List of usage examples for javafx.scene.control TextArea setText
public final void setText(String value)
From source
public static int addFormForBuyer(GridPane gridPane, int gridRow, PaymentAccountContractData paymentAccountContractData) { addLabelTextFieldWithCopyIcon(gridPane, ++gridRow, "Account holder name:", ((USPostalMoneyOrderAccountContractData) paymentAccountContractData).getHolderName()); TextArea textArea = addLabelTextArea(gridPane, ++gridRow, "Postal address:", "").second; textArea.setPrefHeight(60);//from w ww.ja v a 2 s .c om textArea.setEditable(false); textArea.setId("text-area-disabled"); textArea.setText(((USPostalMoneyOrderAccountContractData) paymentAccountContractData).getPostalAddress()); return gridRow; }
From source
public static int addFormForBuyer(GridPane gridPane, int gridRow, PaymentAccountContractData paymentAccountContractData) { CashDepositAccountContractData data = (CashDepositAccountContractData) paymentAccountContractData; String countryCode = data.getCountryCode(); String requirements = data.getRequirements(); boolean showRequirements = requirements != null && !requirements.isEmpty(); if (data.getHolderTaxId() != null) addLabelTextFieldWithCopyIcon(gridPane, ++gridRow, "Account holder name / email / " + BankUtil.getHolderIdLabel(countryCode), data.getHolderName() + " / " + data.getHolderEmail() + " / " + data.getHolderTaxId()); else/*from www . ja va2 s . c o m*/ addLabelTextFieldWithCopyIcon(gridPane, ++gridRow, "Account holder name / email:", data.getHolderName() + " / " + data.getHolderEmail()); if (!showRequirements) addLabelTextFieldWithCopyIcon(gridPane, ++gridRow, "Country of bank:", CountryUtil.getNameAndCode(countryCode)); else requirements += "\nCountry of bank: " + CountryUtil.getNameAndCode(countryCode); // We don't want to display more than 6 rows to avoid scrolling, so if we get too many fields we combine them horizontally int nrRows = 0; if (BankUtil.isBankNameRequired(countryCode)) nrRows++; if (BankUtil.isBankIdRequired(countryCode)) nrRows++; if (BankUtil.isBranchIdRequired(countryCode)) nrRows++; if (BankUtil.isAccountNrRequired(countryCode)) nrRows++; if (BankUtil.isAccountTypeRequired(countryCode)) nrRows++; String bankNameLabel = BankUtil.getBankNameLabel(countryCode); String bankIdLabel = BankUtil.getBankIdLabel(countryCode); String branchIdLabel = BankUtil.getBranchIdLabel(countryCode); String accountNrLabel = BankUtil.getAccountNrLabel(countryCode); String accountTypeLabel = BankUtil.getAccountTypeLabel(countryCode); boolean accountNrAccountTypeCombined = false; boolean bankNameBankIdCombined = false; boolean bankIdBranchIdCombined = false; boolean bankNameBranchIdCombined = false; boolean branchIdAccountNrCombined = false; if (nrRows > 2) { // Try combine AccountNr + AccountType accountNrAccountTypeCombined = BankUtil.isAccountNrRequired(countryCode) && BankUtil.isAccountTypeRequired(countryCode); if (accountNrAccountTypeCombined) nrRows--; if (nrRows > 2) { // Next we try BankName + BankId bankNameBankIdCombined = BankUtil.isBankNameRequired(countryCode) && BankUtil.isBankIdRequired(countryCode); if (bankNameBankIdCombined) nrRows--; if (nrRows > 2) { // Next we try BankId + BranchId bankIdBranchIdCombined = !bankNameBankIdCombined && BankUtil.isBankIdRequired(countryCode) && BankUtil.isBranchIdRequired(countryCode); if (bankIdBranchIdCombined) nrRows--; if (nrRows > 2) { // Next we try BankId + BranchId bankNameBranchIdCombined = !bankNameBankIdCombined && !bankIdBranchIdCombined && BankUtil.isBankNameRequired(countryCode) && BankUtil.isBranchIdRequired(countryCode); if (bankNameBranchIdCombined) nrRows--; if (nrRows > 2) { branchIdAccountNrCombined = !bankNameBranchIdCombined && !bankIdBranchIdCombined && !accountNrAccountTypeCombined && BankUtil.isBranchIdRequired(countryCode) && BankUtil.isAccountNrRequired(countryCode); if (branchIdAccountNrCombined) nrRows--; if (nrRows > 2) log.warn("We still have too many rows...."); } } } } } if (bankNameBankIdCombined) { addLabelTextFieldWithCopyIcon(gridPane, ++gridRow, bankNameLabel.substring(0, bankNameLabel.length() - 1) + " / " + bankIdLabel.substring(0, bankIdLabel.length() - 1) + ":", data.getBankName() + " / " + data.getBankId()); } if (bankNameBranchIdCombined) { addLabelTextFieldWithCopyIcon(gridPane, ++gridRow, bankNameLabel.substring(0, bankNameLabel.length() - 1) + " / " + branchIdLabel.substring(0, branchIdLabel.length() - 1) + ":", data.getBankName() + " / " + data.getBranchId()); } if (!bankNameBankIdCombined && !bankNameBranchIdCombined && BankUtil.isBankNameRequired(countryCode)) addLabelTextFieldWithCopyIcon(gridPane, ++gridRow, bankNameLabel, data.getBankName()); if (!bankNameBankIdCombined && !bankNameBranchIdCombined && !branchIdAccountNrCombined && bankIdBranchIdCombined) { addLabelTextFieldWithCopyIcon(gridPane, ++gridRow, bankIdLabel.substring(0, bankIdLabel.length() - 1) + " / " + branchIdLabel.substring(0, branchIdLabel.length() - 1) + ":", data.getBankId() + " / " + data.getBranchId()); } if (!bankNameBankIdCombined && !bankIdBranchIdCombined && BankUtil.isBankIdRequired(countryCode)) addLabelTextFieldWithCopyIcon(gridPane, ++gridRow, bankIdLabel, data.getBankId()); if (!bankNameBranchIdCombined && !bankIdBranchIdCombined && branchIdAccountNrCombined) { addLabelTextFieldWithCopyIcon(gridPane, ++gridRow, branchIdLabel.substring(0, branchIdLabel.length() - 1) + " / " + accountNrLabel.substring(0, accountNrLabel.length() - 1) + ":", data.getBranchId() + " / " + data.getAccountNr()); } if (!bankNameBranchIdCombined && !bankIdBranchIdCombined && !branchIdAccountNrCombined && BankUtil.isBranchIdRequired(countryCode)) addLabelTextFieldWithCopyIcon(gridPane, ++gridRow, branchIdLabel, data.getBranchId()); if (!branchIdAccountNrCombined && accountNrAccountTypeCombined) { addLabelTextFieldWithCopyIcon(gridPane, ++gridRow, accountNrLabel.substring(0, accountNrLabel.length() - 1) + " / " + accountTypeLabel, data.getAccountNr() + " / " + data.getAccountType()); } if (!branchIdAccountNrCombined && !accountNrAccountTypeCombined && BankUtil.isAccountNrRequired(countryCode)) addLabelTextFieldWithCopyIcon(gridPane, ++gridRow, accountNrLabel, data.getAccountNr()); if (!accountNrAccountTypeCombined && BankUtil.isAccountTypeRequired(countryCode)) addLabelTextFieldWithCopyIcon(gridPane, ++gridRow, accountTypeLabel, data.getAccountType()); if (showRequirements) { TextArea textArea = addLabelTextArea(gridPane, ++gridRow, "Extra requirements:", "").second; textArea.setMinHeight(45); textArea.setMaxHeight(45); textArea.setEditable(false); textArea.setId("text-area-disabled"); textArea.setText(requirements); } return gridRow; }
From source
@Override public void addFormForDisplayAccount() { gridRowFrom = gridRow;//from www.j a va 2s .co m addLabelTextField(gridPane, gridRow, "Account name:", usPostalMoneyOrderAccount.getAccountName(), Layout.FIRST_ROW_AND_GROUP_DISTANCE); addLabelTextField(gridPane, ++gridRow, "Payment method:", BSResources.get(usPostalMoneyOrderAccount.getPaymentMethod().getId())); addLabelTextField(gridPane, ++gridRow, "Account holder name:", usPostalMoneyOrderAccount.getHolderName()); TextArea textArea = addLabelTextArea(gridPane, ++gridRow, "Postal address:", "").second; textArea.setText(usPostalMoneyOrderAccount.getPostalAddress()); textArea.setPrefHeight(60); textArea.setEditable(false); addLabelTextField(gridPane, ++gridRow, "Currency:", usPostalMoneyOrderAccount.getSingleTradeCurrency().getNameAndCode()); addAllowedPeriod(); }
From source
@Handler public void handleThrowable(ThrowableEvent event) { Platform.runLater(() -> {/*from w w w .ja v a 2 s . co m*/ TitledPane pane = new TitledPane(); pane.setCollapsible(false); pane.setText("Stacktrace"); TextArea textArea = new TextArea(); textArea.setEditable(false); pane.setContent(textArea); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); event.getThrowable().printStackTrace(new PrintStream(baos)); textArea.setText(baos.toString()); Alert alert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.ERROR); alert.setTitle("Error"); alert.setHeaderText("An unexpected error occurred"); alert.getDialogPane().setContent(pane); alert.showAndWait(); }); }
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@Override public void start(Stage primaryStage) { final Label label = new Label("Progress:"); final ProgressBar progressBar = new ProgressBar(0); final ProgressIndicator progressIndicator = new ProgressIndicator(0); final Button startButton = new Button("Start"); final Button cancelButton = new Button("Cancel"); final TextArea textArea = new TextArea(); startButton.setOnAction((ActionEvent event) -> { startButton.setDisable(true);/*from ww w .j a v a2 s. c om*/ progressBar.setProgress(0); progressIndicator.setProgress(0); textArea.setText(""); cancelButton.setDisable(false); copyWorker = createWorker(numFiles); progressBar.progressProperty().unbind(); progressBar.progressProperty().bind(copyWorker.progressProperty()); progressIndicator.progressProperty().unbind(); progressIndicator.progressProperty().bind(copyWorker.progressProperty()); copyWorker.messageProperty().addListener( (ObservableValue<? extends String> observable, String oldValue, String newValue) -> { textArea.appendText(newValue + "\n"); }); new Thread(copyWorker).start(); }); cancelButton.setOnAction((ActionEvent event) -> { startButton.setDisable(false); cancelButton.setDisable(true); copyWorker.cancel(true); progressBar.progressProperty().unbind(); progressBar.setProgress(0); progressIndicator.progressProperty().unbind(); progressIndicator.setProgress(0); textArea.appendText("File transfer was cancelled."); }); BorderPane root = new BorderPane(); Scene scene = new Scene(root, 500, 250, javafx.scene.paint.Color.WHITE); FlowPane topPane = new FlowPane(5, 5); topPane.setPadding(new Insets(5)); topPane.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); topPane.getChildren().addAll(label, progressBar, progressIndicator); GridPane middlePane = new GridPane(); middlePane.setPadding(new Insets(5)); middlePane.setHgap(20); middlePane.setVgap(20); ColumnConstraints column1 = new ColumnConstraints(300, 400, Double.MAX_VALUE); middlePane.getColumnConstraints().addAll(column1); middlePane.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); middlePane.add(textArea, 0, 0); FlowPane bottomPane = new FlowPane(5, 5); bottomPane.setPadding(new Insets(5)); bottomPane.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); bottomPane.getChildren().addAll(startButton, cancelButton); root.setTop(topPane); root.setCenter(middlePane); root.setBottom(bottomPane); primaryStage.setScene(scene);; }
From source
@Override public void start(Stage primaryStage) { primaryStage.setTitle("Borders"); Group root = new Group(); Scene scene = new Scene(root, 600, 330, Color.WHITE); GridPane gridpane = new GridPane(); gridpane.setPadding(new Insets(5)); gridpane.setHgap(10);// w ww. ja v a 2 s . c om gridpane.setVgap(10); final TextArea cssEditorFld = new TextArea(); cssEditorFld.setPrefRowCount(10); cssEditorFld.setPrefColumnCount(100); cssEditorFld.setWrapText(true); cssEditorFld.setPrefWidth(150); GridPane.setHalignment(cssEditorFld, HPos.CENTER); gridpane.add(cssEditorFld, 0, 1); String cssDefault = "line1;\nline2;\n"; cssEditorFld.setText(cssDefault); root.getChildren().add(gridpane); primaryStage.setScene(scene);; }
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private void updateTextAreaContent(final TextArea mainArea, final ZonedDateTime dateTime) { final StringWriter mainAreaWriter = new StringWriter(); fillFromTemplate(mainAreaWriter, dateTime); mainArea.setText(mainAreaWriter.toString()); }
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private void borrar(TextArea... text) { for (TextArea t : text) { t.setText(""); } }
From source
private void train() { if (neuronas_text.getText().isEmpty()) { String result = "Debe ingresar una cantidad de neuronas"; result += "\nPor ejemplo: cantidad = 4, entonces la red contendra 4 neuronas en total"; result_text.setText(result);//from www . j ava 2 s . c o m return; } if (epocas_text.getText().isEmpty()) { String result = "Debe ingresar una cantidad de epocas"; result += "\nPor ejemplo: epocas = 5, entonces la red se estabilizara luego de 5 ciclos de entrenamiento"; result_text.setText(result); return; } if (entradas_text.getText().isEmpty()) { String result = "Debe ingresar una cantidad de entradas para el entrenamiento"; result += "\nPor ejemplo: entradas = 3, entonces [4,2,5] es un patron valido de entrenamiento"; result_text.setText(result); return; } if (patrones_train_text.getText().isEmpty()) { String result = "Debe ingresar algun patron de entrenamiento"; result += "\nPor ejemplo: patrones = [1,2,4],[6,1,3], entonces la red tendra 2 patrones de entrenamiento validos"; result_text.setText(result); return; } if (funcion_vecindad_combo.getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndex() < 0) { String result = "Debe elegir si desea utilizar una funcion de vecindad"; result_text.setText(result); return; } //Valores correctos Integer dimension = Integer.valueOf(entradas_text.getText()); boolean formatoPatronesEntrenamiento = SOMManager.validarDimensionArreglo(dimension, patrones_train_text.getText()); if (!formatoPatronesEntrenamiento) { String result = "Los patrones ingresados no tienen una dimension correcta"; result += "\nPor ejemplo: 1.3,2.6 ; 5.6,22,55,66 (2 patrones) es incorrecto Dimension(p1) = 2 y Dimension(p2) = 4"; result_text.setText(result); return; } if (!pesos_check.isSelected()) { boolean formatoPesos = SOMManager.validarDimensionArreglo(dimension, pesos_text.getText()); if (!formatoPesos) { String result = "Los pesos ingresados no tienen una dimension correcta"; result += "\nPor ejemplo: 1.8,3.6 ; 7.6,12,5,1 (2 patrones) es incorrecto Dimension(p1) = 2 y Dimension(p2) = 4"; result_text.setText(result); return; } } //Correcto, realizar operaciones solicitadas Integer epocas = Integer.valueOf(epocas_text.getText()); Boolean pesosAleatorios = pesos_check.isSelected(); Boolean utilizarFuncionVecindad = funcion_vecindad_combo.getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndex() == 0; Integer clusters = Integer.valueOf(neuronas_text.getText()); try { double[][] patrones = crearArreglo( patrones_train_text.getText().replaceAll("\\s+", "").replaceAll("\\n+", "").split(";"), result_text); Platform.runLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { crearCluster(dimension, epocas, pesosAleatorios, utilizarFuncionVecindad, clusters, patrones, (pesosAleatorios ? null : crearArreglo(pesos_text.getText().replaceAll("\\s+", "") .replaceAll("\\n+", "").split(";"), result_text))); test_tab.setDisable(false); mostrarNeuronasTest(som, neuronas_test_text); } private void mostrarNeuronasTest(SOMCluster som, TextArea neuronas_test_text) { double[][] W = som.getW(); String neuronas = Matrix.getMatrix(W); neuronas_test_text.setText(neuronas); } }); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // result_text.setText("Imposible formatear ese numero, verifiquelo\n" + e.getMessage().replaceAll("\\)", ")\n") + // "\n\n" + result_text.getText()); } }
From source
public void attachTextEventHandlers(ArrayList<TextArea> textAreas) { for (TextArea textArea : textAreas) { textArea.textProperty().addListener((final ObservableValue<? extends String> observable, final String oldValue, final String newValue) -> { String parentID = textArea.getParent().getId(); //get the row and column of the cell int row = parentID.charAt(0) - 48; int column = parentID.charAt(1) - 48; System.out.println("Parent: " + textArea.getParent().getId()); //if it's an empty cell if (newValue.equals("")) GameController.userBoard[row][column] = 0; // if the length is greater than 1, it's an invalid input if (newValue.length() > 1) textArea.setText(oldValue); //make sure that the user is actually providing a +ve number greater than 0 as an input if (newValue.length() > 0) { int value = newValue.charAt(0) - 48; if (!Character.isDigit(newValue.charAt(0)) || newValue.charAt(0) == 48) { textArea.setText(""); GameController.userBoard[row][column] = 0; } else { //for an illegal move, set the cell's text to a red color if (!solver.isLegal(GameController.userBoard, row, column, value)) { textArea.setStyle("-fx-text-fill: red;"); } else { textArea.setStyle("-fx-text-fill: black;"); }/*from w ww .j av a 2 s .c o m*/ GameController.userBoard[row][column] = value; } } }); } }