Example usage for javax.management Attribute Attribute

List of usage examples for javax.management Attribute Attribute


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.management Attribute Attribute.


public Attribute(String name, Object value) 

Source Link


Constructs an Attribute object which associates the given attribute name with the given value.


From source file:com.custardsource.maven.plugins.jmx.SetAttribute.java

public Object execute(MBeanServerConnection connection) throws Exception {
    ObjectName name = new ObjectName(objectName);
    ConvertUtilsBean converter = new ConvertUtilsBean();

    Object attributeValue = converter.convert(value, ClassUtils.getClass(type));
    connection.setAttribute(name, new Attribute(attributeName, attributeValue));
    return connection.getAttribute(name, attributeName);

From source file:com.armorize.hackalert.extractor.msword.MSBaseParser.java

 * Main for testing. Pass a ms document as argument
 */// w ww  .j  a  v  a  2 s.  c  om
public static void main(String mime, MSBaseParser parser, String args[]) {
    try {
        ExtractorUniversal extractor = new ExtractorUniversal("TEST");
        File orderFile = new File("order.xml");
        SettingsHandler settingsHandler = new XMLSettingsHandler(orderFile);
        // settingsHandler.getOrder().setAttribute(
        // new Attribute(CrawlOrder.ATTR_SETTINGS_DIRECTORY, "tmp/"));
        CrawlerSettings globalSettings = settingsHandler.getSettingsObject(null);
        MapType extractorsSettings = (MapType) settingsHandler.getOrder()

        extractorsSettings.addElement(globalSettings, extractor);
        extractor.setAttribute(new Attribute(Processor.ATTR_ENABLED, Boolean.TRUE));
        byte[] raw = IOUtils.toByteArray(new FileInputStream("C:\\temp\\userman.doc"));
        String text = parser.getParse(raw);
        ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(text.getBytes("utf-8"));

        HttpRecorder recorder = HttpRecorder.wrapInputStreamWithHttpRecord(new File("tmp"),
                MSBaseParser.class.getName(), in, "utf-8");

        CrawlURI curi = new CrawlURI(UURIFactory.getInstance("http://www.armorize.com/"));

        curi.putObject(CoreAttributeConstants.A_HTTP_TRANSACTION, new Object());

    } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:org.hyperic.hq.plugin.websphere.WebsphereServiceControlPlugin.java

protected Object invoke(AdminClient mServer, String objectName, String method, Object[] args, String[] sig)
        throws MetricUnreachableException, MetricNotFoundException, PluginException {

    ObjectName obj;/*from w w w  . j a va 2  s  .c  o  m*/
    try {
        obj = new ObjectName(objectName);
    } catch (MalformedObjectNameException e1) {
        throw new PluginException("Unable to create an ObjectName from " + objectName);

    MBeanInfo info;
    try {
        info = mServer.getMBeanInfo(obj);
    } catch (Exception e1) {
        throw new PluginException("Unable to obtain MBeanInfo from " + objectName);

    if (sig.length == 0) {
        MBeanUtil.OperationParams params = MBeanUtil.getOperationParams(info, method, args);
        if (params.isAttribute) {
            if (method.startsWith("set")) {
                try {
                    mServer.setAttribute(obj, new Attribute(method.substring(3), params.arguments[0]));
                } catch (AttributeNotFoundException e) {
                    throw new MetricNotFoundException(e.getMessage(), e);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new PluginException(e);
                return null;
            } else {
                try {
                    return mServer.getAttribute(obj, method.substring(3));
                } catch (AttributeNotFoundException e) {
                    throw new MetricNotFoundException(e.getMessage(), e);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new PluginException(e);
        sig = params.signature;
        args = params.arguments;

    try {
        return mServer.invoke(obj, method, args, sig);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new PluginException(e);

From source file:org.apache.camel.component.zookeeper.ZooKeeperEndpointTest.java

private void verifyManagedAttribute(ObjectName zepName, String attributeName, String attributeValue)
        throws Exception {
    mbsc.setAttribute(zepName, new Attribute(attributeName, attributeValue));
    assertEquals(attributeValue, mbsc.getAttribute(zepName, attributeName));

From source file:net.gcolin.simplerepo.test.AbstractRepoTest.java

protected void setAttributeJmx(String name, String attribute, Object arguments) throws Exception {
    MBeanServer server = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer();
    ObjectName oname = server.queryNames(new ObjectName(name), null).iterator().next();
    server.setAttribute(oname, new Attribute(attribute, arguments));

From source file:org.hyperic.hq.plugin.weblogic.WeblogicServiceControlPlugin.java

protected Object invoke(MBeanServerConnection mServer, String objectName, String method, Object[] args,
        String[] sig) throws MetricUnreachableException, MetricNotFoundException, PluginException {

    ObjectName obj;//w w  w  .ja va  2  s .  com
    try {
        obj = new ObjectName(objectName);
    } catch (MalformedObjectNameException e1) {
        throw new PluginException("Unable to create an ObjectName from " + objectName);

    MBeanInfo info;
    try {
        info = mServer.getMBeanInfo(obj);
    } catch (Exception e1) {
        throw new PluginException("Unable to obtain MBeanInfo from " + objectName);

    if (sig.length == 0) {
        MBeanUtil.OperationParams params = MBeanUtil.getOperationParams(info, method, args);
        if (params.isAttribute) {
            if (method.startsWith("set")) {
                try {
                    mServer.setAttribute(obj, new Attribute(method.substring(3), params.arguments[0]));
                } catch (AttributeNotFoundException e) {
                    throw new MetricNotFoundException(e.getMessage(), e);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new PluginException(e);
                return null;
            } else {
                try {
                    return mServer.getAttribute(obj, method.substring(3));
                } catch (AttributeNotFoundException e) {
                    throw new MetricNotFoundException(e.getMessage(), e);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new PluginException(e);
        sig = params.signature;
        args = params.arguments;

    try {
        return mServer.invoke(obj, method, args, sig);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new PluginException(e);

From source file:org.ow2.proactive_grid_cloud_portal.rm.RMRestTest.java

private JSONObject callGetStatHistory() throws Exception {
    RMProxyUserInterface rmMock = mock(RMProxyUserInterface.class);
    String sessionId = SharedSessionStoreTestUtils.createValidSession(rmMock);

    AttributeList value = new AttributeList(
            Collections.singletonList(new Attribute("test", createRrdDb().getBytes())));
    when(rmMock.getMBeanAttributes(Matchers.<ObjectName>any(), Matchers.<String[]>any())).thenReturn(value);
    RMRestInterface client = ProxyFactory.create(RMRestInterface.class, "http://localhost:" + port + "/");

    String statHistory = client.getStatHistory(sessionId, "hhhhh");
    return (JSONObject) new JSONParser().parse(statHistory);

From source file:com.cyberway.issue.crawler.settings.XMLSettingsHandlerTest.java

public void testWriteSettingsObjectCrawlerSettings()
        throws AttributeNotFoundException, InvalidAttributeValueException, MBeanException, ReflectionException {

    // Write a crawl order file
    CrawlerSettings settings = getGlobalSettings();
    XMLSettingsHandler handler = getSettingsHandler();
    handler.getOrder().setAttribute(new ClassicScope());
    assertTrue("Order file was not written", getOrderFile().exists());

    // Get a module to alter a setting on
    ComplexType scope = settings.getModule(CrawlScope.ATTR_NAME);
    assertNotNull("Could not get module scope", scope);

    // Alter two settings in a per host file
    CrawlerSettings perHost = getPerHostSettings();
    Integer newHops = new Integer(500);
    String newFrom = "newfrom";
    scope.setAttribute(perHost, new Attribute(ClassicScope.ATTR_MAX_LINK_HOPS, newHops));
    CrawlOrder order = handler.getOrder();
    ComplexType httpHeaders = (ComplexType) order.getAttribute(CrawlOrder.ATTR_HTTP_HEADERS);
    httpHeaders.setAttribute(perHost, new Attribute(CrawlOrder.ATTR_FROM, newFrom));

    // Write the per host file
    assertTrue("Per host file was not written", handler.settingsToFilename(perHost).exists());

    // Create a new handler for testing that changes was written to disk
    XMLSettingsHandler newHandler = new XMLSettingsHandler(getOrderFile());
    newHandler.initialize();//from   ww w .ja  v a 2 s  . c  om

    // Read perHost
    CrawlerSettings newPerHost = newHandler.getSettingsObject(perHost.getScope());
    assertNotNull("Per host scope could not be read", newPerHost);

    ComplexType newScope = newHandler.getModule(CrawlScope.ATTR_NAME);
    Integer r1 = (Integer) newScope.getAttribute(newPerHost, ClassicScope.ATTR_MAX_LINK_HOPS);
    assertEquals(newHops, r1);

    ComplexType newHttpHeaders = (ComplexType) newHandler.getOrder().getAttribute(newPerHost,

    String r2 = (String) newHttpHeaders.getAttribute(newPerHost, CrawlOrder.ATTR_FROM);
    assertEquals(newFrom, r2);

From source file:org.apache.camel.component.zookeeper.ZooKeeperEndpointTest.java

private void verifyManagedAttribute(ObjectName zepName, String attributeName, Integer attributeValue)
        throws Exception {
    mbsc.setAttribute(zepName, new Attribute(attributeName, attributeValue));
    assertEquals(attributeValue, mbsc.getAttribute(zepName, attributeName));

From source file:com.cyberway.issue.crawler.datamodel.credential.Credential.java

 * @param context Context to use when searching for credential domain.
 * @param domain New domain.// ww w .ja  v a2s .c o m
 * @throws AttributeNotFoundException
 * @throws InvalidAttributeValueException
public void setCredentialDomain(CrawlerSettings context, String domain)
        throws InvalidAttributeValueException, AttributeNotFoundException {
    setAttribute(context, new Attribute(ATTR_CREDENTIAL_DOMAIN, domain));