Example usage for javax.mail BodyPart getContent

List of usage examples for javax.mail BodyPart getContent


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.mail BodyPart getContent.


public Object getContent() throws IOException, MessagingException;

Source Link


Return the content as a Java object.


From source file:org.obm.sync.server.mailer.EventChangeMailerTest.java

private InvitationParts checkInvitationStructure(MimeMessage mimeMessage)
        throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException, MessagingException {
    InvitationParts parts = new InvitationParts();
    parts.rawMessage = getRawMessage(mimeMessage);
    Multipart mixed = (Multipart) mimeMessage.getContent();
    BodyPart firstPart = mixed.getBodyPart(0);
    Multipart alternative = (Multipart) firstPart.getContent();
    parts.plainText = alternative.getBodyPart(0);
    assertThat(parts.plainText.getContentType()).startsWith("text/plain; charset=UTF-8");
    parts.htmlText = alternative.getBodyPart(1);
    assertThat(parts.htmlText.getContentType()).startsWith("text/html; charset=UTF-8");
    parts.textCalendar = alternative.getBodyPart(2);
    parts.applicationIcs = mixed.getBodyPart(1);
    assertThat(parts.applicationIcs.getContentType()).isEqualTo("application/ics; name=meeting.ics");
    return parts;

From source file:org.openhim.mediator.normalization.XDSbMimeProcessorActor.java

private String getValue(BodyPart part) throws IOException, MessagingException, UnprocessableContentFound {
    Object value = part.getContent();
    if (value instanceof String) {
        return (String) value;
    } else if (value instanceof InputStream) {
        return IOUtils.toString((InputStream) value);
    }//from  w  w w  .java2 s. c  om
    throw new UnprocessableContentFound();

From source file:org.opennms.javamail.JavaReadMailer.java

 * Attempts to reteive the string portion of a message... tries to handle
 * multipart messages as well.  This seems to be working so far with my tests
 * but could use some tweaking later as more types of mail servers are used
 * with this feature./*from   w  w  w  .  j  a  v a 2 s  . c o  m*/
 * @param msg a {@link javax.mail.Message} object.
 * @return The text portion of an email with each line being an element of the list.
 * @throws javax.mail.MessagingException if any.
 * @throws java.io.IOException if any.
public static List<String> getText(Message msg) throws MessagingException, IOException {

    Object content = null;
    String text = null;

    LOG.debug("getText: getting text of message from MimeType: text/*");

    try {
        text = (String) msg.getContent();

    } catch (ClassCastException cce) {
        content = msg.getContent();

        if (content instanceof MimeMultipart) {

            LOG.debug("getText: content is MimeMultipart, checking for text from each part...");

            for (int cnt = 0; cnt < ((MimeMultipart) content).getCount(); cnt++) {
                BodyPart bp = ((MimeMultipart) content).getBodyPart(cnt);
                if (bp.isMimeType("text/*")) {
                    text = (String) bp.getContent();
                    LOG.debug("getText: found text MIME type: {}", text);
            LOG.debug("getText: did not find text within MimeMultipart message.");
    return string2Lines(text);

From source file:org.pentaho.platform.util.Emailer.java

public boolean send() {
    String from = props.getProperty("mail.from.default");
    String fromName = props.getProperty("mail.from.name");
    String to = props.getProperty("to");
    String cc = props.getProperty("cc");
    String bcc = props.getProperty("bcc");
    boolean authenticate = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(props.getProperty("mail.smtp.auth"));
    String subject = props.getProperty("subject");
    String body = props.getProperty("body");

    logger.info("Going to send an email to " + to + " from " + from + " with the subject '" + subject
            + "' and the body " + body);

    try {//from ww  w .j a v  a2 s .  co m
        // Get a Session object
        Session session;

        if (authenticate) {
            session = Session.getInstance(props, authenticator);
        } else {
            session = Session.getInstance(props);

        // if debugging is not set in the email config file, then default to false
        if (!props.containsKey("mail.debug")) { //$NON-NLS-1$

        final MimeMessage msg;

        if (EMBEDDED_HTML.equals(attachmentMimeType)) {

            //Message is ready
            msg = new MimeMessage(session, attachment);

            if (body != null) {
                //We need to add message to the top of the email body
                final MimeMultipart oldMultipart = (MimeMultipart) msg.getContent();
                final MimeMultipart newMultipart = new MimeMultipart("related");

                for (int i = 0; i < oldMultipart.getCount(); i++) {
                    BodyPart bodyPart = oldMultipart.getBodyPart(i);

                    final Object content = bodyPart.getContent();
                    //Main HTML body
                    if (content instanceof String) {
                        final String newContent = body + "<br/><br/>" + content;
                        final MimeBodyPart part = new MimeBodyPart();
                        part.setText(newContent, "UTF-8", "html");
                    } else {
                        //CID attachments

        } else {

            // construct the message
            msg = new MimeMessage(session);
            Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart();

            if (attachment == null) {
                logger.error("Email.ERROR_0015_ATTACHMENT_FAILED"); //$NON-NLS-1$
                return false;

            ByteArrayDataSource dataSource = new ByteArrayDataSource(attachment, attachmentMimeType);

            if (body != null) {
                MimeBodyPart bodyMessagePart = new MimeBodyPart();
                bodyMessagePart.setText(body, LocaleHelper.getSystemEncoding());

            // attach the file to the message
            MimeBodyPart attachmentBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
            attachmentBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(dataSource));
            attachmentBodyPart.setFileName(MimeUtility.encodeText(attachmentName, "UTF-8", null));

            // add the Multipart to the message

        if (from != null) {
            msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from, fromName));
        } else {
            // There should be no way to get here
            logger.error("Email.ERROR_0012_FROM_NOT_DEFINED"); //$NON-NLS-1$

        if ((to != null) && (to.trim().length() > 0)) {
            msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, InternetAddress.parse(to, false));
        if ((cc != null) && (cc.trim().length() > 0)) {
            msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC, InternetAddress.parse(cc, false));
        if ((bcc != null) && (bcc.trim().length() > 0)) {
            msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC, InternetAddress.parse(bcc, false));

        if (subject != null) {
            msg.setSubject(subject, LocaleHelper.getSystemEncoding());

        msg.setHeader("X-Mailer", Emailer.MAILER); //$NON-NLS-1$
        msg.setSentDate(new Date());


        return true;
    } catch (SendFailedException e) {
        logger.error("Email.ERROR_0011_SEND_FAILED -" + to, e); //$NON-NLS-1$
    } catch (AuthenticationFailedException e) {
        logger.error("Email.ERROR_0014_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED - " + to, e); //$NON-NLS-1$
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        logger.error("Email.ERROR_0011_SEND_FAILED - " + to, e); //$NON-NLS-1$
    return false;

From source file:org.webguitoolkit.messagebox.mail.MailChannel.java

 * Drag the content from the message into a String
 * //from   w ww .j  a  va 2s . com
 * @param m
 * @return
private String getContent(Message m) {
    try {
        Object content = m.getContent();
        if (content instanceof String) {
            return (String) content;
        } else if (content instanceof Multipart) {

            Multipart multipart = (Multipart) content;
            int partCount = multipart.getCount();
            StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();

            for (int j = 0; j < partCount; j++) {

                BodyPart bodyPart = multipart.getBodyPart(j);
                String mimeType = bodyPart.getContentType();

                Object partContent = bodyPart.getContent();
                if (partContent instanceof String) {
                    result.append((String) partContent);
                } else if (partContent instanceof Multipart) {

                    Multipart innerMultiPartContent = (Multipart) partContent;
                    int innerPartCount = innerMultiPartContent.getCount();
                    result.append("*** It has " + innerPartCount + "further BodyParts in it ***");
                } else if (partContent instanceof InputStream) {
                    result.append(IOUtils.toString((InputStream) partContent));

            } // End of for
            return result.toString();
        } else if (content instanceof InputStream)
            return IOUtils.toString((InputStream) content);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        return "ERROR reading mail content " + e.getMessage();
    return "ERROR reading mail content - unknown format";

From source file:org.xwiki.administration.test.ui.ResetPasswordIT.java

protected BodyPart getPart(Multipart messageContent, String mimeType) throws Exception {
    for (int i = 0; i < messageContent.getCount(); i++) {
        BodyPart part = messageContent.getBodyPart(i);

        if (part.isMimeType(mimeType)) {
            return part;
        }/* w  w w  .j  a  va2s  . c  o  m*/

        if (part.isMimeType("multipart/related") || part.isMimeType("multipart/alternative")
                || part.isMimeType("multipart/mixed")) {
            BodyPart out = getPart((Multipart) part.getContent(), mimeType);
            if (out != null) {
                return out;
    return null;

From source file:org.xwiki.mail.integration.JavaIntegrationTest.java

public void sendTextMail() throws Exception {
    // Step 1: Create a JavaMail Session
    Session session = Session.getInstance(this.configuration.getAllProperties());

    // Step 2: Create the Message to send
    MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session);
    message.setRecipient(RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress("john@doe.com"));

    // Step 3: Add the Message Body
    Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart("mixed");
    // Add text in the body
    multipart.addBodyPart(this.defaultBodyPartFactory.create("some text here",
            Collections.<String, Object>singletonMap("mimetype", "text/plain")));
    message.setContent(multipart);/*from  w  w  w. j a  va2s. c  o m*/

    // We also test using some default BCC addresses from configuration in this test
    this.configuration.setBCCAddresses(Arrays.asList("bcc1@doe.com", "bcc2@doe.com"));

    // Ensure we do not reuse the same message identifier for multiple similar messages in this test
    MimeMessage message2 = new MimeMessage(message);
    MimeMessage message3 = new MimeMessage(message);

    // Step 4: Send the mail and wait for it to be sent
    // Send 3 mails (3 times the same mail) to verify we can send several emails at once.
    MailListener memoryMailListener = this.componentManager.getInstance(MailListener.class, "memory");
    this.sender.sendAsynchronously(Arrays.asList(message, message2, message3), session, memoryMailListener);

    // Note: we don't test status reporting from the listener since this is already tested in the
    // ScriptingIntegrationTest test class.

    // Verify that the mails have been received (wait maximum 30 seconds).
    this.mail.waitForIncomingEmail(30000L, 3);
    MimeMessage[] messages = this.mail.getReceivedMessages();

    // Note: we're receiving 9 messages since we sent 3 with 3 recipients (2 BCC and 1 to)!
    assertEquals(9, messages.length);

    // Assert the email parts that are the same for all mails
    assertEquals("subject", messages[0].getHeader("Subject", null));
    assertEquals(1, ((MimeMultipart) messages[0].getContent()).getCount());
    BodyPart textBodyPart = ((MimeMultipart) messages[0].getContent()).getBodyPart(0);
    assertEquals("text/plain", textBodyPart.getHeader("Content-Type")[0]);
    assertEquals("some text here", textBodyPart.getContent());
    assertEquals("john@doe.com", messages[0].getHeader("To", null));

    // Note: We cannot assert that the BCC worked since by definition BCC information are not visible in received
    // messages ;) But we checked that we received 9 emails above so that's good enough.

From source file:org.xwiki.mail.integration.JavaIntegrationTest.java

public void sendHTMLAndCalendarInvitationMail() throws Exception {
    // Step 1: Create a JavaMail Session
    Session session = Session.getInstance(this.configuration.getAllProperties());

    // Step 2: Create the Message to send
    MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session);
    message.setRecipient(RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress("john@doe.com"));

    // Step 3: Add the Message Body
    Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart("alternative");
    // Add an HTML body part
    multipart.addBodyPart(//  w w  w  .j a  va  2 s .c  o m
            this.htmlBodyPartFactory.create("<font size=\"\\\"2\\\"\">simple meeting invitation</font>",
                    Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap()));
    // Add the Calendar invitation body part
    String calendarContent = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\r\n" + "METHOD:REQUEST\r\n" + "PRODID: Meeting\r\n"
            + "VERSION:2.0\r\n" + "BEGIN:VEVENT\r\n" + "DTSTAMP:20140616T164100\r\n"
            + "DTSTART:20140616T164100\r\n" + "DTEND:20140616T194100\r\n" + "SUMMARY:test request\r\n"
            + "UID:324\r\n"
            + "ORGANIZER:MAILTO:john@doe.com\r\n" + "LOCATION:on the net\r\n"
            + "DESCRIPTION:learn some stuff\r\n" + "SEQUENCE:0\r\n" + "PRIORITY:5\r\n" + "CLASS:PUBLIC\r\n"
            + "STATUS:CONFIRMED\r\n" + "TRANSP:OPAQUE\r\n" + "BEGIN:VALARM\r\n" + "ACTION:DISPLAY\r\n"
            + "END:VEVENT\r\n" + "END:VCALENDAR";
    Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<>();
    parameters.put("mimetype", "text/calendar;method=CANCEL");
    parameters.put("headers", Collections.singletonMap("Content-Class", "urn:content-classes:calendarmessage"));
    multipart.addBodyPart(this.defaultBodyPartFactory.create(calendarContent, parameters));


    // Step 4: Send the mail and wait for it to be sent
    this.sender.sendAsynchronously(Arrays.asList(message), session, null);

    // Verify that the mail has been received (wait maximum 30 seconds).
    this.mail.waitForIncomingEmail(30000L, 1);
    MimeMessage[] messages = this.mail.getReceivedMessages();

    assertEquals("subject", messages[0].getHeader("Subject", null));
    assertEquals("john@doe.com", messages[0].getHeader("To", null));

    assertEquals(2, ((MimeMultipart) messages[0].getContent()).getCount());

    BodyPart htmlBodyPart = ((MimeMultipart) messages[0].getContent()).getBodyPart(0);
    assertEquals("text/html; charset=UTF-8", htmlBodyPart.getHeader("Content-Type")[0]);
    assertEquals("<font size=\"\\\"2\\\"\">simple meeting invitation</font>", htmlBodyPart.getContent());

    BodyPart calendarBodyPart = ((MimeMultipart) messages[0].getContent()).getBodyPart(1);
    assertEquals("text/calendar;method=CANCEL", calendarBodyPart.getHeader("Content-Type")[0]);
    InputStream is = (InputStream) calendarBodyPart.getContent();
    assertEquals(calendarContent, IOUtils.toString(is));

From source file:org.xwiki.mail.integration.ScriptingIntegrationTest.java

public void sendTextMail() throws Exception {
    ScriptMimeMessage message1 = this.scriptService.createMessage("john@doe.com", "subject");
    message1.addPart("text/plain", "some text here");
    ScriptMimeMessage message2 = this.scriptService.createMessage("john@doe.com", "subject");
    message2.addPart("text/plain", "some text here");
    ScriptMimeMessage message3 = this.scriptService.createMessage("john@doe.com", "subject");
    message3.addPart("text/plain", "some text here");

    // Send 3 mails (3 times the same mail) to verify we can send several emails at once.
    List<ScriptMimeMessage> messagesList = Arrays.asList(message1, message2, message3);
    ScriptMailResult result = this.scriptService.sendAsynchronously(messagesList, "memory");

    // Verify that there are no errors

    // Wait for all mails to be sent

    // Verify that all mails have been sent properly
    assertFalse("There should not be any failed result!",
    assertFalse("There should not be any failed result!",
    assertFalse("There should not be any mails in the ready state!",

    // Verify that the mails have been received (wait maximum 30 seconds).
    this.mail.waitForIncomingEmail(30000L, 3);
    MimeMessage[] messages = this.mail.getReceivedMessages();

    assertEquals(3, messages.length);//  w w  w.  ja va 2s  .c  o  m
    assertEquals("subject", messages[0].getHeader("Subject", null));
    assertEquals("john@doe.com", messages[0].getHeader("To", null));

    assertEquals(1, ((MimeMultipart) messages[0].getContent()).getCount());

    BodyPart textBodyPart = ((MimeMultipart) messages[0].getContent()).getBodyPart(0);
    assertEquals("text/plain", textBodyPart.getHeader("Content-Type")[0]);
    assertEquals("some text here", textBodyPart.getContent());

From source file:org.xwiki.mail.integration.ScriptingIntegrationTest.java

public void sendHTMLAndCalendarInvitationMail() throws Exception {
    ScriptMimeMessage message = this.scriptService.createMessage("john@doe.com", "subject");
    message.addPart("text/html", "<font size=\"\\\"2\\\"\">simple meeting invitation</font>");
    // @formatter:off
    String calendarContent = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\r\n" + "METHOD:REQUEST\r\n" + "PRODID: Meeting\r\n"
            + "VERSION:2.0\r\n" + "BEGIN:VEVENT\r\n" + "DTSTAMP:20140616T164100\r\n"
            + "DTSTART:20140616T164100\r\n" + "DTEND:20140616T194100\r\n" + "SUMMARY:test request\r\n"
            + "UID:324\r\n"
            + "ORGANIZER:MAILTO:john@doe.com\r\n" + "LOCATION:on the net\r\n"
            + "DESCRIPTION:learn some stuff\r\n" + "SEQUENCE:0\r\n" + "PRIORITY:5\r\n" + "CLASS:PUBLIC\r\n"
            + "STATUS:CONFIRMED\r\n" + "TRANSP:OPAQUE\r\n" + "BEGIN:VALARM\r\n" + "ACTION:DISPLAY\r\n"
            + "END:VEVENT\r\n" + "END:VCALENDAR";
    // @formatter:on
    message.addPart("text/calendar;method=CANCEL", calendarContent, Collections.<String, Object>singletonMap(
            "headers", Collections.singletonMap("Content-Class", "urn:content-classes:calendarmessage")));

    ScriptMailResult result = this.scriptService.send(Arrays.asList(message));

    // Verify that there are no errors and that 1 mail was sent
    assertEquals(1, result.getStatusResult().getProcessedMailCount());

    // Verify that all mails have been sent properly
    assertFalse("There should not be any failed result!",
    assertFalse("There should not be any failed result!",
    assertFalse("There should not be any mails in the ready state!",

    // Verify that the mail has been received (wait maximum 30 seconds).
    this.mail.waitForIncomingEmail(30000L, 1);
    MimeMessage[] messages = this.mail.getReceivedMessages();

    assertEquals(1, messages.length);// w w  w .  j  av  a 2  s  .  c  o m
    assertEquals("subject", messages[0].getHeader("Subject", null));
    assertEquals("john@doe.com", messages[0].getHeader("To", null));

    assertEquals(2, ((MimeMultipart) messages[0].getContent()).getCount());

    BodyPart htmlBodyPart = ((MimeMultipart) messages[0].getContent()).getBodyPart(0);
    assertEquals("text/html", htmlBodyPart.getHeader("Content-Type")[0]);
    assertEquals("<font size=\"\\\"2\\\"\">simple meeting invitation</font>", htmlBodyPart.getContent());

    BodyPart calendarBodyPart = ((MimeMultipart) messages[0].getContent()).getBodyPart(1);
    assertEquals("text/calendar;method=CANCEL", calendarBodyPart.getHeader("Content-Type")[0]);
    InputStream is = (InputStream) calendarBodyPart.getContent();
    assertEquals(calendarContent, IOUtils.toString(is));