List of usage examples for javafx.scene.layout GridPane setHalignment
public static void setHalignment(Node child, HPos value)
From source
private void createClipList(GridPane grid) { final VBox vbox = new VBox(30); vbox.setAlignment(Pos.TOP_CENTER);/*from ww w .j a v a2 s . co m*/ final Label clipLabel = new Label("Code Monkey To-Do List:"); clipLabel.setId("clipLabel"); final Button getUpButton = new Button("Get Up, Get Coffee"); getUpButton.setPrefWidth(300); getUpButton.setOnAction(createPlayHandler(coffeeClip)); final Button goToJobButton = new Button("Go to Job"); goToJobButton.setPrefWidth(300); goToJobButton.setOnAction(createPlayHandler(jobClip)); final Button meetingButton = new Button("Have Boring Meeting"); meetingButton.setPrefWidth(300); meetingButton.setOnAction(createPlayHandler(meetingClip)); final Hyperlink link = new Hyperlink("About Code Monkey..."); link.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { @Override public void handle(ActionEvent event) { WebView wv = new WebView(); wv.getEngine().load("" + "thing-a-week-29-code-monkey/"); Scene scene = new Scene(wv, 720, 480); Stage stage = new Stage(); stage.setTitle("Code Monkey"); stage.setScene(scene);; } }); vbox.getChildren().addAll(clipLabel, getUpButton, goToJobButton, meetingButton, link); GridPane.setHalignment(vbox, HPos.CENTER); GridPane.setHgrow(vbox, Priority.ALWAYS); GridPane.setVgrow(vbox, Priority.ALWAYS); grid.add(vbox, 0, 0, GridPane.REMAINING, 1); }
From source
@Override public void init(ObservableList<SimpleDisplayConcept> conceptList) { root.setHgap(10);//from w w w .ja va 2 s. com root.setVgap(10); super.init(conceptList); String date = new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy HH-mm-ss").format(new Date()); fileName = "VA_USCRS_Submission_File_" + date; //this.chooseFileName(); TODO: Finish the file name system fileChooser.setTitle("Save USCRS Concept Request File"); fileChooser.getExtensionFilters().addAll(new ExtensionFilter("Excel Files .xls .xlsx", "*.xls", "*.xlsx")); fileChooser.setInitialFileName(fileName); // outputProperty.set(outputField.textProperty()); openFileChooser.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { @Override public void handle(final ActionEvent e) { file = fileChooser.showSaveDialog(null); if (file != null) { if (file.getAbsolutePath() != null && file.getAbsolutePath() != "") { outputField.setText(file.getAbsolutePath()); filePath = file.getAbsolutePath();"File Path Changed: " + filePath); } } } }); outputField.setOnAction( //TODO: So you can manually type in a file path and it validates (break this out) new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { @Override public void handle(final ActionEvent e) { filePath = outputField.getText(); file = new File(filePath); } }); allFieldsValid = new ValidBooleanBinding() { { bind(outputField.textProperty()); setComputeOnInvalidate(true); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javafx.beans.binding.BooleanBinding#computeValue() */ @Override protected boolean computeValue() { if (outputField.getText() != "" || !outputField.getText().trim().isEmpty()) { String fieldOutput = outputField.getText(); if (filePath != null && !fieldOutput.isEmpty() && file != null) //fieldOutput is repetetive but necessary { int lastSeperatorPosition = outputField.getText().lastIndexOf(File.separator); String path = ""; if (lastSeperatorPosition > 0) { path = outputField.getText().substring(0, lastSeperatorPosition); } else { path = outputField.getText(); } logger_.debug("Output Directory: " + path); File f = new File(path); if (file.isFile()) { //If we want to prevent file overwrite this.setInvalidReason("The file " + filePath + " already exists"); return false; } else if (f.isDirectory()) { return true; } else { this.setInvalidReason("Output Path is not a directory"); return false; } } else { this.setInvalidReason("File Output Directory is not set - output field null!!"); return false; } } else { this.setInvalidReason("Output field is empty, output directory is not set"); return false; } } }; root.add(openFileChooser, 2, 0); GridPane.setHalignment(openFileChooser, HPos.LEFT); Label outputLocationLabel = new Label("Output Location"); root.add(outputLocationLabel, 0, 0); GridPane.setHalignment(outputLocationLabel, HPos.LEFT); StackPane sp = ErrorMarkerUtils.setupErrorMarker(outputField, null, allFieldsValid); root.add(sp, 1, 0); GridPane.setHgrow(sp, Priority.ALWAYS); GridPane.setHalignment(sp, HPos.LEFT); Label datePickerLabel = new Label("Export Date Filter"); root.add(datePickerLabel, 0, 1); GridPane.setHalignment(datePickerLabel, HPos.LEFT); root.add(datePicker, 1, 1); Label allDatesLabel = new Label("Export All Concepts"); root.add(allDatesLabel, 0, 2); skipFilterCheckbox.setText("Export All Concepts (No Filters)"); skipFilterCheckbox.setSelected(false); root.add(skipFilterCheckbox, 1, 2); super.root_ = root; }
From source
private void addCountriesGrid(boolean isEditable, String title, List<CheckBox> checkBoxList, List<Country> dataProvider) { Label label = addLabel(gridPane, ++gridRow, title, 0); label.setWrapText(true);/*w w w . j a v a2 s. c o m*/ label.setMaxWidth(180); label.setTextAlignment(TextAlignment.RIGHT); GridPane.setHalignment(label, HPos.RIGHT); GridPane.setValignment(label, VPos.TOP); FlowPane flowPane = new FlowPane(); flowPane.setPadding(new Insets(10, 10, 10, 10)); flowPane.setVgap(10); flowPane.setHgap(10); flowPane.setMinHeight(55); if (isEditable) flowPane.setId("flow-pane-checkboxes-bg"); else flowPane.setId("flow-pane-checkboxes-non-editable-bg"); -> { final String countryCode = country.code; CheckBox checkBox = new CheckBox(countryCode); checkBox.setUserData(countryCode); checkBoxList.add(checkBox); checkBox.setMouseTransparent(!isEditable); checkBox.setMinWidth(45); checkBox.setMaxWidth(45); checkBox.setTooltip(new Tooltip(; checkBox.setOnAction(event -> { if (checkBox.isSelected()) sepaAccount.addAcceptedCountry(countryCode); else sepaAccount.removeAcceptedCountry(countryCode); updateAllInputsValid(); }); flowPane.getChildren().add(checkBox); }); updateCountriesSelection(isEditable, checkBoxList); GridPane.setRowIndex(flowPane, gridRow); GridPane.setColumnIndex(flowPane, 1); gridPane.getChildren().add(flowPane); }
From source
@Override protected Node initView() { final Button openButton = createOpenButton(); controlPanel = createControlPanel(); volumeSlider = createSlider("volumeSlider"); statusLabel = createLabel("Buffering", "statusDisplay"); positionSlider = createSlider("positionSlider"); totalDurationLabel = createLabel("00:00", "mediaText"); currentTimeLabel = createLabel("00:00", "mediaText"); positionSlider.valueChangingProperty().addListener(new PositionListener()); final ImageView volLow = new ImageView(); volLow.setId("volumeLow"); final ImageView volHigh = new ImageView(); volHigh.setId("volumeHigh"); final GridPane gp = new GridPane(); gp.setHgap(1);//from ww w .j a v m gp.setVgap(1); gp.setPadding(new Insets(10)); final ColumnConstraints buttonCol = new ColumnConstraints(100); final ColumnConstraints spacerCol = new ColumnConstraints(40, 80, 80); final ColumnConstraints middleCol = new ColumnConstraints(); middleCol.setHgrow(Priority.ALWAYS); gp.getColumnConstraints().addAll(buttonCol, spacerCol, middleCol, spacerCol, buttonCol); GridPane.setValignment(openButton, VPos.BOTTOM); GridPane.setHalignment(volHigh, HPos.RIGHT); GridPane.setValignment(volumeSlider, VPos.TOP); GridPane.setHalignment(statusLabel, HPos.RIGHT); GridPane.setValignment(statusLabel, VPos.TOP); GridPane.setHalignment(currentTimeLabel, HPos.RIGHT); gp.add(openButton, 0, 0, 1, 3); gp.add(volLow, 1, 0); gp.add(volHigh, 1, 0); gp.add(volumeSlider, 1, 1); gp.add(controlPanel, 2, 0, 1, 2); gp.add(statusLabel, 3, 1); gp.add(currentTimeLabel, 1, 2); gp.add(positionSlider, 2, 2); gp.add(totalDurationLabel, 3, 2); return gp; }
From source
private AddSememePopup() { super();/*from w ww . j a va2 s . c o m*/ BorderPane root = new BorderPane(); VBox topItems = new VBox(); topItems.setFillWidth(true); title_ = new Label("Create new sememe instance"); title_.getStyleClass().add("titleLabel"); title_.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); title_.prefWidthProperty().bind(topItems.widthProperty()); topItems.getChildren().add(title_); VBox.setMargin(title_, new Insets(10, 10, 10, 10)); gp_ = new GridPane(); gp_.setHgap(10.0); gp_.setVgap(10.0); VBox.setMargin(gp_, new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5)); topItems.getChildren().add(gp_); Label referencedComponent = new Label("Referenced Component"); referencedComponent.getStyleClass().add("boldLabel"); gp_.add(referencedComponent, 0, 0); unselectableComponentLabel_ = new CopyableLabel(); unselectableComponentLabel_.setWrapText(true); AppContext.getService(DragRegistry.class).setupDragOnly(unselectableComponentLabel_, () -> { if (editRefex_ == null) { return focusNid_ + ""; } else { return Get.identifierService().getConceptNid(editRefex_.getSememe().getAssemblageSequence()) + ""; } }); //delay adding till we know which row Label assemblageConceptLabel = new Label("Assemblage Concept"); assemblageConceptLabel.getStyleClass().add("boldLabel"); gp_.add(assemblageConceptLabel, 0, 1); selectableConcept_ = new ConceptNode(null, true, refexDropDownOptions, null); selectableConcept_.getConceptProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<ConceptSnapshot>() { @Override public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends ConceptSnapshot> observable, ConceptSnapshot oldValue, ConceptSnapshot newValue) { if (createRefexFocus_ != null && createRefexFocus_ == ViewFocus.REFERENCED_COMPONENT) { if (selectableConcept_.isValid().get()) { //Its a valid concept, but is it a valid assemblage concept? try { assemblageInfo_ = DynamicSememeUsageDescription .read(selectableConcept_.getConceptNoWait().getNid()); assemblageIsValid_.set(true); if (assemblageInfo_.getReferencedComponentTypeRestriction() != null) { String result = DynamicSememeValidatorType.COMPONENT_TYPE .passesValidatorStringReturn(new DynamicSememeNid(focusNid_), new DynamicSememeString(assemblageInfo_ .getReferencedComponentTypeRestriction().name()), null, null); //don't need coordinates for component type validator if (result.length() > 0) { selectableConcept_.isValid() .setInvalid("The selected assemblage requires the component type to be " + assemblageInfo_.getReferencedComponentTypeRestriction() .toString() + ", which doesn't match the referenced component.");"The selected assemblage requires the component type to be " + assemblageInfo_.getReferencedComponentTypeRestriction().toString() + ", which doesn't match the referenced component."); assemblageIsValid_.set(false); } } } catch (Exception e) { selectableConcept_.isValid().setInvalid( "The selected concept is not properly constructed for use as an Assemblage concept");"Concept not a valid concept for a sememe assemblage", e); assemblageIsValid_.set(false); } } else { assemblageInfo_ = null; assemblageIsValid_.set(false); } buildDataFields(assemblageIsValid_.get(), null); } } }); selectableComponent_ = new TextField(); selectableComponentNodeValid_ = new ValidBooleanBinding() { { setComputeOnInvalidate(true); bind(selectableComponent_.textProperty()); invalidate(); } @Override protected boolean computeValue() { if (createRefexFocus_ != null && createRefexFocus_ == ViewFocus.ASSEMBLAGE && !conceptNodeIsConceptType_) { //If the assembly nid was what was set - the component node may vary - validate if we are using the text field String value = selectableComponent_.getText().trim(); if (value.length() > 0) { try { if (Utility.isUUID(value)) { String result = DynamicSememeValidatorType.COMPONENT_TYPE .passesValidatorStringReturn(new DynamicSememeUUID(UUID.fromString(value)), new DynamicSememeString(assemblageInfo_ .getReferencedComponentTypeRestriction().name()), null, null); //component type validator doesn't use vc, so null is ok if (result.length() > 0) { setInvalidReason(result);; return false; } } else if (Utility.isInt(value)) { String result = DynamicSememeValidatorType.COMPONENT_TYPE .passesValidatorStringReturn(new DynamicSememeNid(Integer.parseInt(value)), new DynamicSememeString(assemblageInfo_ .getReferencedComponentTypeRestriction().name()), null, null); //component type validator doesn't use vc, so null is ok if (result.length() > 0) { setInvalidReason(result);; return false; } } else { setInvalidReason( "Value cannot be parsed as a component identifier. Must be a UUID or a valid NID"); return false; } } catch (Exception e) { logger_.error("Error checking component type validation", e); setInvalidReason("Unexpected error validating entry"); return false; } } else { setInvalidReason("Component identifier is required"); return false; } } clearInvalidReason(); return true; } }; selectableComponentNode_ = ErrorMarkerUtils.setupErrorMarker(selectableComponent_, null, selectableComponentNodeValid_); //delay adding concept / component till we know if / where ColumnConstraints cc = new ColumnConstraints(); cc.setHgrow(Priority.NEVER); cc.setMinWidth(FxUtils.calculateNecessaryWidthOfBoldLabel(referencedComponent)); gp_.getColumnConstraints().add(cc); cc = new ColumnConstraints(); cc.setHgrow(Priority.ALWAYS); gp_.getColumnConstraints().add(cc); Label l = new Label("Data Fields"); l.getStyleClass().add("boldLabel"); VBox.setMargin(l, new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5)); topItems.getChildren().add(l); root.setTop(topItems); sp_ = new ScrollPane(); sp_.visibleProperty().bind(assemblageIsValid_); sp_.setFitToHeight(true); sp_.setFitToWidth(true); root.setCenter(sp_); allValid_ = new UpdateableBooleanBinding() { { addBinding(assemblageIsValid_, selectableConcept_.isValid(), selectableComponentNodeValid_); } @Override protected boolean computeValue() { if (assemblageIsValid_.get() && (conceptNodeIsConceptType_ ? selectableConcept_.isValid().get() : selectableComponentNodeValid_.get())) { boolean allDataValid = true; for (ReadOnlyStringProperty ssp : currentDataFieldWarnings_) { if (ssp.get().length() > 0) { allDataValid = false; break; } } if (allDataValid) { clearInvalidReason(); return true; } } setInvalidReason("All errors must be corrected before save is allowed"); return false; } }; GridPane bottomRow = new GridPane(); //spacer col bottomRow.add(new Region(), 0, 0); Button cancelButton = new Button("Cancel"); cancelButton.setOnAction((action) -> { close(); }); GridPane.setMargin(cancelButton, new Insets(5, 20, 5, 0)); GridPane.setHalignment(cancelButton, HPos.RIGHT); bottomRow.add(cancelButton, 1, 0); Button saveButton = new Button("Save"); saveButton.disableProperty().bind(allValid_.not()); saveButton.setOnAction((action) -> { doSave(); }); Node wrappedSave = ErrorMarkerUtils.setupDisabledInfoMarker(saveButton, allValid_.getReasonWhyInvalid()); GridPane.setMargin(wrappedSave, new Insets(5, 0, 5, 20)); bottomRow.add(wrappedSave, 2, 0); //spacer col bottomRow.add(new Region(), 3, 0); cc = new ColumnConstraints(); cc.setHgrow(Priority.SOMETIMES); cc.setFillWidth(true); bottomRow.getColumnConstraints().add(cc); cc = new ColumnConstraints(); cc.setHgrow(Priority.NEVER); bottomRow.getColumnConstraints().add(cc); cc = new ColumnConstraints(); cc.setHgrow(Priority.NEVER); bottomRow.getColumnConstraints().add(cc); cc = new ColumnConstraints(); cc.setHgrow(Priority.SOMETIMES); cc.setFillWidth(true); bottomRow.getColumnConstraints().add(cc); root.setBottom(bottomRow); Scene scene = new Scene(root); scene.getStylesheets().add(AddSememePopup.class.getResource("/isaac-shared-styles.css").toString()); setScene(scene); }
From source
private AddRefexPopup() { super();/*from w ww . ja v a 2 s . com*/ BorderPane root = new BorderPane(); VBox topItems = new VBox(); topItems.setFillWidth(true); title_ = new Label("Create new sememe instance"); title_.getStyleClass().add("titleLabel"); title_.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); title_.prefWidthProperty().bind(topItems.widthProperty()); topItems.getChildren().add(title_); VBox.setMargin(title_, new Insets(10, 10, 10, 10)); gp_ = new GridPane(); gp_.setHgap(10.0); gp_.setVgap(10.0); VBox.setMargin(gp_, new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5)); topItems.getChildren().add(gp_); Label referencedComponent = new Label("Referenced Component"); referencedComponent.getStyleClass().add("boldLabel"); gp_.add(referencedComponent, 0, 0); unselectableComponentLabel_ = new CopyableLabel(); unselectableComponentLabel_.setWrapText(true); AppContext.getService(DragRegistry.class).setupDragOnly(unselectableComponentLabel_, () -> { if (editRefex_ == null) { if (createRefexFocus_.getComponentNid() != null) { return createRefexFocus_.getComponentNid() + ""; } else { return createRefexFocus_.getAssemblyNid() + ""; } } else { return editRefex_.getRefex().getAssemblageNid() + ""; } }); //delay adding till we know which row Label assemblageConceptLabel = new Label("Assemblage Concept"); assemblageConceptLabel.getStyleClass().add("boldLabel"); gp_.add(assemblageConceptLabel, 0, 1); selectableConcept_ = new ConceptNode(null, true, refexDropDownOptions, null); selectableConcept_.getConceptProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<ConceptVersionBI>() { @Override public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends ConceptVersionBI> observable, ConceptVersionBI oldValue, ConceptVersionBI newValue) { if (createRefexFocus_ != null && createRefexFocus_.getComponentNid() != null) { if (selectableConcept_.isValid().get()) { //Its a valid concept, but is it a valid assemblage concept? try { assemblageInfo_ = RefexDynamicUsageDescriptionBuilder .readRefexDynamicUsageDescriptionConcept( selectableConcept_.getConceptNoWait().getNid()); assemblageIsValid_.set(true); if (assemblageInfo_.getReferencedComponentTypeRestriction() != null) { String result = RefexDynamicValidatorType.COMPONENT_TYPE .passesValidatorStringReturn( new RefexDynamicNid(createRefexFocus_.getComponentNid()), new RefexDynamicString(assemblageInfo_ .getReferencedComponentTypeRestriction().name()), null); //component type validator doesn't use vc, so null is ok if (result.length() > 0) { selectableConcept_.isValid() .setInvalid("The selected assemblage requires the component type to be " + assemblageInfo_.getReferencedComponentTypeRestriction() .toString() + ", which doesn't match the referenced component.");"The selected assemblage requires the component type to be " + assemblageInfo_.getReferencedComponentTypeRestriction().toString() + ", which doesn't match the referenced component."); assemblageIsValid_.set(false); } } } catch (Exception e) { selectableConcept_.isValid().setInvalid( "The selected concept is not properly constructed for use as an Assemblage concept");"Concept not a valid concept for a sememe assemblage", e); assemblageIsValid_.set(false); } } else { assemblageInfo_ = null; assemblageIsValid_.set(false); } buildDataFields(assemblageIsValid_.get(), null); } } }); selectableComponent_ = new TextField(); selectableComponentNodeValid_ = new ValidBooleanBinding() { { setComputeOnInvalidate(true); bind(selectableComponent_.textProperty()); invalidate(); } @Override protected boolean computeValue() { if (createRefexFocus_ != null && createRefexFocus_.getAssemblyNid() != null && !conceptNodeIsConceptType_) { //If the assembly nid was what was set - the component node may vary - validate if we are using the text field String value = selectableComponent_.getText().trim(); if (value.length() > 0) { try { if (Utility.isUUID(value)) { String result = RefexDynamicValidatorType.COMPONENT_TYPE .passesValidatorStringReturn(new RefexDynamicUUID(UUID.fromString(value)), new RefexDynamicString(assemblageInfo_ .getReferencedComponentTypeRestriction().name()), null); //component type validator doesn't use vc, so null is ok if (result.length() > 0) { setInvalidReason(result);; return false; } } else if (Utility.isInt(value)) { String result = RefexDynamicValidatorType.COMPONENT_TYPE .passesValidatorStringReturn(new RefexDynamicNid(Integer.parseInt(value)), new RefexDynamicString(assemblageInfo_ .getReferencedComponentTypeRestriction().name()), null); //component type validator doesn't use vc, so null is ok if (result.length() > 0) { setInvalidReason(result);; return false; } } else { setInvalidReason( "Value cannot be parsed as a component identifier. Must be a UUID or a valid NID"); return false; } } catch (Exception e) { logger_.error("Error checking component type validation", e); setInvalidReason("Unexpected error validating entry"); return false; } } else { setInvalidReason("Component identifier is required"); return false; } } clearInvalidReason(); return true; } }; selectableComponentNode_ = ErrorMarkerUtils.setupErrorMarker(selectableComponent_, null, selectableComponentNodeValid_); //delay adding concept / component till we know if / where ColumnConstraints cc = new ColumnConstraints(); cc.setHgrow(Priority.NEVER); cc.setMinWidth(FxUtils.calculateNecessaryWidthOfBoldLabel(referencedComponent)); gp_.getColumnConstraints().add(cc); cc = new ColumnConstraints(); cc.setHgrow(Priority.ALWAYS); gp_.getColumnConstraints().add(cc); Label l = new Label("Data Fields"); l.getStyleClass().add("boldLabel"); VBox.setMargin(l, new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5)); topItems.getChildren().add(l); root.setTop(topItems); sp_ = new ScrollPane(); sp_.visibleProperty().bind(assemblageIsValid_); sp_.setFitToHeight(true); sp_.setFitToWidth(true); root.setCenter(sp_); allValid_ = new UpdateableBooleanBinding() { { addBinding(assemblageIsValid_, selectableConcept_.isValid(), selectableComponentNodeValid_); } @Override protected boolean computeValue() { if (assemblageIsValid_.get() && (conceptNodeIsConceptType_ ? selectableConcept_.isValid().get() : selectableComponentNodeValid_.get())) { boolean allDataValid = true; for (ReadOnlyStringProperty ssp : currentDataFieldWarnings_) { if (ssp.get().length() > 0) { allDataValid = false; break; } } if (allDataValid) { clearInvalidReason(); return true; } } setInvalidReason("All errors must be corrected before save is allowed"); return false; } }; GridPane bottomRow = new GridPane(); //spacer col bottomRow.add(new Region(), 0, 0); Button cancelButton = new Button("Cancel"); cancelButton.setOnAction((action) -> { close(); }); GridPane.setMargin(cancelButton, new Insets(5, 20, 5, 0)); GridPane.setHalignment(cancelButton, HPos.RIGHT); bottomRow.add(cancelButton, 1, 0); Button saveButton = new Button("Save"); saveButton.disableProperty().bind(allValid_.not()); saveButton.setOnAction((action) -> { doSave(); }); Node wrappedSave = ErrorMarkerUtils.setupDisabledInfoMarker(saveButton, allValid_.getReasonWhyInvalid()); GridPane.setMargin(wrappedSave, new Insets(5, 0, 5, 20)); bottomRow.add(wrappedSave, 2, 0); //spacer col bottomRow.add(new Region(), 3, 0); cc = new ColumnConstraints(); cc.setHgrow(Priority.SOMETIMES); cc.setFillWidth(true); bottomRow.getColumnConstraints().add(cc); cc = new ColumnConstraints(); cc.setHgrow(Priority.NEVER); bottomRow.getColumnConstraints().add(cc); cc = new ColumnConstraints(); cc.setHgrow(Priority.NEVER); bottomRow.getColumnConstraints().add(cc); cc = new ColumnConstraints(); cc.setHgrow(Priority.SOMETIMES); cc.setFillWidth(true); bottomRow.getColumnConstraints().add(cc); root.setBottom(bottomRow); Scene scene = new Scene(root); scene.getStylesheets().add(AddRefexPopup.class.getResource("/isaac-shared-styles.css").toString()); setScene(scene); }
From source
@Override public Region getContent() { if (hBox == null) { VBox statedInferredToggleGroupVBox = new VBox(); statedInferredToggleGroupVBox.setSpacing(4.0); //Instantiate Everything pathComboBox = new ComboBox<>(); //Path statedInferredToggleGroup = new ToggleGroup(); //Stated / Inferred List<RadioButton> statedInferredOptionButtons = new ArrayList<>(); datePicker = new DatePicker(); //Date timeSelectCombo = new ComboBox<Long>(); //Time //Radio buttons for (StatedInferredOptions option : StatedInferredOptions.values()) { RadioButton optionButton = new RadioButton(); if (option == StatedInferredOptions.STATED) { optionButton.setText("Stated"); } else if (option == StatedInferredOptions.INFERRED_THEN_STATED) { optionButton.setText("Inferred Then Stated"); } else if (option == StatedInferredOptions.INFERRED) { optionButton.setText("Inferred"); } else { throw new RuntimeException("oops"); }/*from ww w. j a v a2 s .c o m*/ optionButton.setUserData(option); optionButton.setTooltip( new Tooltip("Default StatedInferredOption is " + getDefaultStatedInferredOption())); statedInferredToggleGroup.getToggles().add(optionButton); statedInferredToggleGroupVBox.getChildren().add(optionButton); statedInferredOptionButtons.add(optionButton); } statedInferredToggleGroup.selectedToggleProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Toggle>() { @Override public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Toggle> observable, Toggle oldValue, Toggle newValue) { currentStatedInferredOptionProperty.set((StatedInferredOptions) newValue.getUserData()); } }); //Path Combo Box pathComboBox.setCellFactory(new Callback<ListView<UUID>, ListCell<UUID>>() { @Override public ListCell<UUID> call(ListView<UUID> param) { final ListCell<UUID> cell = new ListCell<UUID>() { @Override protected void updateItem(UUID c, boolean emptyRow) { super.updateItem(c, emptyRow); if (c == null) { setText(null); } else { String desc = OTFUtility.getDescription(c); setText(desc); } } }; return cell; } }); pathComboBox.setButtonCell(new ListCell<UUID>() { // Don't know why this should be necessary, but without this the UUID itself is displayed @Override protected void updateItem(UUID c, boolean emptyRow) { super.updateItem(c, emptyRow); if (emptyRow) { setText(""); } else { String desc = OTFUtility.getDescription(c); setText(desc); } } }); pathComboBox.setOnAction((event) -> { if (!pathComboFirstRun) { UUID selectedPath = pathComboBox.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem(); if (selectedPath != null) { int path = OTFUtility.getConceptVersion(selectedPath).getPathNid(); StampBdb stampDb = Bdb.getStampDb(); NidSet nidSet = new NidSet(); nidSet.add(path); //TODO: Make this multi-threaded and possibly implement setTimeOptions() here also NidSetBI stamps = stampDb.getSpecifiedStamps(nidSet, Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE); pathDatesList.clear(); // disableTimeCombo(true); timeSelectCombo.setValue(Long.MAX_VALUE); for (Integer thisStamp : stamps.getAsSet()) { try { Position stampPosition = stampDb.getPosition(thisStamp); this.stampDate = new Date(stampPosition.getTime()); stampDateInstant = stampDate.toInstant().atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()) .toLocalDate(); this.pathDatesList.add(stampDateInstant); //Build DatePicker } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } datePicker.setValue(; } } else { pathComboFirstRun = false; } }); pathComboBox.setTooltip( new Tooltip("Default path is \"" + OTFUtility.getDescription(getDefaultPath()) + "\"")); //Calendar Date Picker final Callback<DatePicker, DateCell> dayCellFactory = new Callback<DatePicker, DateCell>() { @Override public DateCell call(final DatePicker datePicker) { return new DateCell() { @Override public void updateItem(LocalDate thisDate, boolean empty) { super.updateItem(thisDate, empty); if (pathDatesList != null) { if (pathDatesList.contains(thisDate)) { setDisable(false); } else { setDisable(true); } } } }; } }; datePicker.setDayCellFactory(dayCellFactory); datePicker.setOnAction((event) -> { if (!datePickerFirstRun) { UUID selectedPath = pathComboBox.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem(); Instant instant = Instant.from(datePicker.getValue().atStartOfDay(ZoneId.systemDefault())); Long dateSelected = Date.from(instant).getTime(); if (selectedPath != null && dateSelected != 0) { int path = OTFUtility.getConceptVersion(selectedPath).getPathNid(); setTimeOptions(path, dateSelected); try { timeSelectCombo.setValue(times.first()); //Default Dropdown Value } catch (Exception e) { // Eat it.. like a sandwich! TODO: Create Read Only Property Conditional for checking if Time Combo is disabled // Right now, Sometimes Time Combo is disabled, so we catch this and eat it // Otherwise make a conditional from the Read Only Boolean Property to check first } } else { disableTimeCombo(false); logger.debug("The path isn't set or the date isn't set. Both are needed right now"); } } else { datePickerFirstRun = false; } }); //Commit-Time ComboBox timeSelectCombo.setMinWidth(200); timeSelectCombo.setCellFactory(new Callback<ListView<Long>, ListCell<Long>>() { @Override public ListCell<Long> call(ListView<Long> param) { final ListCell<Long> cell = new ListCell<Long>() { @Override protected void updateItem(Long item, boolean emptyRow) { super.updateItem(item, emptyRow); if (item == null) { setText(""); } else { if (item == Long.MAX_VALUE) { setText("LATEST TIME"); } else { setText(timeFormatter.format(new Date(item))); } } } }; return cell; } }); timeSelectCombo.setButtonCell(new ListCell<Long>() { @Override protected void updateItem(Long item, boolean emptyRow) { super.updateItem(item, emptyRow); if (item == null) { setText(""); } else { if (item == Long.MAX_VALUE) { setText("LATEST TIME"); } else { setText(timeFormatter.format(new Date(item))); } } } }); try { currentPathProperty.bind(pathComboBox.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty()); //Set Path Property currentTimeProperty.bind(timeSelectCombo.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // DEFAULT VALUES UserProfile loggedIn = ExtendedAppContext.getCurrentlyLoggedInUserProfile(); storedTimePref = loggedIn.getViewCoordinateTime(); storedPathPref = loggedIn.getViewCoordinatePath(); if (storedPathPref != null) { pathComboBox.getItems().clear(); //Set the path Dates by default pathComboBox.getItems().addAll(getPathOptions()); final UUID storedPath = getStoredPath(); if (storedPath != null) { pathComboBox.getSelectionModel().select(storedPath); } if (storedTimePref != null) { final Long storedTime = loggedIn.getViewCoordinateTime(); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(new Date(storedTime)); cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); //Strip milliseconds Long storedTruncTime = cal.getTimeInMillis(); if (!storedTime.equals(Long.MAX_VALUE)) { //***** FIX THIS, not checking default vc time value int path = OTFUtility.getConceptVersion(storedPathPref).getPathNid(); setTimeOptions(path, storedTimePref); timeSelectCombo.setValue(storedTruncTime); // timeSelectCombo.getItems().addAll(getTimeOptions()); //The correct way, but doesen't work Date storedDate = new Date(storedTime); datePicker.setValue(storedDate.toInstant().atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toLocalDate()); } else { datePicker.setValue(; timeSelectCombo.getItems().addAll(Long.MAX_VALUE); //The correct way, but doesen't work timeSelectCombo.setValue(Long.MAX_VALUE); // disableTimeCombo(false); } } else { //Stored Time Pref == null logger.error("ERROR: Stored Time Preference = null"); } } else { //Stored Path Pref == null logger.error("We could not load a stored path, ISAAC cannot run"); throw new Error("No stored PATH could be found. ISAAC can't run without a path"); } GridPane gridPane = new GridPane(); gridPane.setHgap(10); gridPane.setVgap(10); Label pathLabel = new Label("View Coordinate Path"); gridPane.add(pathLabel, 0, 0); //Path Label - Row 0 GridPane.setHalignment(pathLabel, HPos.LEFT); gridPane.add(statedInferredToggleGroupVBox, 1, 0, 1, 2); //--Row 0, span 2 gridPane.add(pathComboBox, 0, 1); //Path Combo box - Row 2 GridPane.setValignment(pathComboBox, VPos.TOP); Label datePickerLabel = new Label("View Coordinate Dates"); gridPane.add(datePickerLabel, 0, 2); //Row 3 GridPane.setHalignment(datePickerLabel, HPos.LEFT); gridPane.add(datePicker, 0, 3); //Row 4 Label timeSelectLabel = new Label("View Coordinate Times"); gridPane.add(timeSelectLabel, 1, 2); //Row 3 GridPane.setHalignment(timeSelectLabel, HPos.LEFT); gridPane.add(timeSelectCombo, 1, 3); //Row 4 // FOR DEBUGGING CURRENTLY SELECTED PATH, TIME AND POLICY /* UserProfile userProfile = ExtendedAppContext.getCurrentlyLoggedInUserProfile(); StatedInferredOptions chosenPolicy = userProfile.getStatedInferredPolicy(); UUID chosenPathUuid = userProfile.getViewCoordinatePath(); Long chosenTime = userProfile.getViewCoordinateTime(); Label printSelectedPathLabel = new Label("Path: " + OTFUtility.getDescription(chosenPathUuid)); gridPane.add(printSelectedPathLabel, 0, 4); GridPane.setHalignment(printSelectedPathLabel, HPos.LEFT); Label printSelectedTimeLabel = null; if(chosenTime != getDefaultTime()) { printSelectedTimeLabel = new Label("Time: " + dateFormat.format(new Date(chosenTime))); } else { printSelectedTimeLabel = new Label("Time: LONG MAX VALUE"); } gridPane.add(printSelectedTimeLabel, 1, 4); GridPane.setHalignment(printSelectedTimeLabel, HPos.LEFT); Label printSelectedPolicyLabel = new Label("Policy: " + chosenPolicy); gridPane.add(printSelectedPolicyLabel, 2, 4); GridPane.setHalignment(printSelectedPolicyLabel, HPos.LEFT); */ hBox = new HBox(); hBox.getChildren().addAll(gridPane); allValid_ = new ValidBooleanBinding() { { bind(currentStatedInferredOptionProperty, currentPathProperty, currentTimeProperty); setComputeOnInvalidate(true); } @Override protected boolean computeValue() { if (currentStatedInferredOptionProperty.get() == null) { this.setInvalidReason("Null/unset/unselected StatedInferredOption"); for (RadioButton button : statedInferredOptionButtons) { TextErrorColorHelper.setTextErrorColor(button); } return false; } else { for (RadioButton button : statedInferredOptionButtons) { TextErrorColorHelper.clearTextErrorColor(button); } } if (currentPathProperty.get() == null) { this.setInvalidReason("Null/unset/unselected path"); TextErrorColorHelper.setTextErrorColor(pathComboBox); return false; } else { TextErrorColorHelper.clearTextErrorColor(pathComboBox); } if (OTFUtility.getConceptVersion(currentPathProperty.get()) == null) { this.setInvalidReason("Invalid path"); TextErrorColorHelper.setTextErrorColor(pathComboBox); return false; } else { TextErrorColorHelper.clearTextErrorColor(pathComboBox); } // if(currentTimeProperty.get() == null && currentTimeProperty.get() != Long.MAX_VALUE) // { // this.setInvalidReason("View Coordinate Time is unselected"); // TextErrorColorHelper.setTextErrorColor(timeSelectCombo); // return false; // } this.clearInvalidReason(); return true; } }; } // createButton.disableProperty().bind(saveButtonValid.not())); // Reload persisted values every time final StatedInferredOptions storedStatedInferredOption = getStoredStatedInferredOption(); for (Toggle toggle : statedInferredToggleGroup.getToggles()) { if (toggle.getUserData() == storedStatedInferredOption) { toggle.setSelected(true); } } // pathComboBox.setButtonCell(new ListCell<UUID>() { // @Override // protected void updateItem(UUID c, boolean emptyRow) { // super.updateItem(c, emptyRow); // if (emptyRow) { // setText(""); // } else { // String desc = OTFUtility.getDescription(c); // setText(desc); // } // } // }); // timeSelectCombo.setButtonCell(new ListCell<Long>() { // @Override // protected void updateItem(Long item, boolean emptyRow) { // super.updateItem(item, emptyRow); // if (emptyRow) { // setText(""); // } else { // setText(timeFormatter.format(new Date(item))); // } // } // }); // datePickerFirstRun = false; // pathComboFirstRun = false; return hBox; }
From source
protected void addHeadLine() { if (headLine != null) { ++rowIndex;/*ww w. j a va 2s .c om*/ headLineLabel = new Label(BSResources.get(headLine)); headLineLabel.setMouseTransparent(true); if (headlineStyle != null) headLineLabel.setStyle(headlineStyle); GridPane.setHalignment(headLineLabel, HPos.LEFT); GridPane.setRowIndex(headLineLabel, rowIndex); GridPane.setColumnSpan(headLineLabel, 2); gridPane.getChildren().addAll(headLineLabel); } }
From source
protected void addSeparator() { if (headLine != null) { Separator separator = new Separator(); separator.setMouseTransparent(true); separator.setOrientation(Orientation.HORIZONTAL); separator.setStyle("-fx-background: #ccc;"); GridPane.setHalignment(separator, HPos.CENTER); GridPane.setRowIndex(separator, ++rowIndex); GridPane.setColumnSpan(separator, 2); gridPane.getChildren().add(separator); }//w w w .j ava 2 s . c o m }
From source
protected void addMessage() { if (message != null) { messageLabel = new Label(truncatedMessage); messageLabel.setMouseTransparent(true); messageLabel.setWrapText(true);//from w w w.ja v a 2 s . c om GridPane.setHalignment(messageLabel, HPos.LEFT); GridPane.setHgrow(messageLabel, Priority.ALWAYS); GridPane.setMargin(messageLabel, new Insets(3, 0, 0, 0)); GridPane.setRowIndex(messageLabel, ++rowIndex); GridPane.setColumnIndex(messageLabel, 0); GridPane.setColumnSpan(messageLabel, 2); gridPane.getChildren().add(messageLabel); } }