List of usage examples for javafx.scene.layout GridPane setVgap
public final void setVgap(double value)
From source
public PerformUpdateDialog(RemoteVersionResult newVersion) { this.chosen = new SimpleObjectProperty<>( Paths.get(SystemUtils.USER_HOME, newVersion.getVersion() + ".jar").toFile()); this.setHeaderText("Updating to " + newVersion.getVersion()); this.setTitle("Skadi Updater"); this.getDialogPane().getStyleClass().add("alert"); this.getDialogPane().getStyleClass().add("information"); final ButtonType restartButtonType = new ButtonType("Start New Version", ButtonBar.ButtonData.OK_DONE); this.getDialogPane().getButtonTypes().addAll(restartButtonType, ButtonType.CANCEL); Node btn = this.getDialogPane().lookupButton(restartButtonType); btn.setDisable(true);/*from w w w .ja v a2 s . co m*/ Label lbPath = new Label("Save as"); TextField tfPath = new TextField(); tfPath.textProperty() .bind(Bindings.createStringBinding(() -> this.chosen.get().getAbsolutePath(), this.chosen)); tfPath.setPrefColumnCount(40); tfPath.setEditable(false); Button btChangePath = GlyphsDude.createIconButton(FontAwesomeIcons.FOLDER_OPEN, "Browse..."); btChangePath.setOnAction(event -> { FileChooser fc = new FileChooser(); fc.setTitle("Save downloaded jar.."); fc.setInitialFileName(this.chosen.getValue().getName()); fc.getExtensionFilters().add(new FileChooser.ExtensionFilter("Jar File", ".jar")); fc.setInitialDirectory(this.chosen.getValue().getParentFile()); File selected = fc.showSaveDialog(this.getOwner()); if (selected != null) { this.chosen.set(selected); } }); ProgressBar pbDownload = new ProgressBar(0); pbDownload.setDisable(true); pbDownload.setMaxWidth(Double.MAX_VALUE); Label lbDownload = new Label("Download"); Label lbDownloadValue = new Label(); Button btDownload = GlyphsDude.createIconButton(FontAwesomeIcons.DOWNLOAD, "Start"); btDownload.setMaxWidth(Double.MAX_VALUE); btDownload.setOnAction(event -> { btChangePath.setDisable(true); btDownload.setDisable(true); this.downloadService = new DownloadService(newVersion.getDownloadURL(), this.chosen.getValue()); lbDownloadValue.textProperty().bind(this.downloadService.messageProperty()); pbDownload.progressProperty().bind(this.downloadService.progressProperty()); this.downloadService.setOnSucceeded(dlEvent -> { btn.setDisable(false); }); this.downloadService.setOnFailed(dlFailed -> { LOGGER.error("new version download failed", dlFailed.getSource().getException()); lbDownloadValue.textProperty().unbind(); lbDownloadValue.setText("Download failed, check log file for details."); }); this.downloadService.start(); }); final GridPane grid = new GridPane(); grid.setHgap(10); grid.setVgap(10); grid.add(lbPath, 0, 0); grid.add(tfPath, 1, 0); grid.add(btChangePath, 2, 0); grid.add(new Separator(), 0, 1, 3, 1); grid.add(lbDownload, 0, 2); grid.add(pbDownload, 1, 2); grid.add(btDownload, 2, 2); grid.add(lbDownloadValue, 1, 3); this.getDialogPane().setContent(grid); this.setResultConverter(btnType -> { if (btnType == restartButtonType) { return this.chosen.getValue(); } if (btnType == ButtonType.CANCEL) { if (this.downloadService.isRunning()) { this.downloadService.cancel(); } } return null; }); }
From source
public UpdateAvailableDialog(RemoteVersionResult newVersion) { super(AlertType.INFORMATION, null, UPDATE_BUTTON_TYPE, IGNORE_BUTTON_TYPE); this.setTitle("Update available"); this.setHeaderText(newVersion.getVersion() + " is available"); Label lbChangeLog = new Label("Changelog:"); TextArea taChangeLog = new TextArea(newVersion.getChangeLog()); taChangeLog.setEditable(false);/*from www . j a v a2 s . c o m*/ taChangeLog.setWrapText(true); Label lbSize = new Label("Size:"); Label lbSizeValue = new Label(FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(newVersion.getSize())); Label lbPublished = new Label("Published"); Label lbPublishedValue = new Label( ZonedDateTime.parse(newVersion.getPublished()).format(DateTimeFormatter.RFC_1123_DATE_TIME)); final GridPane grid = new GridPane(); RowConstraints vAlign = new RowConstraints(); vAlign.setValignment(VPos.TOP); grid.getRowConstraints().add(vAlign); grid.setHgap(10); grid.setVgap(10); grid.add(lbChangeLog, 0, 0); grid.add(taChangeLog, 1, 0); grid.add(lbPublished, 0, 1); grid.add(lbPublishedValue, 1, 1); grid.add(lbSize, 0, 2); grid.add(lbSizeValue, 1, 2); this.getDialogPane().setContent(grid); }
From source
private GridPane addGridPane() { GridPane grid = new GridPane(); grid.setHgap(10);//from ww w.ja v a2 s. co m grid.setVgap(10); grid.setPadding(new Insets(0, 10, 0, 10)); // Category in column 2, row 1 Text category = new Text("Sales:"); category.setFont(Font.font("Arial", FontWeight.BOLD, 20)); grid.add(category, 1, 0); // Title in column 3, row 1 Text chartTitle = new Text("Current Year"); chartTitle.setFont(Font.font("Arial", FontWeight.BOLD, 20)); grid.add(chartTitle, 2, 0); // Subtitle in columns 2-3, row 2 Text chartSubtitle = new Text("Goods and Services"); grid.add(chartSubtitle, 1, 1, 2, 1); // House icon in column 1, rows 1-2 ImageView imageHouse = new ImageView(new Image(Main.class.getResourceAsStream("graphics/house.png"))); grid.add(imageHouse, 0, 0, 1, 2); // Left label in column 1 (bottom), row 3 Text goodsPercent = new Text("Goods\n80%"); GridPane.setValignment(goodsPercent, VPos.BOTTOM); grid.add(goodsPercent, 0, 2); // Chart in columns 2-3, row 3 ImageView imageChart = new ImageView(new Image(Main.class.getResourceAsStream("graphics/piechart.png"))); grid.add(imageChart, 1, 2, 2, 1); // Right label in column 4 (top), row 3 Text servicesPercent = new Text("Services\n20%"); GridPane.setValignment(servicesPercent, VPos.TOP); grid.add(servicesPercent, 3, 2); // grid.setGridLinesVisible(true); return grid; }
From source
public void third(final String pfname) { final Stage st = new Stage(); GridPane grid = new GridPane(); grid.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER);//w w w . j av a 2s .c o m grid.setHgap(10); grid.setVgap(10); grid.setPadding(new Insets(25, 25, 25, 25)); Label label1 = new Label("New Fruit"); grid.add(label1, 1, 0); final TextField txtName = new TextField(); grid.add(txtName, 1, 1); final TextField txtAmount = new TextField(); grid.add(txtAmount, 1, 2); Button btn = new Button(); btn.setText("OK"); grid.add(btn, 1, 3); btn.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { @Override public void handle(ActionEvent event) { //System.out.println("Hello World!"); addPairs.add(txtName.getText()); addPairs.add(txtAmount.getText()); st.close(); second(pfname); } }); Scene scene = new Scene(grid, 500, 500); st.setScene(scene);; }
From source
public void installLibs(String prjName, File prjDir) { InstallLibsTask task = new InstallLibsTask(prjName, prjDir, lstLib); Stage progressStage = new Stage(); progressStage.setOnCloseRequest(ev -> { if (Dialogs.confirmYesNo("Cancel", "Are you sure you want to cancel the installation of project libraries?", null)) { task.cancel();//from w ww .j ava 2 s. co m } }); progressStage.initStyle(StageStyle.UTILITY); progressStage.initModality(Modality.APPLICATION_MODAL); progressStage.setTitle("Create project " + prjName); GridPane grid = new GridPane(); grid.setHgap(20); grid.setVgap(20); grid.setPadding(new Insets(24, 10, 0, 24)); ProgressIndicator progressIndicator = new ProgressIndicator(); progressIndicator.setPrefSize(64, 64); progressIndicator.setMinSize(64, 64); progressIndicator.setMaxSize(64, 64); // progressIndicator.progressProperty().bind(task.progressProperty()); grid.add(progressIndicator, 0, 0); Label actionLabel = new Label("Install project libraries..."); actionLabel.textProperty().bind(task.messageProperty()); grid.add(actionLabel, 1, 0); progressStage.setScene(new Scene(grid, 600, 120)); task.setOnSucceeded(ev -> closeProgress(progressStage, task)); task.setOnFailed(ev -> closeProgress(progressStage, task)); task.setOnCancelled(ev -> closeProgress(progressStage, task)); progressStage.setOnShown(ev -> Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().submit(task)); progressStage.showAndWait(); }
From source
public void first(final Stage primaryStage) { GridPane grid = new GridPane(); grid.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER);//from w w w.j ava 2 s .co m grid.setHgap(10); grid.setVgap(10); grid.setPadding(new Insets(25, 25, 25, 25)); rows = 0; addPairs.clear(); Text lb = new Text(); lb.setText("J-Fruit"); //lb.setFont(Font.font("Tahoma", FontWeight.NORMAL, 20)); grid.add(lb, 1, 0); final ToggleGroup grp = new ToggleGroup(); RadioButton rb1 = new RadioButton(); rb1.setText("Add Fruit file"); rb1.setUserData("add"); rb1.setToggleGroup(grp); rb1.setSelected(true); grid.add(rb1, 1, 1); RadioButton rb2 = new RadioButton(); rb2.setText("Load Fruit file"); rb2.setUserData("load"); rb2.setToggleGroup(grp); grid.add(rb2, 1, 2); Label label1 = new Label("Enter File Name:"); final TextField tfFilename = new TextField(); final HBox hb = new HBox(); hb.getChildren().addAll(label1, tfFilename); hb.setSpacing(10); hb.setVisible(false); tfFilename.setText(""); grid.add(hb, 1, 3); grp.selectedToggleProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Toggle>() { public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Toggle> ov, Toggle old_toggle, Toggle new_toggle) { if (grp.getSelectedToggle() != null) { // System.out.println(grp.getSelectedToggle().getUserData().toString()); if (grp.getSelectedToggle().getUserData().toString() == "load") hb.setVisible(true); else { hb.setVisible(false); tfFilename.setText(""); } } } }); if (rb2.isSelected() == true) { hb.setVisible(true); } Button btn = new Button(); btn.setText("GO"); grid.add(btn, 1, 4); btn.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { @Override public void handle(ActionEvent event) { //System.out.println("Hello World!"); if (tfFilename.getText() == "") second(""); else second(tfFilename.getText()); primaryStage.close(); } }); //StackPane root = new StackPane(); //root.getChildren().add(lb); //root.getChildren().add(rb1); //root.getChildren().add(rb2); //root.getChildren().add(btn); Scene scene = new Scene(grid, 400, 450); primaryStage.setTitle("Hello World!"); primaryStage.setScene(scene);; }
From source
private void createDialogItems() { Validate.notNull(this.logReader); // Will be used to initialize input field values // CHECKSTYLE:OFF Yes, we are using lots of constants here. It does not make sense to name them using final variables. final GridPane gp = new GridPane(); gp.setAlignment(Pos.BASELINE_LEFT);/*from w w w . jav a 2 s . c o m*/ gp.setHgap(10d); gp.setVgap(15d); gp.setPadding(new Insets(5d)); final ColumnConstraints column1 = new ColumnConstraints(); final ColumnConstraints column2 = new ColumnConstraints(); column1.setHgrow(Priority.NEVER); column2.setHgrow(Priority.SOMETIMES); gp.getColumnConstraints().addAll(column1, column2); this.insertConfigItemsIntoGrid(gp, this.createConfigurationForm()); final TitledPane configPane = new TitledPane("Edit Configuration", gp); configPane.setGraphic(Icons.getIconGraphics("pencil")); configPane.setCollapsible(false); final VBox lines = this.createRunForm(); final TitledPane testPane = new TitledPane("Test Configuration", lines); testPane.setGraphic(Icons.getIconGraphics("script_go")); testPane.setCollapsible(false); final VBox panes = new VBox(configPane, testPane); panes.setSpacing(10d); final ScrollPane sp = new ScrollPane(panes); sp.setPadding(new Insets(10d)); sp.setFitToWidth(true); this.setCenter(sp); // CHECKSTYLE:ON }
From source
public void second(final String pfname) { final Stage st = new Stage(); Scene scene = null;/* w w w.ja v a 2 s . c om*/ final GridPane grid = new GridPane(); grid.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); grid.setHgap(10); grid.setVgap(10); grid.setPadding(new Insets(25, 25, 25, 25)); TableView tv = new TableView(); final TableColumn<Map, String> firstDataColumn = new TableColumn<>("Name"); final TableColumn<Map, String> secondDataColumn = new TableColumn<>("Amount"); final TableColumn<Map, String> thirdDataColumn = new TableColumn<>("Remove"); firstDataColumn.setMinWidth(130); secondDataColumn.setMinWidth(130); thirdDataColumn.setMinWidth(130); if (!pfname.equals("")) { firstDataColumn.setCellValueFactory(new MapValueFactory(Column1MapKey)); secondDataColumn.setCellValueFactory(new MapValueFactory(Column2MapKey)); thirdDataColumn.setCellValueFactory(new MapValueFactory(Column3MapKey)); rows = 0; tv = new TableView<>(generateDataInMap(pfname, addPairs)); } tv.getColumns().setAll(firstDataColumn, secondDataColumn, thirdDataColumn); // secondDataColumn.setCellFactory(TextFieldTableCell.forTableColumn()); ScrollPane sp = new ScrollPane(); sp.setMinWidth(400); sp.setHbarPolicy(ScrollBarPolicy.NEVER); sp.setContent(tv); grid.add(sp, 0, 3); final ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox(); HBox hb1 = new HBox(); comboBox.setValue("FILE"); comboBox.getItems().addAll("Save this file", "Load a new file"); Button btnOk = new Button(); btnOk.setText("OK"); hb1.getChildren().addAll(comboBox, btnOk); hb1.setSpacing(10); grid.add(hb1, 0, 1); Label label1 = new Label("Title:"); final TextField tfFilename = new TextField(); tfFilename.setText(getTitle(pfname)); HBox hb = new HBox(); hb.getChildren().addAll(label1, tfFilename); hb.setSpacing(10); grid.add(hb, 0, 2); final Stage ps = new Stage(); final TableView tv1 = tv; btnOk.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { @Override public void handle(ActionEvent event) { //System.out.println("Hello World!"); if (comboBox.getValue().equals("Load a new file")) { first(ps); st.close(); } else { PrintWriter pw = null; try { pw = new PrintWriter("abc.json"); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(pfname, false)); bw.write("{title:\"" + tfFilename.getText() + "\""); bw.write(",fruits:["); for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { bw.write("{name:\"" + String.valueOf(firstDataColumn.getCellData(i)) + "\",amount:" + String.valueOf(secondDataColumn.getCellData(i)) + "}"); if (i != rows - 1) bw.write(","); } bw.write("]}"); bw.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); } } } }); Button btn = new Button(); btn.setText("New Fruit"); grid.add(btn, 1, 2); // TableView tv=new TableView(); // TableColumn Col1 = new TableColumn("Name"); // TableColumn Col2 = new TableColumn("Amount"); // TableColumn Col3 = new TableColumn("Remove"); // tv.getColumns().addAll(Col1, Col2, Col3); //sp.setFitToWidth(true); Image img = new Image("file:music.jpg"); ImageView iv2 = new ImageView(); iv2.setImage(img); iv2.setFitWidth(200); iv2.setPreserveRatio(true); iv2.setSmooth(true); iv2.setCache(true); grid.add(iv2, 1, 3); btn.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { @Override public void handle(ActionEvent event) { //System.out.println("Hello World!"); System.out.println(comboBox.valueProperty()); st.close(); third(pfname); } }); scene = new Scene(grid, 700, 450); st.setScene(scene);; }
From source
@Override public void start(Stage primaryStage) { primaryStage.setTitle(""); GridPane root = new GridPane(); Dimension sSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); root.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER);/* w w w . j a v a 2s. co m*/ root.setHgap(10); root.setVgap(10); root.setPadding(new Insets(25, 25, 25, 25)); Text scenetitle = new Text(""); root.add(scenetitle, 0, 0, 2, 1); scenetitle.setId("welcome-text"); Label userName = new Label(":"); //userName.setId("label"); root.add(userName, 0, 1); TextField userTextField = new TextField(); root.add(userTextField, 1, 1); Label pw = new Label(":"); root.add(pw, 0, 2); PasswordField pwBox = new PasswordField(); root.add(pwBox, 1, 2); ComboBox store = new ComboBox(); store.setItems(GetByTag()); root.add(store, 1, 3); Button btn = new Button(""); //btn.setPrefSize(100, 20); HBox hbBtn = new HBox(10); hbBtn.setAlignment(Pos.BOTTOM_RIGHT); hbBtn.getChildren().add(btn); root.add(hbBtn, 1, 4); Button btn2 = new Button(""); //btn2.setPrefSize(100, 20); HBox hbBtn2 = new HBox(10); hbBtn2.setAlignment(Pos.BOTTOM_RIGHT); hbBtn2.getChildren().add(btn2); root.add(hbBtn2, 1, 5); final Text actiontarget = new Text(); root.add(actiontarget, 1, 6); btn2.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { @Override public void handle(ActionEvent e) { System.exit(0); } }); btn.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { @Override public void handle(ActionEvent e) { if (userTextField.getText().equals("")) { Alert alert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.ERROR); alert.setTitle("!"); alert.setHeaderText("!"); alert.setContentText(" !"); alert.showAndWait(); } else if (pwBox.getText().equals("")) { Alert alert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.ERROR); alert.setTitle("!"); alert.setHeaderText("!"); alert.setContentText(" !"); alert.showAndWait(); } else if (store.getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndex() < 0) { Alert alert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.ERROR); alert.setTitle("!"); alert.setHeaderText("!"); alert.setContentText(" !"); alert.showAndWait(); } else { try { String[] resu = checkpas(userTextField.getText(), pwBox.getText()); if (resu[0].equals("-1")) { Alert alert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.ERROR); alert.setTitle("!"); alert.setHeaderText("!"); alert.setContentText(" !"); alert.showAndWait(); } else if (storecheck((store.getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndex() + 1)) == false) { Alert alert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.CONFIRMATION); alert.setTitle("!"); alert.setHeaderText("!"); alert.setContentText(" !" + "\n - "); Optional<ButtonType> result = alert.showAndWait(); if (result.get() == ButtonType.OK) { // ... user chose OK idstore = store.getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndex() + 1; updsel(idstore, Integer.parseInt(resu[0])); MainA ma = new MainA(); ma.m = (idstore); ma.MT = "m" + idstore; ma.selid = Integer.parseInt(resu[0]); ma.nameseller = resu[1]; ma.storename = store.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem().toString(); ma.start(primaryStage); } else { // ... user chose CANCEL or closed the dialog } } else { // idstore = store.getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndex() + 1; updsel(idstore, Integer.parseInt(resu[0])); MainA ma = new MainA(); ma.m = (idstore); ma.MT = "m" + idstore; ma.selid = Integer.parseInt(resu[0]); ma.nameseller = resu[1]; ma.storename = store.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem().toString(); ma.start(primaryStage); } } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) { Logger.getLogger(StatOS2_0.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(StatOS2_0.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } /** * if((userTextField.getText().equals("admin"))&(pwBox.getText().equals("admin"))){ * actiontarget.setId("acttrue"); * actiontarget.setText(" !"); * MainA ma = new MainA(); * ma.m=1; * try { * ma.m=1; * ma.MT="m1"; * ma.start(primaryStage); * } catch (Exception ex) { * Logger.getLogger(StatOS2_0.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); * } * }else{ * actiontarget.setId("actfalse"); * actiontarget.setText(" !"); * } **/ } }); //Dimension sSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); //sSize.getHeight(); Scene scene = new Scene(root, sSize.getWidth(), sSize.getHeight()); primaryStage.setScene(scene); scene.getStylesheets().add(StatOS2_0.class.getResource("adminStatOS.css").toExternalForm());; }
From source
public ProjectProperties(JavaProject project, Window w) { this.project = project; stage = new Stage(); stage.initOwner(w);/* w w w . j a va 2s . co m*/ stage.initModality(Modality.APPLICATION_MODAL); stage.setWidth(600); stage.setTitle("Project Properties - " + project.getProjectName()); stage.getIcons().add(tachyon.Tachyon.icon); stage.setResizable(false); HBox mai, libs, one, two, thr, fou; ListView<String> compileList, runtimeList; Button compileAdd, compileRemove, preview, selectIm, runtimeAdd, runtimeRemove; TextField iconField; stage.setScene(new Scene(new VBox(5, pane = new TabPane( new Tab("Library Settings", box1 = new VBox(15, libs = new HBox(10, new Label("External Libraries"), libsView = new ListView<>(), new VBox(5, addJar = new Button("Add Jar"), removeJar = new Button("Remove Jar"))))), new Tab("Program Settings", new ScrollPane(box2 = new VBox(15, one = new HBox(10, new Label("Main-Class"), mainClass = new TextField(project.getMainClassName()), select = new Button("Select")), two = new HBox(10, new Label("Compile-Time Arguments"), compileList = new ListView<>(), new VBox(5, compileAdd = new Button("Add Argument"), compileRemove = new Button("Remove Argument")))))), new Tab("Deployment Settings", box3 = new VBox(15, thr = new HBox(10, new Label("Icon File"), iconField = new TextField(project.getFileIconPath()), preview = new Button("Preview Image"), selectIm = new Button("Select Icon")), fou = new HBox(10, new Label("Runtime Arguments"), runtimeList = new ListView<>(), new VBox(5, runtimeAdd = new Button("Add Argument"), runtimeRemove = new Button("Remove Argument")))))), new VBox(15, mai = new HBox(10, cancel = new Button("Cancel"), confirm = new Button("Confirm")))))); if (applyCss.get()) { stage.getScene().getStylesheets().add(css); } for (Tab b : pane.getTabs()) { b.setClosable(false); } mainClass.setPromptText("Main-Class"); box1.setPadding(new Insets(5, 10, 5, 10)); mai.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER_RIGHT); mai.setPadding(box1.getPadding()); libs.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); one.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); two.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); thr.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); fou.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); box1.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); box2.setPadding(box1.getPadding()); box2.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); box3.setPadding(box1.getPadding()); box3.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); mainClass.setEditable(false); mainClass.setPrefWidth(200); for (JavaLibrary lib : project.getAllLibs()) { libsView.getItems().add(lib.getBinaryAbsolutePath()); } for (String sa : project.getCompileTimeArguments().keySet()) { compileList.getItems().add(sa + ":" + project.getCompileTimeArguments().get(sa)); } for (String sa : project.getRuntimeArguments()) { runtimeList.getItems().add(sa); } compileAdd.setOnAction((e) -> { Dialog<Pair<String, String>> dialog = new Dialog<>(); dialog.setTitle("Compiler Argument"); dialog.initOwner(stage); dialog.setHeaderText("Entry the argument"); ButtonType loginButtonType = new ButtonType("Done", ButtonData.OK_DONE); dialog.getDialogPane().getButtonTypes().addAll(loginButtonType, ButtonType.CANCEL); GridPane grid = new GridPane(); grid.setHgap(10); grid.setVgap(10); grid.setPadding(new Insets(20, 150, 10, 10)); TextField username = new TextField(); username.setPromptText("Key"); TextField password = new TextField(); password.setPromptText("Value"); grid.add(new Label("Key:"), 0, 0); grid.add(username, 1, 0); grid.add(new Label("Value:"), 0, 1); grid.add(password, 1, 1); Node loginButton = dialog.getDialogPane().lookupButton(loginButtonType); loginButton.setDisable(true); username.textProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> { loginButton.setDisable(newValue.trim().isEmpty()); }); dialog.getDialogPane().setContent(grid); Platform.runLater(() -> username.requestFocus()); dialog.setResultConverter(dialogButton -> { if (dialogButton == loginButtonType) { return new Pair<>(username.getText(), password.getText()); } return null; }); Optional<Pair<String, String>> result = dialog.showAndWait(); if (result.isPresent()) { compileList.getItems().add(result.get().getKey() + ":" + result.get().getValue()); } }); compileRemove.setOnAction((e) -> { if (compileList.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem() != null) { compileList.getItems().remove(compileList.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem()); } }); runtimeAdd.setOnAction((e) -> { TextInputDialog dia = new TextInputDialog(); dia.setTitle("Add Runtime Argument"); dia.setHeaderText("Enter an argument"); dia.initOwner(stage); Optional<String> res = dia.showAndWait(); if (res.isPresent()) { runtimeList.getItems().add(res.get()); } }); runtimeRemove.setOnAction((e) -> { if (runtimeList.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem() != null) { runtimeList.getItems().remove(runtimeList.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem()); } }); preview.setOnAction((e) -> { if (!iconField.getText().isEmpty()) { if (iconField.getText().endsWith(".ico")) { List<BufferedImage> read = new ArrayList<>(); try { read.addAll( File(iconField.getText()))); } catch (IOException ex) { } if (read.size() >= 1) { Image im = SwingFXUtils.toFXImage(read.get(0), null); Stage st = new Stage(); st.initOwner(stage); st.initModality(Modality.APPLICATION_MODAL); st.setTitle("Icon Preview"); st.getIcons().add(Tachyon.icon); st.setScene(new Scene(new BorderPane(new ImageView(im)))); if (applyCss.get()) { st.getScene().getStylesheets().add(css); } st.showAndWait(); } } else if (iconField.getText().endsWith(".icns")) { try { BufferedImage ima = Imaging.getBufferedImage(new File(iconField.getText())); if (ima != null) { Image im = SwingFXUtils.toFXImage(ima, null); Stage st = new Stage(); st.initOwner(stage); st.initModality(Modality.APPLICATION_MODAL); st.setTitle("Icon Preview"); st.getIcons().add(Tachyon.icon); st.setScene(new Scene(new BorderPane(new ImageView(im)))); if (applyCss.get()) { st.getScene().getStylesheets().add(css); } st.showAndWait(); } } catch (ImageReadException | IOException ex) { } } else { Image im = new Image(new File(iconField.getText()).toURI().toString()); Stage st = new Stage(); st.initOwner(stage); st.initModality(Modality.APPLICATION_MODAL); st.setTitle("Icon Preview"); st.getIcons().add(Tachyon.icon); st.setScene(new Scene(new BorderPane(new ImageView(im)))); if (applyCss.get()) { st.getScene().getStylesheets().add(css); } st.showAndWait(); } } }); selectIm.setOnAction((e) -> { FileChooser fc = new FileChooser(); fc.setTitle("Icon File"); String OS = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(); fc.getExtensionFilters().add(new ExtensionFilter("Icon File", OS.contains("win") ? getWindowsImageExtensions() : getMacImageExtensions())); fc.setSelectedExtensionFilter(fc.getExtensionFilters().get(0)); File lf = fc.showOpenDialog(stage); if (lf != null) { iconField.setText(lf.getAbsolutePath()); } }); addJar.setOnAction((e) -> { FileChooser f = new FileChooser(); f.setTitle("External Libraries"); f.setSelectedExtensionFilter(new ExtensionFilter("Jar Files", "*.jar")); List<File> showOpenMultipleDialog = f.showOpenMultipleDialog(stage); if (showOpenMultipleDialog != null) { for (File fi : showOpenMultipleDialog) { if (!libsView.getItems().contains(fi.getAbsolutePath())) { libsView.getItems().add(fi.getAbsolutePath()); } } } }); removeJar.setOnAction((e) -> { String selected = libsView.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem(); if (selected != null) { libsView.getItems().remove(selected); } }); select.setOnAction((e) -> { List<String> all = getAll(); ChoiceDialog<String> di = new ChoiceDialog<>(project.getMainClassName(), all); di.setTitle("Select Main Class"); di.initOwner(stage); di.setHeaderText("Select A Main Class"); Optional<String> show = di.showAndWait(); if (show.isPresent()) { mainClass.setText(show.get()); } }); cancel.setOnAction((e) -> { stage.close(); }); confirm.setOnAction((e) -> { project.setMainClassName(mainClass.getText()); project.setFileIconPath(iconField.getText()); project.setRuntimeArguments(runtimeList.getItems()); HashMap<String, String> al = new HashMap<>(); for (String s : compileList.getItems()) { String[] spl = s.split(":"); al.put(spl[0], spl[1]); } project.setCompileTimeArguments(al); project.setAllLibs(libsView.getItems()); stage.close(); }); }