Example usage for javax.servlet.http HttpServlet subclass-usage

List of usage examples for javax.servlet.http HttpServlet subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.servlet.http HttpServlet subclass-usage.


From source file oeg.licensius.service.LicenseIscompatible.java

 * Determines if a license is open or not
 * @author vrodriguez
public class LicenseIscompatible extends HttpServlet {

From source file sd.code.stagent.services.GetLastCDR.java

 * @author motaz
@WebServlet(name = "GetLastCDR", urlPatterns = { "/GetLastCDR" })
public class GetLastCDR extends HttpServlet {

From source file count.java

 * @author Mahe
@WebServlet(urlPatterns = { "/count" })
public class count extends HttpServlet {

From source file org.crm.web.services.obtain.GetProducts.java

 * @author cag
public class GetProducts extends HttpServlet {

From source file geo.controller.LoadDataServlet.java

 * @author kennethliong
public class LoadDataServlet extends HttpServlet {

From source file servlets.MobileLogin.java

 * Control class for the authentication procedure. Response tuned for Shepherd Mobile Auth
 * <br/><br/>
 * This file is part of the Security Shepherd Project.
 * The Security Shepherd project is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

From source file oeg.licensius.service.LicenseIsopen.java

 * Determines if a license is open or not
 * @author vrodriguez
public class LicenseIsopen extends HttpServlet {

From source file control.ClienteServlets.EliminarCliente.java

 * @author illustrato
@WebServlet(name = "EliminarCliente", urlPatterns = { "/EliminarCliente" })
public class EliminarCliente extends HttpServlet {

From source file control.ParametrizacionServlets.SeleccionarTipoVisita.java

 * @author illustrato
@WebServlet(name = "SeleccionarTipoVisita", urlPatterns = { "/SeleccionarTipoVisita" })
public class SeleccionarTipoVisita extends HttpServlet {

From source file Employee.deleteCustomer.java

 * @author Javier
public class deleteCustomer extends HttpServlet {