Example usage for Java javax.naming.ldap LdapContext fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
Object | addToEnvironment(String propName, Object propVal) Adds a new environment property to the environment of this context. |
void | bind(Name name, Object obj) Binds a name to an object. |
void | close() Closes this context. |
DirContext | createSubcontext(Name name, Attributes attrs) Creates and binds a new context, along with associated attributes. |
void | destroySubcontext(Name name) Destroys the named context and removes it from the namespace. |
boolean | equals(Object obj) Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one. |
ExtendedResponse | extendedOperation(ExtendedRequest request) Performs an extended operation. |
Attributes | getAttributes(Name name, String[] attrIds) Retrieves selected attributes associated with a named object. |
Attributes | getAttributes(Name name) Retrieves all of the attributes associated with a named object. |
Hashtable,?> | getEnvironment() Retrieves the environment in effect for this context. |
String | getNameInNamespace() Retrieves the full name of this context within its own namespace. |
Control[] | getRequestControls() Retrieves the request controls in effect for this context. |
Control[] | getResponseControls() Retrieves the response controls produced as a result of the last method invoked on this context. |
DirContext | getSchema(Name name) Retrieves the schema associated with the named object. |
int | hashCode() Returns a hash code value for the object. |
NamingEnumeration | list(Name name) Enumerates the names bound in the named context, along with the class names of objects bound to them. |
NamingEnumeration | listBindings(Name name) Enumerates the names bound in the named context, along with the objects bound to them. |
Object | lookup(Name name) Retrieves the named object. |
void | modifyAttributes(Name name, ModificationItem[] mods) Modifies the attributes associated with a named object using an ordered list of modifications. |
void | modifyAttributes(Name name, int mod_op, Attributes attrs) Modifies the attributes associated with a named object. |
void | reconnect(Control[] connCtls) Reconnects to the LDAP server using the supplied controls and this context's environment. |
Object | removeFromEnvironment(String propName) Removes an environment property from the environment of this context. |
void | rename(Name oldName, Name newName) Binds a new name to the object bound to an old name, and unbinds the old name. |
NamingEnumeration | search(Name name, Attributes matchingAttributes, String[] attributesToReturn) Searches in a single context for objects that contain a specified set of attributes, and retrieves selected attributes. |
NamingEnumeration | search(Name name, String filterExpr, Object[] filterArgs, SearchControls cons) Searches in the named context or object for entries that satisfy the given search filter. |
NamingEnumeration | search(Name name, Attributes matchingAttributes) Searches in a single context for objects that contain a specified set of attributes. |
void | setRequestControls(Control[] requestControls) Sets the request controls for methods subsequently invoked on this context. |
String | toString() Returns a string representation of the object. |
void | unbind(Name name) Unbinds the named object. |