Example usage for javax.activation DataSource DataSource

List of usage examples for javax.activation DataSource DataSource


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.activation DataSource DataSource.



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From source file:com.jt.https.test.send.java

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    //final String xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><ChinaTourinsApply xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xmlns:xsd=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\"><Head><UserId>0000000000</UserId><CommandId>CTAA0001</CommandId><SeqNo>JT2014_0000000263863</SeqNo></Head><Body><Apply><ApplyId>1201201407256948</ApplyId><TravelAgencyInfo><Id>1129035</Id><Name>???</Name><Address>?45?</Address><Zipcode>310000</Zipcode><Telphone>0571-63700288</Telphone><License>L-ZJ00295</License><OrgCode>79093228-2</OrgCode><OutboundTourismCredentials>N</OutboundTourismCredentials><LastYearTouristAmount>0.0</LastYearTouristAmount><LastYearRevenue>0-600</LastYearRevenue><last3YearAccidents>N</last3YearAccidents><Last1YearAccidentsFee>0.0</Last1YearAccidentsFee><Last2YearAccidentsFee>0.0</Last2YearAccidentsFee><Last3YearAccidentsFee>0.0</Last3YearAccidentsFee><Contact><Name></Name><Telphone>0571-63700288</Telphone><Mail>385816647@qq.ocm</Mail><Fax>0571-63700288</Fax></Contact><Branches /><Location><ProvinceId>12</ProvinceId><ProvinceName>?</ProvinceName><CityId>1201</CityId><CityName>?</CityName></Location><Properties><Key Name=\"LastApplyNo\" /><Key Name=\"LastPolicyNo\" /><Key Name=\"NewNum\" /><Key Name=\"NewLocation\" /></Properties><Last1YearPolicyNoList><Last1YearPolicyNoInfo><UserId /><PolicyNo /></Last1YearPolicyNoInfo></Last1YearPolicyNoList></TravelAgencyInfo><InsurancePolicyInfo><BeginDate>20140801</BeginDate><EndDate>20141231</EndDate><InsuranceDays>153</InsuranceDays><Renewal>N</Renewal><IssuingCompanyId>2014004</IssuingCompanyId><IssuingCompanyName>?????</IssuingCompanyName><IssuingGeneralCompanyName>???</IssuingGeneralCompanyName><RetroactiveDate>20140801</RetroactiveDate><MainInsurance><EachAccidentLiabilityLimit>20141000</EachAccidentLiabilityLimit><EachAccidentEveryLiabilityLimit>20142004</EachAccidentEveryLiabilityLimit><Properties><Key Name=\"MainPremium\">3135.4509</Key></Properties></MainInsurance><AdditionalInfo><Properties /></AdditionalInfo><PayDate>20140730</PayDate><PremiumInfo><PremiumAdjustmentFactor><YearTouristAmountRatio>-0.15</YearTouristAmountRatio><DistrictRatio>0</DistrictRatio><EachAccidentEveryLiabilityLimitRatio>0.1</EachAccidentEveryLiabilityLimitRatio><LossRatio>0</LossRatio><PreviousLossRatio>0</PreviousLossRatio><AdditionalRatio>0</AdditionalRatio><RiskControlRatio>0</RiskControlRatio><LoyaltyRatio>0</LoyaltyRatio><CoverageRateSystem>0</CoverageRateSystem><DatePreferentialRatio /></PremiumAdjustmentFactor><PremiumDistribution><TotalPremium>3135.45</TotalPremium><Distribution><RenBao CompanyId=\"2014004\">1442.30</RenBao><TaiBao CompanyId=\"2014058\">501.67</TaiBao><RenShou CompanyId=\"2014049\">250.84</RenShou><PingAn CompanyId=\"2014060\">344.90</PingAn><DaDi CompanyId=\"2014045\">282.19</DaDi><TaiPing CompanyId=\"2014039\">313.55</TaiPing></Distribution></PremiumDistribution><PremiumAdjust><RiskControl>0</RiskControl><Prepaid /></PremiumAdjust></PremiumInfo></InsurancePolicyInfo></Apply></Body></ChinaTourinsApply>";

    final String xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><ChinaTourinsResponse><Head><UserId>String</UserId><CommandId>String</CommandId><SeqNo>String</SeqNo><Ref-SeqNo>String</Ref-SeqNo></Head><Body><Apply><ApplyId>String</ApplyId><TravelAgencyId>String</TravelAgencyId><ResponseCode>String</ResponseCode><ResponseMessage>String</ResponseMessage><PolicyNo>String</PolicyNo><UpdateNo>String</UpdateNo><Fee>String</Fee><IssuingDate>String</IssuingDate><ElectricalDocument>String</ElectricalDocument></Apply></Body><IssuingCompany><Name>String</Name><Address>String</Address><Zipcode>String</Zipcode><Telphone>String</Telphone><Contact><Name>String</Name><Telphone>String</Telphone><Mail>String</Mail><Fax>String</Fax></Contact><Ccheck>String</Ccheck><Cbill>String</Cbill><Agent>String</Agent></IssuingCompany></ChinaTourinsResponse>";

    WebInsuranceExchangeStub client = new WebInsuranceExchangeStub(
    com.jt.https.test.WebInsuranceExchangeStub.PolicyApplyConfirm post = new com.jt.https.test.WebInsuranceExchangeStub.PolicyApplyConfirm();
    DataHandler param = new DataHandler(new DataSource() {
        public InputStream getInputStream() {
            return new ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
        }// www.  ja v  a2  s .  c o m

        public OutputStream getOutputStream() {
            return null;

        public String getContentType() {
            return "";

        public String getName() {
            return "";
    com.jt.https.test.WebInsuranceExchangeStub.PolicyApplyConfirmResponse response = client
    InputStream is = response.getResponseMessage().getInputStream();
    String xml_result = ToolsUtils.ConvertStreamToString(is);

From source file:org.ambraproject.wombat.service.FreemarkerMailServiceImpl.java

private static DataHandler createBodyPartDataHandler(byte[] data, String contentType) {
    return new DataHandler(new DataSource() {
        @Override//from   ww  w.  java  2 s .c  om
        public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {
            return new ByteArrayInputStream(data);

        public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException {
            throw new IOException("Read-only data");

        public String getContentType() {
            return contentType;

        public String getName() {
            return "main";

From source file:de.softwareforge.pgpsigner.commands.MailCommand.java

public void executeInteractiveCommand(final String[] args) {

    SecretKey secretKey = getContext().getSignKey();

    String senderMail = secretKey.getMailAddress();
    String senderName = secretKey.getName();

    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(senderMail)) {
        System.out.println("Could not extract sender mail from sign key.");
        return;/*from w  w w . j ava 2  s.  c o m*/

    for (final PublicKey key : getContext().getPartyRing().getVisibleKeys().values()) {

        if (key.isSigned() && !key.isMailed()) {

            try {
                String recipient = getContext().isSimulation() ? senderMail : key.getMailAddress();

                if (StringUtils.isEmpty(recipient)) {
                    System.out.println("No mail address for key " + key.getKeyId() + ", skipping.");

                System.out.println("Sending Key " + key.getKeyId() + " to " + recipient);

                MultiPartEmail mail = new MultiPartEmail();
                mail.setFrom(senderMail, senderName);

                if (!getContext().isSimulation()) {

                mail.setSubject("Your signed PGP key - " + key.getKeyId());
                mail.setMsg("This is your signed PGP key " + key.getKeyId() + " from the "
                        + getContext().getSignEvent() + " key signing event.");

                final String name = key.getKeyId() + ".asc";

                mail.attach(new DataSource() {

                    public String getContentType() {
                        return "application/pgp-keys";

                    public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {
                        return new ByteArrayInputStream(key.getArmor());

                    public String getName() {
                        return name;

                    public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException {
                        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
                }, name, "Signed Key " + key.getKeyId());


            } catch (EmailException ee) {
                System.out.println("Could not send mail for Key " + key.getKeyId());

From source file:cherry.foundation.mail.MailSendHandlerImplTest.java

public void testSendNowAttached() throws Exception {
    LocalDateTime now = LocalDateTime.now();
    MailSendHandler handler = create(now);

    ArgumentCaptor<MimeMessagePreparator> preparator = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(MimeMessagePreparator.class);

    final File file = File.createTempFile("test_", ".txt", new File("."));
    file.deleteOnExit();/*from ww w  .j  av a 2 s . c  om*/
    try {

        try (OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file)) {

        final DataSource dataSource = new DataSource() {
            public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException {
                return null;

            public String getName() {
                return "name3.txt";

            public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {
                return new ByteArrayInputStream("attach3".getBytes());

            public String getContentType() {
                return "text/plain";

        long messageId = handler.sendNow("loginId", "messageName", "from@addr", asList("to@addr"),
                asList("cc@addr"), asList("bcc@addr"), "subject", "body", new AttachmentPreparator() {
                    public void prepare(Attachment attachment) throws MessagingException {
                        attachment.add("name0.txt", new ByteArrayResource("attach0".getBytes()));
                        attachment.add("name1.bin", new ByteArrayResource("attach1".getBytes()),
                        attachment.add("name2.txt", file);
                        attachment.add("name3.txt", dataSource);

        Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(new Properties());
        MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session);

        assertEquals(0L, messageId);
        assertEquals(1, message.getRecipients(RecipientType.TO).length);
        assertEquals(parse("to@addr")[0], message.getRecipients(RecipientType.TO)[0]);
        assertEquals(1, message.getRecipients(RecipientType.CC).length);
        assertEquals(parse("cc@addr")[0], message.getRecipients(RecipientType.CC)[0]);
        assertEquals(1, message.getRecipients(RecipientType.BCC).length);
        assertEquals(parse("bcc@addr")[0], message.getRecipients(RecipientType.BCC)[0]);
        assertEquals(1, message.getFrom().length);
        assertEquals(parse("from@addr")[0], message.getFrom()[0]);
        assertEquals("subject", message.getSubject());

        MimeMultipart mm = (MimeMultipart) message.getContent();
        assertEquals(5, mm.getCount());
        assertEquals("body", ((MimeMultipart) mm.getBodyPart(0).getContent()).getBodyPart(0).getContent());

        assertEquals("name0.txt", mm.getBodyPart(1).getFileName());
        assertEquals("text/plain", mm.getBodyPart(1).getContentType());
        assertEquals("attach0", mm.getBodyPart(1).getContent());

        assertEquals("name1.bin", mm.getBodyPart(2).getDataHandler().getName());
        assertEquals("application/octet-stream", mm.getBodyPart(2).getDataHandler().getContentType());
        assertEquals("attach1", new String(
                ByteStreams.toByteArray((InputStream) mm.getBodyPart(2).getDataHandler().getContent())));

        assertEquals("name2.txt", mm.getBodyPart(3).getFileName());
        assertEquals("text/plain", mm.getBodyPart(3).getContentType());
        assertEquals("attach2", mm.getBodyPart(3).getContent());

        assertEquals("name3.txt", mm.getBodyPart(4).getFileName());
        assertEquals("text/plain", mm.getBodyPart(4).getContentType());
        assertEquals("attach3", mm.getBodyPart(4).getContent());
    } finally {

From source file:com.ctriposs.r2.message.rest.QueryTunnelUtil.java

 * Takes a Request object that has been encoded for tunnelling as a POST with an X-HTTP-Override-Method header and
 * creates a new request that represents the intended original request
 * @param request the request to be decoded
 * @return a decoded RestRequest//from   w w  w.  j ava 2s.  c om
public static RestRequest decode(final RestRequest request)
        throws MessagingException, IOException, URISyntaxException {
    if (request.getHeader(HEADER_METHOD_OVERRIDE) == null) {
        // Not a tunnelled request, just pass thru
        return request;

    String query = null;
    byte[] entity = new byte[0];

    // All encoded requests must have a content type. If the header is missing, ContentType throws an exception
    ContentType contentType = new ContentType(request.getHeader(HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE));

    RestRequestBuilder requestBuilder = request.builder();

    // Get copy of headers and remove the override
    Map<String, String> h = new HashMap<String, String>(request.getHeaders());

    // Simple case, just extract query params from entity, append to query, and clear entity
    if (contentType.getBaseType().equals(FORM_URL_ENCODED)) {
        query = request.getEntity().asString(Data.UTF_8_CHARSET);
    } else if (contentType.getBaseType().equals(MULTIPART)) {
        // Clear these in case there is no body part

        MimeMultipart multi = new MimeMultipart(new DataSource() {
            public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {
                return request.getEntity().asInputStream();

            public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException {
                return null;

            public String getContentType() {
                return request.getHeader(HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE);

            public String getName() {
                return null;

        for (int i = 0; i < multi.getCount(); i++) {
            MimeBodyPart part = (MimeBodyPart) multi.getBodyPart(i);

            if (part.isMimeType(FORM_URL_ENCODED) && query == null) {
                // Assume the first segment we come to that is urlencoded is the tunneled query params
                query = IOUtils.toString((InputStream) part.getContent(), UTF8);
            } else if (entity.length <= 0) {
                // Assume the first non-urlencoded content we come to is the intended entity.
                entity = IOUtils.toByteArray((InputStream) part.getContent());
                h.put(CONTENT_LENGTH, Integer.toString(entity.length));
                h.put(HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, part.getContentType());
            } else {
                // If it's not form-urlencoded and we've already found another section,
                // this has to be be an extra body section, which we have no way to handle.
                // Proceed with the request as if the 1st part we found was the expected body,
                // but log a warning in case some client is constructing a request that doesn't
                // follow the rules.
                String unexpectedContentType = part.getContentType();
                LOG.warn("Unexpected body part in X-HTTP-Method-Override request, type="
                        + unexpectedContentType);

    // Based on what we've found, construct the modified request. It's possible that someone has
    // modified the request URI, adding extra query params for debugging, tracking, etc, so
    // we have to check and append the original query correctly.
    if (query != null && query.length() > 0) {
        String separator = "&";
        String existingQuery = request.getURI().getRawQuery();

        if (existingQuery == null) {
            separator = "?";
        } else if (existingQuery.isEmpty()) {
            // This would mean someone has appended a "?" with no args to the url underneath us
            separator = "";

        requestBuilder.setURI(new URI(request.getURI().toString() + separator + query));

    return requestBuilder.build();

From source file:com.linkedin.r2.message.rest.QueryTunnelUtil.java

 * Takes a Request object that has been encoded for tunnelling as a POST with an X-HTTP-Override-Method header and
 * creates a new request that represents the intended original request
 * @param request the request to be decoded
 * @param requestContext a RequestContext object associated with the request
 * @return a decoded RestRequest//from w w  w . j  a  v  a 2s.  co m
public static RestRequest decode(final RestRequest request, RequestContext requestContext)
        throws MessagingException, IOException, URISyntaxException {
    if (request.getHeader(HEADER_METHOD_OVERRIDE) == null) {
        // Not a tunnelled request, just pass thru
        return request;

    String query = null;
    byte[] entity = new byte[0];

    // All encoded requests must have a content type. If the header is missing, ContentType throws an exception
    ContentType contentType = new ContentType(request.getHeader(HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE));

    RestRequestBuilder requestBuilder = request.builder();

    // Get copy of headers and remove the override
    Map<String, String> h = new HashMap<String, String>(request.getHeaders());

    // Simple case, just extract query params from entity, append to query, and clear entity
    if (contentType.getBaseType().equals(FORM_URL_ENCODED)) {
        query = request.getEntity().asString(Data.UTF_8_CHARSET);
    } else if (contentType.getBaseType().equals(MULTIPART)) {
        // Clear these in case there is no body part

        MimeMultipart multi = new MimeMultipart(new DataSource() {
            public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {
                return request.getEntity().asInputStream();

            public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException {
                return null;

            public String getContentType() {
                return request.getHeader(HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE);

            public String getName() {
                return null;

        for (int i = 0; i < multi.getCount(); i++) {
            MimeBodyPart part = (MimeBodyPart) multi.getBodyPart(i);

            if (part.isMimeType(FORM_URL_ENCODED) && query == null) {
                // Assume the first segment we come to that is urlencoded is the tunneled query params
                query = IOUtils.toString((InputStream) part.getContent(), UTF8);
            } else if (entity.length <= 0) {
                // Assume the first non-urlencoded content we come to is the intended entity.
                Object content = part.getContent();
                if (content instanceof MimeMultipart) {
                    ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                    ((MimeMultipart) content).writeTo(os);
                    entity = os.toByteArray();
                } else {
                    entity = IOUtils.toByteArray((InputStream) content);
                h.put(CONTENT_LENGTH, Integer.toString(entity.length));
                h.put(HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, part.getContentType());
            } else {
                // If it's not form-urlencoded and we've already found another section,
                // this has to be be an extra body section, which we have no way to handle.
                // Proceed with the request as if the 1st part we found was the expected body,
                // but log a warning in case some client is constructing a request that doesn't
                // follow the rules.
                String unexpectedContentType = part.getContentType();
                LOG.warn("Unexpected body part in X-HTTP-Method-Override request, type="
                        + unexpectedContentType);

    // Based on what we've found, construct the modified request. It's possible that someone has
    // modified the request URI, adding extra query params for debugging, tracking, etc, so
    // we have to check and append the original query correctly.
    if (query != null && query.length() > 0) {
        String separator = "&";
        String existingQuery = request.getURI().getRawQuery();

        if (existingQuery == null) {
            separator = "?";
        } else if (existingQuery.isEmpty()) {
            // This would mean someone has appended a "?" with no args to the url underneath us
            separator = "";

        requestBuilder.setURI(new URI(request.getURI().toString() + separator + query));

    requestContext.putLocalAttr(R2Constants.IS_QUERY_TUNNELED, true);

    return requestBuilder.build();

From source file:org.topazproject.ambra.email.impl.FreemarkerTemplateMailer.java

public BodyPartDataHandler(final ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream, final String contentType) {
    super(new DataSource() {
        public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {
            return new ByteArrayInputStream(outputStream.toByteArray());
        }/*  w w  w.j  a  v  a  2 s.  c o  m*/

        public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException {
            throw new IOException("Read-only data");

        public String getContentType() {
            return contentType;

        public String getName() {
            return "main";

From source file:cz.zcu.kiv.eegdatabase.webservices.datadownload.UserDataImpl.java

public DataHandler downloadDataFile(int dataFileId) throws UserDataServiceException {

    List<DataFile> files = experimentDao.getDataFilesWhereId(dataFileId);
    DataFile file = files.get(0);//  ww  w  .j a  v a2s  .c o  m

    DataSource rawData;
    final InputStream in;
    try {
        in = new ByteArrayInputStream(file.getFileContent().getBytes(1, (int) file.getFileContent().length()));
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
        throw new RuntimeException(ex);
    rawData = new DataSource() {
        public String getContentType() {
            return "application/octet-stream";

        public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {
            return in;

        public String getName() {
            return "application/octet-stream";

        public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException {
            return null;
    log.debug("User " + personDao.getLoggedPerson().getEmail() + " retrieved file " + dataFileId);

    return new DataHandler(rawData);

From source file:com.linkedin.r2.message.rest.QueryTunnelUtil.java

 * Helper function to create multi-part MIME
 * @param entity         the body of a request
 * @param entityContentType content type of the body
 * @param query          a query part of a request
 * @return a ByteString that represents a multi-part encoded entity that contains both
 *//*from  w w w.jav a2 s .co m*/
private static MimeMultipart createMultiPartEntity(final ByteString entity, final String entityContentType,
        String query) throws MessagingException {
    MimeMultipart multi = new MimeMultipart(MIXED);

    // Create current entity with the associated type
    MimeBodyPart dataPart = new MimeBodyPart();

    ContentType contentType = new ContentType(entityContentType);
    if (MULTIPART.equals(contentType.getBaseType())) {
        MimeMultipart nested = new MimeMultipart(new DataSource() {
            public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {
                return entity.asInputStream();

            public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException {
                return null;

            public String getContentType() {
                return entityContentType;

            public String getName() {
                return null;
        dataPart.setContent(nested, contentType.getBaseType());

    } else {
        dataPart.setContent(entity.copyBytes(), contentType.getBaseType());
    dataPart.setHeader(HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, entityContentType);

    // Encode query params as form-urlencoded
    MimeBodyPart argPart = new MimeBodyPart();
    argPart.setContent(query, FORM_URL_ENCODED);

    return multi;

From source file:de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.services.WGACoreServicesImpl.java

public DataSource createContentStoreDump(RemoteSession session, String dbKey, final boolean includeACL,
        final boolean includeSystemAreas) throws WGAServiceException {
    if (!isAdminServiceEnabled()) {
        throw new WGAServiceException("Administrative services are disabled");
    }//from  w w w.j  ava 2  s  .  c o  m

    if (!isAdminSession(session)) {
        throw new WGAServiceException("You need an administrative login to access this service.");

    try {
        final WGDatabase db = retrieveAndOpenDB(session, dbKey);
        if (db != null && db.isSessionOpen()) {
            return new DataSource() {

                public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException {
                    return null;

                public String getName() {
                    return "Dump '" + db.getDbReference() + "'";

                public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {
                    try {
                        return _core.dumpContentStore(db, "", true, _core.getLog(), includeACL,
                    } catch (WGAPIException e) {
                        IOException ioe = new IOException(e.getMessage());
                        throw ioe;

                public String getContentType() {
                    return "application/zip";
        } else {
            throw new WGAServiceException("Unable to open database '" + dbKey + "'.");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new WGAServiceException("Import of content store dump failed for database '" + dbKey + "'.", e);