Example usage for Java javax.json.stream JsonGenerator fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
String | PRETTY_PRINTING Configuration property to generate JSON prettily. |
void | close() Closes this generator and frees any resources associated with it. |
void | flush() Flushes the underlying output source. |
JsonGenerator | write(String name, JsonValue value) Writes a JSON name/value pair in the current object context. |
JsonGenerator | write(String name, String value) Writes a JSON name/string value pair in the current object context. |
JsonGenerator | write(String name, BigInteger value) Writes a JSON name/number value pair in the current object context. |
JsonGenerator | write(String name, BigDecimal value) Writes a JSON name/number value pair in the current object context. |
JsonGenerator | write(String name, int value) Writes a JSON name/number value pair in the current object context. |
JsonGenerator | write(String name, long value) Writes a JSON name/number value pair in the current object context. |
JsonGenerator | write(String name, double value) Writes a JSON name/number value pair in the current object context. |
JsonGenerator | write(String name, boolean value) Writes a JSON name/boolean value pair in the current object context. |
JsonGenerator | write(JsonValue value) Writes the specified value as a JSON value within the current array, field or root context. |
JsonGenerator | write(String value) Writes the specified value as a JSON string value within the current array, field or root context. |
JsonGenerator | write(BigDecimal value) Writes the specified value as a JSON number value within the current array, field or root context. |
JsonGenerator | write(BigInteger value) Writes the specified value as a JSON number value within the current array, field or root context. |
JsonGenerator | write(int value) Writes the specified value as a JSON number value within the current array, field or root context. |
JsonGenerator | write(long value) Writes the specified value as a JSON number value within the current array, field or root context. |
JsonGenerator | write(double value) Writes the specified value as a JSON number value within the current array, field or root context. |
JsonGenerator | write(boolean value) Writes a JSON true or false value within the current array, field or root context. |
JsonGenerator | writeEnd() Writes the end of the current context. |
JsonGenerator | writeNull(String name) Writes a JSON name/null value pair in an current object context. |
JsonGenerator | writeNull() Writes a JSON null value within the current array, field or root context. |
JsonGenerator | writeStartArray() Writes the JSON start array character. |
JsonGenerator | writeStartArray(String name) Writes the JSON name/start array character pair with in the current object context. |
JsonGenerator | writeStartObject() Writes the JSON start object character. |
JsonGenerator | writeStartObject(String name) Writes the JSON name/start object character pair in the current object context. |