Example usage for javax.jms Session createObjectMessage

List of usage examples for javax.jms Session createObjectMessage


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.jms Session createObjectMessage.


ObjectMessage createObjectMessage(Serializable object) throws JMSException;

Source Link


Creates an initialized ObjectMessage object.


From source file:com.cws.esolutions.agent.mq.MQMessageHandler.java

public void onMessage(final Message message) {
    final String methodName = MQMessageHandler.CNAME + "#onMessage(final Message message)";

    if (DEBUG) {/*  ww  w  . j a  v a 2  s  .com*/
        DEBUGGER.debug("Message: {}", message);

    final Session session = agentBean.getSession();
    final MessageProducer producer = agentBean.getProducer();
    final Destination destination = MQMessageHandler.agentBean.getResponseQueue();

    if (DEBUG) {
        DEBUGGER.debug("Session: {}", session);
        DEBUGGER.debug("MessageProducer: {}", producer);
        DEBUGGER.debug("Destination: {}", destination);

    try {
        ObjectMessage mqMessage = (ObjectMessage) message;

        if (DEBUG) {
            DEBUGGER.debug("mqMessage: {}", mqMessage);

        if ((StringUtils.equals(MQMessageHandler.serverConfig.getRequestQueue(),
                && (mqMessage.getObject() instanceof AgentResponse)) {

        AgentRequest agentRequest = (AgentRequest) mqMessage.getObject();

        if (DEBUG) {
            DEBUGGER.debug("agentRequest: {}", agentRequest);


        AgentResponse agentResponse = MQMessageHandler.processor.processRequest(agentRequest);

        if (DEBUG) {
            DEBUGGER.debug("AgentResponse: {}", agentResponse);

        ObjectMessage oMessage = session.createObjectMessage(true);

        if (DEBUG) {
            DEBUGGER.debug("ObjectMessage: {}", oMessage);

        producer.send(destination, oMessage);
    } catch (JMSException jx) {
        ERROR_RECORDER.error(jx.getMessage(), jx);
    } catch (AgentException ax) {
        ERROR_RECORDER.error(ax.getMessage(), ax);

From source file:com.cws.esolutions.core.utils.MQUtils.java

 * Puts an MQ message on a specified queue and returns the associated
 * correlation ID for retrieval upon request.
 * @param connName - The connection name to utilize
 * @param authData - The authentication data to utilize, if required
 * @param requestQueue - The request queue name to put the message on
 * @param targetHost - The target host for the message
 * @param value - The data to place on the request. MUST be <code>Serialiable</code>
 * @return <code>String</code> - the JMS correlation ID associated with the message
 * @throws UtilityException {@link com.cws.esolutions.core.utils.exception.UtilityException} if an error occurs processing
 *//*from   w w  w  .  j a  v a 2 s.  c  o m*/
public static final synchronized String sendMqMessage(final String connName, final List<String> authData,
        final String requestQueue, final String targetHost, final Serializable value) throws UtilityException {
    final String methodName = MQUtils.CNAME
            + "sendMqMessage(final String connName, final List<String> authData, final String requestQueue, final String targetHost, final Serializable value) throws UtilityException";

    if (DEBUG) {
        DEBUGGER.debug("Value: {}", connName);
        DEBUGGER.debug("Value: {}", requestQueue);
        DEBUGGER.debug("Value: {}", targetHost);
        DEBUGGER.debug("Value: {}", value);

    Connection conn = null;
    Session session = null;
    Context envContext = null;
    InitialContext initCtx = null;
    MessageProducer producer = null;
    ConnectionFactory connFactory = null;

    final String correlationId = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(64);

    if (DEBUG) {
        DEBUGGER.debug("correlationId: {}", correlationId);

    try {
        try {
            initCtx = new InitialContext();
            envContext = (Context) initCtx.lookup(MQUtils.INIT_CONTEXT);

            connFactory = (ConnectionFactory) envContext.lookup(connName);
        } catch (NamingException nx) {
            // we're probably not in a container
            connFactory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(connName);

        if (DEBUG) {
            DEBUGGER.debug("ConnectionFactory: {}", connFactory);

        if (connFactory == null) {
            throw new UtilityException("Unable to create connection factory for provided name");

        // Create a Connection
        conn = connFactory.createConnection(authData.get(0),
                PasswordUtils.decryptText(authData.get(1), authData.get(2), authData.get(3),
                        Integer.parseInt(authData.get(4)), Integer.parseInt(authData.get(5)), authData.get(6),
                        authData.get(7), authData.get(8)));

        if (DEBUG) {
            DEBUGGER.debug("Connection: {}", conn);

        // Create a Session
        session = conn.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);

        if (DEBUG) {
            DEBUGGER.debug("Session: {}", session);

        // Create a MessageProducer from the Session to the Topic or Queue
        if (envContext != null) {
            try {
                producer = session.createProducer((Destination) envContext.lookup(requestQueue));
            } catch (NamingException nx) {
                throw new UtilityException(nx.getMessage(), nx);
        } else {
            Destination destination = session.createTopic(requestQueue);

            if (DEBUG) {
                DEBUGGER.debug("Destination: {}", destination);

            producer = session.createProducer(destination);

        if (producer == null) {
            throw new JMSException("Failed to create a producer object");


        if (DEBUG) {
            DEBUGGER.debug("MessageProducer: {}", producer);

        ObjectMessage message = session.createObjectMessage(true);
        message.setStringProperty("targetHost", targetHost);

        if (DEBUG) {
            DEBUGGER.debug("correlationId: {}", correlationId);


        if (DEBUG) {
            DEBUGGER.debug("ObjectMessage: {}", message);

    } catch (JMSException jx) {
        throw new UtilityException(jx.getMessage(), jx);
    } finally {
        try {
            // Clean up
            if (!(session == null)) {

            if (!(conn == null)) {
        } catch (JMSException jx) {
            ERROR_RECORDER.error(jx.getMessage(), jx);

    return correlationId;

From source file:nl.nn.adapterframework.jms.JmsTransactionalStorage.java

public String storeMessage(String messageId, String correlationId, Date receivedDate, String comments,
        String label, Serializable message) throws SenderException {
    Session session = null;
    try {//from   w  w  w .j a  v  a 2s.c o  m
        session = createSession();
        ObjectMessage msg = session.createObjectMessage(message);
        msg.setStringProperty(FIELD_TYPE, getType());
        msg.setStringProperty(FIELD_ORIGINAL_ID, messageId);
        msg.setLongProperty(FIELD_RECEIVED_DATE, receivedDate.getTime());
        msg.setStringProperty(FIELD_COMMENTS, comments);
        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(getSlotId())) {
            msg.setStringProperty(FIELD_SLOTID, getSlotId());
        msg.setStringProperty(FIELD_LABEL, label);
        return send(session, getDestination(), msg);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new SenderException(e);
    } finally {

From source file:org.apache.camel.component.jms.JmsBinding.java

protected Message createJmsMessage(Exception cause, Session session) throws JMSException {
    if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
        LOG.trace("Using JmsMessageType: " + Object);
    }/*  w w  w  .  j  av a  2s  .  c  o m*/
    return session.createObjectMessage(cause);

From source file:org.apache.camel.component.jms.JmsBinding.java

protected Message createJmsMessage(Exchange exchange, Object body, Map<String, Object> headers, Session session,
        CamelContext context) throws JMSException {
    JmsMessageType type = null;//  w  w  w .ja  v a2 s . c o m

    // special for transferExchange
    if (endpoint != null && endpoint.isTransferExchange()) {
        if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
            LOG.trace("Option transferExchange=true so we use JmsMessageType: Object");
        Serializable holder = DefaultExchangeHolder.marshal(exchange);
        return session.createObjectMessage(holder);

    // use a custom message converter
    if (endpoint != null && endpoint.getMessageConverter() != null) {
        if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
            LOG.trace("Creating JmsMessage using a custom MessageConverter: " + endpoint.getMessageConverter()
                    + " with body: " + body);
        return endpoint.getMessageConverter().toMessage(body, session);

    // check if header have a type set, if so we force to use it
    if (headers.containsKey(JmsConstants.JMS_MESSAGE_TYPE)) {
        type = context.getTypeConverter().convertTo(JmsMessageType.class,
    } else if (endpoint != null && endpoint.getConfiguration().getJmsMessageType() != null) {
        // force a specific type from the endpoint configuration
        type = endpoint.getConfiguration().getJmsMessageType();
    } else {
        type = getJMSMessageTypeForBody(exchange, body, headers, session, context);

    // create the JmsMessage based on the type
    if (type != null) {
        if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
            LOG.trace("Using JmsMessageType: " + type);
        return createJmsMessageForType(exchange, body, headers, session, context, type);

    // warn if the body could not be mapped
    if (body != null && LOG.isWarnEnabled()) {
        LOG.warn("Cannot determine specific JmsMessage type to use from body class."
                + " Will use generic JmsMessage." + " Body class: " + ObjectHelper.classCanonicalName(body)
                + ". If you want to send a POJO then your class might need to implement java.io.Serializable"
                + ", or you can force a specific type by setting the jmsMessageType option on the JMS endpoint.");

    // return a default message
    return session.createMessage();

From source file:org.apache.camel.component.jms.JmsBinding.java

 * //  ww  w . j av a  2s .c  o m
 * Create the {@link Message} 
 * @return jmsMessage or null if the mapping was not successfully
protected Message createJmsMessageForType(Exchange exchange, Object body, Map<String, Object> headers,
        Session session, CamelContext context, JmsMessageType type) throws JMSException {
    switch (type) {
    case Text: {
        TextMessage message = session.createTextMessage();
        String payload = context.getTypeConverter().convertTo(String.class, exchange, body);
        return message;
    case Bytes: {
        BytesMessage message = session.createBytesMessage();
        byte[] payload = context.getTypeConverter().convertTo(byte[].class, exchange, body);
        return message;
    case Map: {
        MapMessage message = session.createMapMessage();
        Map payload = context.getTypeConverter().convertTo(Map.class, exchange, body);
        populateMapMessage(message, payload, context);
        return message;
    case Object:
        Serializable payload;
        try {
            payload = context.getTypeConverter().mandatoryConvertTo(Serializable.class, exchange, body);
        } catch (NoTypeConversionAvailableException e) {
            // cannot convert to serializable then thrown an exception to avoid sending a null message
            JMSException cause = new MessageFormatException(e.getMessage());
            throw cause;
        return session.createObjectMessage(payload);
    return null;

From source file:org.apache.james.queue.jms.JMSMailQueue.java

 * Create a copy of the given {@link Message}. This includes the properties
 * and the payload/*from   ww  w. j a va2s .com*/
 * @param session
 * @param m
 * @return copy
 * @throws JMSException
protected Message copy(Session session, Message m) throws JMSException {
    ObjectMessage message = (ObjectMessage) m;
    ObjectMessage copy = session.createObjectMessage(message.getObject());

    Enumeration<String> properties = message.getPropertyNames();
    while (properties.hasMoreElements()) {
        String name = properties.nextElement();
        copy.setObjectProperty(name, message.getObjectProperty(name));

    return copy;

From source file:org.apache.servicemix.jms.jca.JcaConsumerProcessor.java

public void process(MessageExchange exchange) throws Exception {
    Context context = (Context) pendingMessages.remove(exchange.getExchangeId());
    Message message = (Message) context.getProperty(Message.class.getName());
    Message response = null;//from  ww w  . j av a2  s  .  co  m
    Connection connection = null;
    try {
        if (exchange.getStatus() == ExchangeStatus.DONE) {
        } else if (exchange.getStatus() == ExchangeStatus.ERROR) {
            if (endpoint.isRollbackOnError()) {
                TransactionManager tm = (TransactionManager) endpoint.getServiceUnit().getComponent()
            } else if (exchange instanceof InOnly) {
                LOG.info("Exchange in error: " + exchange, exchange.getError());
            } else {
                connection = connectionFactory.createConnection();
                Session session = connection.createSession(true, Session.SESSION_TRANSACTED);
                Exception error = exchange.getError();
                if (error == null) {
                    error = new Exception("Exchange in error");
                response = session.createObjectMessage(error);
                MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(message.getJMSReplyTo());
                if (endpoint.isUseMsgIdInResponse()) {
                } else {
        } else {
            connection = connectionFactory.createConnection();
            Session session = connection.createSession(true, Session.SESSION_TRANSACTED);
            response = fromNMSResponse(exchange, context, session);
            if (response != null) {
                MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(message.getJMSReplyTo());
                if (endpoint.isUseMsgIdInResponse()) {
                } else {
    } finally {
        if (connection != null) {
        if (exchange.getStatus() == ExchangeStatus.ACTIVE) {

From source file:org.jbpm.bpel.integration.jms.OutstandingRequest.java

public void sendReply(Map parts, QName faultName, Session jmsSession) throws JMSException {
    MessageProducer producer = null;//from ww w.  j a va  2 s.c o m
    try {
        producer = jmsSession.createProducer(replyDestination);
         * the given parts likely are an instance of PersistentMap which does not serialize nicely;
         * copy the parts to a transient Map implementation
        switch (parts.size()) {
        case 0:
            parts = Collections.EMPTY_MAP;
        case 1: {
            Map.Entry single = (Entry) parts.entrySet().iterator().next();
            parts = Collections.singletonMap(single.getKey(), single.getValue());
            parts = new HashMap(parts);
        Message responseMsg = jmsSession.createObjectMessage((Serializable) parts);
        // set the fault name, if any
        if (faultName != null) {
            responseMsg.setStringProperty(IntegrationConstants.FAULT_NAME_PROP, faultName.getLocalPart());
        // send the response
        log.debug("sent response: " + RequestListener.messageToString(responseMsg));
    } finally {
        if (producer != null) {
            try {
            } catch (JMSException e) {
                log.warn("could not close jms producer", e);

From source file:org.jbpm.ejb.CommandListenerBean.java

private void sendResult(Serializable result, Destination destination, String correlationId)
        throws JMSException {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
        log.debug("sending " + result + " to " + destination);

    Connection jmsConnection = jmsConnectionFactory.createConnection();
    try {//from ww w  . java 2s  .  co  m
         * if the connection supports xa, the session will be transacted, else the session will
         * auto acknowledge; in either case no explicit transaction control must be performed -
         * see ejb 2.1 - 17.3.5
        Session jmsSession = jmsConnection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
        Message resultMessage = jmsSession.createObjectMessage(result);
        MessageProducer producer = jmsSession.createProducer(destination);
    } finally {
        // there is no need to close the sessions and producers of a closed connection
        // http://download.oracle.com/javaee/1.4/api/javax/jms/Connection.html#close()
        try {
        } catch (JMSException e) {
            log.warn("failed to close jms connection", e);