List of usage examples for javax.mail Session getStore
public Store getStore(Provider provider) throws NoSuchProviderException
From source
private final void connectIMAP(String username, String password) throws Exception { // Create IMAP session Properties props = (Properties) System.getProperties().clone(); props.put("", ""); props.put("mail.imap.port", "993"); props.put("mail.imap.user", username); props.put("mail.imap.auth", "true"); props.put("mail.imap.socketFactory.port", "993"); props.put("mail.imap.socketFactory.class", ""); props.put("mail.imap.socketFactory.fallback", "false"); // Connect to Gmail via IMAP+SSL GmailAuthenticator login = new GmailAuthenticator(username, password); Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, login); mailbox = session.getStore("imaps"); mailbox.connect("", 993, username, password); log.debug("Gmail's IMAP service has been connected successfully."); }
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@RequestMapping(value = "/ajaxtestNoL", method = RequestMethod.GET) public @ResponseBody String ajaxtestNoL(Principal principal) { String name = principal.getName(); String result = ""; try {//from www . j a va2 s . c om users u = usuarioService.getByLogin(name); Properties props = System.getProperties(); props.setProperty("", "imaps"); Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null); Store store = session.getStore("imaps"); store.connect("", u.getCorreoUsuario(), u.getCorreoContreasenna()); System.out.println("ola" + store); Folder inbox = store.getFolder("Inbox");; FlagTerm ft = new FlagTerm(new Flags(Flags.Flag.SEEN), false); Calendar fecha3 = Calendar.getInstance(); fecha3.roll(Calendar.MONTH, false); Message msg[] = ReceivedDateTerm(ComparisonTerm.GT, fecha3.getTime())); //Message msg[] =; System.out.println("MAILS: " + msg.length); for (Message message : msg) { try { /*System.out.println("DATE: "+message.getSentDate().toString()); System.out.println("FROM: "+message.getFrom()[0].toString()); System.out.println("SUBJECT: "+message.getSubject().toString()); System.out.println("CONTENT: "+message.getContent().toString()); System.out.println("******************************************"); */result = result + "<li>" + "<a href='#' class='clearfix'>" + "<span class='msg-body'>" + "<span class='msg-title'>" + "<span class='blue'>" + message.getFrom()[0].toString() + "</span>" + message.getSubject().toString() + "</span>" + "</span>" + "</a>" + "</li> "; } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block System.out.println("No Information"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { } return result; }
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private Object getMessage(String requestMsgId) { Session session = Session.getInstance(props, null); session.setDebug(log.isTraceEnabled()); Store store = null;/*from w w w . ja v a 2 s. com*/ try { store = session.getStore("pop3"); store.connect(username, password); Folder folder = store.getFolder(MailConstants.DEFAULT_FOLDER);; Message[] msgs = folder.getMessages(); log.debug(msgs.length + " replies in reply mailbox"); for (Message m : msgs) { String[] inReplyTo = m.getHeader(MailConstants.MAIL_HEADER_IN_REPLY_TO); log.debug("Got reply to : " + Arrays.toString(inReplyTo)); if (inReplyTo != null && inReplyTo.length > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < inReplyTo.length; j++) { if (requestMsgId.equals(inReplyTo[j])) { m.setFlag(Flags.Flag.DELETED, true); return m.getContent(); } } } m.setFlag(Flags.Flag.DELETED, true); } folder.close(true); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (store != null) { try { store.close(); } catch (MessagingException ignore) { } store = null; } } return null; }
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public void run() { while (true) { try {/*from www . ja v a 2s . com*/ System.out.println("????"); Properties props = System.getProperties(); // Get a Session object Session session = Session.getInstance(props, null); // session.setDebug(true); // Get a Store object Store store = session.getStore("imaps"); // Connect store.connect("", 993, Mailsocketchat.mail_user, Mailsocketchat.mail_pass); System.out.println("??????"); // Open a Folder Folder folder = store.getFolder("INBOX"); if (folder == null || !folder.exists()) { System.out.println("IMAP??????"); System.exit(1); }; // Add messageCountListener to listen for new messages folder.addMessageCountListener(new MessageCountAdapter() { public void messagesAdded(MessageCountEvent ev) { Message[] msgs = ev.getMessages(); // Just dump out the new messages for (int i = 0; i < msgs.length; i++) { try { System.out.println("?????"); InternetAddress addrfrom = (InternetAddress) msgs[i].getFrom()[0]; String subject = msgs[i].getSubject(); if (subject == null) { subject = ""; } Pattern hashtag_p = Pattern.compile("#(.+)"); Matcher hashtag_m = hashtag_p.matcher(subject); if (subject.equals("#")) { hashtag = null; } else if (hashtag_m.find()) { hashtag =; } String comment = msgs[i].getContent().toString().replaceAll("\r\n", " "); comment = comment.replaceAll("\n", " "); comment = comment.replaceAll("\r", " "); JSONObject data = new JSONObject(); data.put("comment", comment); if (hashtag != null) { data.put("channel", hashtag); } if (!comment.equals("") && !comment.equals(" ") && !comment.equals(" ")) { Mailsocketchat.socket.emit("say", data); System.out.println("????"); } // if (subject.equals("push") || subject.equals("Push") || subject.equals("")) { Send(addrfrom.getAddress(), 2); Mailsocketchat.push = true; Mailsocketchat.repeat = false; Mailsocketchat.address = addrfrom.getAddress(); repeatthread.cancel(); repeatthread = null; System.out.println("?????"); } else if (subject.equals("fetch") || subject.equals("Fetch") || subject.equals("?")) { Send(addrfrom.getAddress(), 3); Mailsocketchat.push = false; Mailsocketchat.repeat = false; repeatthread.cancel(); repeatthread = null; System.out.println("??????"); } else if (subject.equals("repeat") || subject.equals("Repeat") || subject.equals("")) { Send(addrfrom.getAddress(), 7); Mailsocketchat.push = false; Mailsocketchat.repeat = true; Mailsocketchat.address = addrfrom.getAddress(); if (repeatthread == null) { repeatthread = new Repeat(); repeat = new Timer(); } repeat.schedule(repeatthread, 0, 30 * 1000); System.out.println("?????"); } else if (subject.equals("list") || subject.equals("List") || subject.equals("")) { Send(addrfrom.getAddress(), 4); } else if (subject.equals("help") || subject.equals("Help") || subject.equals("")) { Send(addrfrom.getAddress(), 5); } else { if (!Mailsocketchat.push && !Mailsocketchat.repeat) { Send(addrfrom.getAddress(), 0); } else if (comment.equals("") || comment.equals(" ") || comment.equals(" ")) { Send(addrfrom.getAddress(), 5); } } } catch (IOException ioex) { System.out.println( "??????????"); } catch (MessagingException mex) { System.out.println( "??????????"); } } } }); // Check mail once in "freq" MILLIseconds int freq = 1000; //?? boolean supportsIdle = false; try { if (folder instanceof IMAPFolder) { IMAPFolder f = (IMAPFolder) folder; f.idle(); supportsIdle = true; } } catch (FolderClosedException fex) { throw fex; } catch (MessagingException mex) { supportsIdle = false; } for (;;) { if (supportsIdle && folder instanceof IMAPFolder) { IMAPFolder f = (IMAPFolder) folder; f.idle(); } else { Thread.sleep(freq); // sleep for freq milliseconds // This is to force the IMAP server to send us // EXISTS notifications. folder.getMessageCount(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("??????????"); } } }
From source
protected Store connectToStore() throws MessagingException { EmailConfig config = getConfig();//from w ww. jav a 2 s. co m EmailProvider provider = getEmailProvider(config.getProviderId()); Properties props = System.getProperties(); props.setProperty("", provider.getIncomingProto()); Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null); Store store = session.getStore(provider.getIncomingProto()); store.connect(provider.getIncomingServer(), provider.getIncomingPort(), config.getUsername(), config.getPassword()); return store; }
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private boolean verifyMail(final String sender, final String subject) throws Exception {"Waiting for notification to be sent..."); try {/*w ww . ja v*/ Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } boolean found = false; Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(System.getProperties()); Store store = session.getStore("pop3"); store.connect(pop3Host, pop3Port, mailAddress, mailPassword); Folder inbox = store.getFolder("INBOX"); assertNotNull(inbox);; Message[] messages = inbox.getMessages(); for (int i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) { if (sender.equals(messages[i].getFrom()[0].toString()) && subject.equals(messages[i].getSubject())) { found = true; messages[i].setFlag(Flag.DELETED, true); } } inbox.close(true); store.close(); return found; }
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private void doReceiveMessages() throws Exception { log.debug("Checking mail "); String host = Turbine.getConfiguration().getString(""); String username = Turbine.getConfiguration().getString("mail.pop3.user"); String password = Turbine.getConfiguration().getString("mail.pop3.password"); // Create empty properties Properties props = new Properties(); // Get session Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null); // Get the store Store store = session.getStore("pop3"); // Connect to store store.connect(host, username, password); // Get folder Folder folder = store.getFolder("INBOX"); // Open read-only;//from w w w.j ava 2 s.c o m // Get attributes & flags for all messages // Message[] messages = folder.getMessages(); FetchProfile fp = new FetchProfile(); fp.add(FetchProfile.Item.ENVELOPE); fp.add(FetchProfile.Item.FLAGS); fp.add("X-Mailer"); folder.fetch(messages, fp); for (int i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) { log.debug("Retrieving message " + i); // Process each message // InboxEvent entry = new InboxEvent(); Address fromAddress = new InternetAddress(); String from = new String(); String name = new String(); String email = new String(); String replyTo = new String(); String subject = new String(); String content = new String(); Date sentDate = new Date(); int emailformat = 10; Message m = messages[i]; // and now, handle the content Object o = m.getContent(); // find content type if (m.isMimeType("text/plain")) { content = "<PRE style=\"font-size: 12px;\">" + (String) o + "</PRE>"; emailformat = 10; } else if (m.isMimeType("text/html")) { content = (String) o; emailformat = 20; } else if (m.isMimeType("text/*")) { content = (String) o; emailformat = 30; } else if (m.isMimeType("multipart/alternative")) { try { content = handleAlternative(o, content); emailformat = 20; } catch (Exception ex) { content = "Problem with the message format. Messssage has left on the email server."; emailformat = 50; log.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); } } else if (m.isMimeType("multipart/*")) { try { content = handleMulitipart(o, content, entry); emailformat = 40; } catch (Exception ex) { content = "Problem with the message format. Messssage has left on the email server."; emailformat = 50; log.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); } } else { content = "Problem with the message format. Messssage has left on the email server."; emailformat = 50; log.debug("Could not handle properly"); } email = ((InternetAddress) m.getFrom()[0]).getAddress(); name = ((InternetAddress) m.getFrom()[0]).getPersonal(); replyTo = ((InternetAddress) m.getReplyTo()[0]).getAddress(); sentDate = m.getSentDate(); subject = m.getSubject(); log.debug("Got message " + email + " " + name + " " + subject + " " + content); Criteria contcrit = new Criteria(); contcrit.add(ContactPeer.EMAIL, (Object) email, Criteria.EQUAL); if (ContactPeer.doSelect(contcrit).size() > 0) { log.debug("From known contact"); Contact myContact = (Contact) ContactPeer.doSelect(contcrit).get(0); entry.setCustomerId(myContact.getCustomerId()); entry.setContactId(myContact.getContactId()); } else { // find if customer exists Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); criteria.add(CustomerPeer.EMAIL, (Object) email, Criteria.EQUAL); if (CustomerPeer.doSelect(criteria).size() > 0) { log.debug("From known customer"); Customer myDistrib = (Customer) CustomerPeer.doSelect(criteria).get(0); entry.setCustomerId(myDistrib.getCustomerId()); } } entry.setInboxEventCode(getTempCode()); entry.setEventType(10); entry.setEventChannel(10); entry.setEmailFormat(emailformat); entry.setSubject(subject); entry.setSenderEmail(email); entry.setSenderName(name); entry.setSenderReplyTo(replyTo); entry.setSentTime(sentDate); entry.setBody(content); entry.setIssuedDate(new Date()); entry.setCreatedBy("system"); entry.setCreated(new Date()); entry.setModifiedBy("system"); entry.setModified(new Date()); Connection conn = Transaction.begin(InboxEventPeer.DATABASE_NAME); boolean success = false; try {; entry.setInboxEventCode(getRowCode("IE", entry.getInboxEventId()));; Transaction.commit(conn); success = true; } finally { log.debug("Succcessfully stored in db: " + success); if (!success) Transaction.safeRollback(conn); } if (emailformat != 50) { m.setFlag(Flags.Flag.DELETED, true); } } // Close pop3 connection folder.close(true); store.close(); }
From source
/** * Sets existsOnDisk based on whether the collection (contentDir) actually (now) sits on disk. * /*from www.j a v a2 s .co m*/ * @todo the whole existsOnDisk construction is a little funny, refactor some time */ protected void setExistsOnDisk() { existsOnDisk = false; Store store = null; try { // try to connect to server and find folder log.debug("Connecting to IMAP server: " + host); Properties props = System.getProperties(); Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null); store = session.getStore("imap"); log.debug("Connecting to " + host + " as " + user); store.connect(host, user, password); log.debug("Connected"); // start at the proper folder Folder topFolder = null; if (StringUtils.hasText(folder)) { topFolder = store.getFolder(folder); } else { topFolder = store.getDefaultFolder(); } existsOnDisk = (topFolder != null); } catch (NoSuchProviderException e) { log.warn("Can't connect to " + host, e); } catch (MessagingException e) { log.warn("Error while accessing IMAP server " + host, e); } finally { if (store != null) { try { store.close(); } catch (MessagingException e1) { log.error("Error closing IMAP server " + host, e1); } } } }
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private Store openConnection(cfSession _Session) throws cfmRunTimeException { String server = getDynamic(_Session, "SERVER").getString(); boolean secure = getSecure(_Session); int port = getPort(_Session, secure); String user = getDynamic(_Session, "USERNAME").getString(); String pass = getDynamic(_Session, "PASSWORD").getString(); Properties props = new Properties(); String protocol = "pop3"; if (secure) { protocol = "pop3s"; }//from w ww . j a v a 2 s . c o m props.put("mail.transport.protocol", protocol); props.put("mail." + protocol + ".port", String.valueOf(port)); // This is the fix for bug NA#3156 props.put("mail.mime.address.strict", "false"); // With WebLogic Server 8.1sp4 and an IMAIL server, we're seeing that sometimes the first // attempt to connect after messages have been deleted fails with either a MessagingException // of "Connection reset" or an AuthenticationFailedException of "EOF on socket". To work // around this let's try 3 attempts to connect before giving up. for (int numAttempts = 1; numAttempts < 4; numAttempts++) { try { Session session = Session.getInstance(props); Store mailStore = session.getStore(protocol); mailStore.connect(server, user, pass); return mailStore; } catch (Exception E) { if (numAttempts == 3) throw newRunTimeException(E.getMessage()); } } // The code in the for loop should either return or throw an exception // so this code should never get hit. return null; }
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/** * Constructor/*from ww w . j a va2 s .com*/ * @param file A File pointer to the MBox file * @throws MessagingException if unable to read or process the file */ public MBoxDataSet(final File file) throws MessagingException { logger.debug("Creating a new data set from file " + file.getPath()); Properties properties = new Properties(); Session session; properties.setProperty("", "mstor"); properties.setProperty("mstor.mbox.metadataStrategy", "none"); properties.setProperty("mstor.mbox.cacheBuffers", "disabled"); properties.setProperty("mstor.mbox.bufferStrategy", "mapped"); properties.setProperty("mstor.metadata", "disabled"); properties.setProperty("mstor.mozillaCompatibility", "enabled"); session = Session.getDefaultInstance(properties); store = session.getStore(new URLName("mstor:" + file.getPath())); store.connect(); loadMessages(); }