List of usage examples for javafx.scene.layout Pane heightProperty
public final ReadOnlyDoubleProperty heightProperty()
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public static void startValueSetAnimation(final Pane parent) { final javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle rectangle = new javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle(); Insets margin = BorderPane.getMargin(parent); if (margin == null) { margin = new Insets(0); }/*from w ww. ja va 2s . c om*/ rectangle.widthProperty().bind(parent.widthProperty().subtract(margin.getLeft() + margin.getRight())); rectangle.heightProperty().bind(parent.heightProperty().subtract(margin.getTop() + margin.getBottom())); rectangle.setFill(Color.rgb(0, 150, 201)); parent.getChildren().add(rectangle); BoxBlur bb = new BoxBlur(); bb.setWidth(5); bb.setHeight(5); bb.setIterations(3); rectangle.setEffect(bb); FadeTransition ft = new FadeTransition(Duration.millis(250), rectangle); ft.setFromValue(0.2); ft.setToValue(0.8); ft.setCycleCount(2); ft.setAutoReverse(true);; ft.setOnFinished(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { @Override public void handle(ActionEvent event) { parent.getChildren().remove(rectangle); } }); }
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private void bindHeight(Region node, Pane parent, int divider) { node.minHeightProperty().bind(parent.heightProperty().divide(divider)); node.prefHeightProperty().bind(parent.heightProperty().divide(divider)); node.maxHeightProperty().bind(parent.heightProperty().divide(divider)); }
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@Override public void start(final Stage stage) { final SIRConfig conf = ConfigFactory.create(SIRConfig.class); final double[] t = conf.t(); final long[] pop = conf.population(); final double n0 =; final String[] colors = conf.colors(), colors2 = conf.colors2(); final Pane plot = new Pane(); plot.setPrefSize(400, 300);/* w ww .j a v a 2 s.c o m*/ plot.setMinSize(50, 50); final NumberAxis xAxis = new NumberAxis(t[0], t[1], (t[1] - t[0]) / 10); final NumberAxis yAxis = new NumberAxis(0, n0, n0 / 10); final Pane axes = new Pane(); axes.prefHeightProperty().bind(plot.heightProperty()); axes.prefWidthProperty().bind(plot.widthProperty()); xAxis.setSide(Side.BOTTOM); xAxis.setMinorTickVisible(false); xAxis.setPrefWidth(axes.getPrefWidth()); xAxis.prefWidthProperty().bind(axes.widthProperty()); xAxis.layoutYProperty().bind(axes.heightProperty()); yAxis.setSide(Side.LEFT); yAxis.setMinorTickVisible(false); yAxis.setPrefHeight(axes.getPrefHeight()); yAxis.prefHeightProperty().bind(axes.heightProperty()); yAxis.layoutXProperty().bind(Bindings.subtract(1, yAxis.widthProperty())); axes.getChildren().setAll(xAxis, yAxis); final Label lbl = new Label(String.format("R0=%.1f, recovery=%.1ft\nSIR(0)=%s", conf.reproduction(), conf.recovery(), Arrays.toString(pop))); lbl.setTextAlignment(TextAlignment.CENTER); lbl.setTextFill(Color.WHITE); final Path[] deterministic = { new Path(), new Path(), new Path() }; IntStream.range(0, pop.length).forEach(i -> { final Color color = Color.valueOf(colors[i]); final Path path = deterministic[i]; path.setStroke(color.deriveColor(0, 1, 1, 0.6)); path.setStrokeWidth(2); path.setClip(new Rectangle(0, 0, plot.getPrefWidth(), plot.getPrefHeight())); }); plot.getChildren().setAll(axes); // fill paths with integration estimates final double xl = xAxis.getLowerBound(), sx = plot.getPrefWidth() / (xAxis.getUpperBound() - xl), yh = plot.getPrefHeight(), sy = yh / (yAxis.getUpperBound() - yAxis.getLowerBound()); final TreeMap<Double, Integer> iDeterministic = new TreeMap<>(); MSEIRSTest.deterministic(conf, () -> new DormandPrince853Integrator(1.0E-8, 10, 1.0E-20, 1.0E-20)) .subscribe(yt -> { iDeterministic.put(yt.getKey(), deterministic[0].getElements().size()); final double[] y = yt.getValue(); final double x = (yt.getKey() - xl) * sx; for (int i = 0; i < y.length; i++) { final double yi = yh - y[i] * sy; final PathElement di = deterministic[i].getElements().isEmpty() ? new MoveTo(x, yi) : new LineTo(x, yi); deterministic[i].getElements().add(di); } }, e -> LOG.error("Problem", e), () -> plot.getChildren().addAll(deterministic)); final Path[] stochasticTau = { new Path(), new Path(), new Path() }; IntStream.range(0, pop.length).forEach(i -> { final Color color = Color.valueOf(colors[i]); final Path path = stochasticTau[i]; path.setStroke(color); path.setStrokeWidth(1); path.setClip(new Rectangle(0, 0, plot.getPrefWidth(), plot.getPrefHeight())); }); final TreeMap<Double, Integer> iStochasticTau = new TreeMap<>(); MSEIRSTest.stochasticGillespie(conf).subscribe(yt -> { final double x = (yt.getKey() - xl) * sx; iStochasticTau.put(yt.getKey(), stochasticTau[0].getElements().size()); final long[] y = yt.getValue(); for (int i = 0; i < y.length; i++) { final double yi = yh - y[i] * sy; final ObservableList<PathElement> path = stochasticTau[i].getElements(); if (path.isEmpty()) { path.add(new MoveTo(x, yi)); // first } else { final PathElement last = path.get(path.size() - 1); final double y_prev = last instanceof MoveTo ? ((MoveTo) last).getY() : ((LineTo) last).getY(); path.add(new LineTo(x, y_prev)); path.add(new LineTo(x, yi)); } } }, e -> LOG.error("Problem", e), () -> plot.getChildren().addAll(stochasticTau)); final Path[] stochasticRes = { new Path(), new Path(), new Path() }; IntStream.range(0, pop.length).forEach(i -> { final Color color = Color.valueOf(colors2[i]); final Path path = stochasticRes[i]; path.setStroke(color); path.setStrokeWidth(1); path.setClip(new Rectangle(0, 0, plot.getPrefWidth(), plot.getPrefHeight())); }); final TreeMap<Double, Integer> iStochasticRes = new TreeMap<>(); MSEIRSTest.stochasticSellke(conf).subscribe(yt -> { final double x = (yt.getKey() - xl) * sx; iStochasticRes.put(yt.getKey(), stochasticRes[0].getElements().size()); final long[] y = yt.getValue(); for (int i = 0; i < y.length; i++) { final double yi = yh - y[i] * sy; final ObservableList<PathElement> path = stochasticRes[i].getElements(); if (path.isEmpty()) { path.add(new MoveTo(x, yi)); // first } else { final PathElement last = path.get(path.size() - 1); final double y_prev = last instanceof MoveTo ? ((MoveTo) last).getY() : ((LineTo) last).getY(); path.add(new LineTo(x, y_prev)); path.add(new LineTo(x, yi)); } } }, e -> LOG.error("Problem", e), () -> plot.getChildren().addAll(stochasticRes)); // auto-scale on stage/plot resize // FIXME scaling around wrong origin, use ScatterChart? // xAxis.widthProperty() // .addListener( (ChangeListener<Number>) ( observable, // oldValue, newValue ) -> // { // final double scale = ((Double) newValue) // / plot.getPrefWidth(); // plot.getChildren().filtered( n -> n instanceof Path ) // .forEach( n -> // { // final Path path = (Path) n; // path.setScaleX( scale ); // path.setTranslateX( (path // .getBoundsInParent().getWidth() // - path.getLayoutBounds().getWidth()) // / 2 ); // } ); // } ); // plot.heightProperty() // .addListener( (ChangeListener<Number>) ( observable, // oldValue, newValue ) -> // { // final double scale = ((Double) newValue) // / plot.getPrefHeight(); // plot.getChildren().filtered( n -> n instanceof Path ) // .forEach( n -> // { // final Path path = (Path) n; // path.setScaleY( scale ); // path.setTranslateY( // (path.getBoundsInParent() // .getHeight() * (scale - 1)) // / 2 ); // } ); // } ); final StackPane layout = new StackPane(lbl, plot); layout.setAlignment(Pos.TOP_CENTER); layout.setPadding(new Insets(50)); layout.setStyle("-fx-background-color: rgb(35, 39, 50);"); final Line vertiCross = new Line(); vertiCross.setStroke(Color.SILVER); vertiCross.setStrokeWidth(1); vertiCross.setVisible(false); axes.getChildren().add(vertiCross); final Tooltip tip = new Tooltip(""); tip.setAutoHide(false); tip.hide(); axes.setOnMouseExited(ev -> tip.hide()); axes.setOnMouseMoved(ev -> { final Double x = (Double) xAxis.getValueForDisplay(ev.getX()); if (x > xAxis.getUpperBound() || x < xAxis.getLowerBound()) { tip.hide(); vertiCross.setVisible(false); return; } final Double y = (Double) yAxis.getValueForDisplay(ev.getY()); if (y > yAxis.getUpperBound() || y < yAxis.getLowerBound()) { tip.hide(); vertiCross.setVisible(false); return; } final double xs = xAxis.getDisplayPosition(x); vertiCross.setStartX(xs); vertiCross.setStartY(yAxis.getDisplayPosition(0)); vertiCross.setEndX(xs); vertiCross.setEndY(yAxis.getDisplayPosition(yAxis.getUpperBound())); vertiCross.setVisible(true); final int i = (iDeterministic.firstKey() > x ? iDeterministic.firstEntry() : iDeterministic.floorEntry(x)).getValue(); final Object[] yi = -> getY(p, i)) .mapToObj(yAxis::getValueForDisplay).map(n -> DecimalUtil.toScale(n, 1)).toArray(); final int j = (iStochasticTau.firstKey() > x ? iStochasticTau.firstEntry() : iStochasticTau.floorEntry(x)).getValue(); final Object[] yj = -> getY(p, j)) .mapToObj(yAxis::getValueForDisplay).map(n -> DecimalUtil.toScale(n, 0)).toArray(); final int k = (iStochasticRes.firstKey() > x ? iStochasticRes.firstEntry() : iStochasticRes.floorEntry(x)).getValue(); final Object[] yk = -> getY(p, k)) .mapToObj(yAxis::getValueForDisplay).map(n -> DecimalUtil.toScale(n, 0)).toArray(); final String txt = String.format("SIR(t=%.1f)\n" + "~det%s\n" + "~tau%s\n" + "~res%s", x, Arrays.toString(yi), Arrays.toString(yj), Arrays.toString(yk)); tip.setText(txt);, ev.getScreenX() - ev.getSceneX() + xs, ev.getScreenY() + 15); }); try { stage.getIcons().add(new Image(FileUtil.toInputStream("icon.jpg"))); } catch (final IOException e) { LOG.error("Problem", e); } stage.setTitle("Deterministic vs. Stochastic"); stage.setScene(new Scene(layout, Color.rgb(35, 39, 50))); // stage.setOnHidden( ev -> tip.hide() );; }
From source
public void testIntervalView() throws InterruptedException { System.out.println("testIntervalView"); Pane p = new Pane(); CountDownLatch l = new CountDownLatch(1); System.out.println("before"); Platform.runLater(() -> {//from w w w . j ava 2 s . c o m System.out.println("running"); double[][] intervals = { { .1, .2 } }; // Range r = null; RangeSet<Double> rs = TreeRangeSet.create(); rs.add(Range.closed(.1, .2)); rs.add(Range.closed(.2, .3)); rs.add(Range.closed(.32, .35)); rs.add(Range.closed(.6, .8)); for (Range<Double> r : rs.asRanges()) { System.out.println(r.lowerEndpoint() + " - " + r.upperEndpoint()); } for (Range<Double> interval : rs.asRanges()) { Rectangle r = new Rectangle(); r.widthProperty() .bind(p.widthProperty().multiply(interval.upperEndpoint() - interval.lowerEndpoint())); r.heightProperty().bind(p.heightProperty()); r.xProperty().bind(p.widthProperty().multiply(interval.lowerEndpoint())); p.getChildren().add(r); } // p.prefTileHeightProperty().bind(p.heightProperty()); Stage stage = new Stage(); stage.setOnHidden(e -> { l.countDown(); System.out.println("count " + l.getCount()); }); Scene scene = new Scene(p, 300, 300, Color.GRAY); stage.setTitle("JavaFX Scene Graph Demo"); stage.setScene(scene);; }); System.out.println("after"); l.await(); Thread.sleep(1000); }
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public Node get(RangeSet<Integer> intervals, int start, int end) { RangeSet<Integer> view = intervals.subRangeSet(Range.closed(start, end)); double l = end - start + 1.; Pane p = new Pane(); for (Range<Integer> interval : view.asRanges()) { Rectangle r = new Rectangle(); r.widthProperty().bind(/*from w w w . j a v a 2s . c o m*/ p.widthProperty().multiply(interval.upperEndpoint() - interval.lowerEndpoint() + 1).divide(l)); r.heightProperty().bind(p.heightProperty()); r.xProperty().bind(p.widthProperty().multiply(interval.lowerEndpoint()).divide(l)); // System.out.println(r); p.getChildren().add(r); } return p; }
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public void drawCoordinatesWithIterator(final SnpFile sfile, final Pane pane, final String pngPath, final Iterator<SnpFile> sIter, final Iterator<Pane> pIter, final int currentFile, final int totalFiles, final String chrom, final Double start, final Double end, final boolean forceRedraw, final SplitPane splitPane) { Stage stage = (Stage) splitPane.getScene().getWindow(); fixStageSize(stage, true);/*from ww w . ja va2 s . c om*/ //stage.setResizable(false);//we have to disable this when using windows due to a bug (in javafx?) File pngFile = new File(sfile.getOutputDirectoryName() + "/" + chrom + ".png"); if (pngPath != null && pngPath.length() > 0) { pngFile = new File(sfile.getOutputDirectoryName() + "/" + pngPath + "/" + chrom + ".png"); } if (!forceRedraw && pngFile.exists()) { try { progressBar.progressProperty().unbind(); progressBar.setProgress((double) currentFile / (double) totalFiles); BufferedImage bufferedImage =; Image image = SwingFXUtils.toFXImage(bufferedImage, null); ImageView chromImage = new ImageView(image); //chromImage.setCache(true); pane.getChildren().clear(); pane.getChildren().add(chromImage); //pane.setCache(true); chromImage.fitWidthProperty().bind(pane.widthProperty()); chromImage.fitHeightProperty().bind(pane.heightProperty()); pane.minHeightProperty().bind(splitPane.heightProperty().divide(totalFiles)); pane.minWidthProperty().bind(splitPane.widthProperty()); if (sIter.hasNext()) { SnpFile nextFile =; Pane nextPane =; drawCoordinatesWithIterator(nextFile, nextPane, pngPath, sIter, pIter, currentFile + 1, totalFiles, chrom, start, end, forceRedraw, splitPane); } else { progressBar.progressProperty().unbind(); progressBar.setProgress(0); setProgressMode(false); fixStageSize(stage, false);//for windows only stage.setResizable(true); } } catch (IOException ex) { Dialogs.showErrorDialog(null, "IO error reading cached image", "Error displaying chromosome image", "SnpViewer", ex); return; } } else { final DrawSnpsToPane draw = new DrawSnpsToPane(pane, sfile, chrom, Colors.aa.value,, Colors.ab.value, start, end); progressBar.progressProperty().unbind(); //progressBar.setProgress(0); //progressBar.progressProperty().bind(draw.progressProperty()); progressTitle.setText("Drawing " + currentFile + " of " + totalFiles); progressMessage.textProperty().bind(draw.messageProperty()); cancelButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { @Override public void handle(ActionEvent actionEvent) { draw.cancel(); } }); draw.setOnCancelled(new EventHandler<WorkerStateEvent>() { @Override public void handle(WorkerStateEvent t) { progressBar.progressProperty().unbind(); progressBar.setProgress(0); progressTitle.setText("Drawing Cancelled"); progressMessage.textProperty().unbind(); progressMessage.setText("Drawing Cancelled"); setProgressMode(false); selectionOverlayPane.getChildren().clear(); selectionOverlayPane.getChildren().add(dragSelectRectangle); Stage stage = (Stage) splitPane.getScene().getWindow(); stage.setResizable(true); fixStageSize(stage, false);//for windows only } }); draw.setOnSucceeded(new EventHandler<WorkerStateEvent>() { @Override public void handle(WorkerStateEvent t) { ArrayList<HashMap<String, Double>> result = (ArrayList<HashMap<String, Double>>) t.getSource() .getValue(); progressBar.progressProperty().unbind(); progressBar.setProgress((double) currentFile / (2 * (double) totalFiles)); progressTitle.setText(""); progressMessage.textProperty().unbind(); progressMessage.setText(""); /*if (pane.getMinHeight() < 200){ pane.setMinHeight(200); } if (pane.getMinWidth() < 800){ pane.setMinWidth(800); }*/ if (result != null) { List<Line> lines = drawLinesToPane(pane, result); pane.getChildren().addAll(lines); pane.setVisible(true); convertSampleViewToImage(sfile, pane, chrom, pngPath); /*for (Line l: lines){ l.startXProperty().unbind(); l.startYProperty().unbind(); l.endXProperty().unbind(); l.endYProperty().unbind(); }*/ lines.clear(); } progressBar.setProgress((double) currentFile / (double) totalFiles); pane.minWidthProperty().bind(splitPane.widthProperty()); pane.minHeightProperty().bind(splitPane.heightProperty().divide(totalFiles)); // pane.setCache(true); if (sIter.hasNext()) { SnpFile nextFile =; Pane nextPane =; drawCoordinatesWithIterator(nextFile, nextPane, pngPath, sIter, pIter, currentFile + 1, totalFiles, chrom, start, end, forceRedraw, splitPane); } else { setProgressMode(false); progressBar.progressProperty().unbind(); progressBar.setProgress(0); Stage stage = (Stage) splitPane.getScene().getWindow(); stage.setResizable(true); fixStageSize(stage, false);//for windows only } } }); draw.setOnFailed(new EventHandler<WorkerStateEvent>() { @Override public void handle(WorkerStateEvent t) { draw.reset(); progressBar.progressProperty().unbind(); progressBar.setProgress(0); progressTitle.setText("ERROR!"); progressMessage.textProperty().unbind(); progressMessage.setText("Drawing failed!"); setProgressMode(false); selectionOverlayPane.getChildren().clear(); selectionOverlayPane.getChildren().add(dragSelectRectangle); // Stage stage = (Stage) chromSplitPane.getScene().getWindow(); // stage.setResizable(true); } }); draw.start(); } }
From source
public void convertSampleViewToImage(final SnpFile s, final Pane pane, final String chrom, final String path) { WritableImage image;//from www .j a v a 2s . c om try { image = pane.snapshot(null, null); } catch (IllegalStateException ex) { Dialogs.showErrorDialog(null, "Error while attempting to convert" + " view to image file", "PNG conversion failed", "SNP Viewer", ex); return; } final DrawPaneToPng drawToPng = new DrawPaneToPng(image); drawToPng.setOnSucceeded(new EventHandler<WorkerStateEvent>() { @Override public void handle(WorkerStateEvent t) { File pngFile; if (path != null && path.length() > 0) { pngFile = new File(s.getOutputDirectoryName() + "/" + path + "/" + chrom + ".png"); } else { pngFile = new File(s.getOutputDirectoryName() + "/" + chrom + ".png"); } try { if (!pngFile.getParentFile().exists()) { boolean madeDir = pngFile.getParentFile().mkdir(); if (madeDir == false) { Dialogs.showErrorDialog(null, "Unable to make sub directory" + " when converting dynamic view to image file. Please " + "check permissions.", "PNG conversion failed", "SNP Viewer"); return; } } Files.copy(drawToPng.getImageFile().toPath(), pngFile.toPath(), REPLACE_EXISTING); BufferedImage bufferedImage =; Image image = SwingFXUtils.toFXImage(bufferedImage, null); ImageView chromImage = new ImageView(image); // chromImage.setCache(true); for (Iterator it = pane.getChildren().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Object line =; if (line instanceof Line) { /*Line l = (Line) line; l.startXProperty().unbind(); l.endXProperty().unbind(); l.endYProperty().unbind();*/ } else if (line instanceof ImageView) { ImageView l = (ImageView) line; l.fitHeightProperty().unbind(); l.fitWidthProperty().unbind(); } } pane.getChildren().clear(); pane.getChildren().add(chromImage); chromImage.fitWidthProperty().bind(pane.widthProperty()); chromImage.fitHeightProperty().bind(pane.heightProperty()); } catch (IOException ex) { Dialogs.showErrorDialog(null, "IOException while attempting to convert" + " dynamic view to image file", "PNG conversion failed", "SNP Viewer", ex); } } }); drawToPng.setOnFailed(new EventHandler<WorkerStateEvent>() { @Override public void handle(WorkerStateEvent t) { Dialogs.showErrorDialog(null, "Error attempting to convert" + " dynamic view to image file", "PNG conversion failed", "SNP Viewer"); } }); drawToPng.start(); }