List of usage examples for javax.servlet.http HttpServlet getServletContext
public ServletContext getServletContext()
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public static ConfigurationProperties getBean(HttpServlet servlet) { if (servlet == null) { throw new NullPointerException("servlet may not be null."); }//from w w w . j a va 2s .c om return getBean(servlet.getServletContext()); }
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public static String readHTMLFileIntoString(HttpServlet svc, ErrorLogger err, String filename) { try {// w w w . j a va2s . c o m String text = null; String file = ""; ServletContext context = svc.getServletContext(); try (InputStream is = context.getResourceAsStream("/" + filename); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(isr)) { while ((text = reader.readLine()) != null) { file += text; } } return file; } catch (IOException ex) { err.critical("error while trying to read HTML template: " + filename, ex); } return null; }
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/** * Will try to locate a pre-existent {@link ApplicationContext}; if failed, * will create it explicitly./*from w w w. ja v a2 s .com*/ * * @see */ private synchronized void initialize() { if (this.consumer == null) { ApplicationContext ctx = null; String exp = ContainerConfig.getConfig().getOption(SPRING_CLASSPATH_EXPRESSION, DEFAULT_SPRING_CLASSPATH_EXPRESSION); String bean = ContainerConfig.getConfig().getOption(LAB_CONSUMER_BEAN_NAME, DEFAULT_LAB_CONSUMER_BEAN_NAME); // see // let's see if ApplicationContext is already available as a // WebApplicationContext // if so, use it; otherwise, fall back to standard approach for // backward compatibility. SOAPMessageContext messageContext = MessageContext.getCurrentContext(); if (messageContext != null) { HttpServlet srv = (HttpServlet) messageContext.getProperty(HTTPConstants.MC_HTTP_SERVLET); if (srv != null) { ServletContext servletContext = srv.getServletContext(); ctx = WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(servletContext); } } if (ctx == null) { System.out.println( "LabConsumerServiceImpl: unable to find pre-existing spring context in servlet context; falling back to direct context creation."); System.out.println("LabConsumerServiceImpl: Creating spring context explicitly..."); ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(exp); } if (ctx != null) this.consumer = (LabConsumerServiceI) ctx.getBean(bean); } }
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public GWikiStandaloneContext(GWikiWeb wikiWeb, HttpServlet servlet, String contextPath, String servletPath) { super(wikiWeb, servlet, new StandaloneHttpServletRequest(getContextPath(wikiWeb, contextPath), getServletPath(wikiWeb, servletPath)), new StandaloneHttpServletResponse()); ServletContext servletContext = null; if (servlet != null) { servletContext = servlet.getServletContext(); }/*from w ww. ja v a 2 s. c om*/ standAlonepageContext = new StandAlonePageContext(jspWriter, servletContext, getRequest(), getResponse()); setPageContext(standAlonepageContext); standaloneRequest = (StandaloneHttpServletRequest) getRequest(); standaloneResponse = (StandaloneHttpServletResponse) getResponse(); }
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/** * Used by HybridServiceServlet./*from ww w . j a v a2 s . c o m*/ */ private static SerializationPolicy customLoadSerializationPolicy(HttpServlet servlet, HttpServletRequest request, String moduleBaseURL, String strongName) { // The request can tell you the path of the web app relative to the // container root. String contextPath = request.getContextPath(); String modulePath = null; if (moduleBaseURL != null) { try { modulePath = new URL(moduleBaseURL).getPath(); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { // log the information, we will default servlet.log("Malformed moduleBaseURL: " + moduleBaseURL, ex); } } SerializationPolicy serializationPolicy = null; /* * Check that the module path must be in the same web app as the servlet * itself. If you need to implement a scheme different than this, override * this method. */ if (modulePath == null) { String message = "ERROR: The module path requested, " + modulePath + ", is not in the same web application as this servlet, " + contextPath + ". Your module may not be properly configured or your client and server code maybe out of date."; servlet.log(message, null); } else { // TODO : Hack for Nokia demo // /Users/bdferris/Documents/Aptana%20Studio%20Workspace/nokia-hello-world/ if (modulePath.endsWith("nokia-hello-world/")) modulePath = "/where/mobile/"; if (!modulePath.startsWith(contextPath)) modulePath = contextPath + modulePath; // Strip off the context path from the module base URL. It should be a // strict prefix. String contextRelativePath = modulePath.substring(contextPath.length()); String serializationPolicyFilePath = SerializationPolicyLoader .getSerializationPolicyFileName(contextRelativePath + strongName); // Open the RPC resource file and read its contents. InputStream is = servlet.getServletContext().getResourceAsStream(serializationPolicyFilePath); try { if (is != null) { try { serializationPolicy = SerializationPolicyLoader.loadFromStream(is, null); } catch (ParseException e) { servlet.log("ERROR: Failed to parse the policy file '" + serializationPolicyFilePath + "'", e); } catch (IOException e) { servlet.log("ERROR: Could not read the policy file '" + serializationPolicyFilePath + "'", e); } } else { String message = "ERROR: The serialization policy file '" + serializationPolicyFilePath + "' was not found; did you forget to include it in this deployment?"; servlet.log(message, null); } } finally { if (is != null) { try { is.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // Ignore this error } } } } return serializationPolicy; }
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/** * Creates the bundles in the destination directory * // ww w .j a v a 2s . c om * @param servlet * the servlet * @param bundleHandler * the bundles handler * @param destDirPath * the destination directory path * @param servletMapping * the mapping of the servlet * @param keepUrlMapping * the flag indicating if we must keep the URL mapping * @throws IOException * if an IO exception occurs * @throws ServletException * if a servlet exception occurs */ protected void createBundles(HttpServlet servlet, ResourceBundlesHandler bundleHandler, String destDirPath, String servletMapping, boolean keepUrlMapping) throws IOException, ServletException { List<JoinableResourceBundle> bundles = bundleHandler.getContextBundles(); Iterator<JoinableResourceBundle> bundleIterator = bundles.iterator(); MockServletResponse response = new MockServletResponse(); MockServletRequest request = new MockServletRequest(JAWR_BUNDLE_PROCESSOR_CONTEXT_PATH); MockServletSession session = new MockServletSession(servlet.getServletContext()); request.setSession(session); String resourceType = servlet.getServletConfig().getInitParameter(TYPE_INIT_PARAMETER); if (resourceType == null) { resourceType = JawrConstant.JS_TYPE; } // For the list of bundle defines, create the file associated while (bundleIterator.hasNext()) { JoinableResourceBundle bundle = (JoinableResourceBundle); // Check if there is a resource file, which could be in conflict // with the bundle name URL url = servlet.getServletContext().getResource(bundle.getId()); if (url != null) { logger.error( "It is not recommended to use a bundle name which could be in conflict with a resource.\n" + "Please rename your bundle '" + bundle.getId() + "' to avoid any issue"); } List<Map<String, String>> allVariants = VariantUtils.getAllVariants(bundle.getVariants()); if (allVariants == null) { allVariants = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(); } if (allVariants.isEmpty()) { allVariants.add(new HashMap<String, String>()); } // Creates the bundle file for each local variant for (Iterator<Map<String, String>> it = allVariants.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Map<String, String> variantMap = (Map<String, String>); List<RenderedLink> linksToBundle = createLinkToBundle(bundleHandler, bundle.getId(), resourceType, variantMap); for (Iterator<RenderedLink> iteratorLinks = linksToBundle.iterator(); iteratorLinks.hasNext();) { RenderedLink renderedLink =; String path = renderedLink.getLink(); // Force the debug mode of the config to match what was used // in the generated link JawrConfig config = bundleHandler.getConfig(); config.setDebugModeOn(renderedLink.isDebugMode()); String finalBundlePath = null; if (keepUrlMapping) { finalBundlePath = path; } else { finalBundlePath = getFinalBundlePath(path, config, variantMap); } // Sets the request URL setRequestUrl(request, variantMap, path, config); // We can't use path for generated resources because it's // not a valid file path ( /jawr_generator.js?xxx.... ) if (!(path.indexOf("?") != -1) || !keepUrlMapping) { File bundleFile = new File(destDirPath, finalBundlePath); createBundleFile(servlet, response, request, path, bundleFile, servletMapping); } } } } }
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@Override public void serviceFile(HttpServlet servlet, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse rsp) throws ServletException, IOException { req = new HTTPServletRequestWrap(req); CFMLFactory factory = getCFMLFactory(servlet.getServletConfig(), req); ConfigWeb config = factory.getConfig(); PageSource ps = config.getPageSourceExisting(null, null, req.getServletPath(), false, true, true, false); //Resource res = ((ConfigWebImpl)config).getPhysicalResourceExistingX(null, null, req.getServletPath(), false, true, true); if (ps == null) { rsp.sendError(404);/*from www. j av a 2 m*/ } else { Resource res = ps.getResource(); if (res == null) { rsp.sendError(404); } else { ReqRspUtil.setContentLength(rsp, res.length()); String mt = servlet.getServletContext().getMimeType(req.getServletPath()); if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(mt)) ReqRspUtil.setContentType(rsp, mt); IOUtil.copy(res, rsp.getOutputStream(), true); } } }
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/** * This is a uniform method of initializing AxisServer in a servlet * context./*from w w w. j a v a 2s .com*/ * @todo add catch for not being able to cast the context attr to an * engine and reinit the engine if so. */ public static AxisServer getEngine(HttpServlet servlet) throws AxisFault { AxisServer engine = null; if (isDebug) log.debug("Enter: getEngine()"); ServletContext context = servlet.getServletContext(); synchronized (context) { engine = retrieveEngine(servlet); if (engine == null) { Map environment = getEngineEnvironment(servlet); // Obtain an AxisServer by using whatever AxisServerFactory is // registered. The default one will just use the provider we // passed in, and presumably JNDI ones will use the ServletContext // to figure out a JNDI name to look up. // // The point of doing this rather than just creating the server // manually with the provider above is that we will then support // configurations where the server instance is managed by the // container, and pre-registered in JNDI at deployment time. It // also means we put the standard configuration pattern in one // place. engine = AxisServer.getServer(environment); // attach the AxisServer with the current Servlet engine.setName(servlet.getServletName()); storeEngine(servlet, engine); } } if (isDebug) log.debug("Exit: getEngine()"); return engine; }
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/** * put the engine back in to the context. * @param context servlet context to use * @param engine reference to the engine. If null, the engine is removed *///from w w w. ja va 2 s. c o m private static void storeEngine(HttpServlet servlet, AxisServer engine) { ServletContext context = servlet.getServletContext(); String axisServletName = servlet.getServletName(); if (engine == null) { context.removeAttribute(axisServletName + ATTR_AXIS_ENGINE); // find if there is other AxisEngine in Context AxisServer server = (AxisServer) context.getAttribute(ATTR_AXIS_ENGINE); // no other AxisEngine in ServletContext if (server != null && servlet.getServletName().equals(server.getName())) { context.removeAttribute(ATTR_AXIS_ENGINE); } } else { if (context.getAttribute(ATTR_AXIS_ENGINE) == null) { // first Axis servlet to store its AxisEngine // use default name context.setAttribute(ATTR_AXIS_ENGINE, engine); } context.setAttribute(axisServletName + ATTR_AXIS_ENGINE, engine); } }
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/** * Get an engine from the servlet context; robust againt serialization * issues of hot-updated webapps. Remember than if a webapp is marked * as distributed, there is more than 1 servlet context, hence more than * one AxisEngine instance/* w ww . ja va 2s.c o m*/ * @param servlet * @return the engine or null if either the engine couldnt be found or * the attribute wasnt of the right type */ private static AxisServer retrieveEngine(HttpServlet servlet) { Object contextObject = servlet.getServletContext() .getAttribute(servlet.getServletName() + ATTR_AXIS_ENGINE); if (contextObject == null) { // if AxisServer not found : // fall back to the "default" AxisEngine contextObject = servlet.getServletContext().getAttribute(ATTR_AXIS_ENGINE); } if (contextObject instanceof AxisServer) { AxisServer server = (AxisServer) contextObject; // if this is "our" Engine if (server != null && servlet.getServletName().equals(server.getName())) { return server; } return null; } else { return null; } }