Java javafx.scene.control Tab fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java javafx.scene.control Tab fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for javafx.scene.control Tab.

The text is from its open source code.


javafx.scene.control.Tab has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.


Creates a tab with no title.
Tab(String text, Node content)
Creates a tab with a text title and the specified content node.
Tab(String text)
Creates a tab with a text title.


The closable state for this tab.

The content associated with the tab.

The id of this tab.
The event handler that is associated with the tab when the tab is closed.

A reference to the TabPane that contains this tab instance.

The text shown in the tab.
Returns true if this tab is closable.

Represents whether this tab is the currently selected tab, To change the selected Tab use tabPane.getSelectionModel().select()

The currently selected tab.
voidsetClosable(boolean value)

Sets true if the tab is closable.

voidsetContent(Node value)

The content to show within the main TabPane area.

voidsetContextMenu(ContextMenu value)

Specifies the context menu to show when the user right-clicks on the tab.

voidsetDisable(boolean value)
Sets the disabled state of this tab.
voidsetGraphic(Node value)

Sets the graphic to show in the tab to allow the user to differentiate between the function of each tab.

voidsetId(String value)
Sets the id of this tab.
voidsetOnClosed(EventHandler value)
Defines a function to be called when the tab is closed.
voidsetOnCloseRequest(EventHandler value)
voidsetOnSelectionChanged(EventHandler value)
Defines a function to be called when a selection changed has occurred on the tab.
voidsetStyle(String value)
A string representation of the CSS style associated with this tab.
voidsetText(String value)

Sets the text to show in the tab to allow the user to differentiate between the function of each tab.

voidsetUserData(Object value)
Convenience method for setting a single Object property that can be retrieved at a later date.
The text shown in the tab.