Example usage for javafx.scene.control Dialog subclass-usage

List of usage examples for javafx.scene.control Dialog subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for javafx.scene.control Dialog subclass-usage.


From source file dev.archiecortez.jfacelog.dialogs.NewPassDialog.java

 * @author Administrator
public class NewPassDialog extends Dialog<Pair<String, String>> implements Initializable {

From source file com.github.tddts.jet.view.fx.dialog.DevCredentialsDialog.java

 * Dialog to input developer credentials.
 * @author Tigran_Dadaiants dtkcommon@gmail.com

From source file cz.afrosoft.whattoeat.cookbook.recipe.gui.dialog.RecipeViewDialog.java

 *  Dialog for viewing of recipes. This dialog is not modal, so multiple recipes can be viewed at once. This is useful
 *  for cooking meals from multiple recipes at once or for comparing recipes.
 *  This dialog should be created by spring {@link org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext#getBean(Class)} so all
 *  dependencies are autowired.

From source file de.rkl.tools.tzconv.view.ZoneIdSelectionDialog.java

 * @author Raimund Klein <raimund.klein@gmx.de>
public class ZoneIdSelectionDialog extends Dialog<Collection<ZoneId>> {
    private final SetProperty<ZoneId> pendingSelectedZoneIds;

From source file de.perdoctus.ebikeconnect.gui.dialogs.LoginDialog.java

public class LoginDialog extends Dialog<Credentials> {

    public static final String CFG_PASSWORD = "password";
    public static final String CFG_SAVE_PASSWORD = "savePassword";
    public static final String CFG_USERNAME = "username";

From source file io.github.mzmine.util.jfreechart.ManualZoomDialog.java

public class ManualZoomDialog extends Dialog<Void> {

    private static final String DIALOG_FXML = "ManualZoomDialog.fxml";

    private NumberAxis xAxis, yAxis;

From source file eu.over9000.skadi.ui.dialogs.PerformUpdateDialog.java

public class PerformUpdateDialog extends Dialog<File> {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PerformUpdateDialog.class);

    private final ObjectProperty<File> chosen;
    private DownloadService downloadService;

From source file org.sleuthkit.autopsy.timeline.ShowInTimelineDialog.java

 * A Dialog that, given an AbstractFile or BlackBoardArtifact, allows the user
 * to choose a specific event and a time range around it to show in the Timeline
 * List View.
final class ShowInTimelineDialog extends Dialog<ViewInTimelineRequestedEvent> {