Example usage for javax.management ObjectName getKeyPropertyListString

List of usage examples for javax.management ObjectName getKeyPropertyListString


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.management ObjectName getKeyPropertyListString.


public String getKeyPropertyListString() 

Source Link


Returns a string representation of the list of key properties specified at creation time.


From source file:io.hawt.osgi.jmx.RBACDecorator.java

 * see: <code>org.apache.karaf.management.KarafMBeanServerGuard#getNameSegments(javax.management.ObjectName)</code>
 * Assuming <strong>full</strong> {@link ObjectName} (not null, not containing wildcards and other funny stuff),
 * split objectName to elements used then co contruct ordered list of PIDs to check for MBean permissions.
 * @return// w w  w.jav a2  s  .c om
public static List<String> nameSegments(ObjectName objectName) {
    List<String> segments = new ArrayList<>();
    for (String s : objectName.getKeyPropertyListString().split(",")) {
        int index = s.indexOf('=');
        if (index < 0) {
        String key = objectName.getKeyProperty(s.substring(0, index));
        if (s.substring(0, index).equals("type")) {
            segments.add(1, key);
        } else {

    return segments;

From source file:org.jolokia.handler.list.MBeanInfoData.java

private String getKeyPropertyString(ObjectName pName) {
    return useCanonicalName ? pName.getCanonicalKeyPropertyListString() : pName.getKeyPropertyListString();

From source file:org.jolokia.request.JmxObjectNameRequest.java

 * Name prepared according to requested formatting note. The key ordering can be influenced by the
 * processing parameter {@link ConfigKey#CANONICAL_NAMING}. If not given or set to "true",
 * then the canonical order is used, if set to "initial" the name is given to construction time
 * is used.//from  w  w  w . j av a  2  s .co m
 * @param pName name to format
 * @return formatted string
public String getOrderedObjectName(ObjectName pName) {
    // For patterns we always return the canonical name
    if (pName.isPattern()) {
        return pName.getCanonicalName();
    if (getParameterAsBool(ConfigKey.CANONICAL_NAMING)) {
        return pName.getCanonicalName();
    } else {
        return pName.getDomain() + ":" + pName.getKeyPropertyListString();

From source file:io.hawt.osgi.jmx.RBACDecorator.java

 * If we have access to {@link ConfigurationAdmin}, we can add RBAC information
 * @param result//from w  w  w  . j  av  a 2s.c  o m
public void decorate(Map<String, Object> result) throws Exception {
    try {
        ServiceReference<ConfigurationAdmin> cmRef = bundleContext
        ServiceReference<JMXSecurityMBean> jmxSecRef = bundleContext
        if (cmRef != null && jmxSecRef != null) {
            ConfigurationAdmin configAdmin = bundleContext.getService(cmRef);
            JMXSecurityMBean jmxSec = bundleContext.getService(jmxSecRef);
            if (configAdmin != null && jmxSec != null) {
                // 1. each pair of MBean/operation has to be marked with RBAC flag (can/can't invoke)
                // 2. the information is provided by org.apache.karaf.management.JMXSecurityMBean.canInvoke(java.util.Map)
                // 3. we'll peek into available configadmin jmx.acl* configs, to see which MBeans/operations have to
                //    be examined and which will produce same results
                // 4. only then we'll prepare Map as parameter for canInvoke()

                Configuration[] configurations = configAdmin.listConfigurations("(service.pid=jmx.acl*)");
                List<String> allJmxAclPids = new LinkedList<>();
                for (Configuration cfg : configurations) {
                if (allJmxAclPids.size() == 0) {

                Map<String, Map<String, Object>> domains = (Map<String, Map<String, Object>>) result

                // cache contains MBeanInfos for different MBeans/ObjectNames
                Map<String, Map<String, Object>> cache = (Map<String, Map<String, Object>>) result.get("cache");
                // new cache will contain MBeanInfos + RBAC info
                Map<String, Map<String, Object>> rbacCache = new HashMap<>();

                // the fact that some MBeans share JSON MBeanInfo doesn't mean that they can share RBAC info
                // - each MBean's name may have RBAC information configured in different PIDs.

                // when iterating through all reapeating MBeans that share MBeanInfo (that doesn't have RBAC info
                // yet), we have to decide if it'll use shared info after RBAC check or will switch to dedicated
                // info. we have to be careful not to end with most MBeans *not* sharing MBeanInfo (in case if
                // somehow the shared info will be "special case" from RBAC point of view)

                Map<String, List<String>> queryForMBeans = new HashMap<>();
                Map<String, List<String>> queryForMBeanOperations = new HashMap<>();

                for (String domain : domains.keySet()) {
                    Map<String, Object> domainMBeansCheck = new HashMap<>(domains.get(domain));
                    Map<String, Object> domainMBeans = domains.get(domain);
                    for (String name : domainMBeansCheck.keySet()) {
                        Object mBeanInfo = domainMBeansCheck.get(name);
                        String fullName = domain + ":" + name;
                        ObjectName n = new ObjectName(fullName);
                        if (mBeanInfo instanceof Map) {
                            // not shared JSONified MBeanInfo
                            prepareKarafRbacInvocations(fullName, (Map<String, Object>) mBeanInfo,
                                    queryForMBeans, queryForMBeanOperations);
                        } else /*if (mBeanInfo instanceof String)*/ {
                            // shared JSONified MBeanInfo

                            // shard mbeanNames sharing MBeanInfo by the hierarchy of jmx.acl* PIDs used to
                            // check RBAC info
                            String key = (String) mBeanInfo;
                            String pidListKey = pidListKey(allJmxAclPids, n);
                            if (!rbacCache.containsKey(key + ":" + pidListKey)) {
                                // shallow copy - we can share op/not/attr/desc, but we put specific
                                // canInvoke/opByString keys
                                HashMap<String, Object> sharedMBeanAndRbacInfo = new HashMap<>(cache.get(key));
                                rbacCache.put(key + ":" + pidListKey, sharedMBeanAndRbacInfo);
                                // we'll be checking RBAC only for single (first) MBean having this pidListKey
                                prepareKarafRbacInvocations(fullName, sharedMBeanAndRbacInfo, queryForMBeans,
                            // switch key from shared MBeanInfo-only to shared MBean+RbacInfo
                            domainMBeans.put(name, key + ":" + pidListKey);

                // RBAC per MBeans (can invoke *any* operation or attribute?)
                TabularData dataForMBeans = jmxSec.canInvoke(queryForMBeans);
                Collection<?> results = dataForMBeans.values();
                for (Object cd : results) {
                    ObjectName objectName = new ObjectName((String) ((CompositeData) cd).get("ObjectName"));
                    boolean canInvoke = ((CompositeData) cd).get("CanInvoke") != null
                            ? (Boolean) ((CompositeData) cd).get("CanInvoke")
                            : false;
                    Object mBeanInfoOrKey = domains.get(objectName.getDomain())
                    Map<String, Object> mBeanInfo;
                    if (mBeanInfoOrKey instanceof Map) {
                        mBeanInfo = (Map<String, Object>) mBeanInfoOrKey;
                    } else /*if (mBeanInfoOrKey instanceof String) */ {
                        mBeanInfo = rbacCache.get(mBeanInfoOrKey.toString());
                    if (mBeanInfo != null) {
                        mBeanInfo.put("canInvoke", canInvoke);

                // RBAC per { MBean,operation } (can invoke status for each operation)
                TabularData dataForMBeanOperations = jmxSec.canInvoke(queryForMBeanOperations);
                results = dataForMBeanOperations.values();
                for (Object cd : results) {
                    ObjectName objectName = new ObjectName((String) ((CompositeData) cd).get("ObjectName"));
                    String method = (String) ((CompositeData) cd).get("Method");
                    boolean canInvoke = ((CompositeData) cd).get("CanInvoke") != null
                            ? (Boolean) ((CompositeData) cd).get("CanInvoke")
                            : false;
                    Object mBeanInfoOrKey = domains.get(objectName.getDomain())
                    Map<String, Object> mBeanInfo;
                    if (mBeanInfoOrKey instanceof Map) {
                        mBeanInfo = (Map<String, Object>) mBeanInfoOrKey;
                    } else /*if (mBeanInfoOrKey instanceof String) */ {
                        mBeanInfo = rbacCache.get(mBeanInfoOrKey.toString());
                    if (mBeanInfo != null) {
                        ((Map<String, Object>) ((Map<String, Object>) mBeanInfo.get("opByString")).get(method))
                                .put("canInvoke", canInvoke);

                result.put("cache", rbacCache);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        // simply do not decorate