Example usage for javax.script ScriptEngine setBindings

List of usage examples for javax.script ScriptEngine setBindings


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.script ScriptEngine setBindings.


public void setBindings(Bindings bindings, int scope);

Source Link


Sets a scope of named values to be used by scripts.


From source file:org.apache.nifi.processors.script.ExecuteScript.java

 * Evaluates the given script body (or file) using the current session, context, and flowfile. The script
 * evaluation expects a FlowFile to be returned, in which case it will route the FlowFile to success. If a script
 * error occurs, the original FlowFile will be routed to failure. If the script succeeds but does not return a
 * FlowFile, the original FlowFile will be routed to no-flowfile
 * @param context        the current process context
 * @param sessionFactory provides access to a {@link ProcessSessionFactory}, which
 *                       can be used for accessing FlowFiles, etc.
 * @throws ProcessException if the scripted processor's onTrigger() method throws an exception
 *//*from www .ja va  2 s  .c  o  m*/
public void onTrigger(ProcessContext context, ProcessSessionFactory sessionFactory) throws ProcessException {
    synchronized (scriptingComponentHelper.isInitialized) {
        if (!scriptingComponentHelper.isInitialized.get()) {
    ScriptEngine scriptEngine = scriptingComponentHelper.engineQ.poll();
    ComponentLog log = getLogger();
    if (scriptEngine == null) {
        // No engine available so nothing more to do here
    ProcessSession session = sessionFactory.createSession();
    try {

        try {
            Bindings bindings = scriptEngine.getBindings(ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
            if (bindings == null) {
                bindings = new SimpleBindings();
            bindings.put("session", session);
            bindings.put("context", context);
            bindings.put("log", log);
            bindings.put("REL_SUCCESS", REL_SUCCESS);
            bindings.put("REL_FAILURE", REL_FAILURE);

            // Find the user-added properties and set them on the script
            for (Map.Entry<PropertyDescriptor, String> property : context.getProperties().entrySet()) {
                if (property.getKey().isDynamic()) {
                    // Add the dynamic property bound to its full PropertyValue to the script engine
                    if (property.getValue() != null) {
                        bindings.put(property.getKey().getName(), context.getProperty(property.getKey()));

            scriptEngine.setBindings(bindings, ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);

            // Execute any engine-specific configuration before the script is evaluated
            ScriptEngineConfigurator configurator = scriptingComponentHelper.scriptEngineConfiguratorMap

            // Evaluate the script with the configurator (if it exists) or the engine
            if (configurator != null) {
                configurator.eval(scriptEngine, scriptToRun, scriptingComponentHelper.getModules());
            } else {

            // Commit this session for the user. This plus the outermost catch statement mimics the behavior
            // of AbstractProcessor. This class doesn't extend AbstractProcessor in order to share a base
            // class with InvokeScriptedProcessor
        } catch (ScriptException e) {
            throw new ProcessException(e);
    } catch (final Throwable t) {
        // Mimic AbstractProcessor behavior here
        getLogger().error("{} failed to process due to {}; rolling back session", new Object[] { this, t });
        throw t;
    } finally {

From source file:org.apache.nifi.reporting.script.ScriptedReportingTask.java

public void onTrigger(final ReportingContext context) {
    synchronized (scriptingComponentHelper.isInitialized) {
        if (!scriptingComponentHelper.isInitialized.get()) {
        }/* ww w .  j a va  2 s  .c om*/
    ScriptEngine scriptEngine = scriptingComponentHelper.engineQ.poll();
    ComponentLog log = getLogger();
    if (scriptEngine == null) {
        // No engine available so nothing more to do here

    try {

        try {
            Bindings bindings = scriptEngine.getBindings(ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
            if (bindings == null) {
                bindings = new SimpleBindings();
            bindings.put("context", context);
            bindings.put("log", log);
            bindings.put("vmMetrics", vmMetrics);

            // Find the user-added properties and set them on the script
            for (Map.Entry<PropertyDescriptor, String> property : context.getProperties().entrySet()) {
                if (property.getKey().isDynamic()) {
                    // Add the dynamic property bound to its full PropertyValue to the script engine
                    if (property.getValue() != null) {
                        bindings.put(property.getKey().getName(), context.getProperty(property.getKey()));

            scriptEngine.setBindings(bindings, ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);

            // Execute any engine-specific configuration before the script is evaluated
            ScriptEngineConfigurator configurator = scriptingComponentHelper.scriptEngineConfiguratorMap

            // Evaluate the script with the configurator (if it exists) or the engine
            if (configurator != null) {
                configurator.eval(scriptEngine, scriptToRun, scriptingComponentHelper.getModules());
            } else {
        } catch (ScriptException e) {
            throw new ProcessException(e);
    } catch (final Throwable t) {
        // Mimic AbstractProcessor behavior here
        getLogger().error("{} failed to process due to {}; rolling back session", new Object[] { this, t });
        throw t;
    } finally {


From source file:org.apache.nifi.scripting.ScriptFactory.java

private void updateEngine() throws IOException, ScriptException {
    final String extension = getExtension(scriptFileName);
    // if engine is thread safe, it's being reused...if it's a JrubyEngine it
    File scriptFile = new File(this.scriptFileName);
    ScriptEngine scriptEngine = engineFactory.getNewEngine(scriptFile, extension);
    scriptText = getScriptText(scriptFile, extension);
    Map<String, Object> localThreadVariables = new HashMap<>();
    String loggerVariableKey = getVariableName("GLOBAL", "logger", extension);
    localThreadVariables.put(loggerVariableKey, logger);
    String propertiesVariableKey = getVariableName("INSTANCE", "properties", extension);
    localThreadVariables.put(propertiesVariableKey, new HashMap<String, String>());
    localThreadVariables.put(ScriptEngine.FILENAME, scriptFileName);
    if (scriptEngine instanceof Compilable) {
        Bindings bindings = new SimpleBindings(localThreadVariables);
        scriptEngine.setBindings(bindings, ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
        compiledScript = ((Compilable) scriptEngine).compile(scriptText);
    }/*from   ww w  . ja v  a  2  s.  c o m*/
    logger.debug("Updating Engine!!");

From source file:org.jahia.services.render.scripting.bundle.BundleScriptEngineManager.java

private ScriptEngine getEngine(String key, Map<String, ScriptEngineFactory> factoriesForKeyType,
        KeyType keyType) {/*w  w w  . j  a  v a  2 s  .c o  m*/
    final ClassLoader contextClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();

    Map<String, ScriptEngine> stringScriptEngineMap = engineCache.get(contextClassLoader);

    if (stringScriptEngineMap == null) {
        stringScriptEngineMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
        engineCache.put(contextClassLoader, stringScriptEngineMap);

    ScriptEngine scriptEngine = stringScriptEngineMap.get(key);
    if (scriptEngine == null) {

        final ScriptEngineFactory scriptEngineFactory = factoriesForKeyType.get(key);
        if (scriptEngineFactory != null) {
            // perform configuration of the factory if needed
            if (scriptEngineFactory instanceof BundleScriptEngineFactory) {
                BundleScriptEngineFactory factory = (BundleScriptEngineFactory) scriptEngineFactory;

            scriptEngine = scriptEngineFactory.getScriptEngine();
            scriptEngine.setBindings(getBindings(), ScriptContext.GLOBAL_SCOPE);
        } else {
            switch (keyType) {
            case EXTENSION:
                scriptEngine = super.getEngineByExtension(key);
            case MIME_TYPE:
                scriptEngine = super.getEngineByMimeType(key);
            case NAME:
                scriptEngine = super.getEngineByName(key);
                scriptEngine = null;

        if (scriptEngine != null) {
            stringScriptEngineMap.put(key, scriptEngine);
    return scriptEngine;

From source file:org.ms123.common.utils.UtilsServiceImpl.java

public Object executeScript(String scriptName, String namespace, String user, Map params) throws Exception {
    System.out.println("UtilsServiceImpl.executeScript:" + params);
    String storeId = (String) params.get("storeId");
    StoreDesc sdesc = StoreDesc.get(storeId);
    namespace = sdesc.getNamespace();//from   ww w.  j a va2s  .  c  o  m
    System.out.println("UtilsServiceImpl.namespace:" + sdesc + "/" + namespace);
    ScriptEngine se = m_scriptEngineService.getEngineByName("groovy");
    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
    PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);
    Bindings b = se.createBindings();
    b.put("jdo", m_dataLayer);
    b.put("ws", lookupServiceByName("org.ms123.common.workflow.api.WorkflowService"));
    b.put("ss", lookupServiceByName("org.ms123.common.setting.api.SettingService"));
    b.put("et", lookupServiceByName("org.ms123.common.entity.api.EntityService"));
    b.put("storeDesc", sdesc);
    b.put("home", System.getProperty("simpl4.dir"));
    b.put("log", m_logger);
    b.put("user", user);
    b.put("namespace", namespace);
    se.setBindings(b, ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
    b.put("se", se);
    Object r = "";
    FileReader fr = getScriptFile(namespace, scriptName);
    r = se.eval(fr);
    System.out.println("r:" + r);
    m_logger.info("executeScript:" + sw);
    System.out.println("executeScript:" + sw);
    return null;

From source file:org.omegat.gui.scripting.ScriptRunner.java

 * Execute a script with a given engine and bindings.
 * /*from  w w  w.  ja v a  2s  .  c om*/
 * @param script
 *            The script in string form
 * @param engine
 *            The engine
 * @param additionalBindings
 *            A map of bindings that will be included along with other
 *            bindings
 * @return The evaluation result
 * @throws ScriptException
public static Object executeScript(String script, ScriptEngine engine, Map<String, Object> additionalBindings)
        throws ScriptException {
    // logResult(StaticUtils.format(OStrings.getString("SCW_SELECTED_LANGUAGE"),
    // engine.getFactory().getEngineName()));
    Bindings bindings = engine.createBindings();
    bindings.put(VAR_PROJECT, Core.getProject());
    bindings.put(VAR_EDITOR, Core.getEditor());
    bindings.put(VAR_GLOSSARY, Core.getGlossary());
    bindings.put(VAR_MAINWINDOW, Core.getMainWindow());
    bindings.put(VAR_CORE, Core.class);

    if (additionalBindings != null) {
    engine.setBindings(bindings, ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
    Object result = engine.eval(script);
    if (engine instanceof Invocable) {
        invokeGuiScript((Invocable) engine);
    return result;

From source file:org.paxml.test.SelfTest.java

public void testSyntax() throws Exception {
    ScriptEngine runtime = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("javascript");
    Bindings bindings = runtime.getBindings(ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
    bindings.put("util", "xx");
    runtime.setBindings(new SimpleBindings() {

    }, ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);


From source file:org.rhq.bindings.ScriptEngineFactory.java

 * Injects the values provided in the bindings into the {@link ScriptContext#ENGINE_SCOPE engine scope}
 * of the provided script engine./*www.  j a  va 2 s .  c om*/
 * @param engine the engine
 * @param bindings the bindings
 * @param deleteExistingBindings true if the existing bindings should be replaced by the provided ones, false
 * if the provided bindings should be added to the existing ones (possibly overwriting bindings with the same name).
public static void injectStandardBindings(ScriptEngine engine, StandardBindings bindings,
        boolean deleteExistingBindings) {

    Bindings engineBindings = deleteExistingBindings ? engine.createBindings()
            : engine.getBindings(ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);

    for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : bindings.entrySet()) {
        engineBindings.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

    engine.setBindings(engineBindings, ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);


From source file:org.rhq.bindings.ScriptEngineFactory.java

 * Remove the specified bindings from the engine.
 * /*from   w w w  . j a  va 2  s  . c  o  m*/
 * @param engine the engine
 * @param keySet the binding keys to be removed
public static void removeBindings(ScriptEngine engine, Set<String> keySet) {

    Bindings engineBindings = engine.getBindings(ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);

    for (String key : keySet) {

    engine.setBindings(engineBindings, ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);

From source file:org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.authentication.framework.config.model.graph.JsGraphBuilderFactory.java

public ScriptEngine createEngine(AuthenticationContext authenticationContext) {

    ScriptEngine engine = factory.getScriptEngine("--no-java");

    Bindings bindings = engine.createBindings();
    engine.setBindings(bindings, ScriptContext.GLOBAL_SCOPE);
    engine.setBindings(engine.createBindings(), ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
    SelectAcrFromFunction selectAcrFromFunction = new SelectAcrFromFunction();
    //        todo move to functions registry
            (SelectOneFunction) selectAcrFromFunction::evaluate);

    JsLogger jsLogger = new JsLogger();
    bindings.put(FrameworkConstants.JSAttributes.JS_LOG, jsLogger);
    return engine;