List of usage examples for javafx.scene.control ButtonType ButtonType
public ButtonType(@NamedArg("text") String text, @NamedArg("buttonData") ButtonData buttonData)
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private void showProductCodePopup() { Alert alert = new Alert(AlertType.INFORMATION); alert.setTitle("ifra proizvoda!"); alert.setHeaderText("ifra ne moe biti prazna!"); alert.setContentText(""); ButtonType okButton = new ButtonType("Nastavi", ButtonData.OK_DONE); alert.getButtonTypes().setAll(okButton); Stage stage = (Stage) alert.getDialogPane().getScene().getWindow(); stage.getIcons().add(uIConfig.getIcon()); alert.showAndWait();//from w ww . j a v a 2 s. c o m }
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@FXML private void pruneRules() throws IOException { clickCounter++;//from w ww.j av a 2 s.c om int decisionNumbers = Pruner.BinomialCalculation(decisionTable); if (!decisionTable.isEmpty() && (!validationTable.isEmpty() || !isExtendedPruningTTVSelected) && !rules.isEmpty() && !decisions.isEmpty() && clickCounter < 2) { rulesInATable.clear(); //deleting all old rule files File f = new File("."); File[] files = f.listFiles(); for (File file : files) { if (file.getName().contains(".csv")) { file.delete(); } } for (int i = 0; i < rules.size(); i++) { String[] inputString = new String[decisionTable.get(0).length]; for (int ii = 0; ii < inputString.length; ii++) { inputString[ii] = null; } for (int j = 0; j < rules.get(i).size(); j++) { String[] tmp = rules.get(i).get(j).split(" = "); //System.out.println(tmp); for (int tmpIterator = 0; tmpIterator < decisionTable.get(0).length; tmpIterator++) { if (tmp[0].equals(decisionTable.get(0)[tmpIterator])) { inputString[tmpIterator] = tmp[1]; } } } inputString[decisionTable.get(0).length - 1] = decisions.get(i); rulesInATable.add(inputString); } tableData.clear(); String[] resultLength = Pruner.displayStatistics(tableData, rulesInATable, decisionTable, "Raw data"); String[] resultCoverage = Pruner.calculateCoverage(tableData, rulesInATable, decisionTable, ""); tableData.add(new Statistics("", "no of rules", Integer.toString(rulesInATable.size()), Integer.toString(rulesInATable.size()), Integer.toString(rulesInATable.size()))); resultFileWriter.add(resultLength[0] + "," + resultLength[1] + "," + resultLength[2] + "," + resultCoverage[0] + "," + resultCoverage[1] + "," + resultCoverage[2] + "," + Integer.toString(rulesInATable.size()) + ","); //Remove duplicated rules Pruner.RemoveDuplicates(rulesInATable); Pruner.displayStatistics(tableData, rulesInATable, decisionTable, "Duplicates removed"); Pruner.calculateCoverage(tableData, rulesInATable, decisionTable, ""); tableData.add(new Statistics("", "no of rules", Integer.toString(rulesInATable.size()), Integer.toString(rulesInATable.size()), Integer.toString(rulesInATable.size()))); //Cutting rules by simplification algorithm Pruner.CutRules(decisionTable, rulesInATable, decisions, isPSelected); //Remove duplicated rules Pruner.RemoveDuplicates(rulesInATable); resultLength = Pruner.displayStatistics(tableData, rulesInATable, decisionTable, "Rules cut"); resultCoverage = Pruner.calculateCoverage(tableData, rulesInATable, decisionTable, ""); tableData.add(new Statistics("", "no of rules", Integer.toString(rulesInATable.size()), Integer.toString(rulesInATable.size()), Integer.toString(rulesInATable.size()))); resultFileWriter.add(resultLength[0] + "," + resultLength[1] + "," + resultLength[2] + "," + resultCoverage[0] + "," + resultCoverage[1] + "," + resultCoverage[2] + "," + Integer.toString(rulesInATable.size()) + ","); ArrayList<String[]> solution = Pruner.Prune(decisionTable, rulesInATable, decisions, decisionNumbers, isPSelected); DisplayResults.DisplayCorrect(rulesInATable, decisionTable, "PrunedRules.csv"); String[] resultSupport = Pruner.calculateSupport(tableData, rulesInATable, decisionTable, ""); if (!extendedPruningFlag) { if (isExtendedPruningTTVSelected) { DisplayResults.DisplayInaccurate(rulesInATable, solution, decisionTable, validationTable, tableData); } } else { //TODO DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00000"); Double error = Pruner.CalculateError(testTable, rulesInATable)[0]; int misclassification = (int) Pruner.CalculateError(testTable, rulesInATable)[1]; String tmpError1 = df.format(error); tmpError1 = tmpError1.replace(",", "."); String tmpError2 = " "; if (isExtendedPruningTTVSelected) { String[] inaccurateResult = DisplayResults.DisplayInaccurate(rulesInATable, solution, decisionTable, testTable, tableData); if (!inaccurateResult[0].equals("")) { resultFileWriter.add(inaccurateResult[0]); } else { resultFileWriter.add(",,,,,,,"); } if (inaccurateResult[1] == null) { inaccurateResult[1] = tmpError1; } if (inaccurateResult[2] != null) { resultFileWriter.add("," + tmpError1 + "," + inaccurateResult[1] + "," + inaccurateResult[2] + "," + inaccurateResult[3] + "\n"); } else { resultFileWriter.add("," + tmpError1 + "," + inaccurateResult[1] + "," + misclassification + "," + resultSupport[0] + "," + resultSupport[1] + "," + resultSupport[2] + "\n"); } //protection in case of problem with number format try { averagedResult.add(Double.parseDouble(inaccurateResult[1])); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { averagedResult.add(Double.parseDouble("1.0")); } } else { resultFileWriter.add("," + tmpError1 + "," + tmpError1 + "," + misclassification + "," + resultSupport[0] + "," + resultSupport[1] + "," + resultSupport[2] + "\n"); try { averagedResult.add(Double.parseDouble(tmpError1)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { averagedResult.add(Double.parseDouble("1.0")); } } } if (!solution.isEmpty() && !extendedPruningFlag) { ButtonType buttonOK = new ButtonType("OK", ButtonData.OK_DONE); Dialog<String> dialog = new Dialog<>(); dialog.getDialogPane().getButtonTypes().add(buttonOK); dialog.setContentText("Pruning successful!"); dialog.showAndWait(); } else if (resultFileWriter.isEmpty()) { ButtonType buttonOK = new ButtonType("OK", ButtonData.OK_DONE); Dialog<String> dialog = new Dialog<>(); dialog.getDialogPane().getButtonTypes().add(buttonOK); dialog.setContentText("Basic pruning successful. Extended pruning failed!"); dialog.showAndWait(); } } else if (clickCounter < 2 && !extendedPruningFlag) { ButtonType buttonOK = new ButtonType("OK", ButtonData.OK_DONE); Dialog<String> dialog = new Dialog<>(); dialog.getDialogPane().getButtonTypes().add(buttonOK); dialog.setContentText("Error while pruning! Please check your files"); dialog.showAndWait(); clickCounter--; } else if (!extendedPruningFlag) { ButtonType buttonOK = new ButtonType("OK", ButtonData.OK_DONE); Dialog<String> dialog = new Dialog<>(); dialog.getDialogPane().getButtonTypes().add(buttonOK); dialog.setContentText("Too many clicks"); dialog.showAndWait(); } }
From source
@FXML private void testResults() { clickCounterTestValidation++;/*from w w w .j a v a2s. com*/ if (!testTable.isEmpty() && clickCounterTestValidation < 2) { for (int i = 0; i < rulesTest.size(); i++) { String[] inputString = new String[testTable.get(0).length]; for (int ii = 0; ii < inputString.length; ii++) { inputString[ii] = null; } for (int j = 0; j < rulesTest.get(i).size(); j++) { String[] tmp = rulesTest.get(i).get(j).split(" = "); //System.out.println(tmp); for (int tmpIterator = 0; tmpIterator < testTable.get(0).length; tmpIterator++) { if (tmp[0].equals(testTable.get(0)[tmpIterator])) { inputString[tmpIterator] = tmp[1]; } } } inputString[testTable.get(0).length - 1] = decisionsTest.get(i); rulesInATableTest.add(inputString); } DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00000"); Double error = Pruner.CalculateError(testTable, rulesInATableTest)[0]; String tmpError = df.format(error); ButtonType buttonOK = new ButtonType("OK", ButtonData.OK_DONE); Dialog<String> dialog = new Dialog<>(); dialog.getDialogPane().getButtonTypes().add(buttonOK); dialog.setContentText("Test error = " + tmpError.replace(",", ".")); dialog.showAndWait(); } if (testTable.isEmpty()) { ButtonType buttonOK = new ButtonType("OK", ButtonData.OK_DONE); Dialog<String> dialog = new Dialog<>(); dialog.getDialogPane().getButtonTypes().add(buttonOK); dialog.setContentText("Test set empty!"); dialog.showAndWait(); } }
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private void profileRemove(Profile profile) { Alert alert = new Alert(AlertType.CONFIRMATION); alert.initOwner(mStage);// w w w . j a v a2 s . c o m alert.setTitle(Dict.Dialog.TITLE_PROFILE_REMOVE.toString() + "?"); String message = String.format(Dict.Dialog.MESSAGE_PROFILE_REMOVE.toString(), profile.getName()); alert.setHeaderText(message); ButtonType removeButtonType = new ButtonType(Dict.REMOVE.toString(), ButtonData.OK_DONE); ButtonType cancelButtonType = new ButtonType(Dict.CANCEL.toString(), ButtonData.CANCEL_CLOSE); alert.getButtonTypes().setAll(removeButtonType, cancelButtonType); Optional<ButtonType> result = FxHelper.showAndWait(alert, mStage); if (result.get() == removeButtonType) { mProfiles.remove(profile); profilesSave(); populateProfiles(null); mLogAction.setDisabled(mItems.isEmpty() || mLastRunProfile == null); } }
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@FXML protected void divideTVT(ActionEvent event) throws IOException { if (!CSVdata.isEmpty() && !seedItems.isEmpty()) { File dir1 = new File(nameOfTheChosenFile + "/train-validation-test1"); File dir2 = new File(nameOfTheChosenFile + "/train-validation-test2"); if (dir1.exists()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(dir1); }//from w ww . j a va 2 s . c o m dir1.mkdir(); if (dir2.exists()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(dir2); } dir2.mkdir(); for (int iterator = 0; iterator < seedItems.size(); iterator++) { long seed = Integer.parseInt(seedItems.get(iterator)); Collections.shuffle(CSVdata, new Random(seed)); try (FileWriter writeTrain = new FileWriter(nameOfTheChosenFile + "/train-validation-test1/" + nameOfTheChosenFile + "_" + (iterator + 1) + "train.csv")) { writeTrain.append(label[0] + "\n"); writeTrain.append(label[1] + "\n"); for (int i = 0; i < Math.floor((CSVdata.size() * 3) / 10); i++) { writeTrain.append(CSVdata.get(i) + "\n"); } writeTrain.close(); } try (FileWriter writeValidation = new FileWriter(nameOfTheChosenFile + "/train-validation-test1/" + nameOfTheChosenFile + "_" + (iterator + 1) + "validation.csv")) { writeValidation.append(label[0] + "\n"); writeValidation.append(label[1] + "\n"); for (int i = (int) Math.floor((CSVdata.size() * 3) / 10); i < Math .floor(CSVdata.size() / 2); i++) { writeValidation.append(CSVdata.get(i) + "\n"); } writeValidation.close(); } try (FileWriter writeTest = new FileWriter(nameOfTheChosenFile + "/train-validation-test1/" + nameOfTheChosenFile + "_" + (iterator + 1) + "test.csv")) { writeTest.append(label[0] + "\n"); writeTest.append(label[1] + "\n"); for (int i = (int) Math.floor(CSVdata.size() / 2); i < CSVdata.size(); i++) { writeTest.append(CSVdata.get(i) + "\n"); } writeTest.close(); } //Second division try (FileWriter writeTrain = new FileWriter(nameOfTheChosenFile + "/train-validation-test2/" + nameOfTheChosenFile + "_" + (iterator + 1) + "test.csv")) { writeTrain.append(label[0] + "\n"); writeTrain.append(label[1] + "\n"); for (int i = 0; i < Math.floor((CSVdata.size()) / 2); i++) { writeTrain.append(CSVdata.get(i) + "\n"); } writeTrain.close(); } try (FileWriter writeValidation = new FileWriter(nameOfTheChosenFile + "/train-validation-test2/" + nameOfTheChosenFile + "_" + (iterator + 1) + "train.csv")) { writeValidation.append(label[0] + "\n"); writeValidation.append(label[1] + "\n"); for (int i = (int) Math.floor((CSVdata.size()) / 2); i < Math .floor((CSVdata.size() * 8) / 10); i++) { writeValidation.append(CSVdata.get(i) + "\n"); } writeValidation.close(); } try (FileWriter writeTest = new FileWriter(nameOfTheChosenFile + "/train-validation-test2/" + nameOfTheChosenFile + "_" + (iterator + 1) + "validation.csv")) { writeTest.append(label[0] + "\n"); writeTest.append(label[1] + "\n"); for (int i = (int) Math.floor((CSVdata.size() * 8) / 10); i < CSVdata.size(); i++) { writeTest.append(CSVdata.get(i) + "\n"); } writeTest.close(); } } ButtonType buttonOK = new ButtonType("OK", ButtonData.OK_DONE); Dialog<String> dialog = new Dialog<>(); dialog.getDialogPane().getButtonTypes().add(buttonOK); dialog.setContentText("Division successful"); dialog.showAndWait(); } if (CSVdata.isEmpty()) { fileName.setTextFill(Color.RED); fileName.setText("Data file is empty"); } if (seedItems.isEmpty()) { seedName.setTextFill(Color.RED); seedName.setText("Seed file is empty"); } }
From source
@FXML protected void kFoldCrossValidation(ActionEvent event) throws IOException { int tmp = (int) kSlider.getValue(); if (!CSVdata.isEmpty() && !seedItems.isEmpty()) { // File f = new File(fileName.getText() + "/train-validation-test/."); File dir = new File(nameOfTheChosenFile + "/k-fold symmetric cross validation"); if (dir.exists()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(dir); }//ww w . j av a 2 s . c o m dir.mkdir(); for (int iterator = 0; iterator < seedItems.size(); iterator++) { long seed = Integer.parseInt(seedItems.get(iterator)); Collections.shuffle(CSVdata, new Random(seed)); int size = (int) Math.ceil((double) CSVdata.size() / (double) tmp); for (int i = 0; i < tmp; i++) { try (FileWriter writeFile = new FileWriter( nameOfTheChosenFile + "/k-fold symmetric cross validation/" + nameOfTheChosenFile + "_" + (iterator + 1) + "_" + (i + 1) + ".csv")) { int limit = 0; int oldLimit = 0; // if (tmp > 2) { if (i < (tmp - 1)) { limit = (i + 1) * size; } else { limit = CSVdata.size(); } // } else if (tmp == 2) { // division 70train : 30test // if (i == 0) { // limit = (int) Math.ceil((double) 0.7 * CSVdata.size()); // } else { // oldLimit = (int) Math.ceil((double) 0.7 * CSVdata.size());; // limit = CSVdata.size(); // } // } writeFile.append(label[0] + "\n"); writeFile.append(label[1] + "\n"); // if (tmp > 2) { for (int j = i * size; j < limit; j++) { writeFile.append(CSVdata.get(j) + "\n"); } // } else if (tmp == 2) { // division 70train : 30test // for (int j = oldLimit; j < limit; j++) { // writeFile.append(CSVdata.get(j) + "\n"); // } // } writeFile.close(); } } } ButtonType buttonOK = new ButtonType("OK", ButtonData.OK_DONE); Dialog<String> dialog = new Dialog<>(); dialog.getDialogPane().getButtonTypes().add(buttonOK); dialog.setContentText("Division successful"); dialog.showAndWait(); } if (CSVdata.isEmpty()) { fileName.setTextFill(Color.RED); fileName.setText("Data file is empty"); } if (seedItems.isEmpty()) { seedName.setTextFill(Color.RED); seedName.setText("Seed file is empty"); } }
From source
@FXML private void pruneExtendedly() throws IOException { extendedPruningFlag = true;/*from w w w.ja v a 2 s. c o m*/ resultFileWriter.clear(); averagedResult.clear(); FolderHandler.SplitFiles(isExtendedPruningTTVSelected); // FolderHandler.RemoveUnwantedFiles(isExtendedPruningTTVSelected); File ruleDirectory = new File("rules/."); File[] ruleFiles = ruleDirectory.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".csv"); } }); if (ruleFiles.length < 1) { ButtonType emptyInput = new ButtonType("OK", ButtonBar.ButtonData.OK_DONE); Dialog<String> dialog = new Dialog<>(); dialog.getDialogPane().getButtonTypes().add(emptyInput); dialog.setContentText("Folder \"rules\" is empty"); dialog.showAndWait(); } File trainDirectory = new File("train/."); File[] trainFiles = trainDirectory.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".csv"); } }); File validationDirectory = new File("validation/."); File[] validationFiles = validationDirectory.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".csv"); } }); File testDirectory = new File("test/."); File[] testFiles = testDirectory.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".csv"); } }); resultFileWriter.add( "rawData,,,,,,,prunedData,,,,,,,prunedDataWithAlpha,,,,,,,,testError,,additionalParameters" + "\n"); resultFileWriter.add( "length,,,coverage,,,noOfRules,length,,,coverage,,,noOfRules,alpha,length,,,coverage,,,noOfRules,prunedRules,prunedRulesWithAlpha,no of misclassifications,support" + "\n"); resultFileWriter.add( "min,avg,max,min,avg,max,result,min,avg,max,min,avg,max,result,alpha,min,avg,max,min,avg,max,result,result,result,result,min,avg,max\n"); if (ruleFiles.length > 0 && trainFiles.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < ruleFiles.length; i++) { if (ruleFiles[i].getName().contains(".csv") && trainFiles[i].getName().contains(".csv") && ruleFiles[i].getName().contains(".csv")) { DataHandler dataHandler1 = new DataHandler("rules/" + ruleFiles[i].getName()); dataHandler1.splitRules(); rules.clear(); decisions.clear(); rules = dataHandler1.rules; decisions = dataHandler1.decisions; clickCounter = 0; DataHandler dataHandler2 = new DataHandler("train/" + trainFiles[i].getName()); dataHandler2.splitTraining(); decisionTable.clear(); decisionTable = dataHandler2.decisionTable; clickCounter = 0; if (isExtendedPruningTTVSelected) { clickCounterTestValidation = 0; DataHandler dataHandlerValidation1 = new DataHandler( "validation/" + validationFiles[i].getName()); dataHandlerValidation1.splitTraining(); validationTable.clear(); validationTable = dataHandlerValidation1.decisionTable; } clickCounterTestValidation = 0; DataHandler dataHandlerTest2 = new DataHandler("test/" + testFiles[i].getName()); dataHandlerTest2.splitTraining(); testTable.clear(); testTable = dataHandlerTest2.decisionTable; pruneRules(); } } File tmpFile = new File("results.csv"); if (tmpFile.exists()) { tmpFile.delete(); } DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00000"); String resultFileName = "resultsAverage=" + df.format(DataHandler.calculateAverage(averagedResult)).replace(",", ".") + "std=" + df.format(DataHandler.calculateSTD(averagedResult)).replace(",", ".") + ".csv"; try (FileWriter writeFile = new FileWriter(resultFileName, true)) { for (int i = 0; i < resultFileWriter.size(); i++) { writeFile.append(resultFileWriter.get(i)); } } if (!isRemoverContext) { ButtonType buttonOK = new ButtonType("OK", ButtonData.OK_DONE); Dialog<String> dialog = new Dialog<>(); dialog.getDialogPane().getButtonTypes().add(buttonOK); dialog.setContentText("Extended pruning successful!"); dialog.showAndWait(); } } else if (!isRemoverContext) { ButtonType buttonOK = new ButtonType("OK", ButtonData.OK_DONE); Dialog<String> dialog = new Dialog<>(); dialog.getDialogPane().getButtonTypes().add(buttonOK); dialog.setContentText("Extended pruning failed, please check input and rule files!"); dialog.showAndWait(); } extendedPruningFlag = false; }
From source
public void actionFileMerge() { FileChooser chooser = new FileChooser(); chooser.setTitle("Merge Schema"); if (schemaFile != null) chooser.setInitialDirectory(schemaFile.getParentFile()); File file = chooser.showOpenDialog(stage); if (file == null) return;/* ww w.ja va 2s . c o m*/ Schema addSchema = null; try { addSchema = ModelSchema.deserialise(file); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); Util.informWarning("Merge", "Failed to parse file: is it a valid schema?"); return; } List<String> log = new ArrayList<>(); Schema merged = SchemaUtil.mergeSchema(stack.getSchema(), addSchema, log); if (log.size() == 0) { Util.informMessage("Merge", "The merge file is the same: no action."); return; } String text = String.join("\n", log); Dialog<Boolean> confirm = new Dialog<>(); confirm.setTitle("Confirm Merge Modifications"); TextArea area = new TextArea(text); area.setWrapText(true); area.setPrefWidth(700); area.setPrefHeight(500); confirm.getDialogPane().setContent(area); ButtonType btnApply = new ButtonType("Apply", ButtonBar.ButtonData.OK_DONE); confirm.getDialogPane().getButtonTypes().addAll(new ButtonType("Cancel", ButtonBar.ButtonData.CANCEL_CLOSE), btnApply); confirm.setResultConverter(buttonType -> { if (buttonType == btnApply) return true; return null; }); Optional<Boolean> result = confirm.showAndWait(); if (!result.isPresent() || result.get() != true) return; stack.changeSchema(merged, true); rebuildTree(); }
From source
@FXML private void RSESprepare() throws IOException { try {/*from w w w. jav a 2 s . c om*/ RSESpreparator.prepareRules(); ButtonType buttonOK = new ButtonType("OK", ButtonData.OK_DONE); Dialog<String> dialog = new Dialog<>(); dialog.getDialogPane().getButtonTypes().add(buttonOK); dialog.setContentText("Operation successful!"); dialog.showAndWait(); } catch (Exception e) { ButtonType buttonOK = new ButtonType("OK", ButtonData.OK_DONE); Dialog<String> dialog = new Dialog<>(); dialog.getDialogPane().getButtonTypes().add(buttonOK); dialog.setContentText("Operation failed!"); dialog.showAndWait(); } }
From source
@FXML private void RSESconvertRules() throws IOException { try {/* w w w . j a va 2 s . co m*/ RSESruleProcessor.processRules(); ButtonType buttonOK = new ButtonType("OK", ButtonData.OK_DONE); Dialog<String> dialog = new Dialog<>(); dialog.getDialogPane().getButtonTypes().add(buttonOK); dialog.setContentText("Operation successful!"); dialog.showAndWait(); } catch (Exception e) { ButtonType buttonOK = new ButtonType("OK", ButtonData.OK_DONE); Dialog<String> dialog = new Dialog<>(); dialog.getDialogPane().getButtonTypes().add(buttonOK); dialog.setContentText("Operation failed!"); dialog.showAndWait(); } }