotePort = servletRequest.getRemotePort();


From source file:airlift.servlet.rest.RestServlet.java

 * Apply security checks.//from  www  .  j av a 2  s  .c o m
 * @param _request the _request
 * @param _response the _response
 * @param _method the _method
 * @return the rest context
protected RestContext applySecurityChecks(HttpServletRequest _request, HttpServletResponse _response,
        Method _method) {
    //Deal with COR headers
    _response.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
            "Content-Type, Depth, User-Agent, X-File-Size, X-Requested-With, If-Modified-Since, X-File-Name, Cache-Control");
    _response.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true");
    _response.addHeader("Access-Control-Max-Age", "86400");
    _response.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, OPTIONS");

    java.util.Enumeration<String> headerNames = _request.getHeaderNames();

    logInfo("reporting request header info ...");
    while (headerNames.hasMoreElements() == true) {
        String headerName = headerNames.nextElement();
        logInfo(headerName + ":" + _request.getHeader(headerName));

    String namespace = this.getServletConfig().getInitParameter("a.namespace");
    if (namespace != null && org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isWhitespace(namespace) == false) {
    com.google.appengine.api.quota.QuotaService quotaService = com.google.appengine.api.quota.QuotaServiceFactory
    logInfo("RestServlet START " + quotaService.getCpuTimeInMegaCycles());

    java.util.List<String> acceptValueList = new java.util.ArrayList<String>();
    java.util.Enumeration<String> acceptHeaderValues = _request.getHeaders("Accept");

    while (acceptHeaderValues.hasMoreElements() == true) {
        String acceptHeaderValue = acceptHeaderValues.nextElement();

        String[] tokenArray = acceptHeaderValue.split(",");

        for (int i = 0; i < tokenArray.length; i++) {
            //For now we ignore q and other parameters 
            String acceptValue = tokenArray[i].replaceAll(";.*$", "");

            if (acceptValue.contains("*") == false) {

    String method = determineMethod(_method, _request);
    Map uriParameterMap = new java.util.HashMap();
    RestContext restContext = prepareRestContext(method, acceptValueList, _request, uriParameterMap,

    if (restContext.getHandlerPathList().isEmpty() == true) {
        sendCodedPage("404", "Not Found", _response);

    UserService userService = getUserService(_request, restContext, _response);
    AbstractUser user = userService.getCurrentUser();

    RestfulSecurityContext securityContext = new RestfulSecurityContext(userService.getUserKind(),

    boolean success = allowed(user, restContext, securityContext);

    logInfo("User is: " + user);

    if (!success && user == null) {
        boolean loginSuccessful = requestLogin(_request, _response, userService);

        if (loginSuccessful == false) {
            sendCodedPage("401", "UnAuthorized - you must log in to " + method + " access this resource.",
    } else if (!success && user != null) {
                "UnAuthorized - User " + user.getEmail() + " does not have " + method
                        + " access to this resource. You may <a href=\""
                        + userService.createLogoutURL(_request.getRequestURI())
                        + "\">logout</a> and login as another user.",
    } else if (success && timedOut(user) == true) {
        logInfo("Timed out user is now: " + user);

        boolean logoutSuccessful = logUserOut(_request, _response, userService);

        if (logoutSuccessful == false) {
            logInfo("Time out incepted log out failed");
            sendCodedPage("408", "Request Timeout", _response);
    } else if (success) {
        //User is not timed out and the user can access this page.
        //Not being timed out means that your time out date time is null
        //or your time out date time is greater than the current date

        proceedToProcessRequest(user, securityContext, _request, _response, method, restContext,

    long totalMegaCycles = quotaService.getCpuTimeInMegaCycles();
    logInfo("RestServlet Megacycles: " + totalMegaCycles);
    logInfo("RestServlet CPU Seconds: " + quotaService.convertMegacyclesToCpuSeconds(totalMegaCycles));

    return restContext;

From source file:com.zimbra.cs.dav.service.DavServlet.java

private void logRequestInfo(HttpServletRequest req) {
    if (!ZimbraLog.dav.isDebugEnabled()) {
        return;/*w  ww  .  j  a v  a 2  s  . c  o  m*/
    StringBuilder hdrs = new StringBuilder();
    hdrs.append("DAV REQUEST:\n");
    hdrs.append(req.getMethod()).append(" ").append(req.getRequestURL().toString()).append(" ")
    Enumeration<String> paramNames = req.getParameterNames();
    if (paramNames != null && paramNames.hasMoreElements()) {
        hdrs.append("\nDAV REQUEST PARAMS:");
        while (paramNames.hasMoreElements()) {
            String paramName = paramNames.nextElement();
            if (paramName.contains("Auth")) {
                hdrs.append("\n").append(paramName).append("=*** REPLACED ***");
            String params[] = req.getParameterValues(paramName);
            if (params != null) {
                for (String param : params) {
    /* Headers can include vital information which affects the request like "If-None-Match" headers,
     * so useful to be able to log them, skipping authentication related headers to avoid leaking passwords
    Enumeration<String> namesEn = req.getHeaderNames();
    if (namesEn != null && namesEn.hasMoreElements()) {
        hdrs.append("\nDAV REQUEST HEADERS:");
        while (namesEn.hasMoreElements()) {
            String hdrName = namesEn.nextElement();
            if (hdrName.contains("Auth") || (hdrName.contains(HttpHeaders.COOKIE))) {
                hdrs.append("\n").append(hdrName).append(": *** REPLACED ***");
            Enumeration<String> vals = req.getHeaders(hdrName);
            while (vals.hasMoreElements()) {
                hdrs.append("\n").append(hdrName).append(": ").append(vals.nextElement());