Java JsonGenerator fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java JsonGenerator fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for JsonGenerator.

The text is from its open source code.


Configuration property to generate JSON prettily.


Closes this generator and frees any resources associated with it.
Flushes the underlying output source.
JsonGeneratorwrite(String name, JsonValue value)
Writes a JSON name/value pair in the current object context.
JsonGeneratorwrite(String name, String value)
Writes a JSON name/string value pair in the current object context.
JsonGeneratorwrite(String name, BigInteger value)
Writes a JSON name/number value pair in the current object context.
JsonGeneratorwrite(String name, BigDecimal value)
Writes a JSON name/number value pair in the current object context.
JsonGeneratorwrite(String name, int value)
Writes a JSON name/number value pair in the current object context.
JsonGeneratorwrite(String name, long value)
Writes a JSON name/number value pair in the current object context.
JsonGeneratorwrite(String name, double value)
Writes a JSON name/number value pair in the current object context.
JsonGeneratorwrite(String name, boolean value)
Writes a JSON name/boolean value pair in the current object context.
JsonGeneratorwrite(JsonValue value)
Writes the specified value as a JSON value within the current array, field or root context.
JsonGeneratorwrite(String value)
Writes the specified value as a JSON string value within the current array, field or root context.
JsonGeneratorwrite(BigDecimal value)
Writes the specified value as a JSON number value within the current array, field or root context.
JsonGeneratorwrite(BigInteger value)
Writes the specified value as a JSON number value within the current array, field or root context.
JsonGeneratorwrite(int value)
Writes the specified value as a JSON number value within the current array, field or root context.
JsonGeneratorwrite(long value)
Writes the specified value as a JSON number value within the current array, field or root context.
JsonGeneratorwrite(double value)
Writes the specified value as a JSON number value within the current array, field or root context.
JsonGeneratorwrite(boolean value)
Writes a JSON true or false value within the current array, field or root context.
Writes the end of the current context.
JsonGeneratorwriteNull(String name)
Writes a JSON name/null value pair in an current object context.
Writes a JSON null value within the current array, field or root context.
Writes the JSON start array character.
JsonGeneratorwriteStartArray(String name)
Writes the JSON name/start array character pair with in the current object context.
Writes the JSON start object character.
JsonGeneratorwriteStartObject(String name)
Writes the JSON name/start object character pair in the current object context.