Example usage for javax.naming NamingEnumeration next

List of usage examples for javax.naming NamingEnumeration next


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.naming NamingEnumeration next.


public T next() throws NamingException;

Source Link


Retrieves the next element in the enumeration.


From source file:org.jamwiki.ldap.LdapUserHandler.java

 *///  w  w w .  j  a va2s.co m
private WikiUserInfo initWikiUserInfo(NamingEnumeration answer) throws Exception {
    WikiUserInfo userInfo = new WikiUserInfo();
    SearchResult sr = (SearchResult) answer.next();
    Attributes attributes = sr.getAttributes();
    userInfo.setEmail((String) attributes.get(Environment.getValue(Environment.PROP_LDAP_FIELD_EMAIL)).get());
            (String) attributes.get(Environment.getValue(Environment.PROP_LDAP_FIELD_FIRST_NAME)).get());
            (String) attributes.get(Environment.getValue(Environment.PROP_LDAP_FIELD_LAST_NAME)).get());
    return userInfo;

From source file:org.nuxeo.ecm.directory.ldap.ExternalLDAPDirectoryFeature.java

protected void destroyRecursively(String dn, DirContext ctx, int limit) throws NamingException {
    if (limit == 0) {
        log.warn("Reach recursion limit, stopping deletion at" + dn);
        return;/*from w ww  .j  av a 2s.co  m*/
    SearchControls scts = new SearchControls();
    NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> children = ctx.search(dn, "(objectClass=*)", scts);
    try {
        while (children.hasMore()) {
            SearchResult child = children.next();
            String subDn = child.getName();

            subDn = subDn + ',' + dn;
            destroyRecursively(subDn, ctx, limit);
    } catch (SizeLimitExceededException e) {
        log.warn("SizeLimitExceededException: trying again on partial results " + dn);
        if (limit == -1) {
            limit = 100;
        destroyRecursively(dn, ctx, limit - 1);

From source file:binky.reportrunner.ui.actions.datasource.SaveDataSource.java

private List<String> listJNDINames(Context ctx, String ident) throws NamingException {
    List<String> names = new LinkedList<String>();

    NamingEnumeration<Binding> list = ctx.listBindings("");
    while (list.hasMore()) {
        Binding item = (Binding) list.next();

        String name = item.getName();

        Object o = item.getObject();
        if (o instanceof javax.naming.Context) {
            names.addAll(listJNDINames((Context) o, name));
        } else {//  w ww.  j  a  va 2  s.  c  o m
            names.add(ident + "/" + name);

    return names;

From source file:no.dusken.momus.ldap.LdapSyncer.java

private List<Person> getAllPersonsFromLdap() {
    final int[] activeCount = { 0 };

    List<Person> persons = ldapTemplate.search("ou=Users", "(objectClass=person)",
            new AttributesMapper<Person>() {
                @Override/*  w  w  w .  j a  v  a 2s.  c om*/
                public Person mapFromAttributes(Attributes attributes) throws NamingException {
                    Long id = Long.valueOf((String) attributes.get("uidNumber").get());
                    String firstName = attributes.get("givenName") != null
                            ? (String) attributes.get("givenName").get()
                            : "";
                    String fullName = attributes.get("cn") != null ? (String) attributes.get("cn").get() : "";
                    String userName = attributes.get("uid") != null ? (String) attributes.get("uid").get() : "";
                    String email = attributes.get("mail") != null ? (String) attributes.get("mail").get() : "";
                    String telephoneNumber = attributes.get("telephoneNumber") != null
                            ? (String) attributes.get("telephoneNumber").get()
                            : "";
                    boolean isActive = false;

                    Attribute memberOf1 = attributes.get("memberOf");
                    if (memberOf1 != null) {
                        NamingEnumeration<?> memberOf = memberOf1.getAll();
                        while (memberOf.hasMore()) {
                            String group = (String) memberOf.next();
                            if (group.equalsIgnoreCase(
                                    "cn=Active,ou=Sections,ou=Org,ou=Groups,dc=studentmediene,dc=no")) {
                                isActive = true;


                    return new Person(id, userName, firstName, fullName, email, telephoneNumber, isActive);
    logger.info("Number of users from LDAP: {}", persons.size());
    logger.info("Number of active: {}", activeCount[0]);

    return persons;

From source file:org.archone.ad.dao.CommonDao.java

public List<ShoadUser> listUsers(String domain) throws NamingException {
    List<ShoadUser> users = new LinkedList<ShoadUser>();
    NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> searchResults = dirContext.search(nameConvertor.getUsersBaseDn(domain),
            "(uid=*)", defaultSearchControls);

    while (searchResults.hasMore()) {
        SearchResult sr = searchResults.next();
        ShoadUser shoadUser = (ShoadUser) this.dirContext.lookup(sr.getNameInNamespace());
        users.add(shoadUser);//from  ww  w  .ja  v  a 2s .c o  m

    return users;

From source file:py.una.pol.karaku.util.LDAPUtil.java

 * Recupera los usuarios de LDAP//from   www  .j  av a  2  s.  c  o m
 * @return Una lista con los usuarios de LDAP
public List<User> getUsers() {

    List<User> users = new ArrayList<User>();

    try {
        DirContext ctx = createInitialDirContext();

        Attributes matchAttrs = new BasicAttributes(true);
        matchAttrs.put(new BasicAttribute("uid"));

        NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> answer = ctx.search("ou=users", matchAttrs);

        while (answer.hasMore()) {
            SearchResult sr = answer.next();
            String uid = sr.getName().substring(4);
            // No se retornan los usuarios especiales
            if (!uid.startsWith(LDAP_SPECIAL_USER_PREFIX) && !ListHelper.contains(EXCLUDED_USERS, uid)) {
                User user = new User();
                Attributes atributos = sr.getAttributes();
                String cn = atributos.get("cn").toString().substring(4);

    } catch (NamingException e) {
        throw new KarakuRuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);

    return users;


From source file:org.jasig.schedassist.impl.oraclecalendar.OracleCalendarUserAccountAttributesMapper.java

public Object mapFromAttributes(Attributes attributes) throws NamingException {
    OracleCalendarUserAccount user = new OracleCalendarUserAccount();
    NamingEnumeration<String> attributeNames = attributes.getIDs();
    Map<String, String> attributesMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
    while (attributeNames.hasMore()) {
        String attributeName = attributeNames.next();
        Attribute attribute = attributes.get(attributeName);
        String value = (String) attribute.get();
        if (null != value) {
            value = value.trim();/*w w  w.j  a va2  s  . co  m*/
        final String lcAttributeName = attributeName.toLowerCase();
        attributesMap.put(lcAttributeName, value);

        if (USERNAME_ATTRIBUTE.equals(lcAttributeName)) {
        } else if (CALENDAR_UNIQUEID_ATTRIBUTE.equals(lcAttributeName)) {
        } else if (EMAIL_ATTRIBUTE.equals(lcAttributeName)) {
        } else if (DISPLAYNAME_ATTRIBUTE.equals(lcAttributeName)) {
        } else if (GIVENNAME_ATTRIBUTE.equals(lcAttributeName)) {
        } else if (SURNAME_ATTRIBUTE.equals(lcAttributeName)) {

    if (user.getCalendarUniqueId() != null) {
        String oracleGuid = this.oracleGUIDSource.getOracleGUID(user);
        user.getAttributes().put(AbstractOracleCalendarAccount.ORACLE_GUID_ATTRIBUTE, oracleGuid);
    return user;

From source file:org.archone.ad.authentication.ShoadRealm.java

private String getUserDn(String username) throws javax.naming.NamingException {
    SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
    DirContext dirContext = contextSource.getReadOnlyContext();
    NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> searchResults = dirContext.search("",
            adConfiguration.getUserDnSearchFilter(), new String[] { username }, controls);

    SearchResult sr = searchResults.next();

    if (sr == null || searchResults.hasMore()) {
        throw new AuthenticationException();
    }/*from  w w  w  .j ava  2  s  . c  o m*/

    return sr.getNameInNamespace();

From source file:org.wso2.carbon.connector.ldap.SearchEntry.java

private OMElement prepareNode(SearchResult entityResult, OMFactory factory, OMNamespace ns,
        String returnAttributes[]) throws NamingException {
    Attributes attributes = entityResult.getAttributes();
    Attribute attribute;//w  w  w  . ja v  a2  s. c  om
    OMElement entry = factory.createOMElement(LDAPConstants.ENTRY, ns);
    OMElement dnattr = factory.createOMElement(LDAPConstants.DN, ns);

    for (int i = 0; i < returnAttributes.length; i++) {
        attribute = attributes.get(returnAttributes[i]);
        if (attribute != null) {
            NamingEnumeration ne = null;
            ne = attribute.getAll();
            while (ne.hasMoreElements()) {
                String value = (String) ne.next();
                OMElement attr = factory.createOMElement(returnAttributes[i], ns);
    return entry;

From source file:org.saiku.reporting.backend.server.SaikuJndiDatasourceConnectionProvider.java

public void showJndiContext(Context ctx, String name, String space) {
    if (null == name)
        name = "";
    if (null == space)
        space = "";
    try {//from   ww  w .j av  a  2  s .com
        NamingEnumeration<NameClassPair> en = ctx.list(name);
        while (en != null && en.hasMoreElements()) {
            String delim = (name.length() > 0) ? "/" : "";
            NameClassPair ncp = en.next();
            log.debug(space + name + delim + ncp);
            if (space.length() < 40)
                showJndiContext(ctx, ncp.getName(), "    " + space);
    } catch (javax.naming.NamingException ex) {
        // Normalerweise zu ignorieren