Example usage for Java javafx.scene.control SplitPane fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
SplitPane() Creates a new SplitPane with no content. |
ObservableList | getDividers() Returns an unmodifiable list of all the dividers in this SplitPane. |
ObservableList | getItems() Returns an ObservableList which can be use to modify the contents of the SplitPane. |
Scene | getScene() |
ReadOnlyDoubleProperty | heightProperty() |
DoubleProperty | prefHeightProperty() |
DoubleProperty | prefWidthProperty() |
void | setDividerPositions(double... positions) Sets the position of the divider |
void | setMaxWidth(double value) |
void | setOrientation(Orientation value) This property controls how the SplitPane should be displayed to the user. |
void | setResizableWithParent(Node node, Boolean value) Sets a node in the SplitPane to be resizable or not when the SplitPane is resized. |
ReadOnlyDoubleProperty | widthProperty() |