Example usage for javax.jms Session getClass

List of usage examples for javax.jms Session getClass


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.jms Session getClass.


public final native Class<?> getClass();

Source Link


Returns the runtime class of this Object .


From source file:nl.nn.adapterframework.extensions.tibco.TibcoMessagingSource.java

public Destination lookupDestination(String destinationName) throws JmsException {
    Session session = null;
    try {//from ww w  . jav  a 2 s  .c  o  m
        session = createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
        log.debug("Session class [" + session.getClass().getName() + "]");
        Destination destination;

        /* create the destination */
        if (session instanceof TopicSession) {
            destination = ((TopicSession) session).createTopic(destinationName);
        } else {
            destination = ((QueueSession) session).createQueue(destinationName);

        return destination;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new JmsException("cannot create destination", e);
    } finally {

From source file:nl.nn.adapterframework.jms.JMSFacade.java

public String send(Session session, Destination dest, String correlationId, String message, String messageType,
        long timeToLive, int deliveryMode, int priority, boolean ignoreInvalidDestinationException,
        Map properties) throws NamingException, JMSException, SenderException {
    TextMessage msg = createTextMessage(session, correlationId, message);
    MessageProducer mp;//from   www .j ava  2  s .co m
    try {
        if (useJms102()) {
            if ((session instanceof TopicSession) && (dest instanceof Topic)) {
                mp = getTopicPublisher((TopicSession) session, (Topic) dest);
            } else {
                if ((session instanceof QueueSession) && (dest instanceof Queue)) {
                    mp = getQueueSender((QueueSession) session, (Queue) dest);
                } else {
                    throw new SenderException(
                            "classes of Session [" + session.getClass().getName() + "] and Destination ["
                                    + dest.getClass().getName() + "] do not match (Queue vs Topic)");
        } else {
            mp = session.createProducer(dest);
    } catch (InvalidDestinationException e) {
        if (ignoreInvalidDestinationException) {
            log.warn("queue [" + dest + "] doesn't exist");
            return null;
        } else {
            throw e;
    if (messageType != null) {
    if (deliveryMode > 0) {
    if (priority >= 0) {
    if (timeToLive > 0) {
    if (properties != null) {
        for (Iterator it = properties.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            String key = (String) it.next();
            Object value = properties.get(key);
            log.debug("setting property [" + name + "] to value [" + value + "]");
            msg.setObjectProperty(key, value);
    String result = send(mp, msg, ignoreInvalidDestinationException);
    return result;

From source file:org.eclipse.kapua.broker.core.pool.JmsAssistantProducerWrapperFactory.java

 * Check if the session is still active/*  www.  j a  v a 2  s. co  m*/
public boolean validateObject(PooledObject<JmsAssistantProducerWrapper> p) {
    Session session = p.getObject().session;
    if (session instanceof ActiveMQSession) {
        return !((ActiveMQSession) session).isClosed();
    } else {
        s_logger.warn("Wrong session object type {}", session.getClass());
        return true;