Example usage for javax.net.ssl X509KeyManager interface-usage

List of usage examples for javax.net.ssl X509KeyManager interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.net.ssl X509KeyManager interface-usage.


From source file de.betterform.connector.http.ssl.BetterFORMKeyStoreManager.java

public class BetterFORMKeyStoreManager implements X509KeyManager {
    private static Log LOGGER = LogFactory.getLog(BetterFORMKeyStoreManager.class);

    private Vector<X509KeyManager> customX509KeyManagers;
    private X509KeyManager javaDefaultKeyManager;

From source file net.jradius.radsec.SimpleKeyManager.java

public class SimpleKeyManager implements X509KeyManager, InitializingBean {
    private String keyFile;
    private String keyFileType;
    private String keyFilePassword;
    private X509KeyManager keyManager;

From source file com.adito.server.CustomKeyManager.java

 * Implementation of an {@link javax.net.ssl.X509KeyManager} that uses
 * the Adito keystore and the <b>Active Certifice Name</b>
 * configured in the property database to determine the alias to load as the
 * SSL Certificate.

From source file com.sslexplorer.server.CustomKeyManager.java

 * Implementation of an {@link javax.net.ssl.X509KeyManager} that uses
 * the SSL-Explorer keystore and the <b>Active Certifice Name</b>
 * configured in the property database to determine the alias to load as the
 * SSL Certificate.

From source file org.dataone.proto.trove.jsse.X509KeyManagerImpl.java

 * Must have taken this from d1 libclient?
 * @author waltz
public class X509KeyManagerImpl implements X509KeyManager, KeyManager {