List of usage examples for javafx.scene.control Alert Alert
public Alert(@NamedArg("alertType") AlertType alertType)
From source
private void handleExportAsPngFile(ActionEvent e) { if (csgObject == null) { Alert alert = new Alert(AlertType.ERROR); alert.setTitle("Oeps an error occured"); alert.setHeaderText("Cannot export PNG. There is no geometry !"); alert.setContentText("Please verify that your code generates a valid CSG object."); alert.showAndWait();/*w w w. j a v a2 s . co m*/ return; } FileChooser fileChooser = new FileChooser(); fileChooser.setTitle("Export PNG File"); fileChooser.getExtensionFilters().add(new FileChooser.ExtensionFilter("Image files (*.png)", "*.png")); File f = fileChooser.showSaveDialog(null); if (f == null) { return; } String fName = f.getAbsolutePath(); if (!fName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".png")) { fName += ".png"; } int snWidth = 1024; int snHeight = 1024; double realWidth = viewGroup.getBoundsInLocal().getWidth(); double realHeight = viewGroup.getBoundsInLocal().getHeight(); double scaleX = snWidth / realWidth; double scaleY = snHeight / realHeight; double scale = Math.min(scaleX, scaleY); PerspectiveCamera snCam = new PerspectiveCamera(false); snCam.setTranslateZ(-200); SnapshotParameters snapshotParameters = new SnapshotParameters(); snapshotParameters.setTransform(new Scale(scale, scale)); snapshotParameters.setCamera(snCam); snapshotParameters.setDepthBuffer(true); snapshotParameters.setFill(Color.TRANSPARENT); WritableImage snapshot = new WritableImage(snWidth, (int) (realHeight * scale)); viewGroup.snapshot(snapshotParameters, snapshot); try { ImageIO.write(SwingFXUtils.fromFXImage(snapshot, null), "png", new File(fName)); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); Alert alert = new Alert(AlertType.ERROR); alert.setTitle("Oeps an error occured"); alert.setHeaderText("Cannot export PNG. There went something wrong writing the file."); alert.setContentText( "Please verify that your file is not read only, is not locked by other user or program, you have enough diskspace."); alert.showAndWait(); } }
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public void validateLogin(Stage theStage) { if (shouldTrainBayes) { trainBayes();/*from w w w. j a v a 2*/ } if (shouldTestBayes) { testBayes(); } if (shouldLoadBooks) { loadBooks(theStage); } if (user.getText().length() > 3 & pass.getText().length() > 4) { CUser uss = connection.consultUser(user.getText()); if (uss != null && pass.getText().equals(uss.getUser_password())) { //Entering here means that the user was succesfully logged // try { CStaticInfo.loggedUser = uss; //ANN a = new ANN(); //a.getRecommendations(2); EditProfile mainPage = new EditProfile(); Stage loginStage = mainPage.getStage();; thisStage.close(); //} catch (SQLException ex) { // Logger.getLogger(BookNext.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); //} } else { Alert alert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.INFORMATION); alert.setTitle("Error"); alert.setHeaderText("Incorrect Password or UserName"); alert.setContentText("Please enter a existing user name with correct password"); alert.showAndWait(); } } else { if (user.getText().length() < 4) { user.validate(); } else { if (pass.getText().length() < 4) { pass.validate(); } else { Alert alert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.INFORMATION); alert.setTitle("Error"); alert.setHeaderText("User form not complete"); alert.setContentText("Please complete user form"); alert.showAndWait(); } } } }
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@Override public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) { this.Print.setDisable(true); footer.setItems(names);// w w w . j a va 2 s . com JsonWrite jsw = new JsonWrite(); File universityFile = new File("university.json"); File collegeFile = new File("college.json"); //File codesFile = new File("codes.json"); if ((universityFile.exists()) && (collegeFile.exists()) /*&& (codesFile.exists())*/) { try { this.universityJson.jsonRead("university.json"); this.collegeJson.jsonRead("college.json"); //this.codesJson.jsonRead("codes.json"); this.jsonXLSXData.setAll(universityJson, collegeJson/*, codesJson*/); } catch (IOException | ParseException ex) { Alert alert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.INFORMATION); alert.setTitle(""); alert.setHeaderText(" ? ? "); alert.setContentText(ex.toString()); alert.showAndWait(); Logger.getLogger(FXMLDocumentController.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } else { try { FXMLLoader fxmlLoader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("FileOpenFXML.fxml")); this.fileOpenParent = (Parent) fxmlLoader.load(); Stage stage = new Stage(); stage.initModality(Modality.APPLICATION_MODAL); stage.initStyle(StageStyle.DECORATED); stage.setTitle(" "); stage.setScene(new Scene(this.fileOpenParent)); stage.showAndWait(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e); } this.jsonXLSXData.setAll(universityJson, collegeJson/*, codesJson*/); } }
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@FXML private void openConvertedFileClicked(MouseEvent event) { try {/* www. ja v a 2 s.c o m*/ // TODO add your handling code here: Desktop.getDesktop().open(convertedFile); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(AmbapoUIController.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); Alert alert = new Alert(AlertType.ERROR); alert.setTitle("Error"); alert.setHeaderText("Unable to open file."); alert.setContentText("Check if you have a valid file name."); alert.showAndWait(); } }
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private void profileRemove(Profile profile) { Alert alert = new Alert(AlertType.CONFIRMATION); alert.initOwner(mStage);/*ww w . j ava2 s.c o m*/ alert.setTitle(Dict.Dialog.TITLE_PROFILE_REMOVE.toString() + "?"); String message = String.format(Dict.Dialog.MESSAGE_PROFILE_REMOVE.toString(), profile.getName()); alert.setHeaderText(message); ButtonType removeButtonType = new ButtonType(Dict.REMOVE.toString(), ButtonData.OK_DONE); ButtonType cancelButtonType = new ButtonType(Dict.CANCEL.toString(), ButtonData.CANCEL_CLOSE); alert.getButtonTypes().setAll(removeButtonType, cancelButtonType); Optional<ButtonType> result = FxHelper.showAndWait(alert, mStage); if (result.get() == removeButtonType) { mProfiles.remove(profile); profilesSave(); populateProfiles(null); mLogAction.setDisabled(mItems.isEmpty() || mLastRunProfile == null); } }
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private void alertMissingData() { Alert alert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.WARNING); alert.setTitle(Messages.msg("alert.missing_data")); alert.setHeaderText(Messages.msg("alert.missing_word_or_description")); alert.initModality(Modality.APPLICATION_MODAL); alert.showAndWait();/* ww w . jav a 2 s . c om*/ }
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/** * Creates the menubar// www .j ava2 s . c om * * @return */ private MenuBar createMenuBar() { MenuBar bar = new MenuBar(); Menu projectMenu = new Menu("Project"); MenuItem openProject = new MenuItem("Open..."); openProject.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { @Override public void handle(ActionEvent event) { directoryChooser.setTitle("Please choose a project folder"); File file = directoryChooser.showDialog(stage); viewer.setRoot(setRootFolder(file)); } }); Menu newProject = new Menu("New"); MenuItem newFolder = new MenuItem("Folder..."); newFolder.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { @Override public void handle(ActionEvent event) { TextInputDialog dialog = new TextInputDialog("my_project_folder"); dialog.setTitle("New folder"); dialog.setHeaderText("Create a new folder"); dialog.setContentText("Folder name:"); Optional<String> result = dialog.showAndWait(); if (result.isPresent()) { String homeDir = System.getProperty("user.home"); System.out.println("Folder name: " + result.get()); System.out.println("User home: " + homeDir); } } }); newProject.getItems().add(newFolder); MenuItem importProject = new MenuItem("Import"); importProject.setAccelerator(new KeyCodeCombination(KeyCode.I, KeyCombination.CONTROL_DOWN)); importProject.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { @Override public void handle(ActionEvent event) { System.out.println("Import"); } }); MenuItem deleteProject = new MenuItem("Delete"); deleteProject.setAccelerator(new KeyCodeCombination(KeyCode.D, KeyCombination.CONTROL_DOWN)); deleteProject.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { @Override public void handle(ActionEvent event) { System.out.println("Delete"); } }); projectMenu.getItems().addAll(openProject, newProject, importProject, deleteProject); Menu helpMenu = new Menu("Help"); MenuItem aboutItem = new MenuItem("About"); aboutItem.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { @Override public void handle(ActionEvent event) { Alert alert = new Alert(AlertType.INFORMATION); alert.setTitle("Information Dialog"); alert.setHeaderText("About makerbench"); alert.setContentText( "Makerbench is an open source IDE for designing and manufacturing objects and code.\nWritten by Luc De pauw\n\nUses opensource libraries from the next projects:\n-RichtextFX by Tomas Mikula\n-JCSG by Michael Hoffer\n-ControlsFX by"); alert.showAndWait(); } }); helpMenu.getItems().add(aboutItem); bar.getMenus().addAll(projectMenu, helpMenu); return bar; }
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public void validateNewUser(Stage theStage) throws SQLException { if (new_user.getText().length() > 3 & new_pass.getText().length() > 5 & new_name.getText().length() > 4 & country.getLength() > 4) { CUser uss = connection.consultUser(new_user.getText()); if (uss != null) { //If uss !=null means that the username is already registered Alert alert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.INFORMATION); alert.setTitle("Error"); alert.setHeaderText("User Already Exist"); alert.setContentText("Please select another user"); alert.showAndWait();/*ww w .java2s. c o m*/ } else { String strDate = dateToString(date.getValue()); uss = new CUser(new_user.getText(), new_name.getText(), new_pass.getText(), strDate, imageURL, country.getText()); boolean validate = connection.addNewUser(uss.gerUsername(), uss.getUser_fullName(), uss.getUser_birthday(), uss.getUser_password(), uss.getUser_image(), uss.getUser_country()); validate = true; if (validate = true) //if this is true, means that all the fields are correct. { CStaticInfo.loggedUser = uss; CStaticInfo.usersBooks = new ArrayList(); //New user, empty book list bookSelection book = new bookSelection(); Stage loginStage = book.getStage();; theStage.getScene().getWindow().hide(); } else { if (new_user.getText().length() < 4) { new_user.validate(); } else { if (new_pass.getText().length() < 4) { new_pass.validate(); } else { Alert alert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.INFORMATION); alert.setTitle("Error"); alert.setHeaderText("User form not complete"); alert.setContentText("Please complete user form"); alert.showAndWait(); } } } } } }
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private void profileRun(Profile profile) { String title = String.format(Dict.Dialog.TITLE_PROFILE_RUN.toString(), profile.getName()); Alert alert = new Alert(AlertType.CONFIRMATION); alert.initOwner(mStage);//from w w w . j a v a 2 s.c o m alert.setTitle(title); alert.setGraphic(null); alert.setHeaderText(null); PreviewPanel previewPanel = new PreviewPanel(); previewPanel.load(profile); final DialogPane dialogPane = alert.getDialogPane(); dialogPane.setContent(previewPanel); ButtonType runButtonType = new ButtonType(Dict.RUN.toString()); ButtonType dryRunButtonType = new ButtonType(Dict.DRY_RUN.toString(), ButtonData.OK_DONE); ButtonType cancelButtonType = new ButtonType(Dict.CANCEL.toString(), ButtonData.CANCEL_CLOSE); alert.getButtonTypes().setAll(runButtonType, dryRunButtonType, cancelButtonType); Optional<ButtonType> result = alert.showAndWait(); if (result.get() != cancelButtonType) { boolean dryRun = result.get() == dryRunButtonType; profile.setDryRun(dryRun); mProgressPanel.clear(); mRoot.setCenter(mProgressPanel); mIndicator.setProfile(profile); if (profile.isValid()) { mLastRunProfile = profile; mOperationThread = new Thread(() -> { Operation operation = new Operation(mOperationListener, profile); operation.start(); }); mOperationThread.setName("Operation"); mOperationThread.start(); } else { mProgressPanel.out(profile.toDebugString()); mProgressPanel.out(profile.getValidationError()); mProgressPanel.out(Dict.ABORTING.toString()); } } }
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private void sendFile() { if (!contactsManager.getAvailabilityforSharing(currentChat.getParticipant())) { Alert alert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.INFORMATION); alert.setTitle("Attention!"); alert.setHeaderText("The user is not available!"); alert.setContentText("The file receiving user should be available online to receive the file."); alert.showAndWait();/*from w w w. j av a 2s .com*/ return; } ItemType type = contactsManager.getUserType(currentChat.getParticipant()); if (type.equals(ItemType.none)) { Alert alert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.INFORMATION); alert.setTitle("Attention!"); alert.setHeaderText("This user is not available for you!"); alert.setContentText( "The user has not accepted the Friend Request." + " The user is not available for you."); alert.showAndWait(); return; } else if (type.equals(ItemType.from)) { Alert alert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.INFORMATION); alert.setTitle("Attention!"); alert.setHeaderText("An unaccepted user!"); alert.setContentText("You have not accepted the Friend Request." + " You can not send any messages until you accept the friend request."); alert.showAndWait(); return; } else if (type.equals( { Alert alert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.INFORMATION); alert.setTitle("Attention!"); alert.setHeaderText("The user has not accepted!"); alert.setContentText("The user has not accepted the Friend Request." + " You can not send any messages until the user accepts the friend request."); alert.showAndWait(); return; } if (!contactsManager.getAvailabilityforSharing(currentChat.getParticipant())) { Alert alert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.INFORMATION); alert.setTitle("Attention!"); alert.setHeaderText("The user is not available!"); alert.setContentText("The file receiving user should be available online to receive the file."); alert.showAndWait(); return; } FileChooser fc = new FileChooser(); File file = fc.showOpenDialog(presence.getScene().getWindow()); if (file == null) { return; } Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { fileManager.sendFile(file, currentChat.getParticipant()); if (history.isSelected()) { Timestamp time = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); DBSingleChat.saveFileMessage(currentChat.getParticipant(), false, file.getPath(), time); } paintSentFile(currentChat, file.getAbsolutePath(), dtfT.print(; Task tt = new Task() { @Override protected Object call() throws Exception { Thread.sleep(500); return new Object(); } }; tt.setOnSucceeded(value -> scrollPane.setVvalue(scrollPane.getHmax())); Thread thread1 = new Thread(tt); thread1.start(); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Alert alert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.ERROR); alert.setTitle("IMP"); alert.setHeaderText("File is not Found!"); alert.setContentText("File you selected does not exist."); alert.showAndWait(); return; } } }); t.start(); }