Example usage for Java javax.script ScriptEngineFactory fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
Class> | getClass() Returns the runtime class of this Object . |
String | getEngineName() Returns the full name of the ScriptEngine . |
String | getEngineVersion() Returns the version of the ScriptEngine . |
List | getExtensions() Returns an immutable list of filename extensions, which generally identify scripts written in the language supported by this ScriptEngine . |
String | getLanguageName() Returns the name of the scripting language supported by this ScriptEngine . |
String | getLanguageVersion() Returns the version of the scripting language supported by this ScriptEngine . |
List | getMimeTypes() Returns an immutable list of mimetypes, associated with scripts that can be executed by the engine. |
List | getNames() Returns an immutable list of short names for the ScriptEngine , which may be used to identify the ScriptEngine by the ScriptEngineManager . |
String | getOutputStatement(String toDisplay) Returns a String that can be used as a statement to display the specified String using the syntax of the supported scripting language. |
Object | getParameter(String key) Returns the value of an attribute whose meaning may be implementation-specific. |
String | getProgram(String... statements) Returns a valid scripting language executable program with given statements. |
ScriptEngine | getScriptEngine() Returns an instance of the ScriptEngine associated with this ScriptEngineFactory . |