Example usage for javax.jms Session AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE

List of usage examples for javax.jms Session AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.jms Session AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE.



To view the source code for javax.jms Session AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE.

Click Source Link


With this acknowledgment mode, the session automatically acknowledges a client's receipt of a message either when the session has successfully returned from a call to receive or when the message listener the session has called to process the message successfully returns.


From source file:org.firstopen.singularity.util.JMSUtil.java

public static void deliverMessageToQueue(String host, String queueName, String xml) {
    log.debug("IntegrationMod.deliverMessageToQueue queueName = " + queueName + " and doc = " + xml);
    MessageProducer m_sender = null;/*  w ww.j a  v  a2  s .c om*/
    Session m_session = null;
    Connection connection = null;

    char test = queueName.charAt(0);

    if (test == '/')
        queueName = queueName.substring(1);

    try {

        InitialContext context = JNDIUtil.getInitialContext(host);

        ConnectionFactory qcf = (ConnectionFactory) context.lookup("ConnectionFactory");

        Queue queue = (Queue) context.lookup("queue/" + queueName);

        connection = qcf.createConnection();

        m_session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);

        m_sender = m_session.createProducer(queue);

        TextMessage message = m_session.createTextMessage();

        log.debug("message value is -> " + xml);



    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("IntegrationMod.deliverMessageToQueue() Exception = ", e);
    } finally {
        if (connection != null) {
            try {
            } catch (JMSException e) {
                log.error("unable ot close JMS Connection", e);

From source file:org.apache.activemq.store.jdbc.JmsTransactionCommitFailureTest.java

private void sendMessage(String queueName, int count, boolean transacted) throws JMSException {
    Connection con = connectionFactory.createConnection();
    try {//from w  w  w . ja v a 2 s.  c om
        Session session = con.createSession(transacted,
                transacted ? Session.SESSION_TRANSACTED : Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
        try {
            Queue destination = session.createQueue(queueName);
            MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(destination);
            try {
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                    TextMessage message = session.createTextMessage();
                    message.setIntProperty("MessageId", messageCounter);
                    message.setText("Message-" + messageCounter++);
                if (transacted) {
            } finally {
        } finally {
    } finally {

From source file:org.apache.activemq.usecases.ConcurrentProducerDurableConsumerTest.java

protected TopicSubscriber createDurableSubscriber(Connection conn, Destination dest, String name)
        throws Exception {
    conn.setClientID(name);/*from ww  w  .  ja  v  a2  s  .  c  o  m*/

    Session sess = conn.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
    final TopicSubscriber consumer = sess.createDurableSubscriber((javax.jms.Topic) dest, name);

    return consumer;

From source file:org.genemania.broker.Worker.java

private void startNewConnection() throws JMSException {
    PooledConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new PooledConnectionFactory(brokerUrl);
    Connection connection = connectionFactory.createConnection();
    connection.start();//from w  w w. j a v a2 s .  c  om
    session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
    responseHandler = session.createProducer(null);
    Queue requestsQueue = session.createQueue(mqRequestsQueueName);
    requestHandler = session.createConsumer(requestsQueue);
    LOG.info("Listening to " + requestsQueue.getQueueName());

From source file:ConsumerTool.java

public void setAckMode(String ackMode) {
    if ("CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE".equals(ackMode)) {
        this.ackMode = Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE;
    }/*www. j a  va 2s  .  co  m*/
    if ("AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE".equals(ackMode)) {
        this.ackMode = Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE;
    if ("DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE".equals(ackMode)) {
        this.ackMode = Session.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE;
    if ("SESSION_TRANSACTED".equals(ackMode)) {
        this.ackMode = Session.SESSION_TRANSACTED;

From source file:org.springframework.jms.connection.ConnectionFactoryUtils.java

 * Obtain a JMS TopicSession that is synchronized with the current transaction, if any.
 * <p>Mainly intended for use with the JMS 1.0.2 API.
 * @param cf the ConnectionFactory to obtain a Session for
 * @param existingCon the existing JMS Connection to obtain a Session for
 * (may be {@code null})//w w  w. java 2s.  co m
 * @param synchedLocalTransactionAllowed whether to allow for a local JMS transaction
 * that is synchronized with a Spring-managed transaction (where the main transaction
 * might be a JDBC-based one for a specific DataSource, for example), with the JMS
 * transaction committing right after the main transaction. If not allowed, the given
 * ConnectionFactory needs to handle transaction enlistment underneath the covers.
 * @return the transactional Session, or {@code null} if none found
 * @throws JMSException in case of JMS failure
public static TopicSession getTransactionalTopicSession(final TopicConnectionFactory cf,
        @Nullable final TopicConnection existingCon, final boolean synchedLocalTransactionAllowed)
        throws JMSException {

    return (TopicSession) doGetTransactionalSession(cf, new ResourceFactory() {
        public Session getSession(JmsResourceHolder holder) {
            return holder.getSession(TopicSession.class, existingCon);

        public Connection getConnection(JmsResourceHolder holder) {
            return (existingCon != null ? existingCon : holder.getConnection(TopicConnection.class));

        public Connection createConnection() throws JMSException {
            return cf.createTopicConnection();

        public Session createSession(Connection con) throws JMSException {
            return ((TopicConnection) con).createTopicSession(synchedLocalTransactionAllowed,

        public boolean isSynchedLocalTransactionAllowed() {
            return synchedLocalTransactionAllowed;
    }, true);

From source file:org.apache.activemq.usecases.RequestReplyToTopicViaThreeNetworkHopsTest.java

 * TEST QUEUES//from w w  w. java  2 s.  co m
public void testQueue(String prod_broker_url, String cons_broker_url) throws Exception {
    int num_msg;

    Connection conn;
    Session sess;
    String queue_name;

    Destination cons_dest;

    num_msg = 5;

    LOG.info("TESTING QUEUES " + prod_broker_url + " -> " + cons_broker_url + " (" + num_msg + " messages)");

    conn = createConnection(cons_broker_url);
    sess = conn.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);

    // Create the destination on which messages are being tested.
    queue_name = "topotest2.perm.queue";
    LOG.trace("Removing existing Queue");
    removeQueue(conn, queue_name);
    LOG.trace("Creating Queue, " + queue_name);
    cons_dest = sess.createQueue(queue_name);

    testOneDest(conn, sess, cons_dest, num_msg);

    removeQueue(conn, queue_name);

From source file:org.wso2.carbon.bpmn.extensions.jms.JMSConnectionFactory.java

 * @param connection//from  w w  w  . java 2 s . co  m
 * @return
 * create a session object and return it.
private Session createSession(Connection connection) {
    Session session = null;
    try {
        //session is always not transacted
        session = JMSUtils.createSession(connection, false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE, isQueue());
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("New JMS Session was created from the JMS Connection");
    } catch (JMSException e) {
        log.error("Error creating a session from the JMS Connection using properties: " + parameters, e);
    return session;

From source file:nl.nn.adapterframework.extensions.tibco.SendTibcoMessage.java

public String doPipeWithTimeoutGuarded(Object input, IPipeLineSession session) throws PipeRunException {
    Connection connection = null;
    Session jSession = null;/* ww w .j  av a  2s  . c  o m*/
    MessageProducer msgProducer = null;
    Destination destination = null;

    String url_work;
    String authAlias_work;
    String userName_work;
    String password_work;
    String queueName_work;
    String messageProtocol_work;
    int replyTimeout_work;
    String soapAction_work;

    String result = null;

    ParameterValueList pvl = null;
    if (getParameterList() != null) {
        ParameterResolutionContext prc = new ParameterResolutionContext((String) input, session);
        try {
            pvl = prc.getValues(getParameterList());
        } catch (ParameterException e) {
            throw new PipeRunException(this, getLogPrefix(session) + "exception on extracting parameters", e);

    url_work = getParameterValue(pvl, "url");
    if (url_work == null) {
        url_work = getUrl();
    authAlias_work = getParameterValue(pvl, "authAlias");
    if (authAlias_work == null) {
        authAlias_work = getAuthAlias();
    userName_work = getParameterValue(pvl, "userName");
    if (userName_work == null) {
        userName_work = getUserName();
    password_work = getParameterValue(pvl, "password");
    if (password_work == null) {
        password_work = getPassword();
    queueName_work = getParameterValue(pvl, "queueName");
    if (queueName_work == null) {
        queueName_work = getQueueName();
    messageProtocol_work = getParameterValue(pvl, "messageProtocol");
    if (messageProtocol_work == null) {
        messageProtocol_work = getMessageProtocol();
    String replyTimeout_work_str = getParameterValue(pvl, "replyTimeout");
    if (replyTimeout_work_str == null) {
        replyTimeout_work = getReplyTimeout();
    } else {
        replyTimeout_work = Integer.parseInt(replyTimeout_work_str);
    soapAction_work = getParameterValue(pvl, "soapAction");
    if (soapAction_work == null)
        soapAction_work = getSoapAction();

    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(soapAction_work) && !StringUtils.isEmpty(queueName_work)) {
        String[] q = queueName_work.split("\\.");
        if (q.length > 0) {
            if (q[0].equalsIgnoreCase("P2P") && q.length >= 4) {
                soapAction_work = q[3];
            } else if (q[0].equalsIgnoreCase("ESB") && q.length == 8) {
                soapAction_work = q[5] + "_" + q[6];
            } else if (q[0].equalsIgnoreCase("ESB") && q.length > 8) {
                soapAction_work = q[6] + "_" + q[7];

    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(soapAction_work)) {
        log.debug(getLogPrefix(session) + "deriving default soapAction");
        try {
            URL resource = ClassUtils.getResourceURL(this, "/xml/xsl/esb/soapAction.xsl");
            TransformerPool tp = new TransformerPool(resource, true);
            soapAction_work = tp.transform(input.toString(), null);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error(getLogPrefix(session) + "failed to execute soapAction.xsl");

    if (messageProtocol_work == null) {
        throw new PipeRunException(this, getLogPrefix(session) + "messageProtocol must be set");
    if (!messageProtocol_work.equalsIgnoreCase(REQUEST_REPLY)
            && !messageProtocol_work.equalsIgnoreCase(FIRE_AND_FORGET)) {
        throw new PipeRunException(this, getLogPrefix(session) + "illegal value for messageProtocol ["
                + messageProtocol_work + "], must be '" + REQUEST_REPLY + "' or '" + FIRE_AND_FORGET + "'");

    CredentialFactory cf = new CredentialFactory(authAlias_work, userName_work, password_work);
    try {
        TibjmsAdmin admin;
        try {
            admin = TibcoUtils.getActiveServerAdmin(url_work, cf);
        } catch (TibjmsAdminException e) {
            log.debug(getLogPrefix(session) + "caught exception", e);
            admin = null;
        if (admin != null) {
            QueueInfo queueInfo;
            try {
                queueInfo = admin.getQueue(queueName_work);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new PipeRunException(this, getLogPrefix(session) + " exception on getting queue info", e);
            if (queueInfo == null) {
                throw new PipeRunException(this,
                        getLogPrefix(session) + " queue [" + queueName_work + "] does not exist");

            try {
            } catch (TibjmsAdminException e) {
                log.warn(getLogPrefix(session) + "exception on closing Tibjms Admin", e);

        ConnectionFactory factory = new com.tibco.tibjms.TibjmsConnectionFactory(url_work);
        connection = factory.createConnection(cf.getUsername(), cf.getPassword());
        jSession = connection.createSession(false, javax.jms.Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
        destination = jSession.createQueue(queueName_work);

        msgProducer = jSession.createProducer(destination);
        TextMessage msg = jSession.createTextMessage();
        Destination replyQueue = null;
        if (messageProtocol_work.equalsIgnoreCase(REQUEST_REPLY)) {
            replyQueue = jSession.createTemporaryQueue();
        } else {
        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(soapAction_work)) {
                    getLogPrefix(session) + "setting [SoapAction] property to value [" + soapAction_work + "]");
            msg.setStringProperty("SoapAction", soapAction_work);
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug(getLogPrefix(session) + "sent message [" + msg.getText() + "] " + "to ["
                    + msgProducer.getDestination() + "] " + "msgID [" + msg.getJMSMessageID() + "] "
                    + "correlationID [" + msg.getJMSCorrelationID() + "] " + "replyTo [" + msg.getJMSReplyTo()
                    + "]");
        } else {
            if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
                log.info(getLogPrefix(session) + "sent message to [" + msgProducer.getDestination() + "] "
                        + "msgID [" + msg.getJMSMessageID() + "] " + "correlationID ["
                        + msg.getJMSCorrelationID() + "] " + "replyTo [" + msg.getJMSReplyTo() + "]");
        if (messageProtocol_work.equalsIgnoreCase(REQUEST_REPLY)) {
            String replyCorrelationId = msg.getJMSMessageID();
            MessageConsumer msgConsumer = jSession.createConsumer(replyQueue,
                    "JMSCorrelationID='" + replyCorrelationId + "'");
            log.debug(getLogPrefix(session) + "] start waiting for reply on [" + replyQueue + "] selector ["
                    + replyCorrelationId + "] for [" + replyTimeout_work + "] ms");
            try {
                Message rawReplyMsg = msgConsumer.receive(replyTimeout_work);
                if (rawReplyMsg == null) {
                    throw new PipeRunException(this,
                            getLogPrefix(session) + "did not receive reply on [" + replyQueue
                                    + "] replyCorrelationId [" + replyCorrelationId + "] within ["
                                    + replyTimeout_work + "] ms");
                TextMessage replyMsg = (TextMessage) rawReplyMsg;
                result = replyMsg.getText();
            } finally {

        } else {
            result = msg.getJMSMessageID();
    } catch (JMSException e) {
        throw new PipeRunException(this, getLogPrefix(session) + " exception on sending message to Tibco queue",
    } finally {
        if (connection != null) {
            try {
            } catch (JMSException e) {
                log.warn(getLogPrefix(session) + "exception on closing connection", e);
    return result;

From source file:org.apache.qpid.client.ssl.SSLTest.java

public void testCreateSSLConnectionUsingConnectionURLParamsTrustStoreOnly() throws Exception {
    if (shouldPerformTest()) {

        //Start the broker (WANTing client certificate authentication)
        configureJavaBrokerIfNecessary(true, true, false, true);

        String url = "amqp://guest:guest@test/?brokerlist='tcp://localhost:%s"
                + "?ssl='true'&ssl_verify_hostname='true'" + "&trust_store='%s'&trust_store_password='%s'"
                + "'";

        url = String.format(url, QpidBrokerTestCase.DEFAULT_SSL_PORT, TRUSTSTORE, TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD);

        Connection con = getConnection(new AMQConnectionURL(url));
        assertNotNull("connection should be successful", con);
        Session ssn = con.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
        assertNotNull("create session should be successful", ssn);
    }//from www.j  a v  a 2 s.  co  m