List of usage examples for javafx.scene.layout VBox getChildren
public ObservableList<Node> getChildren()
From source
private void handleBasicPaneContent(VBox pane, List<Seance> liste) { pane.getChildren().clear(); liste.forEach(s -> {//from w w w.j a v a2s . c o m pane.getChildren().add(buildLink(s, null)); }); }
From source
private void addCheckInNote(final Pane content, final BookingBean be) { final VBox b = new VBox(); b.getChildren().add(new Text("Check-in Note")); final TextArea ta0 = new TextArea(be.getCheckInNote()); ta0.setWrapText(true);// w ww .ja va 2 s. c o m ta0.setPrefHeight(80); b.getChildren().add(ta0); booking2CheckInNote.put(be, ta0); content.getChildren().add(b); }
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private void addCheckOutNote(final Pane content, final BookingBean be) { final VBox b = new VBox(); b.getChildren().add(new Text("Check-out Note")); final TextArea ta0 = new TextArea(be.getCheckOutNote()); ta0.setWrapText(true);/*ww w .ja v a 2s .c o m*/ ta0.setPrefHeight(80); b.getChildren().add(ta0); booking2CheckOutNote.put(be, ta0); content.getChildren().add(b); }
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private void addSpecialRequestNote(final Pane content, final BookingBean be) { final VBox b = new VBox(); b.getChildren().add(new Text("Special Requests")); final TextArea ta0 = new TextArea(be.getSpecialRequestNote()); ta0.setWrapText(true);/*from w w w . j av a 2 s . c om*/ ta0.setPrefHeight(80); b.getChildren().add(ta0); booking2SpecialRequestNote.put(be, ta0); content.getChildren().add(b); }
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@Override public void start(Stage stage) { VBox box = new VBox(); final Scene scene = new Scene(box, 300, 250); scene.setFill(null);/*from ww w . ja v a 2s .c o m*/ Light.Distant light = new Light.Distant(); light.setAzimuth(-135.0); Lighting l = new Lighting(); l.setLight(light); l.setSurfaceScale(5.0); Text t = new Text(); t.setText("JavaFX!"); t.setFill(Color.RED); t.setFont(Font.font(null, FontWeight.BOLD, 90)); t.setX(10.0); t.setY(10.0); t.setTextOrigin(VPos.TOP); t.setEffect(l); box.getChildren().add(t); stage.setScene(scene);; }
From source
/** * Build an new JEConfig Login and main frame/stage * * @param primaryStage/*from w w w. j ava 2 s .c o m*/ */ //@AITBilal - Dieses Method wird nirgendwo aufgerufen! private void buildGUI(Stage primaryStage) { try { LoginDialog loginD = new LoginDialog(); // ds = loginD.showSQL(primaryStage, _config.get<LoginIcon()); ds = loginD.showSQL(primaryStage);//Default // ds = loginD.showSQL(primaryStage, _config.getLoginIcon(), _config.getEnabledSSL(), _config.getShowServer(), _config.getDefaultServer());//KAUST // ds = loginD.showSQL(primaryStage, _config.getLoginIcon(), _config.getEnabledSSL(), _config.getShowServer(), _config.getDefaultServer());//Coffee // while (ds == null) { // Thread.sleep(100); // } // if (ds == null) { // System.exit(0); // } // System.exit(1); // ds = new JEVisDataSourceSQL("", "3306", "jevis", "jevis", "jevistest", "Sys Admin", "jevis"); // ds.connect("Sys Admin", "jevis"); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(JEConfig.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); ExceptionDialog dia = new ExceptionDialog();, "Error", "Could not connect to Server", ex, PROGRAMM_INFO); } _mainDS = ds; JEConfig.PROGRAMM_INFO.setJEVisAPI(ds.getInfo()); JEConfig.PROGRAMM_INFO.addLibrary(org.jevis.commons.application.Info.INFO); JEConfig.PROGRAMM_INFO.addLibrary(org.jevis.application.Info.INFO); PluginManager pMan = new PluginManager(ds); GlobalToolBar toolbar = new GlobalToolBar(pMan); pMan.addPluginsByUserSetting(null); StackPane root = new StackPane(); root.setId("mainpane"); BorderPane border = new BorderPane(); VBox vbox = new VBox(); vbox.getChildren().addAll(new TopMenu(), toolbar.ToolBarFactory()); border.setTop(vbox); border.setCenter(pMan.getView()); Statusbar statusBar = new Statusbar(ds); border.setBottom(statusBar); root.getChildren().addAll(border); Scene scene = new Scene(root, 300, 250); scene.getStylesheets().add("/styles/Styles.css"); primaryStage.getIcons().add(getImage("1393354629_Config-Tools.png")); primaryStage.setTitle("JEConfig"); primaryStage.setScene(scene); maximize(primaryStage);; try { // WelcomePage welcome = new WelcomePage(primaryStage, new URI("")); // WelcomePage welcome = new WelcomePage(primaryStage, new URI("")); WelcomePage welcome = new WelcomePage(primaryStage, _config.getWelcomeURL()); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { Logger.getLogger(JEConfig.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(JEConfig.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } //Disable GUI is StatusBar note an disconnect root.disableProperty().bind(statusBar.connectedProperty.not()); primaryStage.onCloseRequestProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<EventHandler<WindowEvent>>() { @Override public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends EventHandler<WindowEvent>> ov, EventHandler<WindowEvent> t, EventHandler<WindowEvent> t1) { try { System.out.println("Disconnect"); ds.disconnect(); } catch (JEVisException ex) { Logger.getLogger(JEConfig.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } }); }
From source
private void insertConfigItemsIntoGrid(final GridPane gp, final List<Triple<String, Node, String>> formItems) { for (int i = 0; i < formItems.size(); i++) { final String title = formItems.get(i).getLeft(); final Node inputElement = formItems.get(i).getMiddle(); final String description = formItems.get(i).getRight(); // Put text flow object into cell. If a Text instance is used only, it will grab the whole cell size and center the text // (horizontally and vertically). Therefore, the table cell alignment does not work. final TextFlow titleText = new TextFlow(new Text(title)); titleText.setStyle("-fx-font-weight: bold;"); final TextFlow fieldName = new TextFlow(titleText); fieldName.autosize();/*from w w w . j a v a2 s. c om*/ fieldName.setMinWidth(fieldName.getWidth()); gp.add(fieldName, 0, i); final VBox vbox = new VBox(inputElement); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(description)) { vbox.getChildren().add(new TextFlow(new Text(description))); } gp.add(vbox, 1, i); } }
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@Override protected Pane getInnerPanel() { VBox pane = new VBox(); pane.setAlignment(Pos.TOP_CENTER);//from w ww . j a v a 2s. com TitledPane prefixTitled = Views.titledPane(DefaultI18nContext.getInstance().i18n("File names settings"), prefix); prefix.addMenuItemFor(Prefix.CURRENTPAGE); prefix.addMenuItemFor(Prefix.FILENUMBER); prefix.addMenuItemFor(Prefix.BOOKMARK); prefix.addMenuItemFor(Prefix.BOOKMARK_STRICT); pane.getChildren().addAll(selectionPane, Views.titledPane(DefaultI18nContext.getInstance().i18n("Split settings"), splitOptions), Views.titledPane(DefaultI18nContext.getInstance().i18n("Destination directory"), destinationPane), prefixTitled); return pane; }
From source
/** * Create the panel that allows the user to select what series are displayed * /*from w ww . ja v a 2s . c o m*/ * @param controls The series display controls * * @return The JavaFX Node */ private Node createDataSelectionPanel(Collection<SeriesGroupControl> controls) { BorderPane p = new BorderPane(); VBox box = new VBox(); Button b = new Button(LOAD_DATA_BUTTON); b.setOnAction((event) -> { loadData(); displayData(); }); //b.setActionCommand(LOAD_DATA_BUTTON); //b.setAlignmentX(JComponent.LEFT_ALIGNMENT); box.getChildren().add(b); for (SeriesGroupControl control : controls) { Node collectionPanel = control; box.getChildren().add(collectionPanel); } //box.getChildren().add(VBox.createVerticalGlue()); p.setTop(box); p.setCenter(new FlowPane()); return p; }
From source
private void addBookingEntry(final BookingBean be) { // System.err.println("Adding entry for " + be); final VBox box = new VBox(4); // box.setPadding(new Insets(4)); addRow0(box, be);/*from w w w. ja v a 2s . co m*/ box.getChildren().add(new Separator()); addRowNetEarnings(box, be); box.getChildren().add(new Separator()); addRowFees(box, be); box.getChildren().add(new Separator()); addRow4(box, be); box.getChildren().add(new Separator()); addRow5(box, be); box.getChildren().add(new Separator()); addRow1(box, be); addRow2(box, be); addModifyButton(box, be); content.getChildren().add(box); }