List of usage examples for javax.mail Session getInstance
public static Session getInstance(Properties props, Authenticator authenticator)
From source
@Override public boolean executeAction() { EmailAction emailAction = (EmailAction) getActionDefinition(); String messagePlain = emailAction.getMessagePlain().getStringValue(); String messageHtml = emailAction.getMessageHtml().getStringValue(); String subject = emailAction.getSubject().getStringValue(); String to = emailAction.getTo().getStringValue(); String cc = emailAction.getCc().getStringValue(); String bcc = emailAction.getBcc().getStringValue(); String from = emailAction.getFrom().getStringValue(defaultFrom); if (from.trim().length() == 0) { from = defaultFrom;/*from w w w . jav a 2 s . c o m*/ } /* * if( context.getInputNames().contains( "attach" ) ) { //$NON-NLS-1$ Object attachParameter = * context.getInputParameter( "attach" ).getValue(); //$NON-NLS-1$ // We have a list of attachments, each element of * the list is the name of the parameter containing the attachment // Use the parameter filename portion as the * attachment name. if ( attachParameter instanceof String ) { String attachName = context.getInputParameter( * "attach-name" ).getStringValue(); //$NON-NLS-1$ AttachStruct attachData = getAttachData( context, * (String)attachParameter, attachName ); if ( attachData != null ) { attachments.add( attachData ); } } else if ( * attachParameter instanceof List ) { for ( int i = 0; i < ((List)attachParameter).size(); ++i ) { AttachStruct * attachData = getAttachData( context, ((List)attachParameter).get( i ).toString(), null ); if ( attachData != null * ) { attachments.add( attachData ); } } } else if ( attachParameter instanceof Map ) { for ( Iterator it = * ((Map)attachParameter).entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); * AttachStruct attachData = getAttachData( context, (String)entry.getValue(), (String)entry.getKey() ); if ( * attachData != null ) { attachments.add( attachData ); } } } } * * int maxSize = Integer.MAX_VALUE; try { maxSize = new Integer( props.getProperty( "mail.max.attach.size" ) * ).intValue(); } catch( Throwable t ) { //ignore if not set to a valid value } * * if ( totalAttachLength > maxSize ) { // Sort them in order TreeMap tm = new TreeMap(); for( int idx=0; * idx<attachments.size(); idx++ ) { // tm.put( new Integer( )) } } */ if (ComponentBase.debug) { debug(Messages.getInstance().getString("Email.DEBUG_TO_FROM", to, from)); //$NON-NLS-1$ debug(Messages.getInstance().getString("Email.DEBUG_CC_BCC", cc, bcc)); //$NON-NLS-1$ debug(Messages.getInstance().getString("Email.DEBUG_SUBJECT", subject)); //$NON-NLS-1$ debug(Messages.getInstance().getString("Email.DEBUG_PLAIN_MESSAGE", messagePlain)); //$NON-NLS-1$ debug(Messages.getInstance().getString("Email.DEBUG_HTML_MESSAGE", messageHtml)); //$NON-NLS-1$ } if ((to == null) || (to.trim().length() == 0)) { // Get the output stream that the feedback is going into OutputStream feedbackStream = getFeedbackOutputStream(); if (feedbackStream != null) { createFeedbackParameter("to", Messages.getInstance().getString("Email.USER_ENTER_EMAIL_ADDRESS"), //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$ "", "", true); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ setFeedbackMimeType("text/html"); //$NON-NLS-1$ return true; } else { return false; } } if (subject == null) { error(Messages.getInstance().getErrorString("Email.ERROR_0005_NULL_SUBJECT", getActionName())); //$NON-NLS-1$ return false; } if ((messagePlain == null) && (messageHtml == null)) { error(Messages.getInstance().getErrorString("Email.ERROR_0006_NULL_BODY", getActionName())); //$NON-NLS-1$ return false; } if (getRuntimeContext().isPromptPending()) { return true; } try { Properties props = new Properties(); final IEmailService service = PentahoSystem.get(IEmailService.class, "IEmailService", PentahoSessionHolder.getSession()); props.put("", service.getEmailConfig().getSmtpHost()); props.put("mail.smtp.port", ObjectUtils.toString(service.getEmailConfig().getSmtpPort())); props.put("mail.transport.protocol", service.getEmailConfig().getSmtpProtocol()); props.put("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", ObjectUtils.toString(service.getEmailConfig().isUseStartTls())); props.put("mail.smtp.auth", ObjectUtils.toString(service.getEmailConfig().isAuthenticate())); props.put("mail.smtp.ssl", ObjectUtils.toString(service.getEmailConfig().isUseSsl())); props.put("mail.smtp.quitwait", ObjectUtils.toString(service.getEmailConfig().isSmtpQuitWait())); props.put("mail.from.default", service.getEmailConfig().getDefaultFrom()); String fromName = service.getEmailConfig().getFromName(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(fromName)) { fromName = Messages.getInstance().getString("schedulerEmailFromName"); } props.put("", fromName); props.put("mail.debug", ObjectUtils.toString(service.getEmailConfig().isDebug())); Session session; if (service.getEmailConfig().isAuthenticate()) { props.put("mail.userid", service.getEmailConfig().getUserId()); props.put("mail.password", service.getEmailConfig().getPassword()); Authenticator authenticator = new EmailAuthenticator(); session = Session.getInstance(props, authenticator); } else { session = Session.getInstance(props); } // debugging is on if either component (xaction) or email config debug is on if (service.getEmailConfig().isDebug() || ComponentBase.debug) { session.setDebug(true); } // construct the message MimeMessage msg = new MimeMessage(session); if (from != null) { msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from)); } else { // There should be no way to get here error(Messages.getInstance().getString("Email.ERROR_0012_FROM_NOT_DEFINED")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } if ((to != null) && (to.trim().length() > 0)) { msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, InternetAddress.parse(to, false)); } if ((cc != null) && (cc.trim().length() > 0)) { msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC, InternetAddress.parse(cc, false)); } if ((bcc != null) && (bcc.trim().length() > 0)) { msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC, InternetAddress.parse(bcc, false)); } if (subject != null) { msg.setSubject(subject, LocaleHelper.getSystemEncoding()); } EmailAttachment[] emailAttachments = emailAction.getAttachments(); if ((messagePlain != null) && (messageHtml == null) && (emailAttachments.length == 0)) { msg.setText(messagePlain, LocaleHelper.getSystemEncoding()); } else if (emailAttachments.length == 0) { if (messagePlain != null) { msg.setContent(messagePlain, "text/plain; charset=" + LocaleHelper.getSystemEncoding()); //$NON-NLS-1$ } if (messageHtml != null) { msg.setContent(messageHtml, "text/html; charset=" + LocaleHelper.getSystemEncoding()); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } else { // need to create a multi-part message... // create the Multipart and add its parts to it Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart(); // create and fill the first message part if (messageHtml != null) { // create and fill the first message part MimeBodyPart htmlBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart(); htmlBodyPart.setContent(messageHtml, "text/html; charset=" + LocaleHelper.getSystemEncoding()); //$NON-NLS-1$ multipart.addBodyPart(htmlBodyPart); } if (messagePlain != null) { MimeBodyPart textBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart(); textBodyPart.setContent(messagePlain, "text/plain; charset=" + LocaleHelper.getSystemEncoding()); //$NON-NLS-1$ multipart.addBodyPart(textBodyPart); } for (EmailAttachment element : emailAttachments) { IPentahoStreamSource source = element.getContent(); if (source == null) { error(Messages.getInstance().getErrorString("Email.ERROR_0015_ATTACHMENT_FAILED")); //$NON-NLS-1$ return false; } DataSource dataSource = new ActivationHelper.PentahoStreamSourceWrapper(source); String attachmentName = element.getName(); if (ComponentBase.debug) { debug(Messages.getInstance().getString("Email.DEBUG_ADDING_ATTACHMENT", attachmentName)); //$NON-NLS-1$ } // create the second message part MimeBodyPart attachmentBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart(); // attach the file to the message attachmentBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(dataSource)); attachmentBodyPart.setFileName(attachmentName); if (ComponentBase.debug) { debug(Messages.getInstance().getString("Email.DEBUG_ATTACHMENT_SOURCE", //$NON-NLS-1$ dataSource.getName())); } multipart.addBodyPart(attachmentBodyPart); } // add the Multipart to the message msg.setContent(multipart); } msg.setHeader("X-Mailer", EmailComponent.MAILER); //$NON-NLS-1$ msg.setSentDate(new Date()); Transport.send(msg); if (ComponentBase.debug) { debug(Messages.getInstance().getString("Email.DEBUG_EMAIL_SUCCESS")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } return true; // TODO: persist the content set for a while... } catch (SendFailedException e) { error(Messages.getInstance().getErrorString("Email.ERROR_0011_SEND_FAILED", to), e); //$NON-NLS-1$ /* * Exception ne; MessagingException sfe = e; while ((ne = sfe.getNextException()) != null && ne instanceof * MessagingException) { sfe = (MessagingException) ne; * error(Messages.getInstance().getErrorString("Email.ERROR_0011_SEND_FAILED", sfe.toString()), sfe); * //$NON-NLS-1$ } */ } catch (AuthenticationFailedException e) { error(Messages.getInstance().getString("Email.ERROR_0014_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED", to), e); //$NON-NLS-1$ } catch (Throwable e) { error(Messages.getInstance().getErrorString("Email.ERROR_0011_SEND_FAILED", to), e); //$NON-NLS-1$ } return false; }
From source
/** * Sends a mail with the given parameters using SMTP. * * @param from//from www. j a v a 2s .c o m * the sender of the mail as shown in the mail-client. * @param vEmails * all receivers of the mail. The receivers are seperated by * commas. * @param subject * the subject of the mail. * @param attText * the message-body. * @param smtpHost * the smtp-server used to send the mail. * @param smtpPort the smtp-server port used to send the mail. * @param user the login used to authenticate * @param password the password used to authenticate * @param mailAuthType {@link MailAuthType} Security policy * @param debug Flag whether debug messages for the mail session should be generated * @throws AddressException If mail address is wrong * @throws MessagingException If building MimeMessage fails */ public void sendMail(String from, List<String> vEmails, String subject, String attText, String smtpHost, String smtpPort, final String user, final String password, MailAuthType mailAuthType, boolean debug) throws AddressException, MessagingException { InternetAddress[] address = new InternetAddress[vEmails.size()]; for (int k = 0; k < vEmails.size(); k++) { address[k] = new InternetAddress(vEmails.get(k)); } // create some properties and get the default Session Properties props = new Properties(); props.put(MAIL_SMTP_HOST, smtpHost); props.put(MAIL_SMTP_PORT, smtpPort); // property values are strings Authenticator authenticator = null; if (mailAuthType != MailAuthType.NONE) { props.put(MAIL_SMTP_AUTH, "true"); switch (mailAuthType) { case SSL: props.put(MAIL_SMTP_SOCKETFACTORY_CLASS, ""); break; case TLS: props.put(MAIL_SMTP_STARTTLS, "true"); break; default: break; } } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(user)) { authenticator = new javax.mail.Authenticator() { @Override protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() { return new PasswordAuthentication(user, password); } }; } Session session = Session.getInstance(props, authenticator); session.setDebug(debug); // create a message Message msg = new MimeMessage(session); msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from)); msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, address); msg.setSubject(subject); msg.setText(attText); Transport.send(msg); }
From source
private void initialize() throws IOException, NSException { Logger appLogger = mAppMgr.getLogger(this, "initialize"); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_ENTER); if (mMailSession == null) { String propertyName = "account_name"; String mailAccountName = getCfgString(propertyName); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(mailAccountName)) { String msgStr = String.format("Mail Manager property '%s' is undefined.", mCfgPropertyPrefix + "." + propertyName); appLogger.error(msgStr);/* ww w.j ava 2s .co m*/ throw new NSException(msgStr); } propertyName = "account_password"; String mailAccountPassword = getCfgString(propertyName); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(mailAccountPassword)) { String msgStr = String.format("Mail Manager property '%s' is undefined.", mCfgPropertyPrefix + "." + propertyName); appLogger.error(msgStr); throw new NSException(msgStr); } MailAuthenticator mailAuthenticator = new MailAuthenticator(mailAccountName, mailAccountPassword); propertyName = "smtp_host"; String smtpHostName = getCfgString(propertyName); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(smtpHostName)) { String msgStr = String.format("Mail Manager property '%s' is undefined.", mCfgPropertyPrefix + "." + propertyName); appLogger.error(msgStr); throw new NSException(msgStr); } propertyName = "smtp_port"; String smtpPortNumber = getCfgString(propertyName); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(smtpHostName)) { String msgStr = String.format("Mail Manager property '%s' is undefined.", mCfgPropertyPrefix + "." + propertyName); appLogger.error(msgStr); throw new NSException(msgStr); } Properties systemProperties = new Properties(); systemProperties.setProperty("mail.smtp.submitter", mailAccountName); systemProperties.setProperty("", smtpHostName); systemProperties.setProperty("mail.smtp.port", smtpPortNumber); if (isCfgStringTrue("authn_enabled")) { systemProperties.setProperty("mail.smtp.auth", "true"); systemProperties.setProperty("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", "true"); mMailSession = Session.getInstance(systemProperties, mailAuthenticator); } else mMailSession = Session.getInstance(systemProperties); mConfiguration = new Configuration(Configuration.VERSION_2_3_21); String cfgPathName = mAppMgr.getString(mAppMgr.APP_PROPERTY_CFG_PATH); File cfgPathFile = new File(cfgPathName); try { mConfiguration.setDirectoryForTemplateLoading(cfgPathFile); } catch (IOException e) { appLogger.error(cfgPathName, e); } mConfiguration.setObjectWrapper(new DefaultObjectWrapper(Configuration.VERSION_2_3_21)); } appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_DEPART); }
From source
public static boolean sendEmailWithAttachments(final String emailFrom, final String subject, final InternetAddress[] addressesTo, final String body, final File attachment) { try {/* ww w .j a v a2s.c o m*/ Session session = Session.getInstance(GlobalVariables.EMAIL_PROPS, new javax.mail.Authenticator() { @Override protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() { return new PasswordAuthentication("", ""); } }); MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session); // Set From: header field of the header. InternetAddress addressFrom = new InternetAddress(emailFrom); message.setFrom(addressFrom); // Set To: header field of the header. message.addRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, addressesTo); // Set Subject: header field message.setSubject(subject); // Create the message part BodyPart messageBodyPart = new javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart(); // Fill the message messageBodyPart.setText(body); messageBodyPart.setContent(body, "text/html"); // Create a multi part message Multipart multipart = new javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart(); // Set text message part multipart.addBodyPart(messageBodyPart); // Part two is attachment messageBodyPart = new javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart(); DataSource source = new FileDataSource(attachment); messageBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source)); messageBodyPart.setFileName(attachment.getName()); multipart.addBodyPart(messageBodyPart); // Send the complete message parts message.setContent(multipart); // Send message Transport.send(message); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.getMessage(); return false; } }
From source
/** * * @param event//from w w w.j ava 2 s. c o m */ public synchronized void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent event) { context = event.getServletContext(); // Get the configuration file String configPathTemp = (String) context.getInitParameter(INIT_PARAM_CONFIG_PATH); // Use the default path if it wasn't specified if (StringUtils.isBlank(configPathTemp)) configPathTemp = DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH; // Finalize the config path (needs to be final for inner-Runnable below) final String configPath = configPathTemp; context.setAttribute(CONTEXT_ATTR_CONFIG_PATH, configPath); try { // Load the configuration DefaultConfigurationBuilder configBuilder = new DefaultConfigurationBuilder(); configBuilder.setFileName(configPath); final CombinedConfiguration config = configBuilder.getConfiguration(true); // Save the config where we can get at it later context.setAttribute(CONTEXT_ATTR_CONFIG, config); Global.put(CONTEXT_ATTR_CONFIG, config); // Determine the localhost String localhost = config.getString(PROP_LOCALHOST, "ip"); if (localhost.equalsIgnoreCase("ip")) { try { localhost = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress();"Using localhost: " + localhost); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Error determining localhost", e); localhost = "localhost"; } } context.setAttribute(CONTEXT_ATTR_LOCALHOST, localhost); Global.put(CONTEXT_ATTR_LOCALHOST, localhost); loadedConfigPropKeys.add(CONTEXT_ATTR_LOCALHOST); // Set application context attributes for all config properties String prop, value; Iterator itr = config.getKeys(); while (itr.hasNext()) { prop = (String); value = config.getString(prop); // Anything with the value "localhost" will be set to the IP if possible value = (value.equals("localhost") ? localhost : value); log.debug("Config: " + prop + " = " + value); context.setAttribute(prop, value); loadedConfigPropKeys.add(prop); } // Run Mode configuration String runMode = config.getString(PROP_RUNMODE); try { RUN_MODE = RunMode.valueOf(runMode); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Error setting runmode, invalid value: " + runMode); } context.setAttribute("devMode", RUN_MODE != RunMode.PRODUCTION); loadedConfigPropKeys.add("devMode"); // Fragment Cache Configuration if (config.getBoolean(FragmentCache.Properties.ENABLED, false)) {"Enabling fragment caching..."); FragmentCacheTag.enable(); // This is expected to be in seconds long temp = config.getLong(FragmentCache.Properties.REQUEST_TIMEOUT, -1l); if (temp != -1) {"Setting FragmentCacheTag request timeout: " + temp); FragmentCacheTag.setRequestTimeout(temp); } // The property is in seconds, but WARNING_COMPUTE_DURATION does NOT use a TimeUnit, so it's in ms temp = config.getLong(FragmentCache.Properties.WARNING_DURATION, -1l); if (temp != -1) {"Setting FragmentCacheTag warning duration: " + temp); FragmentCacheTag.setWarningComputeDuration(temp * 1000); } // Get the fragment cache names String[] cacheNames = config.getStringArray(FragmentCache.Properties.ENGINE_NAMES); for (String cacheName : cacheNames) { String cacheClassName = config .getString(String.format(FragmentCache.Properties.ENGINE_CLASS_TEMPLATE, cacheName)); try { // Load up the class Class<? extends FragmentCache> cacheClass = (Class<? extends FragmentCache>) Class .forName(cacheClassName); // Look for a constructor that takes a config Constructor<? extends FragmentCache> constructor = null; try { constructor = cacheClass.getConstructor(Configuration.class); } catch (Exception e) { } FragmentCache cache; // If we found the configuration constructor, use it if (constructor != null) cache = constructor.newInstance(config); else { // otherwise use a default no-args constructor log.warn("Could not find a " + cacheClass.getSimpleName() + " constructor that takes a Configuration, defaulting to no-args constructor"); cache = cacheClass.newInstance(); } // register the cache with the FragmentCacheTag using the config strategy-name, or the engineName // if a strategy-name is not specified"Registering FragmentCache strategy: [name=" + cacheName + ", class=" + cacheClass.getName() + "]"); FragmentCacheTag.registerStrategy(cacheName, cache); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error enabling FragmentCache engine: " + cacheName, e); } } } else { // Have to call this here, because reconfiguration could turn // the cache off after it was previously enabled. FragmentCacheTag.disable(); } // For Task execution ScheduledExecutorService taskExecutor; if (config.getBoolean(PROP_TASK_EXECUTOR_ON, false)) { int threads = config.getInt(PROP_TASK_EXECUTOR_THREADS, DEFAULT_TASK_EXECUTOR_THREADS); if (threads == 1) taskExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(); else taskExecutor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(threads); context.setAttribute(CONTEXT_ATTR_TASK_MANAGER, taskExecutor); loadedConfigPropKeys.add(CONTEXT_ATTR_TASK_MANAGER); Global.put(CONTEXT_ATTR_TASK_MANAGER, taskExecutor); } else { // Not allowed to shutdown the taskExecutor if dynamic reconfig is enabled if (reconfigTask == null) { // Shutdown and remove references to the taskManager previously created taskExecutor = (ScheduledExecutorService) Global.get(CONTEXT_ATTR_TASK_MANAGER); if (taskExecutor != null) { taskExecutor.shutdown(); // will block until all tasks complete taskExecutor = null; Global.remove(CONTEXT_ATTR_TASK_MANAGER); } } else { // We could just log a warning that you can't do this, but the user // might not see that, so we're going to refuse to reset a configuration // that cannot be loaded in whole successfully. throw new ConfigurationException( "Cannot disable task execution service, dynamic reconfiguration is enabled!"); } } // Email Service if (config.getBoolean(PROP_MAIL_SERVICE_ON, false)) { if (!SimpleEmailService.isEnabled()) { // Get the SMTP properties Properties props = System.getProperties(); props.put(PROP_SMTP_HOST, config.getString(PROP_SMTP_HOST)); props.put(PROP_SMTP_PORT, config.getString(PROP_SMTP_PORT)); props.put(PROP_SMTP_AUTH, config.getString(PROP_SMTP_AUTH)); Session session; if (config.getBoolean(PROP_SMTP_AUTH)) { final String user = config.getString(PROP_SMTP_USER); final String pass = config.getString(PROP_SMTP_PASS); Authenticator auth = new Authenticator() { @Override public PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() { return new PasswordAuthentication(user, pass); } }; session = Session.getInstance(props, auth); } else { session = Session.getInstance(props); } // Get the global headers Iterator headerNames = config.getKeys(PROP_MAIL_HEADER_PREFIX); List<KeyValuePair<String, String>> headers = new LinkedList<KeyValuePair<String, String>>(); String headerName; while (headerNames.hasNext()) { headerName = (String); headers.add(new KeyValuePair<String, String>(headerName, config.getString(headerName))); } // Initialize the service SimpleEmailService.init(session); SimpleEmailService.setGlobalHeaders(headers); // Set whether we actually send the e-mails SimpleEmailService.setDummyMode(config.getBoolean(PROP_MAIL_DUMMY_MODE, false)); // Set the failure policy String policy = config.getString(PROP_MAIL_ERROR_POLICY); if (policy != null) { if (policy.equals(VALUE_MAIL_POLICY_DISCARD)) { SimpleEmailService.setErrorPolicy(new SimpleEmailService.DiscardPolicy()); } else if (policy.equals(VALUE_MAIL_POLICY_REQUEUE)) { Priority priority = null; try { priority = Priority.valueOf(config.getString(PROP_MAIL_REQUEUE_PRIORITY)); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Error reading requeue policy priority: " + config.getString(PROP_MAIL_REQUEUE_PRIORITY, "") + ", using default"); } if (priority == null) SimpleEmailService.setErrorPolicy(new SimpleEmailService.RequeuePolicy()); else SimpleEmailService.setErrorPolicy(new SimpleEmailService.RequeuePolicy(priority)); } } // Parse templates String emailTemplateDir = config.getString(PROP_MAIL_TEMPLATE_DIR); // If the template if (StringUtils.isBlank(emailTemplateDir)) emailTemplateDir = DEFAULT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DIR; log.debug("Looking for e-mail templates in: " + emailTemplateDir); Set<String> templates = context.getResourcePaths(emailTemplateDir); // E-mail templates if (templates != null && !templates.isEmpty()) { log.debug("Found " + templates.size() + " templates"); String key; String defaultTemplate = config.getString(PROP_MAIL_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE, EMPTY); InputStream in; StringBuilder builder; Scanner scanner; try { Template template; String[] parts; ContentType contentType; for (String path : templates) { path = path.trim(); parts = path.split("\\."); contentType = ContentType.valueOfExt(parts[1]); try { in = context.getResourceAsStream(path.trim()); if (in != null && in.available() > 0) { scanner = new Scanner(in); builder = new StringBuilder(); while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { builder.append(scanner.nextLine()); if (contentType == ContentType.PLAIN) { builder.append("\n"); } } template = new Template(builder.toString(), contentType); key = parts[0].replace(emailTemplateDir, EMPTY); SimpleEmailService.registerTemplate(key, template, key.equals(defaultTemplate)); } } catch (IOException ioe) { log.error("Error loading e-mail template: " + path, ioe); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error loading e-mail templates", e); } } else log.debug("No e-mail templates found."); } } else if (SimpleEmailService.isEnabled()) { boolean shutdown = false; try { shutdown = SimpleEmailService.shutdown(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { log.warn("Interrupted while shutting down SimpleEmailService"); } if (!shutdown) SimpleEmailService.shutdown(); } // QueuedHttpCallService if (config.getBoolean(PROP_HTTP_SRVC_ON, false)) { if (!SimpleHttpService.isEnabled()) // Don't double init... { int defaultThreadCount = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() + 1; // threads to use if unspecified SimpleHttpService.init(config.getInt(PROP_HTTP_SRVC_CORE_POOL, defaultThreadCount), config.getInt(PROP_HTTP_SRVC_MAX_POOL, defaultThreadCount), config.getLong(PROP_HTTP_SRVC_POOL_IDLE, DEFAULT_HTTP_SRVC_THREAD_IDLE), config.getInt(PROP_HTTP_SRVC_CONNECT_TOUT, DEFAULT_HTTP_SRVC_CONNECT_TOUT), config.getInt(PROP_HTTP_SRVE_SOCKET_TOUT, DEFAULT_HTTP_SRVE_SOCKET_TOUT)); } } else if (SimpleHttpService.isEnabled()) { boolean shutdown = false; try { // Try to shutdown the service while letting currently waiting tasks complete shutdown = SimpleHttpService.shutdown(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { log.warn("Interrupted while waiting for SimpleHttpService to shutdown"); } if (!shutdown) { // But if that doesn't finish in 60 seconds, just cut it off int count = SimpleHttpService.shutdown().size(); log.warn("SimpleHttpService failed to shutdown in 60 seconds, so it was terminated with " + count + " tasks waiting"); } } // Spymemcached Client if (config.getBoolean(PROP_SPYMEMCACHED_ON, false)) { String addresses = config.getString(PROP_SPYMEMCACHED_ADDRESSES); if (addresses == null) { log.error("Error configuring spymemcached; enabled but no addresses!"); } else { try { // Reflect our way to the constructor, this is all so that the // spymemcached jar does not need to be included in a J2Free app // unless it is actually to be used. Class klass = Class.forName("net.spy.memcached.MemcachedClient"); Constructor constructor = klass.getConstructor(List.class); klass = Class.forName("net.spy.memcached.AddrUtil"); Method method = klass.getMethod("getAddresses", String.class); Object client = constructor.newInstance(method.invoke(null, addresses)); context.setAttribute(CONTEXT_ATTR_SPYMEMCACHED, client); loadedConfigPropKeys.add(CONTEXT_ATTR_SPYMEMCACHED); Global.put(CONTEXT_ATTR_SPYMEMCACHED, client);"Spymemcached client created, connected to " + addresses); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error creating memcached client [addresses=" + addresses + "]", e); } } } else { // If a spymemcached client was previous created Object client = Global.get(CONTEXT_ATTR_SPYMEMCACHED); if (client != null) { try { // Reflect our way to the shutdown method Class klass = Class.forName("net.spy.memcached.MemcachedClient"); Method method = klass.getMethod("shutdown"); method.invoke(null, client); // and shut it down"Spymemcached client shutdown"); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error shutting down spymemcached client", e); } // Then remove any references Global.remove(CONTEXT_ATTR_SPYMEMCACHED); client = null; } } } catch (ConfigurationException ce) { log.error("Error configuring app", ce); } }
From source
/** AFter all files are stored in temporary tabe takes them and sens as zip or as separate attachments * // ww w .j a va2s . c o m * @param mailOptions * @return */ public boolean sendFiles(Map<String, Object> mailOptions) { logger.debug("IN"); try { final String DEFAULT_SSL_FACTORY = ""; final String CUSTOM_SSL_FACTORY = ""; String tempFolderPath = (String) mailOptions.get(TEMP_FOLDER_PATH); File tempFolder = new File(tempFolderPath); if (!tempFolder.exists() || !tempFolder.isDirectory()) { logger.error("Temp Folder " + tempFolderPath + " does not exist or is not a directory: stop sending mail"); return false; } String smtphost = null; String pass = null; String smtpssl = null; String trustedStorePath = null; String user = null; String from = null; int smtpPort = 25; try { smtphost = SingletonConfig.getInstance().getConfigValue("MAIL.PROFILES.scheduler.smtphost"); String smtpportS = SingletonConfig.getInstance().getConfigValue("MAIL.PROFILES.scheduler.smtpport"); smtpssl = SingletonConfig.getInstance().getConfigValue("MAIL.PROFILES.scheduler.useSSL"); logger.debug(smtphost + " " + smtpportS + " use SSL: " + smtpssl); //Custom Trusted Store Certificate Options trustedStorePath = SingletonConfig.getInstance().getConfigValue("MAIL.PROFILES.trustedStore.file"); if ((smtphost == null) || smtphost.trim().equals("")) throw new Exception("Smtp host not configured"); if ((smtpportS == null) || smtpportS.trim().equals("")) { throw new Exception("Smtp host not configured"); } else { smtpPort = Integer.parseInt(smtpportS); } from = SingletonConfig.getInstance().getConfigValue("MAIL.PROFILES.scheduler.from"); if ((from == null) || from.trim().equals("")) from = ""; user = SingletonConfig.getInstance().getConfigValue("MAIL.PROFILES.scheduler.user"); if ((user == null) || user.trim().equals("")) { logger.debug("Smtp user not configured"); user = null; } // throw new Exception("Smtp user not configured"); pass = SingletonConfig.getInstance().getConfigValue("MAIL.PROFILES.scheduler.password"); if ((pass == null) || pass.trim().equals("")) { logger.debug("Smtp password not configured"); } // throw new Exception("Smtp password not configured"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Some E-mail configuration not set in table sbi_config: check you have all settings.", e); throw new Exception( "Some E-mail configuration not set in table sbi_config: check you have all settings."); } String mailSubj = mailOptions.get(MAIL_SUBJECT) != null ? (String) mailOptions.get(MAIL_SUBJECT) : null; Map parametersMap = mailOptions.get(PARAMETERS_MAP) != null ? (Map) mailOptions.get(PARAMETERS_MAP) : null; mailSubj = StringUtilities.substituteParametersInString(mailSubj, parametersMap, null, false); String mailTxt = mailOptions.get(MAIL_TXT) != null ? (String) mailOptions.get(MAIL_TXT) : null; String[] recipients = mailOptions.get(RECIPIENTS) != null ? (String[]) mailOptions.get(RECIPIENTS) : null; //Set the host smtp address Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("", smtphost); props.put("mail.smtp.p ort", Integer.toString(smtpPort)); // open session Session session = null; // create autheticator object Authenticator auth = null; if (user != null) { auth = new SMTPAuthenticator(user, pass); props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true"); //SSL Connection if (smtpssl.equals("true")) { Security.addProvider(new; //props.put("mail.smtp.debug", "true"); props.put("mail.smtps.auth", "true"); props.put("mail.smtps.socketFactory.port", Integer.toString(smtpPort)); if ((!StringUtilities.isEmpty(trustedStorePath))) { /* Dynamic configuration of trustedstore for CA * Using Custom SSLSocketFactory to inject certificates directly from specified files */ //System.setProperty("","certpath"); //System.setProperty("","ssl "); props.put("mail.smtps.socketFactory.class", CUSTOM_SSL_FACTORY); } else { //System.setProperty("","certpath"); //System.setProperty("","ssl "); props.put("mail.smtps.socketFactory.class", DEFAULT_SSL_FACTORY); } props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback", "false"); } //session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, auth); session = Session.getInstance(props, auth); //session.setDebug(true); //session.setDebugOut(null);"Session.getInstance(props, auth)"); } else { //session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props); session = Session.getInstance(props);"Session.getInstance(props)"); } // create a message Message msg = new MimeMessage(session); // set the from and to address InternetAddress addressFrom = new InternetAddress(from); msg.setFrom(addressFrom); InternetAddress[] addressTo = new InternetAddress[recipients.length]; for (int i = 0; i < recipients.length; i++) { addressTo[i] = new InternetAddress(recipients[i]); } msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, addressTo); // Setting the Subject and Content Type String subject = mailSubj; String nameSuffix = mailOptions.get(NAME_SUFFIX) != null ? (String) mailOptions.get(NAME_SUFFIX) : null; Boolean reportNameInSubject = mailOptions.get(REPORT_NAME_IN_SUBJECT) != null && !mailOptions.get(REPORT_NAME_IN_SUBJECT).toString().equals("") ? (Boolean) mailOptions.get(REPORT_NAME_IN_SUBJECT) : null; //Boolean descriptionSuffix =mailOptions.get(DESCRIPTION_SUFFIX) != null && !mailOptions.get(DESCRIPTION_SUFFIX).toString().equals("")? (Boolean) mailOptions.get(DESCRIPTION_SUFFIX) : null; String zipFileName = mailOptions.get(ZIP_FILE_NAME) != null ? (String) mailOptions.get(ZIP_FILE_NAME) : "Zipped Documents"; String contentType = mailOptions.get(CONTENT_TYPE) != null ? (String) mailOptions.get(CONTENT_TYPE) : null; String fileExtension = mailOptions.get(FILE_EXTENSION) != null ? (String) mailOptions.get(FILE_EXTENSION) : null; if (reportNameInSubject) { subject += " " + nameSuffix; } msg.setSubject(subject); // create and fill the first message part MimeBodyPart mbp1 = new MimeBodyPart(); mbp1.setText(mailTxt); // attach the file to the message boolean isZipDocument = mailOptions.get(IS_ZIP_DOCUMENT) != null ? (Boolean) mailOptions.get(IS_ZIP_DOCUMENT) : false; zipFileName = mailOptions.get(ZIP_FILE_NAME) != null ? (String) mailOptions.get(ZIP_FILE_NAME) : "Zipped Documents"; // create the Multipart and add its parts to it Multipart mp = new MimeMultipart(); mp.addBodyPart(mbp1); if (isZipDocument) { logger.debug("Make zip"); // create the second message part MimeBodyPart mbp2 = new MimeBodyPart(); mbp2 = zipAttachment(zipFileName, mailOptions, tempFolder); mp.addBodyPart(mbp2); } else { logger.debug("Attach single files"); SchedulerDataSource sds = null; MimeBodyPart bodyPart = null; try { String[] entries = tempFolder.list(); for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { logger.debug("Attach file " + entries[i]); File f = new File(tempFolder + File.separator + entries[i]); byte[] content = getBytesFromFile(f); bodyPart = new MimeBodyPart(); sds = new SchedulerDataSource(content, contentType, entries[i]); //sds = new SchedulerDataSource(content, contentType, entries[i] + fileExtension); bodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(sds)); bodyPart.setFileName(sds.getName()); mp.addBodyPart(bodyPart); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error while attaching files", e); } } // add the Multipart to the message msg.setContent(mp); logger.debug("Preparing to send mail"); // send message if ((smtpssl.equals("true")) && (!StringUtilities.isEmpty(user)) && (!StringUtilities.isEmpty(pass))) { logger.debug("Smtps mode active user " + user); //USE SSL Transport comunication with SMTPS Transport transport = session.getTransport("smtps"); transport.connect(smtphost, smtpPort, user, pass); transport.sendMessage(msg, msg.getAllRecipients()); transport.close(); } else { logger.debug("Smtp mode"); //Use normal SMTP Transport.send(msg); } // logger.debug("delete tempFolder path "+tempFolder.getPath()); // boolean deleted = tempFolder.delete(); // logger.debug("Temp folder deleted "+deleted); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error while sending schedule result mail", e); return false; } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } return true; }
From source
/** * Prepara la Session per l'invio della mail, inoltre effettua l'handshake SSL con l'host di destinazione quando richiesto. * @return La Session pronta per l'uso.// w ww .j a v a 2 s. c o m */ protected Session createSession(boolean sentMail, String username, String password) throws ApsSystemException { //Properties properties = System.getProperties(); Properties properties = new Properties(); WebMailConfig config = this.getConfig(); String imapProtocol = config.getImapProtocol(); String host = config.getImapHost(); Integer port = config.getImapPort(); if (null != imapProtocol && imapProtocol.trim().length() > 0) { properties.setProperty("", imapProtocol); } else { throw new ApsSystemException("IMAP Protocoll missing"); } if (null != host && host.trim().length() > 0) { properties.setProperty("", host); } else { throw new ApsSystemException("IMAP host missing"); } if (null != port && port.intValue() > 0) { properties.setProperty("mail.imap.port", port.toString()); } else { throw new ApsSystemException("IMAP port missing"); } // analizza il certificato dell'host. Se l'handshake gi stato effettuato ritorna immediatamente this.getCertificateHandler().aquireCertificate(host, port.intValue(), imapProtocol, config); // verifica se si possa procedere in sicurezza con la connessione all'host if (!this.getCertificateHandler().proceedWithConnection()) {"Connection to host '" + host + "' not trusted"); //ApsSystemUtils.getLogger().info("Connection to host '" + host + "' not trusted"); } else {"Connection to host '" + host + "' trusted"); //ApsSystemUtils.getLogger().info("Connection to host '" + host + "' trusted"); } properties.setProperty("mail.imap.timeout", "5000"); if (imapProtocol.equalsIgnoreCase("imaps")) { properties.setProperty("mail.imap.ssl.protocols", "SSL"); properties.setProperty("mail.imap.starttls.enable", "true"); } if (config.getLocalhost() != null && config.getLocalhost().trim().length() > 0) { properties.put("mail.smtp.localhost", config.getLocalhost()); } //SMTP START properties.put("", config.getSmtpHost()); Integer smtpPort = config.getSmtpPort(); if (smtpPort != null && smtpPort.intValue() > 0) { properties.put("mail.smtp.port", smtpPort.toString()); } int timeout = DEFAULT_SMTP_TIMEOUT; Integer timeoutParam = null;//config.getSmtpTimeout(); if (null != timeoutParam && timeoutParam.intValue() != 0) { timeout = timeoutParam; } properties.put("mail.smtp.connectiontimeout", timeout); properties.put("mail.smtp.timeout", timeout); Session session = null; if (sentMail) { properties.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true"); switch (config.getSmtpProtocol()) { case WebMailConfig.PROTO_SSL: properties.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.port", smtpPort.toString()); properties.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.class", ""); properties.put("mail.transport.protocol", "smtps"); break; case WebMailConfig.PROTO_TLS: properties.put("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", "true"); break; case WebMailConfig.PROTO_STD: //do nothing just use previous properties WITH the authenticator break; } Authenticator auth = new SMTPAuthenticator(username, password); session = Session.getInstance(properties, auth); } else { session = Session.getDefaultInstance(properties); } return session; }
From source
@Override public boolean sendPackageApprovedEmail(PackageApprovedEmailData emailData) throws MessagingException { String path = System.getProperty("catalina.base"); MimeBodyPart logo = new MimeBodyPart(); // attach the file to the message DataSource source = new FileDataSource(new File(path + "/webapps/Images/Email/logoIcon.png")); logo.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source)); logo.setFileName("logoIcon.png"); logo.setDisposition(MimeBodyPart.INLINE); logo.setHeader("Content-ID", "<logo_Icon>"); // cid:image_cid MimeBodyPart facebook = new MimeBodyPart(); // attach the file to the message source = new FileDataSource(new File(path + "/webapps/Images/Email/facebookIcon.png")); facebook.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source)); facebook.setFileName("facebookIcon.png"); facebook.setDisposition(MimeBodyPart.INLINE); facebook.setHeader("Content-ID", "<fb_Icon>"); // cid:image_cid MimeBodyPart twitter = new MimeBodyPart(); // attach the file to the message source = new FileDataSource(new File(path + "/webapps/Images/Email/twitterIcon.png")); twitter.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source)); twitter.setFileName("twitterIcon.png"); twitter.setDisposition(MimeBodyPart.INLINE); twitter.setHeader("Content-ID", "<twitter_Icon>"); // cid:image_cid MimeBodyPart insta = new MimeBodyPart(); // attach the file to the message source = new FileDataSource(new File(path + "/webapps/Images/Email/instaIcon.png")); insta.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source)); insta.setFileName("instaIcon.png"); insta.setDisposition(MimeBodyPart.INLINE); insta.setHeader("Content-ID", "<insta_Icon>"); // cid:image_cid MimeBodyPart youtube = new MimeBodyPart(); // attach the file to the message source = new FileDataSource(new File(path + "/webapps/Images/Email/youtubeIcon.png")); youtube.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source)); youtube.setFileName("youtubeIcon.png"); youtube.setDisposition(MimeBodyPart.INLINE); youtube.setHeader("Content-ID", "<yt_Icon>"); // cid:image_cid MimeBodyPart pinterest = new MimeBodyPart(); // attach the file to the message source = new FileDataSource(new File(path + "/webapps/Images/Email/pinterestIcon.png")); pinterest.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source)); pinterest.setFileName("pinterestIcon.png"); pinterest.setDisposition(MimeBodyPart.INLINE); pinterest.setHeader("Content-ID", "<pin_Icon>"); // cid:image_cid String content = "<div style=' width: 507px;background-color: #f2f2f4;'>" + " <div style='padding: 30px 0;text-align: center; color: #fff; background-color: #ff514e;font-size: 30px;font-weight: bold;'>" + " <img style=' text-align:center;' width=57 height=57 src='cid:logo_Icon'/>" + " <p style='margin:25px 0px 0px 0px;'> Package Approved! </p>" + " </div>" + " <div style=' padding: 50px;margin-bottom: 20px;'>" + " <div id='email-form'>" + " <div style='margin-bottom: 20px'>" + " Hi " + emailData.getLastName() + " ,<br/>" + " Your package " + emailData.getLastestPackageName() + " has been approved" + " </div>" + " <div style='margin-bottom: 20px'>" + " Thanks,<br/>" + " Youtripper team\n" + " </div>" + " </div>" + " <div style='border-top: solid 1px #c4c5cc;text-align:center;'>" + " <p style='text-align: center; color: #3b3e53;margin-top: 10px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 10px;'>Sent from</p>" + " <div>" + " <a href=''><img style='margin:10px;' src='cid:fb_Icon' alt=''/></a>" + " <a href=''><img style='margin:10px;' src='cid:twitter_Icon' alt=''/></a>" + " <a href=''><img style='margin:10px;' src='cid:insta_Icon' alt=''/></a>" + " <a href=''><img style='margin:10px;' src='cid:yt_Icon' alt=''/></a>" + " <a href=''><img style='margin:10px;' src='cid:pin_Icon' alt=''/></a>" + " </div>" + " <p>Youtripper Ltd., 56 Soi Seri Villa, Srinakarin Rd., Nongbon," + " <br>Pravet, Bangkok, Thailand 10250</p>" + " </div>" + " </div>" + "</div>"; MimeBodyPart mbp1 = new MimeBodyPart(); mbp1.setText(content, "US-ASCII", "html"); Multipart mp = new MimeMultipart("related"); mp.addBodyPart(mbp1);/* w ww . ja v a 2s.c om*/ mp.addBodyPart(logo); mp.addBodyPart(facebook); mp.addBodyPart(twitter); mp.addBodyPart(insta); mp.addBodyPart(youtube); mp.addBodyPart(pinterest); final String username = ""; final String password = "Tripper190515"; Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true"); props.put("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", "true"); props.put("", ""); Session session = Session.getInstance(props, new javax.mail.Authenticator() { protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() { return new PasswordAuthentication(username, password); } }); Message message = new MimeMessage(session); message.setFrom(new InternetAddress("")); message.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, InternetAddress.parse(emailData.getEmail())); message.setSubject("Package Approved!"); message.setContent(mp); message.saveChanges(); Transport.send(message); return true; }
From source
public static void Send(String to, int mode) { //mode 0 = ?, 1 = ?, 2 = ?, 3 = ??, 4 = , 5 = System.out.println("???"); String from = Mailsocketchat.mail_user; String host = ""; String port = "465"; String text = ""; String subject = ""; if (mode == 0) { text = logprint(text);//from w w w . j a va 2 s . co m subject = " - MailSocketChat"; if (Mailsocketchat.newver) { text = text + "\n\n??????????\n"; } } if (mode == 1) { if (Mailsocketchat.subjectname) { subject = Mailsocketchat.logs.get(0).get("name"); } else { subject = "?? - MailSocketChat"; } text = logprint(text); } if (mode == 8) { text = logprint(text); subject = "?? - MailSocketChat"; } if (mode == 2) { if (!Mailsocketchat.push) { subject = "????? - MailSocketChat"; text = "???????????????????\n\n??????\n"; text = logprint(text); } else { subject = "??? - MailSocketChat"; text = "?????????????????\n(???????????)\n\n"; } if (Mailsocketchat.newver) { text = text + "\n\n??????????\n"; } } if (mode == 3) { if (!Mailsocketchat.push && !Mailsocketchat.repeat) { subject = "???? - MailSocketChat"; text = "????\n\n??????\n"; text = logprint(text); } else { subject = "?????? - MailSocketChat"; text = "?????????????????\n\n"; if (Mailsocketchat.repeat) { text = text + "??????\n"; text = logprint(text); } } if (Mailsocketchat.newver) { text = text + "\n\n??????????\n"; } } if (mode == 7) { if (!Mailsocketchat.repeat) { subject = "????? - MailSocketChat"; text = "?????30????????????\n\n"; if (!Mailsocketchat.push) { text = text + "??????\n"; text = logprint(text); } } else { subject = "??? - MailSocketChat"; text = "???\n\n"; } if (Mailsocketchat.newver) { text = text + "\n\n??????????\n"; } } if (mode == 4) { subject = " - MailSocketChat"; int userint = Mailsocketchat.users.size(); int romint = Mailsocketchat.roms.size(); text = ": " + userint + " ROM: " + romint + "\n\n\n"; for (Integer id : Mailsocketchat.users.keySet()) { HashMap<String, String> data = Mailsocketchat.users.get(id); text = text + data.get("name") + "\n"; text = text + " (" + data.get("ip") + ")\n"; } text = text + "\n\nROM\n"; for (Integer id : Mailsocketchat.roms.keySet()) { HashMap<String, String> data = Mailsocketchat.roms.get(id); text = text + data.get("ip") + "\n"; } if (Mailsocketchat.newver) { text = text + "\n\n??????????\n"; } } if (mode == 5) { subject = " - MailSocketChat"; if (Mailsocketchat.push) { text = "??: \n\n"; } else if (Mailsocketchat.repeat) { text = "??: \n\n"; } else { text = "??: ?\n\n"; } text = text + "?\n"; text = text + "?(fetch): ?????\n"; text = text + "(push): ????\n"; text = text + "(repeat): ????\n"; text = text + "(list): ???\n"; text = text + "#: ?????\n"; text = text + "#hoge: ??hoge????\n"; text = text + "(help): ?????\n\n"; text = text + "\nMailSocketChat Ver." + Mailsocketchat.version + "\n"; if (Mailsocketchat.newver) { text = text + "??????????\n"; } } if (mode == 6) { subject = "????????? - MailSocketChat"; text = text + "MailSocketChat??????????????????\n"; } // create some properties and get the default Session Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true"); props.put("mail.transport.protocol", "smtps"); props.put("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", "true"); props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.class", ""); props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback", "false"); props.put("", host); props.put("mail.smtp.port", port); Session sendsession = Session.getInstance(props, new PlainAuthenticator(Mailsocketchat.mail_user, Mailsocketchat.mail_pass)); try { // create a message MimeMessage msg = new MimeMessage(sendsession); msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from)); InternetAddress[] sendaddress = { new InternetAddress(to) }; msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, sendaddress); msg.setSubject(subject); msg.setSentDate(new Date()); // If the desired charset is known, you can use // setText(text, charset) msg.setText(text); Transport.send(msg); System.out.println("?????"); } catch (MessagingException mex) { System.out.println("??????"); } }
From source
/** * /*from w ww. j ava2 s .c o m*/ * @param params * @throws Exception * * */ public static void sendEmail(String url, final User from, String toEmail, Map params, SqlSession session, CountDownLatch latch) throws Exception { final CountDownLatch ltc = latch; if (from == null) { throw new ServletException("Sys.sendEmail cannot have a null FROM User."); } String fromEmail = from.getEmail(); final String fro = fromEmail; final String to = toEmail; final Map p = params; final String u = url; final SqlSession sr = session; // TODO: check message sender/recipient validity if (!checkEmailValidity(fromEmail)) { throw new RuntimeException( fromEmail + " is not a valid email address. SENDING MESSAGE TO " + toEmail + " FAILED"); } // TODO: check mail server if it's a valid message if (!checkEmailValidity(toEmail)) { throw new RuntimeException( toEmail + " is not a valid email address. SENDING MESSAGE TO " + toEmail + " FAILED"); } // message.setSubject("Testing Email From"); // Send the actual HTML message, as big as you like // fetch the content final String content = getText(u); new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // Sender's email ID needs to be mentioned // String sendAccount = "$EMAIL_USER_NAME$"; // final String username = "$EMAIL_USER_NAME$", password = // "hum0rm3"; // Assuming you are sending email from localhost // String host = ""; String sendAccount = "$EMAIL_USER_NAME$"; final String username = "$EMAIL_USER_NAME$", password = "$EMAIL_USER_PASS$"; // Assuming you are sending email from localhost String host = SystemConstants.EMAIL_SERVER; // Get system properties Properties props = System.getProperties(); // Setup mail server props.setProperty("", host); props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true"); props.put("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", "true"); props.put("mail.smtp.port", "587"); // Get the default Session object. Session session = Session.getInstance(props, new javax.mail.Authenticator() { @Override protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() { return new PasswordAuthentication(username, password); } }); try { // Create a default MimeMessage object. MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session); // Set From: header field of the header. message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(sendAccount)); // Set To: header field of the header. message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(to)); message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(sendAccount)); // Set Subject: header field Object o = p.get("MESSAGE_SUBJECT"); message.setSubject(o.toString()); String ctx = new String(content.toString()); // TODO: String Rep on the params ctx = stringRep(ctx, p); message.setContent(ctx, "text/html; charset=utf-8"); // message.setContent(new Multipart()); // Send message Transport.send(message); Logger.log("Sending message to:" + to + " SUCCESS"); } catch (MessagingException mex) { // mex.printStackTrace(); Logger.log("Sending message to:" + to + " FAILED"); Logger.error("Sys.sendEmail() failed to send message. Messaging Exception: " + mex.toString()); } // log the data Syslog logEntry = new Syslog(); logEntry.setDescription("OK [ email sent from: " + fro + " to: " + to + "]"); logEntry.setUserId(from.getId()); logEntry.setEventType(SystemConstants.LOG_EVENT_TYPE_SEND_EMAIL); logEntry.setSourceId(from.getId()); // unknown logEntry.setSourceType(SystemConstants.TARGET_TYPE_USER); logEntry.setTimestamp(new java.util.Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory = MyBatisConnectionFactory.getSqlSessionFactory(); SqlSession sesh = sqlSessionFactory.openSession(true); sesh.insert("io.starter.dao.SyslogMapper.insert", logEntry); sesh.commit(); if (ltc != null) ltc.countDown(); // release the latch } }).start(); }