List of usage examples for javafx.scene.shape Circle setEffect
public final void setEffect(Effect value)
From source
static Node dropShadow() { Group g = new Group(); DropShadow ds = new DropShadow(); ds.setOffsetY(3.0f);// w w w . j a va 2 s .c o m ds.setColor(Color.color(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f)); Text t = new Text(); t.setEffect(ds); t.setCache(true); t.setX(10.0f); t.setY(270.0f); t.setFill(Color.RED); t.setText("JavaFX drop shadow..."); t.setFont(Font.font("null", FontWeight.BOLD, 32)); DropShadow ds1 = new DropShadow(); ds1.setOffsetY(4.0f); Circle c = new Circle(); c.setEffect(ds1); c.setCenterX(50.0f); c.setCenterY(325.0f); c.setRadius(30.0f); c.setFill(Color.ORANGE); c.setCache(true); g.getChildren().add(t); g.getChildren().add(c); return g; }
From source
@Override public void start(Stage primaryStage) { primaryStage.setTitle(""); Group root = new Group(); Scene scene = new Scene(root, 300, 250, Color.WHITE); Group g = new Group(); DropShadow ds1 = new DropShadow(); ds1.setOffsetY(4.0);//from ww w. j av a 2s.c om Circle c = new Circle(); c.setEffect(ds1); c.setCenterX(50.0); c.setCenterY(125.0); c.setRadius(30.0); c.setFill(Color.RED); c.setCache(true); g.getChildren().add(c); root.getChildren().add(g); primaryStage.setScene(scene);; }
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@Override public void start(Stage stage) { Group p = new Group(); Scene scene = new Scene(p); stage.setScene(scene);// ww w .ja v a 2s . c o m stage.setWidth(500); stage.setHeight(500); p.setTranslateX(80); p.setTranslateY(80); //create a circle with effect final Circle circle = new Circle(20, Color.rgb(156, 216, 255)); circle.setEffect(new Lighting()); //create a text inside a circle final Text text = new Text(i.toString()); text.setStroke(Color.BLACK); //create a layout for circle with text inside final StackPane stack = new StackPane(); stack.getChildren().addAll(circle, text); stack.setLayoutX(30); stack.setLayoutY(30); p.getChildren().add(stack);; //create a timeline for moving the circle timeline = new Timeline(); timeline.setCycleCount(Timeline.INDEFINITE); timeline.setAutoReverse(true); //You can add a specific action when each frame is started. timer = new AnimationTimer() { @Override public void handle(long l) { text.setText(i.toString()); i++; } }; //create a keyValue with factory: scaling the circle 2times KeyValue keyValueX = new KeyValue(stack.scaleXProperty(), 2); KeyValue keyValueY = new KeyValue(stack.scaleYProperty(), 2); //create a keyFrame, the keyValue is reached at time 2s Duration duration = Duration.millis(2000); //one can add a specific action when the keyframe is reached EventHandler onFinished = new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { public void handle(ActionEvent t) { stack.setTranslateX(java.lang.Math.random() * 200 - 100); //reset counter i = 0; } }; KeyFrame keyFrame = new KeyFrame(duration, onFinished, keyValueX, keyValueY); //add the keyframe to the timeline timeline.getKeyFrames().add(keyFrame);; timer.start(); }
From source
private void showLooser(Board.WinnerInfo winnerInfo) { String looserName = board.getOpponent(winnerInfo.winningPlayer).getName(); guiAnimationQueue.submitWaitForUnlock(() -> { ShakeTransition anim = new ShakeTransition(gamePane, null); anim.playFromStart();//from w ww. ja v a Timeline timeline = new Timeline(); Circle c1 = new Circle((452 / 600.0) * looserPane.getWidth(), (323 / 640.0) * looserPane.getHeight(), 0); GaussianBlur circleBlur = new GaussianBlur(30); c1.setEffect(circleBlur); looseImage.setClip(c1); addWinLineOnLoose(winnerInfo); KeyValue keyValue1 = new KeyValue(c1.radiusProperty(), 0); KeyFrame keyFrame1 = new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(800), keyValue1); KeyValue keyValue2 = new KeyValue(c1.radiusProperty(), (500 / 640.0) * looserPane.getHeight()); KeyFrame keyFrame2 = new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(900), keyValue2); timeline.getKeyFrames().addAll(keyFrame1, keyFrame2); looseMessage.setOpacity(0); looserText.setText(looserName + " lost :("); looserPane.setVisible(true); looserPane.setOpacity(1); timeline.setOnFinished((event) -> { looseImage.setClip(null); winLineGroup.setClip(null); blurGamePane(); PauseTransition wait = new PauseTransition(); wait.setDuration(Duration.seconds(1)); wait.setOnFinished((event2) -> { FadeTransition looseMessageTransition = new FadeTransition(); looseMessageTransition.setNode(looseMessage); looseMessageTransition.setFromValue(0); looseMessageTransition.setToValue(1); looseMessageTransition.setDuration(Duration.millis(500)); looseMessageTransition.setAutoReverse(false);; });; });; }); }