Example usage for javax.servlet FilterConfig getServletContext

List of usage examples for javax.servlet FilterConfig getServletContext


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.servlet FilterConfig getServletContext.


public ServletContext getServletContext();

Source Link


Returns a reference to the ServletContext in which the caller is executing.


From source file:org.josso.servlet.agent.GenericServletSSOAgentFilter.java

public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {
    // Validate and update our current component state
    ServletContext ctx = filterConfig.getServletContext();
    ctx.setAttribute(KEY_SESSION_MAP, new HashMap());

    if (_agent == null) {

        try {/*  ww w  .  ja  v  a  2 s  . c  o  m*/

            Lookup lookup = Lookup.getInstance();
            lookup.init("josso-agent-config.xml"); // For spring compatibility ...

            // We need at least an abstract SSO Agent
            _agent = (HttpSSOAgent) lookup.lookupSSOAgent();
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())

            // Publish agent in servlet context
            filterConfig.getServletContext().setAttribute("org.josso.agent", _agent);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new ServletException("Error starting SSO Agent : " + e.getMessage(), e);



From source file:org.josso.wls10.agent.WLSAgentServletFilter.java

public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {
    // Validate and update our current component state
    ServletContext ctx = filterConfig.getServletContext();
    ctx.setAttribute(KEY_SESSION_MAP, new HashMap());

    if (_agent == null) {

        try {/*from  w w w . ja v a 2  s . c  o  m*/

            Lookup lookup = Lookup.getInstance();
            lookup.init("josso-agent-config.xml"); // For spring compatibility ...

            // We need at least an abstract SSO Agent
            _agent = (WLSSSOAgent) lookup.lookupSSOAgent();
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())

            // Publish agent in servlet context
            filterConfig.getServletContext().setAttribute("org.josso.agent", _agent);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new ServletException("Error starting SSO Agent : " + e.getMessage(), e);



From source file:de.betterform.agent.web.filter.XFormsFilter.java

 * Filter initialisation/* w w  w .j  ava2 s  .  c om*/
 * @see http://java.sun.com/j2ee/sdk_1.3/techdocs/api/javax/servlet/Filter.html#init(javax.servlet.FilterConfig)
public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {
    this.filterConfig = filterConfig;

    webFactory = new WebFactory();
    try {
        defaultRequestEncoding = webFactory.getConfig().getProperty("defaultRequestEncoding",
        String realPath = WebFactory.getRealPath(".", this.filterConfig.getServletContext());
        // webFactory.initXFormsSessionCache(); // todo: still needed????

    } catch (XFormsConfigException e) {
        throw new ServletException(e);

From source file:org.josso.liferay6.agent.LiferaySSOAgentFilter.java

public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) {
    // Validate and update our current component state
    ServletContext ctx = filterConfig.getServletContext();
    ctx.setAttribute(KEY_SESSION_MAP, new HashMap());

    if (_agent == null) {

        try {//w  w  w.ja  v a 2s .  c  o m

            Lookup lookup = Lookup.getInstance();
            lookup.init("josso-agent-config.xml"); // For spring compatibility ...

            // We need at least an abstract SSO Agent
            _agent = (HttpSSOAgent) lookup.lookupSSOAgent();
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())

            // Publish agent in servlet context
            filterConfig.getServletContext().setAttribute("org.josso.agent", _agent);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            _log.error("Error starting SSO Agent", e);

From source file:org.apache.atlas.web.filters.AtlasAuthenticationFilter.java

public void initializeSecretProvider(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {
    LOG.debug("AtlasAuthenticationFilter :: initializeSecretProvider {}", filterConfig);
    secretProvider = (SignerSecretProvider) filterConfig.getServletContext()
    if (secretProvider == null) {
        // As tomcat cannot specify the provider object in the configuration.
        // It'll go into this path
        String configPrefix = filterConfig.getInitParameter(CONFIG_PREFIX);
        configPrefix = (configPrefix != null) ? configPrefix + "." : "";
        try {//w ww . j av a2s .  co  m
            secretProvider = AuthenticationFilter.constructSecretProvider(filterConfig.getServletContext(),
                    super.getConfiguration(configPrefix, filterConfig), false);
            this.isInitializedByTomcat = true;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new ServletException(ex);
    signer = new Signer(secretProvider);

From source file:org.xmlactions.web.conceal.HttpPager.java

 * @see Servlet#init(ServletConfig)/*from  www. j a  v a 2s .c o  m*/
public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) {

    String value;
    value = filterConfig.getInitParameter("pager.realPath");
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(value)) {
        value = filterConfig.getServletContext().getRealPath("");
    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(value)) {
        realPath = value;

    value = filterConfig.getInitParameter("pager.namespace");
    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(value)) {
        nameSpace = value;

    value = filterConfig.getInitParameter("pager.wrapperPage");
    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(value)) {
        wrapperPage = value;

    value = filterConfig.getInitParameter("pager.pre.page");
    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(value)) {
        prePage = value;

    value = filterConfig.getInitParameter("pager.post.page");
    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(value)) {
        postPage = value;

From source file:org.josso.liferay5.agent.LiferaySSOAgentFilter.java

public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {
    // Validate and update our current component state
    ServletContext ctx = filterConfig.getServletContext();
    ctx.setAttribute(KEY_SESSION_MAP, new HashMap());

    if (_agent == null) {

        try {/*from   w w w.  jav  a 2s . c  o m*/

            Lookup lookup = Lookup.getInstance();
            lookup.init("josso-agent-config.xml"); // For spring compatibility ...

            // We need at least an abstract SSO Agent
            _agent = (HttpSSOAgent) lookup.lookupSSOAgent();
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())

            // Publish agent in servlet context
            filterConfig.getServletContext().setAttribute("org.josso.agent", _agent);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new ServletException("Error starting SSO Agent : " + e.getMessage(), e);

From source file:net.hedtech.banner.filters.ZKPageFilter2.java

public void init(FilterConfig fc) {
    this.filterConfig = fc;
    containerTweaks = new ContainerTweaks();
    Config config = new Config(fc);

    Grails5535Factory defaultFactory = new Grails5535Factory(config); // TODO revert once Sitemesh bug is fixed
    fc.getServletContext().setAttribute(FACTORY_SERVLET_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE, defaultFactory);
    defaultFactory.refresh();/*from  w  ww  . ja  v  a2  s. c o m*/

    contentProcessor = new PageParser2ContentProcessor(defaultFactory);
    decoratorMapper = defaultFactory.getDecoratorMapper();

    applicationContext = WebApplicationContextUtils.getRequiredWebApplicationContext(fc.getServletContext());
    layoutViewResolver = WebUtils.lookupViewResolver(applicationContext);

    final GrailsApplication grailsApplication = GrailsWebUtil.lookupApplication(fc.getServletContext());
    String encoding = (String) grailsApplication.getFlatConfig().get(CONFIG_OPTION_GSP_ENCODING);
    if (encoding != null) {
        defaultEncoding = encoding;

    Map<String, PersistenceContextInterceptor> interceptors = applicationContext
    if (!interceptors.isEmpty()) {
        persistenceInterceptor = interceptors.values().iterator().next();

From source file:gov.nih.nci.cabig.caaers.web.filters.BadInputFilter.java

 * {@inheritDoc}//  w  w w  .  j  av  a  2  s  .  c o m
public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {

    servletContext = filterConfig.getServletContext();

    // Parse the Filter's init parameters.
    String allowString = filterConfig.getInitParameter("allowURIs");
    if (!StringUtils.isBlank(allowString)) {
        this.allowURIs = Arrays.asList(allowString.split(",\\s*"));
    String allowParams = filterConfig.getInitParameter("allowParams");
    if (!StringUtils.isBlank(allowParams)) {
        this.allowParams = Arrays.asList(allowParams.split(",\\s*"));
    String initParam = filterConfig.getInitParameter("escapeQuotes");
    if (initParam != null) {
        boolean flag = Boolean.parseBoolean(initParam);
    initParam = filterConfig.getInitParameter("escapeAngleBrackets");
    if (initParam != null) {
        boolean flag = Boolean.parseBoolean(initParam);
    initParam = filterConfig.getInitParameter("escapeHtmlFormTags");
    if (initParam != null) {
        boolean flag = Boolean.parseBoolean(initParam);
    initParam = filterConfig.getInitParameter("escapeNewlines");
    if (initParam != null) {
        boolean flag = Boolean.parseBoolean(initParam);

    initParam = filterConfig.getInitParameter("escapeJavaScript");
    if (initParam != null) {
        boolean flag = Boolean.parseBoolean(initParam);

    //        logger.debug(toString() + " initialized.");
    logger.debug(toString() + " initialized.");


From source file:org.auraframework.http.AuraTestFilter.java

public void processInjection(FilterConfig filterConfig) {
    if (testContextAdapter == null) {
    }//from w w w  . j  a v a2s. c om