List of usage examples for javax.crypto KeyGenerator getInstance
public static final KeyGenerator getInstance(String algorithm) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
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/** * A test for signing using a direct reference to a Kerberos token *//*from w w w. j a v a 2s .c o m*/ @org.junit.Test public void testKerberosSignatureDRCreation() throws Exception { Document doc = SOAPUtil.toSOAPPart(SOAPUtil.SAMPLE_SOAP_MSG); WSSecHeader secHeader = new WSSecHeader(); secHeader.insertSecurityHeader(doc); BinarySecurity bst = new BinarySecurity(doc); bst.setValueType(AP_REQ); bst.setEncodingType(BASE64_NS); KeyGenerator keyGen = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES"); keyGen.init(128); SecretKey key = keyGen.generateKey(); byte[] keyData = key.getEncoded(); bst.setToken(keyData); bst.setID("Id-" + bst.hashCode()); WSSecurityUtil.prependChildElement(secHeader.getSecurityHeader(), bst.getElement()); WSSecSignature sign = new WSSecSignature(); sign.setSignatureAlgorithm(SignatureMethod.HMAC_SHA1); sign.setKeyIdentifierType(WSConstants.CUSTOM_SYMM_SIGNING); sign.setCustomTokenValueType(AP_REQ); sign.setCustomTokenId(bst.getID()); sign.setSecretKey(keyData); Document signedDoc =, crypto, secHeader); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { String outputString =; LOG.debug(outputString); } }
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private static SecretKey getSecretKey() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { KeyGenerator keyGenerator = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES"); keyGenerator.init(128);//from w w w . j ava 2 s . c om SecretKey key = keyGenerator.generateKey(); return key; }
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public void init() { lessonBuilderAccessAPI.setHttpAccess(getHttpAccess()); accessCache = memoryService.createCache( "org.sakaiproject.lessonbuildertool.service.LessonBuilderAccessService.cache", new SimpleConfiguration<Object, Object>(CACHE_MAX_ENTRIES, CACHE_TIME_TO_LIVE_SECONDS, CACHE_TIME_TO_IDLE_SECONDS)); SimplePageItem metaItem = null;//w w w. j a v a 2 s .c o m // Get crypto session key from metadata item // we have to keep it in the database so it's the same on all servers // There's no entirely sound way to create the item if it doesn't exist // other than by getting a table lock. Fortunately this will only be // needed when the entry is created. SimplePageProperty prop = simplePageToolDao.findProperty("accessCryptoKey"); if (prop == null) { try { sessionKey = KeyGenerator.getInstance("Blowfish").generateKey(); // need string version to save in item byte[] keyBytes = ((SecretKeySpec) sessionKey).getEncoded(); // set attribute to hex version of key prop = simplePageToolDao.makeProperty("accessCryptoKey", DatatypeConverter.printHexBinary(keyBytes)); simplePageToolDao.quickSaveItem(prop); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("unable to init cipher for session " + e); // in case of race condition, our save will fail, but we'll be able to get a value // saved by someone else simplePageToolDao.flush(); prop = simplePageToolDao.findProperty("accessCryptoKey"); } } if (prop != null) { String keyString = prop.getValue(); byte[] keyBytes = DatatypeConverter.parseHexBinary(keyString); sessionKey = new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, "Blowfish"); } }
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/** * Prepare the document for encryption.//from w w w.j av a 2 s.c o m * * @param doc The document that will be encrypted. * * @throws CryptographyException If there is an error while encrypting. */ public void prepareDocumentForEncryption(PDDocument doc) throws CryptographyException { try { Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider()); PDEncryptionDictionary dictionary = doc.getEncryptionDictionary(); if (dictionary == null) { dictionary = new PDEncryptionDictionary(); } dictionary.setFilter(FILTER); dictionary.setLength(this.keyLength); dictionary.setVersion(2); // remove CF, StmF, and StrF entries that may be left from a previous encryption dictionary.removeV45filters(); dictionary.setSubFilter(SUBFILTER); byte[][] recipientsField = new byte[policy.getRecipientsNumber()][]; // create the 20 bytes seed byte[] seed = new byte[20]; KeyGenerator key = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES"); key.init(192, new SecureRandom()); SecretKey sk = key.generateKey(); System.arraycopy(sk.getEncoded(), 0, seed, 0, 20); // create the 20 bytes seed Iterator it = policy.getRecipientsIterator(); int i = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { PublicKeyRecipient recipient = (PublicKeyRecipient); X509Certificate certificate = recipient.getX509(); int permission = recipient.getPermission().getPermissionBytesForPublicKey(); byte[] pkcs7input = new byte[24]; byte one = (byte) (permission); byte two = (byte) (permission >>> 8); byte three = (byte) (permission >>> 16); byte four = (byte) (permission >>> 24); System.arraycopy(seed, 0, pkcs7input, 0, 20); // put this seed in the pkcs7 input pkcs7input[20] = four; pkcs7input[21] = three; pkcs7input[22] = two; pkcs7input[23] = one; DERObject obj = createDERForRecipient(pkcs7input, certificate); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DEROutputStream k = new DEROutputStream(baos); k.writeObject(obj); recipientsField[i] = baos.toByteArray(); i++; } dictionary.setRecipients(recipientsField); int sha1InputLength = seed.length; for (int j = 0; j < dictionary.getRecipientsLength(); j++) { COSString string = dictionary.getRecipientStringAt(j); sha1InputLength += string.getBytes().length; } byte[] sha1Input = new byte[sha1InputLength]; System.arraycopy(seed, 0, sha1Input, 0, 20); int sha1InputOffset = 20; for (int j = 0; j < dictionary.getRecipientsLength(); j++) { COSString string = dictionary.getRecipientStringAt(j); System.arraycopy(string.getBytes(), 0, sha1Input, sha1InputOffset, string.getBytes().length); sha1InputOffset += string.getBytes().length; } MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1"); byte[] mdResult = md.digest(sha1Input); this.encryptionKey = new byte[this.keyLength / 8]; System.arraycopy(mdResult, 0, this.encryptionKey, 0, this.keyLength / 8); doc.setEncryptionDictionary(dictionary); doc.getDocument().setEncryptionDictionary(dictionary.encryptionDictionary); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) { throw new CryptographyException(ex); } catch (NoSuchProviderException ex) { throw new CryptographyException(ex); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e, e); throw new CryptographyException(e); } }
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/** * @param keyfile//from ww w .j a v a2 s . com * @param keysize * @param salter * @throws InvalidKeySpecException * @throws IOException * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException */ public final static void generateNewKeyFile(final File keyfile, final int keysize, final SecureRandom salter) throws InvalidKeySpecException, IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { if (keysize > Cipher.getMaxAllowedKeyLength(mytype)) throw new InvalidKeySpecException( "You specified a key size not supported by your current cryptographic libraries, which currently have a max key size of " + Cipher.getMaxAllowedKeyLength(mytype) + " for " + mytype); final FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(keyfile); try { final KeyGenerator kgen = KeyGenerator.getInstance(mytype); kgen.init(keysize > mykeysizemax ? mykeysizemax : keysize, salter); // 192 and 256 bits may not be available final SecretKey sk = kgen.generateKey(); fos.write(sk.getEncoded()); } finally { fos.flush(); fos.close(); ; } }
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/** * Test encryption using a generated AES 192 bit key that is * encrypted using a 3DES key. Then reverse by decrypting * EncryptedKey by hand/*from www. j a v a2 s . c o m*/ */ public void testAES192ElementAES256KWCipher() throws Exception { Document d = document(); // source Document ed = null; Document dd = null; Element e = (Element) d.getElementsByTagName(element()).item(index()); Element ee = null; String source = null; String target = null; if (haveISOPadding && haveKeyWraps) { source = toString(d); // Set up a Key Encryption Key byte[] bits192 = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx".getBytes(); DESedeKeySpec keySpec = new DESedeKeySpec(bits192); SecretKeyFactory keyFactory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("DESede"); Key kek = keyFactory.generateSecret(keySpec); // Generate a traffic key KeyGenerator keygen = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES"); keygen.init(192); Key key = keygen.generateKey(); cipher = XMLCipher.getInstance(XMLCipher.TRIPLEDES_KeyWrap); cipher.init(XMLCipher.WRAP_MODE, kek); EncryptedKey encryptedKey = cipher.encryptKey(d, key); // encrypt cipher = XMLCipher.getInstance(XMLCipher.AES_192); cipher.init(XMLCipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key); EncryptedData builder = cipher.getEncryptedData(); KeyInfo builderKeyInfo = builder.getKeyInfo(); if (builderKeyInfo == null) { builderKeyInfo = new KeyInfo(d); builder.setKeyInfo(builderKeyInfo); } builderKeyInfo.add(encryptedKey); ed = cipher.doFinal(d, e); //decrypt key = null; ee = (Element) ed.getElementsByTagName("xenc:EncryptedData").item(0); cipher = XMLCipher.getInstance(); cipher.init(XMLCipher.DECRYPT_MODE, null); EncryptedData encryptedData = cipher.loadEncryptedData(ed, ee); if (encryptedData == null) { System.out.println("ed is null"); } else if (encryptedData.getKeyInfo() == null) { System.out.println("ki is null"); } EncryptedKey ek = encryptedData.getKeyInfo().itemEncryptedKey(0); if (ek != null) { XMLCipher keyCipher = XMLCipher.getInstance(); keyCipher.init(XMLCipher.UNWRAP_MODE, kek); key = keyCipher.decryptKey(ek, encryptedData.getEncryptionMethod().getAlgorithm()); } // Create a new cipher just to be paranoid XMLCipher cipher3 = XMLCipher.getInstance(); cipher3.init(XMLCipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key); dd = cipher3.doFinal(ed, ee); target = toString(dd); Assert.assertEquals(source, target); } else { log.warn("Test testAES192ElementAES256KWCipher skipped as necessary algorithms not available"); } }
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/** * A test for signing using a KeyIdentifier to a Kerberos token *//*from ww w . java 2s . com*/ @org.junit.Test public void testKerberosSignatureKICreation() throws Exception { Document doc = SOAPUtil.toSOAPPart(SOAPUtil.SAMPLE_SOAP_MSG); WSSecHeader secHeader = new WSSecHeader(); secHeader.insertSecurityHeader(doc); BinarySecurity bst = new BinarySecurity(doc); bst.setValueType(AP_REQ); bst.setEncodingType(BASE64_NS); KeyGenerator keyGen = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES"); keyGen.init(128); SecretKey key = keyGen.generateKey(); byte[] keyData = key.getEncoded(); bst.setToken(keyData); bst.setID("Id-" + bst.hashCode()); WSSecurityUtil.prependChildElement(secHeader.getSecurityHeader(), bst.getElement()); WSSecSignature sign = new WSSecSignature(); sign.setSignatureAlgorithm(SignatureMethod.HMAC_SHA1); sign.setKeyIdentifierType(WSConstants.CUSTOM_KEY_IDENTIFIER); sign.setCustomTokenValueType(WSConstants.WSS_KRB_KI_VALUE_TYPE); byte[] digestBytes = WSSecurityUtil.generateDigest(keyData); sign.setCustomTokenId(Base64.encode(digestBytes)); sign.setSecretKey(keyData); Document signedDoc =, crypto, secHeader); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { String outputString =; LOG.debug(outputString); } }
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/** * /*from ww w . j av a 2 s . com*/ * Create a new key with a custom keysize less-than equal to mykeysizemax, * specifying a custom salter * * @param keyfile * @param keysize * @param salter * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException * @throws IOException * @throws InvalidKeySpecException */ public final static void generateNewKeyFile(final File keyfile, final int keysize, final SecureRandom salter) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, IOException, InvalidKeySpecException { if (keysize > Cipher.getMaxAllowedKeyLength(mytype)) throw new InvalidKeySpecException( "You specified a key size not supported by your current cryptographic libraries, which currently have a max key size of " + Cipher.getMaxAllowedKeyLength(mytype) + " for " + mytype); final FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(keyfile); try { final KeyGenerator kgen = KeyGenerator.getInstance(mytype); kgen.init(keysize > mykeysizemax ? mykeysizemax : keysize, salter); // 192 and 256 bits may not be available final SecretKey sk = kgen.generateKey(); fos.write(sk.getEncoded()); } finally { if (fos != null) { fos.flush(); fos.close(); } } }
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private boolean initialize() { try {/*from www. ja va 2s . c o m*/ encryptionReady = false; tokenRefreshRetryCount = TOKEN_REFRESH_RETRY_COUNT; if (Cipher.getMaxAllowedKeyLength("AES") < 256) { return setError(LxOfflineReason.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Enable Java cryptography unlimited strength (see binding doc)."); } // generate a random key for the session KeyGenerator aesKeyGen = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES"); aesKeyGen.init(256); aesKey = aesKeyGen.generateKey(); // generate an initialization vector secureRandom = new SecureRandom(); secureRandom.nextBytes(initVector); IvParameterSpec ivSpec = new IvParameterSpec(initVector); // initialize aes cipher for command encryption aesEncryptCipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding"); aesEncryptCipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, aesKey, ivSpec); // initialize aes cipher for response decryption aesDecryptCipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding"); aesDecryptCipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, aesKey, ivSpec); // get token value from configuration storage token = (String) configuration.get(SETTINGS_TOKEN); logger.debug("[{}] Retrieved token value: {}", debugId, token); } catch (InvalidParameterException e) { return setError(LxOfflineReason.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Invalid parameter: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { return setError(LxOfflineReason.INTERNAL_ERROR, "AES not supported on platform."); } catch (InvalidKeyException | NoSuchPaddingException | InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e) { return setError(LxOfflineReason.INTERNAL_ERROR, "AES cipher initialization failed."); } return true; }
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/** //from w w w . jav a 2 s.c o m * This method returns a key generated for using with Symmetric Crypto * @return * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException * @throws NoSuchPaddingException */ public Key generateKeyForSymmetric() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchPaddingException { /**Create a keygenerator for Symmetric Crypto **/ if (symmetricKey == null) { keygen = KeyGenerator.getInstance(EBWConstants.ENCRYPTION_KEYGEN_ALGORITHM); symmetricKey = keygen.generateKey(); try { // ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File("d:/UBS/AES.key"))); // oos.writeObject(symmetricKey); // oos.close(); // System.out.println("Key File written"); ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream( new FileInputStream(new File(EBWConstants.SYMMETRIC_KEY_FILENAME))); Key symmetricKeyNew = (Key) ois.readObject(); //oos.close(); //System.out.println("Key File read"); symmetricKey = symmetricKeyNew; /*ObjectWriter bw=new ObjectWriter(new FileWriter("d:/UBS/AES.key")); bw.write(symmetricKey.toString()); bw.close(); */ } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else { //EBWLogger.logDebug(this,"Key Already set"); } return symmetricKey; }