List of usage examples for javax.ejb TransactionAttributeType SUPPORTS
TransactionAttributeType SUPPORTS
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@TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) @Override//from www . j a v a 2s. c o m public List<Integer> getAuthorizedCaIds(final AuthenticationToken admin) { final Collection<Integer> availableCaIds = getAllCaIds(); final ArrayList<Integer> returnval = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (Integer caid : availableCaIds) { if (authorizedToCANoLogging(admin, caid)) { returnval.add(caid); } } return returnval; }
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@TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) @Override/*from ww w .j av a 2s .c o m*/ public Collection<String> getAuthorizedCaNames(final AuthenticationToken admin) { final Collection<Integer> availableCaIds = getAllCaIds(); final TreeSet<String> names = new TreeSet<String>(); for (Integer caid : availableCaIds) { if (authorizedToCANoLogging(admin, caid)) { try { names.add(getCAInfoInternal(caid).getName()); } catch (CADoesntExistsException e) { // NOPMD Should not happen since we just retrieved the ID } } } return names; }
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@TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) @Override/*w ww. j a va 2 s. com*/ public List<CAInfo> getAuthorizedAndEnabledCaInfos(AuthenticationToken authenticationToken) { List<CAInfo> result = new ArrayList<CAInfo>(); for (int caId : getAuthorizedCaIds(authenticationToken)) { CAInfo caInfo; try { caInfo = getCAInfoInternal(caId); } catch (CADoesntExistsException e) { throw new IllegalStateException( "CA with ID " + caId + " was not found in spite if just being retrieved."); } if (caInfo.getStatus() != CAConstants.CA_EXTERNAL && caInfo.getStatus() != CAConstants.CA_UNINITIALIZED && caInfo.getStatus() != CAConstants.CA_WAITING_CERTIFICATE_RESPONSE) { result.add(caInfo); } } return result; }
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@TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) @Override//w w w.ja va 2s . c o m public List<CAInfo> getAuthorizedAndNonExternalCaInfos(AuthenticationToken authenticationToken) { List<CAInfo> result = new ArrayList<CAInfo>(); for (Integer caId : getAuthorizedCaIds(authenticationToken)) { CAInfo caInfo; try { caInfo = getCAInfoInternal(caId); } catch (CADoesntExistsException e) { throw new IllegalStateException( "CA with ID " + caId + " was not found in spite if just being retrieved."); } if (caInfo.getStatus() != CAConstants.CA_EXTERNAL) { result.add(caInfo); } } return result; }
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@TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) @Override/*from w w w. j a v a2s .co m*/ public void verifyExistenceOfCA(int caid) throws CADoesntExistsException { getCAInternal(caid, null, true); }
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@TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) @Override/*from ww w. ja va2 s .c o m*/ public HashMap<Integer, String> getCAIdToNameMap() { final HashMap<Integer, String> returnval = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); for (final CAData cadata : CAData.findAll(entityManager)) { returnval.put(cadata.getCaId(), cadata.getName()); } return returnval; }
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@Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) public boolean isOnlyUsernameForSubjectKeyIdOrDnAndIssuerDN(final String issuerDN, final byte subjectKeyId[], final String subjectDN, final String username) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(">isOnlyUsernameForSubjectKeyIdOrDnAndIssuerDN(), issuer='" + issuerDN + "'"); }/* w w w .j a v a2 s. c o m*/ // First make a DN in our well-known format final String transformedIssuerDN = CertTools.stringToBCDNString(StringTools.strip(issuerDN)); final String sSubjectKeyId = new String(Base64.encode(subjectKeyId, false)); final String transformedSubjectDN = CertTools.stringToBCDNString(StringTools.strip(subjectDN)); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Looking for user with a certificate with issuer DN(transformed) '" + transformedIssuerDN + "' and SubjectKeyId '" + sSubjectKeyId + "' OR subject DN(transformed) '" + transformedSubjectDN + "'."); } try { final Set<String> usernames = CertificateData.findUsernamesBySubjectKeyIdOrDnAndIssuer(entityManager, transformedIssuerDN, sSubjectKeyId, transformedSubjectDN); return usernames.size() == 0 || (usernames.size() == 1 && usernames.contains(username)); } finally { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("<isOnlyUsernameForSubjectKeyIdOrDnAndIssuerDN(), issuer='" + issuerDN + "'"); } } }
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@TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) @Override/*from w ww .j a va 2 s . co m*/ public Certificate findMostRecentlyUpdatedActiveCertificate(byte[] subjectKeyId) { Certificate certificate = null; final String subjectKeyIdString = new String(Base64.encode(subjectKeyId, false)); log.debug("Searching for subjectKeyIdString " + subjectKeyIdString); final Query query = this.entityManager.createQuery( "SELECT a FROM CertificateData a WHERE a.subjectKeyId=:subjectKeyId AND a.status=:status ORDER BY a.updateTime DESC"); query.setParameter("subjectKeyId", subjectKeyIdString); query.setParameter("status", CertificateConstants.CERT_ACTIVE); query.setMaxResults(1); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final List<CertificateData> resultList = query.getResultList(); if (resultList.size() == 1) { certificate = resultList.get(0).getCertificate(this.entityManager); if (certificate == null && log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Reference to an issued certificate with subjectKeyId " + subjectKeyId + " found, but the certificate is not stored in the database."); } } return certificate; }
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@Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) public boolean isUniqueCertificateSerialNumberIndex() { // Must always run in a transaction in order to store certificates, EntityManager requires use within a transaction if (UniqueSernoHelper.getIsUniqueCertificateSerialNumberIndex() == null) { // Only create new transactions to store certificates and call this, if the variable is not initialized. // If it is already set we don't have to waste time creating a new transaction // Sets variables (but only once) that can be checked with isUniqueCertificateSerialNumberIndex(). // This part must be called first (at least once). final String userName = "checkUniqueIndexTestUserNotToBeUsed_fjasdfjsdjfsad"; // This name should only be used for this test. Made complex so that no one else will use the same. // Loading two dummy certificates. These certificates has same serial number and issuer. // It should not be possible to store both of them in the DB. final X509Certificate cert1 = UniqueSernoHelper.getTestCertificate1(); final X509Certificate cert2 = UniqueSernoHelper.getTestCertificate2(); final Certificate c1 = findCertificateByFingerprint(CertTools.getFingerprintAsString(cert1)); final Certificate c2 = findCertificateByFingerprint(CertTools.getFingerprintAsString(cert2)); if ((c1 != null) && (c2 != null)) { // already proved that not checking index for serial number. UniqueSernoHelper.setIsUniqueCertificateSerialNumberIndex(Boolean.FALSE); }/*from w w w . ja v a2 s.c o m*/ final AuthenticationToken admin = new AlwaysAllowLocalAuthenticationToken( new UsernamePrincipal("Internal database constraint test")); if (c1 == null) {// storing initial certificate if no test certificate created. try { // needs to call using "certificateStoreSession." in order to honor the transaction annotations certificateStoreSession.checkForUniqueCertificateSerialNumberIndexInTransaction(admin, cert1, userName, "abcdef0123456789", CertificateConstants.CERT_INACTIVE, 0, 0, "", new Date().getTime()); } catch (Throwable e) { // NOPMD, we really need to catch all, never crash throw new RuntimeException("It should always be possible to store initial dummy certificate.", e); } } UniqueSernoHelper.setIsUniqueCertificateSerialNumberIndex(Boolean.FALSE); if (c2 == null) { // storing a second certificate with same issuer try { // needs to call using "certificateStoreSession." in order to honor the transaction annotations certificateStoreSession.checkForUniqueCertificateSerialNumberIndexInTransaction(admin, cert2, userName, "fedcba9876543210", CertificateConstants.CERT_INACTIVE, 0, 0, "", new Date().getTime()); } catch (Throwable e) { // NOPMD, we really need to catch all, never crash "certificateStoreSession.checkForUniqueCertificateSerialNumberIndexInTransaction threw Throwable (normal if there is a unique issuerDN/serialNumber index): " + e.getMessage());"Unique index in CertificateData table for certificate serial number"); // Exception is thrown when unique index is working and a certificate with same serial number is in the database. UniqueSernoHelper.setIsUniqueCertificateSerialNumberIndex(Boolean.TRUE); } } if (!UniqueSernoHelper.getIsUniqueCertificateSerialNumberIndex().booleanValue()) { // It was possible to store a second certificate with same serial number. Unique number not working."createcert.not_unique_certserialnumberindex")); } // Remove potentially stored certificates so anyone can create the unique index if wanted try { certificateStoreSession.removeUniqueCertificateSerialNumberTestCertificates();"Removed rows used during test for unique certificate serial number database constraint."); } catch (Throwable e) { // NOPMD, we really need to catch all, never crash log.debug("Unable to clean up database rows used during test for unique certificate serial number." + " This is expected if DELETE is not granted to the EJBCA database user.", e); } } return UniqueSernoHelper.getIsUniqueCertificateSerialNumberIndex() != null && UniqueSernoHelper.getIsUniqueCertificateSerialNumberIndex().booleanValue(); }
From source
@Override @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) public void reloadCaCertificateCache() {"Reloading CA certificate cache."); Collection<Certificate> certs = certificateStoreSession.findCertificatesByType( CertificateConstants.CERTTYPE_SUBCA + CertificateConstants.CERTTYPE_ROOTCA, null); CaCertificateCache.INSTANCE.loadCertificates(certs); }