Example usage for javax.script ScriptException ScriptException

List of usage examples for javax.script ScriptException ScriptException


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.script ScriptException ScriptException.


public ScriptException(Exception e) 

Source Link


Creates a ScriptException wrapping an Exception thrown by an underlying interpreter.


From source file:io.cloudslang.lang.runtime.bindings.ScriptEvaluator.java

public Serializable evalExpr(String expr, Map<String, ? extends Serializable> context) {
    ScriptContext scriptContext = new SimpleScriptContext();
    for (Map.Entry<String, ? extends Serializable> entry : context.entrySet()) {
        scriptContext.setAttribute(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
    }/* w  w  w.  j a v a 2 s. c o  m*/
    if (scriptContext.getAttribute(TRUE) == null)
        scriptContext.setAttribute(TRUE, Boolean.TRUE, ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
    if (scriptContext.getAttribute(FALSE) == null)
        scriptContext.setAttribute(FALSE, Boolean.FALSE, ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
    try {
        return (Serializable) engine.eval(expr, scriptContext);
    } catch (ScriptException e) {
        ScriptException scriptException = new ScriptException(e);
        throw new RuntimeException("Error in running script expression or variable reference, for expression: '"
                + expr + "',\n\tScript exception is: " + scriptException.getMessage(), scriptException);

From source file:org.openscore.lang.runtime.bindings.ScriptEvaluator.java

public Serializable evalExpr(String expr, Map<String, ? extends Serializable> context) {
    ScriptContext scriptContext = new SimpleScriptContext();
    for (Map.Entry<String, ? extends Serializable> entry : context.entrySet()) {
        scriptContext.setAttribute(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
    }// ww  w.  j a  v a  2 s .co m
    if (scriptContext.getAttribute(TRUE) == null)
        scriptContext.setAttribute(TRUE, Boolean.TRUE, ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
    if (scriptContext.getAttribute(FALSE) == null)
        scriptContext.setAttribute(FALSE, Boolean.FALSE, ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
    try {
        return (Serializable) engine.eval(expr, scriptContext);
    } catch (ScriptException e) {
        ScriptException scriptException = new ScriptException(e);
        throw new RuntimeException("Error in running script expression or variable reference, for expression: '"
                + expr + "', Script exception is: \n" + scriptException.getMessage(), scriptException);

From source file:org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.hostobjects.oidc.OIDCRelyingPartyObject.java

 * @param cx        - Context/*from ww w.  j av a  2  s . c o m*/
 * @param args      - args[0]-issuerId, this issuer need to be registered in Identity server.
 * @param ctorObj   - function
 * @param inNewExpr - boolean
 * @return          - host object
 * @throws Exception
public static Scriptable jsConstructor(Context cx, Object[] args, Function ctorObj, boolean inNewExpr)
        throws Exception {
    int argLength = args.length;
    if (argLength != 1 || !(args[0] instanceof String)) {
        throw new ScriptException("Invalid arguments!, IssuerId is missing in parameters.");

    OIDCRelyingPartyObject relyingPartyObject = oidcRelyingPartyObjectMap.get((String) args[0]);
    if (relyingPartyObject == null) {
        relyingPartyObject = new OIDCRelyingPartyObject();
        relyingPartyObject.setOIDCProperty(OIDCConstants.ISSUER_ID, (String) args[0]);
        oidcRelyingPartyObjectMap.put((String) args[0], relyingPartyObject);

    return relyingPartyObject;

From source file:com.googlecode.starflow.core.script.spel.SpelScriptEngine.java

private static final String readFully(Reader reader) throws ScriptException {
    char[] arr = new char[8 * 1024];
    StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
    int numChars;
    try {// w  w w. j  a v  a 2 s  . c  o  m
        while ((numChars = reader.read(arr, 0, arr.length)) > 0) {
            buf.append(arr, 0, numChars);
    } catch (IOException exp) {
        throw new ScriptException(exp);
    return buf.toString();

From source file:org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.hostobjects.oidc.OIDCRelyingPartyObject.java

 * Building authentication request URL. This URL allows to redirect in to OIDC server and authenticate.
 * @param cx        - Context/*from   ww  w. j a va 2 s  . com*/
 * @param thisObj   - This Object
 * @param args      - takes nonce and state parameters
 * @param funObj    - Function
 * @return URL which redirects to OIDC server and allow to authenticate
 * @throws Exception
public static String jsFunction_buildAuthRequestUrl(Context cx, Scriptable thisObj, Object[] args,
        Function funObj) throws Exception {

    int argLength = args.length;
    if (argLength != 2 || !(args[0] instanceof String) || !(args[1] instanceof String)) {
        throw new ScriptException("Invalid argument. Nonce or State not set properly");

    String nonce = (String) args[0];
    String state = (String) args[1];

    OIDCRelyingPartyObject relyingPartyObject = (OIDCRelyingPartyObject) thisObj;

    try {
        log.debug(" Building auth request Url");

        URIBuilder uriBuilder = new URIBuilder(

        uriBuilder.addParameter(OIDCConstants.SCOPE, relyingPartyObject.getOIDCProperty(OIDCConstants.SCOPE));
        uriBuilder.addParameter(OIDCConstants.NONCE, nonce);
        uriBuilder.addParameter(OIDCConstants.STATE, state);

        // Optional parameters:
        //for (Map.Entry<String, String> option : options.entrySet()) {
        // uriBuilder.addParameter(option.getKey(), option.getValue());
        //uriBuilder.addParameter("requestURI", requestURI);

        return uriBuilder.build().toString();

    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
        log.error("Build Auth Request Failed", e);
        throw new Exception("Build Auth Request Failed", e);



From source file:com.qwazr.webapps.transaction.ControllerManager.java

private void handleFile(WebappTransaction transaction, File controllerFile) throws IOException, ScriptException,
        PrivilegedActionException, InterruptedException, ReflectiveOperationException, ServletException {
    String ext = FilenameUtils.getExtension(controllerFile.getName());
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(ext))
        throw new ScriptException("Unsupported controller " + controllerFile.getName());
    if ("js".equals(ext))
        handleJavascript(transaction, controllerFile);
    else/*from  w  w w.  j  ava 2s .  co  m*/
        throw new ScriptException("Unsupported controller extension: " + controllerFile.getName());

From source file:com.thinkbiganalytics.spark.repl.SparkScriptEngine.java

protected void execute(@Nonnull final String script) throws ScriptException {
    log.debug("Executing script:\n{}", script);

    // Convert script to single line (for checking security violations)
    final StringBuilder safeScriptBuilder = new StringBuilder(script.length());

    for (final String line : script.split("\n")) {
        if (!LINE_CONTINUATION.matcher(line).find()) {
        }/*w w  w.  j  a v a 2 s  . c o m*/

    final String safeScript = COMMENT.matcher(safeScriptBuilder.toString()).replaceAll("");

    // Check for security violations
    for (final Pattern pattern : getDenyPatterns()) {
        if (pattern.matcher(safeScript).find()) {
            log.error("Not executing script that matches deny pattern: {}", pattern);
            throw new ScriptException("Script not executed due to security policy.");

    // Execute script
    try {
    } catch (final AssertionError e) {
        log.warn("Caught assertion error when executing script. Retrying...", e);

From source file:com.thinkbiganalytics.spark.service.TransformService.java

 * Executes the specified transformation and returns the name of the Hive table containing the results.
 * @param request the transformation request
 * @return the Hive table containing the results
 * @throws IllegalStateException if this service is not running
 * @throws ScriptException       if the script cannot be executed
 *//*w ww .j a  v  a  2  s  .  c om*/
public TransformResponse execute(@Nonnull final TransformRequest request) throws ScriptException {
    log.trace("entry params({})", request);

    // Generate destination
    final String table = newTableName();

    // Build bindings list
    final List<NamedParam> bindings = new ArrayList<>();
    bindings.add(new NamedParamClass("profiler", Profiler.class.getName(), profiler));
    bindings.add(new NamedParamClass("sparkContextService", SparkContextService.class.getName(),
    bindings.add(new NamedParamClass("tableName", "String", table));

    if (request.getDatasources() != null && !request.getDatasources().isEmpty()) {
        if (datasourceProviderFactory != null) {
            final DatasourceProvider datasourceProvider = datasourceProviderFactory
            bindings.add(new NamedParamClass("datasourceProvider",
                    DatasourceProvider.class.getName() + "[org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame]",
        } else {
            final ScriptException e = new ScriptException(
                    "Script cannot be executed because no data source provider factory is available.");
            log.error("Throwing {}", e);
            throw e;

    // Execute script
    final Object result = this.engine.eval(toScript(request), bindings);

    final TransformJob job;
    if (result instanceof Callable) {
        final Callable<TransformResponse> callable = (Callable) result;
        job = new TransformJob(table, callable, engine.getSparkContext());
    } else {
        final IllegalStateException e = new IllegalStateException(
                "Unexpected script result type: " + (result != null ? result.getClass() : null));
        log.error("Throwing {}", e);
        throw e;

    // Build response
    TransformResponse response;

    try {
        response = job.get(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
    } catch (final ExecutionException cause) {
        final ScriptException e = new ScriptException(cause);
        log.error("Throwing {}", e);
        throw e;
    } catch (final InterruptedException | TimeoutException e) {
        log.trace("Timeout waiting for script result", e);
        response = new TransformResponse();

    log.trace("exit with({})", response);
    return response;

From source file:org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.hostobjects.oidc.OIDCRelyingPartyObject.java

 * @param cx      - Context/*from  w  w  w .j a v a2  s .  c  o m*/
 * @param thisObj - This object
 * @param args    - argument list
 * @param funObj  - function
 * @return        - boolean
 * @throws Exception
public static boolean jsFunction_validateOIDCSignature(Context cx, Scriptable thisObj, Object[] args,
        Function funObj) throws Exception {

    log.debug("Validating OIDC signature");
    boolean isSignatureValid;
    OIDCRelyingPartyObject relyingPartyObject = (OIDCRelyingPartyObject) thisObj;

    ServerConfiguration serverConfiguration = getServerConfiguration(relyingPartyObject);
    AuthClient authClient = getClientConfiguration(relyingPartyObject);

    int argLength = args.length;
    if (argLength != 3 || !(args[0] instanceof String)) {
        throw new ScriptException(
                "Invalid argument. Authorization Code, Nonce value or session ID is missing.");

    String authorizationCode = (String) args[0];
    String storedNonce = (String) args[1];

    String jsonResponse = getTokenFromTokenEP(serverConfiguration, authClient, authorizationCode);
    AuthenticationToken oidcAuthenticationToken = getAuthenticationToken(jsonResponse);

    String userName = getUserName(oidcAuthenticationToken, serverConfiguration);

    if (userName == null || userName.equals("")) {
        log.error("Authentication Request is rejected. " + "User Name is Null");
        return false;

    isSignatureValid = validateSignature(serverConfiguration, authClient, oidcAuthenticationToken, storedNonce);

    // If come here and signatureValid then set session as a authenticated one
    SessionInfo sessionInfo = new SessionInfo((String) args[2]);
    // sessionInfo.setSamlToken(userInfoJson);

    return isSignatureValid;


From source file:com.seajas.search.contender.service.modifier.ModifierScriptProcessor.java

 * Transforms the given Reader content to an XSL-transformed document.
 * @param script//from  w  w  w. jav  a 2 s . co m
 * @param input
 * @param uri
 * @return String
 * @throws ScriptException
private String transformXML(final ModifierScript script, final String input, final URI uri)
        throws ScriptException {
    try {
        Transformer transformer = transformerCache.getTransformer(script.getId(), "modifier",

        if (transformer == null)
            transformer = transformerCache.putContent(script.getId(), "modifier", script.getModificationDate(),

        transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "yes");

        Node document = documentBuilder.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(input)));

        StringWriter buffer = new StringWriter();

        transformer.transform(new DOMSource(document), new StreamResult(buffer));

        return buffer.toString();
    } catch (TransformerConfigurationException e) {
        logger.error("Unable to generate a (cached) transformer from the given content", e);

        throw new ScriptException("Unable to generate a (cached) transformer from the given content");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("Unable to perform content transformation modifier for " + uri, e);

        throw new ScriptException("Unable to perform content transformation modifier for " + uri);