List of usage examples for javax.mail Session getDefaultInstance
public static synchronized Session getDefaultInstance(Properties props, Authenticator authenticator)
From source
@Override public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException { DatastoreService datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService(); Entity contestInfo = Retrieve.contestInfo(); Map<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<String, String[]>(req.getParameterMap()); for (Entry<String, String[]> param : params.entrySet()) { if (!"studentData".equals(param.getKey())) { params.put(param.getKey(), new String[] { escapeHtml4(param.getValue()[0]) }); }/*from w w w . j a va 2s . c om*/ } String registrationType = params.get("registrationType")[0]; String account = "no"; if (params.containsKey("account")) { account = "yes"; } String email = params.containsKey("email") && params.get("email")[0].length() > 0 ? params.get("email")[0].toLowerCase().trim() : null; String schoolLevel = params.get("schoolLevel")[0]; String schoolName = params.get("schoolName")[0].trim(); String name = params.get("name")[0].trim(); String classification = params.containsKey("classification") ? params.get("classification")[0] : ""; String studentData = req.getParameter("studentData"); String password = null; String confPassword = null; UserCookie userCookie = UserCookie.getCookie(req); boolean loggedIn = userCookie != null && userCookie.authenticate(); if ((!loggedIn || !userCookie.isAdmin()) && email == null) { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "E-Mail Address parameter ('email') must be specified"); return; } HttpSession sess = req.getSession(true); sess.setAttribute("registrationType", registrationType); sess.setAttribute("account", account); sess.setAttribute("account", account); sess.setAttribute("name", name); sess.setAttribute("classification", classification); sess.setAttribute("schoolName", schoolName); sess.setAttribute("schoolLevel", schoolLevel); sess.setAttribute("email", email); sess.setAttribute("studentData", studentData); boolean reCaptchaResponse = false; if (!(Boolean) sess.getAttribute("nocaptcha")) { URL reCaptchaURL = new URL(""); String charset =; String reCaptchaQuery = String.format("secret=%s&response=%s&remoteip=%s", URLEncoder.encode((String) contestInfo.getProperty("privateKey"), charset), URLEncoder.encode(req.getParameter("g-recaptcha-response"), charset), URLEncoder.encode(req.getRemoteAddr(), charset)); final URLConnection connection = new URL(reCaptchaURL + "?" + reCaptchaQuery).openConnection(); connection.setRequestProperty("Accept-Charset", charset); String response = CharStreams.toString(CharStreams.newReaderSupplier(new InputSupplier<InputStream>() { @Override public InputStream getInput() throws IOException { return connection.getInputStream(); } }, Charsets.UTF_8)); try { JSONObject JSONResponse = new JSONObject(response); reCaptchaResponse = JSONResponse.getBoolean("success"); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); resp.sendRedirect("/contactUs?captchaError=1"); return; } } if (!(Boolean) sess.getAttribute("nocaptcha") && !reCaptchaResponse) { resp.sendRedirect("/registration?captchaError=1"); } else { if (account.equals("yes")) { password = params.get("password")[0]; confPassword = params.get("confPassword")[0]; } Query query = new Query("registration") .setFilter(new FilterPredicate("email", FilterOperator.EQUAL, email)).setKeysOnly(); List<Entity> users = datastore.prepare(query).asList(FetchOptions.Builder.withLimit(1)); if (users.size() != 0 && email != null || account.equals("yes") && !confPassword.equals(password)) { if (users.size() != 0) { resp.sendRedirect("/registration?userError=1"); } else if (!params.get("confPassword")[0].equals(params.get("password")[0])) { resp.sendRedirect("/registration?passwordError=1"); } else { resp.sendRedirect("/registration?updated=1"); } } else { Entity registration = new Entity("registration"); registration.setProperty("registrationType", registrationType); registration.setProperty("account", account); registration.setProperty("schoolName", schoolName); registration.setProperty("schoolLevel", schoolLevel); registration.setProperty("name", name); registration.setProperty("classification", classification); registration.setProperty("studentData", new Text(studentData)); registration.setProperty("email", email); registration.setProperty("paid", ""); registration.setProperty("timestamp", new Date()); JSONArray regData = null; try { regData = new JSONArray(studentData); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e.toString()); return; } long price = (Long) contestInfo.getProperty("price"); int cost = (int) (0 * price); for (int i = 0; i < regData.length(); i++) { try { JSONObject studentRegData = regData.getJSONObject(i); for (Subject subject : Subject.values()) { cost += price * (studentRegData.getBoolean(subject.toString()) ? 1 : 0); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e.toString()); return; } } registration.setProperty("cost", cost); Transaction txn = datastore.beginTransaction(TransactionOptions.Builder.withXG(true)); try { datastore.put(registration); if (account.equals("yes") && password != null && password.length() > 0 && email != null) { Entity user = new Entity("user"); String hash = Password.getSaltedHash(password); user.setProperty("name", name); user.setProperty("school", schoolName); user.setProperty("schoolLevel", schoolLevel); user.setProperty("user-id", email); user.setProperty("salt", hash.split("\\$")[0]); user.setProperty("hash", hash.split("\\$")[1]); datastore.put(user); } txn.commit(); sess.setAttribute("props", registration.getProperties()); if (email != null) { Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(new Properties(), null); String appEngineEmail = (String) contestInfo.getProperty("account"); String url = req.getRequestURL().toString(); url = url.substring(0, url.indexOf("/", 7)); try { Message msg = new MimeMessage(session); msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(appEngineEmail, "Tournament Website Admin")); msg.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(email, name)); msg.setSubject("Thank you for your registration!"); VelocityEngine ve = new VelocityEngine(); ve.init(); VelocityContext context = new VelocityContext(); context.put("name", name); context.put("url", url); context.put("cost", cost); context.put("title", contestInfo.getProperty("title")); context.put("account", account.equals("yes")); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); Velocity.evaluate(context, sw, "registrationEmail", ((Text) contestInfo.getProperty("registrationEmail")).getValue()); msg.setContent(sw.toString(), "text/html"); Transport.send(msg); } catch (MessagingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e.toString()); return; } } resp.sendRedirect("/registration?updated=1"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e.toString()); } finally { if (txn.isActive()) { txn.rollback(); } } } } }
From source
@RequestMapping(value = "/wbmail") public ModelAndView doWhiteboardMail(ModelMap model, HttpServletRequest req) { model.clear();/* www . j a v a2s . c om*/ try { WBEmail email = new WBEmail(); HttpSession session = req.getSession(); String userName = session.getAttribute("userName").toString(); String toAddress = req.getParameter("email"); if (!WebUtil.isValidEmail(toAddress)) { throw new Exception("invalid email"); } //TODO validate message contents email.setFromUser(userName); email.setToAddress(toAddress); WhiteBoard wb = getWhiteBoard(req); if (wb == null) { throw new Exception("Invalid White Board"); } email.setWbKey(wb.getKey()); email.setCreationTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); Properties props = new Properties(); Session mailsession = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null); String emailError = null; try { MimeMessage msg = new MimeMessage(mailsession); msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress("", "Draw it Live")); msg.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(toAddress)); msg.setSubject("Please join the whiteboard session on " + req.getServerName()); String msgBody = "To join " + userName + " on a colloborative whiteboard follow this link: <a href=\"http://" + req.getServerName() + "/whiteboard/" + req.getParameter("wbId") + "\"> http://" + req.getServerName() + "/whiteboard/" + req.getParameter("wbId") + "</a>"; msg.setText(msgBody, "UTF-8", "html"); Transport.send(msg); } catch (AddressException e) { emailError = e.getMessage(); } catch (MessagingException e) { emailError = e.getMessage(); } if (emailError == null) { email.setStatus(WBEmail.STATUS_SENT); } else { email.setStatus(WBEmail.STATUS_ERROR); } getPM().makePersistent(email); if (email.getStatus() == WBEmail.STATUS_ERROR) { throw new Exception(emailError); } model.put("status", "ok"); } catch (Exception e) { model.put("error", e.getMessage()); } return doJSON(model); }
From source
public static MimeMessage getMimeMessage(String messageId) throws IOException, MessagingException { String userId = USER;/* ww w . j a v a 2 s . c om*/ Message message = service.users().messages().get(userId, messageId).setFormat("raw").execute(); byte[] emailBytes = Base64.decodeBase64(message.getRaw()); Properties props = new Properties(); Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null); MimeMessage email = new MimeMessage(session, new ByteArrayInputStream(emailBytes)); //System.out.println(email.getContentType()); return email; }
From source
public static Map getMessageDetails(String messageId) throws IOException, MessagingException { Map<String, String> mapDetails = new HashMap<String, String>(); Message message = service.users().messages().get("me", messageId).setFormat("raw").execute(); byte[] bytes = Base64.decodeBase64(message.getRaw()); Properties prop = new Properties(); Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(prop, null); MimeMessage email = new MimeMessage(session, new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)); mapDetails.put("subject", email.getSubject()); String from = "None"; if (email.getSender() != null) { from = email.getSender().toString(); }/* w ww.j a v a2 s . com*/ mapDetails.put("from", from); String date = "Unknown"; if (email.getReceivedDate() != null) { date = email.getReceivedDate().toString(); } mapDetails.put("receiveddate", date); date = "Unknown"; if (email.getSentDate() != null) { date = email.getSentDate().toString(); } mapDetails.put("senddate", date); mapDetails.put("body", getMessageBody(email)); return mapDetails; }
From source
/** * Sets existsOnDisk based on whether the collection (contentDir) actually (now) sits on disk. * /*from w w w.jav a 2 s . co m*/ * @todo the whole existsOnDisk construction is a little funny, refactor some time */ protected void setExistsOnDisk() { existsOnDisk = false; Store store = null; try { // try to connect to server and find folder log.debug("Connecting to IMAP server: " + host); Properties props = System.getProperties(); Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null); store = session.getStore("imap"); log.debug("Connecting to " + host + " as " + user); store.connect(host, user, password); log.debug("Connected"); // start at the proper folder Folder topFolder = null; if (StringUtils.hasText(folder)) { topFolder = store.getFolder(folder); } else { topFolder = store.getDefaultFolder(); } existsOnDisk = (topFolder != null); } catch (NoSuchProviderException e) { log.warn("Can't connect to " + host, e); } catch (MessagingException e) { log.warn("Error while accessing IMAP server " + host, e); } finally { if (store != null) { try { store.close(); } catch (MessagingException e1) { log.error("Error closing IMAP server " + host, e1); } } } }
From source
@ProtocoderScript @APIMethod(description = "Send an E-mail. It requires passing a EmailConf object", example = "") @APIParam(params = { "url", "function(data)" }) public void sendEmail(String from, String to, String subject, String text, final EmailConf emailSettings) throws AddressException, MessagingException { if (emailSettings == null) { return;//from w w w . j a v a 2s . c o m } // final String host = ""; // final String address = ""; // final String pass = ""; Multipart multiPart; String finalString = ""; Properties props = System.getProperties(); props.put("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", emailSettings.ttl); props.put("",; props.put("mail.smtp.user", emailSettings.user); props.put("mail.smtp.password", emailSettings.password); props.put("mail.smtp.port", emailSettings.port); props.put("mail.smtp.auth", emailSettings.auth); Log.i("Check", "done pops"); final Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null); DataHandler handler = new DataHandler(new ByteArrayDataSource(finalString.getBytes(), "text/plain")); final MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session); message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from)); message.setDataHandler(handler); Log.i("Check", "done sessions"); multiPart = new MimeMultipart(); InternetAddress toAddress; toAddress = new InternetAddress(to); message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, toAddress); Log.i("Check", "added recipient"); message.setSubject(subject); message.setContent(multiPart); message.setText(text); Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { MLog.i("check", "transport"); Transport transport = session.getTransport("smtp"); MLog.i("check", "connecting"); transport.connect(, emailSettings.user, emailSettings.password); MLog.i("check", "wana send"); transport.sendMessage(message, message.getAllRecipients()); transport.close(); MLog.i("check", "sent"); } catch (AddressException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (MessagingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }); t.start(); }
From source
private void sendMail(String receiverEmail, String receiverName, String senderEmail, String senderName, String subject, String message) throws MessagingException, UnsupportedEncodingException { // smtp server Properties smtpProperties = new Properties(); smtpProperties.put("", verticalProperties.getMailSmtpHost()); Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(smtpProperties, null); // create message Message msg = new MimeMessage(session); // set from address if (senderEmail != null && !senderEmail.equals("")) { InternetAddress addressFrom = new InternetAddress(senderEmail); if (senderName != null && !senderName.equals("")) { addressFrom.setPersonal(senderName); }/*from w w w . j av a 2 s . c o m*/ msg.setFrom(addressFrom); } // set to address InternetAddress addressTo = new InternetAddress(receiverEmail); if (receiverName != null) { addressTo.setPersonal(receiverName); } msg.setRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, addressTo); // Setting subject and content type msg.setSubject(subject); message = RegexpUtil.substituteAll("(\\\\n)", "\n", message); msg.setContent(message, "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"); // send message Transport.send(msg); }
From source
protected Store connectToStore() throws MessagingException { EmailConfig config = getConfig();/*from w w w .j ava 2 s. c o m*/ EmailProvider provider = getEmailProvider(config.getProviderId()); Properties props = System.getProperties(); props.setProperty("", provider.getIncomingProto()); Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null); Store store = session.getStore(provider.getIncomingProto()); store.connect(provider.getIncomingServer(), provider.getIncomingPort(), config.getUsername(), config.getPassword()); return store; }
From source
/** * Import mail.// w w w. ja v a 2 s.c o m */ private static ImpExpStats importMail(String token, String fldPath, String fileName, File fDoc, boolean metadata, Writer out, InfoDecorator deco) throws IOException, PathNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException, RepositoryException, DatabaseException, ExtensionException, AutomationException { FileInputStream fisContent = new FileInputStream(fDoc); MetadataAdapter ma = MetadataAdapter.getInstance(token); MailModule mm = ModuleManager.getMailModule(); Properties props = System.getProperties(); props.put("", ""); props.put("mail.transport.protocol", "smtp"); ImpExpStats stats = new ImpExpStats(); int size = fisContent.available(); Mail mail = new Mail(); Gson gson = new Gson(); boolean api = false; try { // Metadata if (metadata) { // Read serialized document metadata File jsFile = new File(fDoc.getPath() + Config.EXPORT_METADATA_EXT);"Document Metadata File: {}", jsFile.getPath()); if (jsFile.exists() && jsFile.canRead()) { FileReader fr = new FileReader(jsFile); MailMetadata mmd = gson.fromJson(fr, MailMetadata.class); mail.setPath(fldPath + "/" + fileName); mmd.setPath(mail.getPath()); IOUtils.closeQuietly(fr);"Mail Metadata: {}", mmd); // Apply metadata ma.importWithMetadata(mmd); // Add attachments if (fileName.endsWith(".eml")) { Session mailSession = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null); MimeMessage msg = new MimeMessage(mailSession, fisContent); mail = MailUtils.messageToMail(msg); mail.setPath(fldPath + "/" + mmd.getName()); MailUtils.addAttachments(null, mail, msg, PrincipalUtils.getUser()); } else if (fileName.endsWith(".msg")) { Message msg = new MsgParser().parseMsg(fisContent); mail = MailUtils.messageToMail(msg); mail.setPath(fldPath + "/" + mmd.getName()); MailUtils.addAttachments(null, mail, msg, PrincipalUtils.getUser()); } else { throw new MessagingException("Unknown mail format"); }, "Created document ''{0}''", mail.getPath());"Created document '{}'", mail.getPath()); } else { log.warn("Unable to read metadata file: {}", jsFile.getPath()); api = true; } } else { api = true; } if (api) { if (fileName.endsWith(".eml")) { Session mailSession = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null); MimeMessage msg = new MimeMessage(mailSession, fisContent); mail = MailUtils.messageToMail(msg); mail.setPath(fldPath + "/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "-" + PathUtils.escape(mail.getSubject())); mm.create(token, mail); MailUtils.addAttachments(null, mail, msg, PrincipalUtils.getUser()); } else if (fileName.endsWith(".msg")) { Message msg = new MsgParser().parseMsg(fisContent); mail = MailUtils.messageToMail(msg); mail.setPath(fldPath + "/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "-" + PathUtils.escape(mail.getSubject())); mm.create(token, mail); MailUtils.addAttachments(null, mail, msg, PrincipalUtils.getUser()); } else { throw new MessagingException("Unknown mail format"); }, "Created mail ''{0}''", mail.getPath());"Created mail ''{}''", mail.getPath()); } if (out != null) { out.write(deco.print(fDoc.getPath(), fDoc.length(), null)); out.flush(); } // Stats stats.setSize(stats.getSize() + size); stats.setMails(stats.getMails() + 1); } catch (UnsupportedMimeTypeException e) { log.warn("UnsupportedMimeTypeException: {}", e.getMessage()); if (out != null) { out.write(deco.print(fDoc.getPath(), fDoc.length(), "UnsupportedMimeType")); out.flush(); } stats.setOk(false); FileLogger.error(BASE_NAME, "UnsupportedMimeTypeException ''{0}''", mail.getPath()); } catch (FileSizeExceededException e) { log.warn("FileSizeExceededException: {}", e.getMessage()); if (out != null) { out.write(deco.print(fDoc.getPath(), fDoc.length(), "FileSizeExceeded")); out.flush(); } stats.setOk(false); FileLogger.error(BASE_NAME, "FileSizeExceededException ''{0}''", mail.getPath()); } catch (UserQuotaExceededException e) { log.warn("UserQuotaExceededException: {}", e.getMessage()); if (out != null) { out.write(deco.print(fDoc.getPath(), fDoc.length(), "UserQuotaExceeded")); out.flush(); } stats.setOk(false); FileLogger.error(BASE_NAME, "UserQuotaExceededException ''{0}''", mail.getPath()); } catch (VirusDetectedException e) { log.warn("VirusWarningException: {}", e.getMessage()); if (out != null) { out.write(deco.print(fDoc.getPath(), fDoc.length(), "VirusWarningException")); out.flush(); } stats.setOk(false); FileLogger.error(BASE_NAME, "VirusWarningException ''{0}''", mail.getPath()); } catch (ItemExistsException e) { log.warn("ItemExistsException: {}", e.getMessage()); if (out != null) { out.write(deco.print(fDoc.getPath(), fDoc.length(), "ItemExists")); out.flush(); } stats.setOk(false); FileLogger.error(BASE_NAME, "ItemExistsException ''{0}''", mail.getPath()); } catch (JsonParseException e) { log.warn("JsonParseException: {}", e.getMessage()); if (out != null) { out.write(deco.print(fDoc.getPath(), fDoc.length(), "Json")); out.flush(); } stats.setOk(false); FileLogger.error(BASE_NAME, "JsonParseException ''{0}''", mail.getPath()); } catch (MessagingException e) { log.warn("MessagingException: {}", e.getMessage()); if (out != null) { out.write(deco.print(fDoc.getPath(), fDoc.length(), "Messaging")); out.flush(); } stats.setOk(false); FileLogger.error(BASE_NAME, "MessagingException ''{0}''", mail.getPath()); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Exception: {}", e.getMessage()); if (out != null) { out.write(deco.print(fDoc.getPath(), fDoc.length(), "General")); out.flush(); } stats.setOk(false); FileLogger.error(BASE_NAME, "Exception ''{0}''", mail.getPath()); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(fisContent); } return stats; }
From source
/** * Import mail.// ww w.j a v a2 s.c om */ private static ImpExpStats importMail(String token, File fs, String fldPath, String fileName, File fDoc, String metadata, Writer out, InfoDecorator deco) throws IOException, PathNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException, RepositoryException, DatabaseException, ExtensionException, AutomationException { FileInputStream fisContent = new FileInputStream(fDoc); MetadataAdapter ma = MetadataAdapter.getInstance(token); MailModule mm = ModuleManager.getMailModule(); Properties props = System.getProperties(); props.put("", ""); props.put("mail.transport.protocol", "smtp"); ImpExpStats stats = new ImpExpStats(); int size = fisContent.available(); Mail mail = new Mail(); Gson gson = new Gson(); boolean api = false; try { // Metadata if (metadata.equals("JSON")) { // Read serialized document metadata File jsFile = new File(fDoc.getPath() + Config.EXPORT_METADATA_EXT);"Document Metadata File: {}", jsFile.getPath()); if (jsFile.exists() && jsFile.canRead()) { FileReader fr = new FileReader(jsFile); MailMetadata mmd = gson.fromJson(fr, MailMetadata.class); mail.setPath(fldPath + "/" + fileName); mmd.setPath(mail.getPath()); IOUtils.closeQuietly(fr);"Mail Metadata: {}", mmd); // Apply metadata ma.importWithMetadata(mmd); // Add attachments Session mailSession = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null); MimeMessage msg = new MimeMessage(mailSession, fisContent); mail = MailUtils.messageToMail(msg); mail.setPath(fldPath + "/" + mmd.getName()); MailUtils.addAttachments(null, mail, msg, PrincipalUtils.getUser());, "Created document ''{0}''", mail.getPath());"Created document '{}'", mail.getPath()); } else { log.warn("Unable to read metadata file: {}", jsFile.getPath()); api = true; } } else { api = true; } if (api) { Session mailSession = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null); MimeMessage msg = new MimeMessage(mailSession, fisContent); mail = MailUtils.messageToMail(msg); mail.setPath(fldPath + "/" + fileName); mm.create(token, mail); MailUtils.addAttachments(null, mail, msg, PrincipalUtils.getUser());, "Created mail ''{0}''", mail.getPath());"Created mail ''{}''", mail.getPath()); } if (out != null) { out.write(deco.print(fDoc.getPath(), fDoc.length(), null)); out.flush(); } // Stats stats.setSize(stats.getSize() + size); stats.setMails(stats.getMails() + 1); } catch (UnsupportedMimeTypeException e) { log.warn("UnsupportedMimeTypeException: {}", e.getMessage()); if (out != null) { out.write(deco.print(fDoc.getPath(), fDoc.length(), "UnsupportedMimeType")); out.flush(); } stats.setOk(false); FileLogger.error(BASE_NAME, "UnsupportedMimeTypeException ''{0}''", mail.getPath()); } catch (FileSizeExceededException e) { log.warn("FileSizeExceededException: {}", e.getMessage()); if (out != null) { out.write(deco.print(fDoc.getPath(), fDoc.length(), "FileSizeExceeded")); out.flush(); } stats.setOk(false); FileLogger.error(BASE_NAME, "FileSizeExceededException ''{0}''", mail.getPath()); } catch (UserQuotaExceededException e) { log.warn("UserQuotaExceededException: {}", e.getMessage()); if (out != null) { out.write(deco.print(fDoc.getPath(), fDoc.length(), "UserQuotaExceeded")); out.flush(); } stats.setOk(false); FileLogger.error(BASE_NAME, "UserQuotaExceededException ''{0}''", mail.getPath()); } catch (VirusDetectedException e) { log.warn("VirusWarningException: {}", e.getMessage()); if (out != null) { out.write(deco.print(fDoc.getPath(), fDoc.length(), "VirusWarningException")); out.flush(); } stats.setOk(false); FileLogger.error(BASE_NAME, "VirusWarningException ''{0}''", mail.getPath()); } catch (ItemExistsException e) { log.warn("ItemExistsException: {}", e.getMessage()); if (out != null) { out.write(deco.print(fDoc.getPath(), fDoc.length(), "ItemExists")); out.flush(); } stats.setOk(false); FileLogger.error(BASE_NAME, "ItemExistsException ''{0}''", mail.getPath()); } catch (JsonParseException e) { log.warn("JsonParseException: {}", e.getMessage()); if (out != null) { out.write(deco.print(fDoc.getPath(), fDoc.length(), "Json")); out.flush(); } stats.setOk(false); FileLogger.error(BASE_NAME, "JsonParseException ''{0}''", mail.getPath()); } catch (MessagingException e) { log.warn("MessagingException: {}", e.getMessage()); if (out != null) { out.write(deco.print(fDoc.getPath(), fDoc.length(), "Json")); out.flush(); } stats.setOk(false); FileLogger.error(BASE_NAME, "MessagingException ''{0}''", mail.getPath()); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(fisContent); } return stats; }