List of usage examples for javafx.geometry Bounds getMinX
public final double getMinX()
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public static Bounds absoluteBoundsOf(Node node) { double tX = node.getScene().getWindow().getX() + node.getScene().getX(); double tY = node.getScene().getWindow().getY() + node.getScene().getY(); Bounds boundsInScene = node.localToScene(node.getBoundsInLocal()); return new BoundingBox(boundsInScene.getMinX() + tX, boundsInScene.getMinY() + tY, boundsInScene.getWidth(), boundsInScene.getHeight());/*from w ww . j a va 2 s . c om*/ }
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public static Rectangle2D localToScreen(Node node, Scene scene) { Bounds selectableBounds = node.localToScene(node.getBoundsInLocal()); return new Rectangle2D(selectableBounds.getMinX() + scene.getX() + scene.getWindow().getX(), selectableBounds.getMinY() + scene.getY() + scene.getWindow().getY(), node.getBoundsInLocal().getWidth(), node.getBoundsInLocal().getHeight()); }
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/** * Convert the shape into an image for storage in the layer model. *//*from w w w .j a va2 s. c o m*/ @ThreadPolicy(ThreadPolicy.ThreadId.JFX) private void finalizeDrawing() { final SnapshotParameters params = new SnapshotParameters(); params.setFill(Color.TRANSPARENT); final WritableImage snapshot = currentShape.snapshot(params, null); final Bounds bounds = currentShape.getBoundsInParent(); getLayer().addImage(snapshot, bounds.getMinX(), bounds.getMinY()); getLayer().getDrawable().getChildren().remove(currentShape); }
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public void setCamTranslate(final Cam cam) { final Bounds bounds = cam.getBoundsInLocal(); final double pivotX = bounds.getMinX() + bounds.getWidth() / 2; final double pivotY = bounds.getMinY() + bounds.getHeight() / 2; cam.t.setX(-pivotX);// w w w . j a v a 2 s . c o m cam.t.setY(-pivotY); }
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public void setCamPivot(final Cam cam) { final Bounds bounds = cam.getBoundsInLocal(); final double pivotX = bounds.getMinX() + bounds.getWidth() / 2; final double pivotY = bounds.getMinY() + bounds.getHeight() / 2; final double pivotZ = bounds.getMinZ() + bounds.getDepth() / 2; cam.p.setX(pivotX);//w w w . j a va2 s. com cam.p.setY(pivotY); cam.p.setZ(pivotZ); cam.ip.setX(-pivotX); cam.ip.setY(-pivotY); cam.ip.setZ(-pivotZ); }
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public void setCamScale(final Cam cam, final Scene scene) { final Bounds bounds = cam.getBoundsInLocal(); final double pivotX = bounds.getMinX() + bounds.getWidth() / 2; final double pivotY = bounds.getMinY() + bounds.getHeight() / 2; final double pivotZ = bounds.getMinZ() + bounds.getDepth() / 2; double width = scene.getWidth(); double height = scene.getHeight(); double scaleFactor = 1.0; double scaleFactorY = 1.0; double scaleFactorX = 1.0; if (bounds.getWidth() > 0.0001) { scaleFactorX = width / bounds.getWidth(); // / 2.0; }/* ww w. j a v a2 s . c o m*/ if (bounds.getHeight() > 0.0001) { scaleFactorY = height / bounds.getHeight(); // / 1.5; } if (scaleFactorX > scaleFactorY) { scaleFactor = scaleFactorY; } else { scaleFactor = scaleFactorX; } cam.s.setX(scaleFactor); cam.s.setY(scaleFactor); cam.s.setZ(scaleFactor); }
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public void resetCam() { cam.t.setX(0.0);/*from w ww .jav a2 s. c om*/ cam.t.setY(0.0); cam.t.setZ(0.0); cam.rx.setAngle(45.0); cam.ry.setAngle(-7.0); cam.rz.setAngle(0.0); cam.s.setX(1.25); cam.s.setY(1.25); cam.s.setZ(1.25); cam.p.setX(0.0); cam.p.setY(0.0); cam.p.setZ(0.0); cam.ip.setX(0.0); cam.ip.setY(0.0); cam.ip.setZ(0.0); final Bounds bounds = cam.getBoundsInLocal(); final double pivotX = bounds.getMinX() + bounds.getWidth() / 2; final double pivotY = bounds.getMinY() + bounds.getHeight() / 2; final double pivotZ = bounds.getMinZ() + bounds.getDepth() / 2; cam.p.setX(pivotX); cam.p.setY(pivotY); cam.p.setZ(pivotZ); cam.ip.setX(-pivotX); cam.ip.setY(-pivotY); cam.ip.setZ(-pivotZ); }
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@FXML public void initialize() { this.rootItem = new TreeItem<>(new TreeNode("[root]")); this.root.setRoot(this.rootItem); this.root.setCellFactory(new TreeCellFactory<>(node -> { if (node.getParent() == null) { ContextMenu export = new ContextMenu(); MenuItem exportItem = new MenuItem("Export"); export.setOnAction(e -> { File file = messageHandler.chooseFile().withInitialDirectory(new File(".")) .withTitle(Message.GENERIC_CHOOSE_EXPORT_LOCATION_JAR.format()) .withExtensionFilter(new FileFilter(Message.FILETYPE_JAVA_ARCHIVE.format(), "*.jar"), true)/* w w w .ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ .promptSave(); OpenedFile openedFile = (OpenedFile) node.getMetadata().get(OpenedFile.OPENED_FILE); Map<String, byte[]> clone = new HashMap<>(openedFile.getContents()); backgroundTaskHelper.submit( new BackgroundTask(Message.TASK_SAVING_FILE.format(node.getDisplayName()), true, () -> { try { if (!file.exists()) { if (!file.createNewFile()) { throw new IOException("Could not create export file"); } } try (ZipOutputStream zipOutputStream = new ZipOutputStream( new FileOutputStream(file))) { for (Map.Entry<String, byte[]> ent : clone.entrySet()) { ZipEntry zipEntry = new ZipEntry(ent.getKey()); zipOutputStream.putNextEntry(zipEntry); zipOutputStream.write(ent.getValue()); zipOutputStream.closeEntry(); } } messageHandler.handleMessage(Message.GENERIC_EXPORTED.format()); } catch (IOException ex) { messageHandler.handleException(Message.ERROR_IOEXCEPTION_OCCURRED.format(), ex); } })); }); export.getItems().add(exportItem); return export; } return null; })); root.addEventHandler(KeyEvent.KEY_RELEASED, event -> { if (event.getCode() == KeyCode.ENTER) { TreeItem<TreeNode> selected = this.root.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem(); if (selected != null) { if (selected.getChildren().size() != 0) { selected.setExpanded(!selected.isExpanded()); } else { getParentController().getAllFilesViewerController().handleClick(selected.getValue()); } } } }); Tooltip tooltip = new Tooltip(); StringBuilder search = new StringBuilder(); List<TreeItem<TreeNode>> searchContext = new ArrayList<>(); AtomicInteger searchIndex = new AtomicInteger(); root.focusedProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> { if (!newValue) { tooltip.hide(); search.setLength(0); } }); root.boundsInLocalProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> { Bounds bounds = root.localToScreen(newValue); tooltip.setAnchorX(bounds.getMinX()); tooltip.setAnchorY(bounds.getMinY()); }); root.addEventHandler(KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED, event -> { if (tooltip.isShowing() && event.getCode() == KeyCode.UP) { if (searchIndex.decrementAndGet() < 0) { searchIndex.set(searchContext.size() - 1); } } else if (tooltip.isShowing() && event.getCode() == KeyCode.DOWN) { if (searchIndex.incrementAndGet() >= searchContext.size()) { searchIndex.set(0); } } else { return; } event.consume(); root.scrollTo(root.getRow(searchContext.get(searchIndex.get()))); root.getSelectionModel().select(searchContext.get(searchIndex.get())); }); root.addEventHandler(KeyEvent.KEY_TYPED, event -> { if (event.getCharacter().charAt(0) == '\b') { if (search.length() > 0) { search.setLength(search.length() - 1); } } else if (event.getCharacter().charAt(0) == '\u001B') { //esc tooltip.hide(); search.setLength(0); return; } else if (search.length() > 0 || (search.length() == 0 && StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(event.getCharacter()))) { search.append(event.getCharacter()); if (!tooltip.isShowing()) {; } } if (!tooltip.isShowing()) return; String str = search.toString(); tooltip.setText("Search for: " + str); searchContext.clear(); ArrayDeque<TreeItem<TreeNode>> deque = new ArrayDeque<>(); deque.addAll(rootItem.getChildren()); while (!deque.isEmpty()) { TreeItem<TreeNode> item = deque.poll(); if (item.getValue().getDisplayName().contains(str)) { searchContext.add(item); } if (item.isExpanded() && item.getChildren().size() > 0) deque.addAll(item.getChildren()); } searchIndex.set(0); if (searchContext.size() > 0) { root.scrollTo(root.getRow(searchContext.get(0))); root.getSelectionModel().select(searchContext.get(0)); } }); openedFileController.loadedFiles().addListener((MapChangeListener<String, OpenedFile>) change -> { if (change.getValueAdded() != null) { updateTree(change.getValueAdded()); } if (change.getValueRemoved() != null) { this.rootItem.getChildren() .removeIf(ti -> ti.getValue().equals(change.getValueRemoved().getRoot())); } }); }
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private void showBounds() { if (layoutCbx.isSelected()) { Bounds b = mainRect.getLayoutBounds(); layoutBoundsRect.setX(b.getMinX()); layoutBoundsRect.setY(b.getMinY()); layoutBoundsRect.setWidth(b.getWidth()); layoutBoundsRect.setHeight(b.getHeight()); layoutBoundsRect.setVisible(true); } else {//from w w w. ja v a2 s . c o m layoutBoundsRect.setVisible(false); } if (localCbx.isSelected()) { Bounds b1 = mainRect.getBoundsInLocal(); Bounds b = b1; // mainRect.localToParent(b1); localBoundsRect.setX(b.getMinX()); localBoundsRect.setY(b.getMinY()); localBoundsRect.setWidth(b.getWidth()); localBoundsRect.setHeight(b.getHeight()); localBoundsRect.setVisible(true); } else { localBoundsRect.setVisible(false); } if (parentCbx.isSelected()) { Bounds b = mainRect.getBoundsInParent(); parentBoundsRect.setX(b.getMinX()); parentBoundsRect.setY(b.getMinY()); parentBoundsRect.setWidth(b.getWidth()); parentBoundsRect.setHeight(b.getHeight()); parentBoundsRect.setVisible(true); } else { parentBoundsRect.setVisible(false); } }
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private void playLayoutBoundsPathTransition() { Bounds b = mainRect.getLayoutBounds(); Path path = new Path(); path.getElements().add(new MoveTo(b.getMinX(), b.getMinY())); path.getElements().add(new LineTo(b.getMaxX(), b.getMinY())); path.getElements().add(new LineTo(b.getMaxX(), b.getMaxY())); path.getElements().add(new LineTo(b.getMinX(), b.getMaxY())); path.getElements().add(new LineTo(b.getMinX(), b.getMinY())); LAYOUT_BOUNDS_PATH_TRANSITION.setPath(path);; }