List of usage examples for javafx.collections ObservableList isEmpty
boolean isEmpty();
From source
private void updateProjectTabs(ProjectSettings projectSettings) { if (selectedIndexListener != null) { projectTabPane.getSelectionModel().selectedIndexProperty().removeListener(selectedIndexListener); }/*from ww w .jav a 2s .c om*/ menuTabBindingSourceCode.setSettings(projectSettings, true); menuTabBindingHelp.setSettings(projectSettings, false); if (projectSettings != null) { selectedIndexListener = (obs, oldValue, newValue) -> projectSettings .setProperty(PROP_SELECTED_TAB_INDEX, newValue); projectTabPane.getSelectionModel().selectedIndexProperty().addListener(selectedIndexListener); selectedItemListener = (obs, oldTab, newTab) -> { butSaveFile.disableProperty().unbind(); mnuSaveFile.disableProperty().unbind(); butSaveFile.setDisable(true); mnuSaveFile.setDisable(true); if (newTab != null) { CodeTabData tabData = getData(newTab); Platform.runLater(() -> { BooleanBinding scriptChangedBinding = Bindings.createBooleanBinding( () -> !tabData.isDirty(), tabData.getTextProperty(), tabData.getInitialTextProperty()); butSaveFile.disableProperty().bind(scriptChangedBinding); mnuSaveFile.disableProperty().bind(scriptChangedBinding); StringBinding tabTextBinding = Bindings.createStringBinding(() -> { String text = tabData.getTabText(); if (tabData.isDirty()) { text = "*" + text; } return text; }, tabData.getTextProperty(), tabData.getInitialTextProperty()); newTab.textProperty().bind(tabTextBinding); }); } Platform.runLater(() -> { menuTabBindingSourceCode.setSettings(projectSettings, true); menuTabBindingHelp.setSettings(projectSettings, false); butSaveAll.disableProperty().unbind(); mnuSaveAll.disableProperty().unbind(); butSaveAll.setDisable(true); mnuSaveAll.setDisable(true); List<BooleanBinding> saveBindings = new ArrayList<>(); projectTabPane.getTabs().forEach(tab -> { CodeTabData tabData = getData(tab); saveBindings.add(Bindings.createBooleanBinding(() -> !tabData.isDirty(), tabData.getTextProperty(), tabData.getInitialTextProperty())); }); if (!saveBindings.isEmpty()) { BooleanBinding binding = saveBindings.get(0); for (int i = 1; i < saveBindings.size(); i++) { binding = Bindings.and(binding, saveBindings.get(i)); } mnuSaveAll.disableProperty().bind(binding); butSaveAll.disableProperty().bind(binding); } }); }; projectTabPane.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty().addListener(selectedItemListener); } int selectedTabIndex = (projectSettings == null) ? 0 : projectSettings.getProperty(PROP_SELECTED_TAB_INDEX, 0, false); ObservableList<Tab> tabs = projectTabPane.getTabs(); tabs.clear(); Tab selectedTab = null; List<String> openFiles = getOpenFiles(projectSettings); for (int i = 0; i < openFiles.size(); i++) { String filePath = openFiles.get(i); Tab addedTab = null; if (filePath.equals(FILE_ALIAS_SOURCE_CODE)) { addedTab = tabSourceCode; String projectPath = projectPathProperty.get(); String tabText = (projectPath == null) ? "Code" : new File(projectPath).getName(); tabSourceCode.setUserData(new CodeTabData(tabText)); } else if (filePath.equals(FILE_ALIAS_HELP)) { addedTab = tabHelp; } else { try { File file = new File(filePath); addedTab = CodeAreaTab.fromFile(file); final Tab tab = addedTab; tab.setOnCloseRequest(ev -> { if (!tryClose(tab)) ev.consume(); }); } catch (Exception e) { addedTab = null; } } if (addedTab != null) { tabs.add(addedTab); getData(addedTab).setFilePath(filePath); if (i == selectedTabIndex) { selectedTab = addedTab; } } } if (!tabs.isEmpty()) { if (selectedTab == null) { selectedTab = tabs.get(0); } projectTabPane.getSelectionModel().select(null); projectTabPane.getSelectionModel().select(selectedTab); } }
From source
/** {@inheritDoc} **/ public String getText() { String result = EventThreadQueuerJavaFXImpl.invokeAndWait("getText", //$NON-NLS-1$ new Callable<String>() { /** {@inheritDoc} **/ public String call() throws Exception { ObservableList sItems = getRealComponent().getSelectionModel().getSelectedItems(); if (!sItems.isEmpty()) { return String.valueOf(sItems.get(0)); }/*from w ww .ja va2s . com*/ throw new StepExecutionException("No selection found", //$NON-NLS-1$ EventFactory.createActionError(TestErrorEvent.NO_SELECTION)); } }); return result; }
From source
public SelectionTable(String ownerModule, SelectionTableColumn<?>... columns) { this.ownerModule = defaultString(ownerModule); setEditable(true);//from w w w . j a v a2 s. com getSelectionModel().setSelectionMode(SelectionMode.MULTIPLE); -> getColumns().add(c.getTableColumn())); setColumnResizePolicy(CONSTRAINED_RESIZE_POLICY); setTableMenuButtonVisible(true); getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndices().addListener((Change<? extends Integer> c) -> { ObservableList<? extends Integer> selected = c.getList(); if (selected.isEmpty()) { eventStudio().broadcast(clearSelectionEvent(), ownerModule); LOG.trace("Selection cleared for {}", ownerModule); } else { SelectionChangedEvent newSelectionEvent = select(selected).ofTotalRows(getItems().size()); eventStudio().broadcast(newSelectionEvent, ownerModule); LOG.trace("{} for {}", newSelectionEvent, ownerModule); } }); placeHolder.getStyleClass().add("drag-drop-placeholder"); placeHolder.setDisable(true); setPlaceholder(placeHolder); setOnDragOver(e -> dragConsume(e, this.onDragOverConsumer())); setOnDragEntered(e -> dragConsume(e, this.onDragEnteredConsumer())); setOnDragExited(this::onDragExited); setOnDragDropped(e -> dragConsume(e, this.onDragDropped())); initContextMenu(); eventStudio().addAnnotatedListeners(this); }
From source
/** iterate through the list of tick-marks building a two level structure of * replacement tick marl labels. (Visually) upper level has most * detailed/highest frequency part of date/time. Second level has rest of * date/time grouped by unchanging part. * eg://from w w w.j a va2s . co m * * * october-30_october-31_september-01_september-02_september-03 * * becomes * * _________30_________31___________01___________02___________03 * * _________october___________|_____________september___________ * * * NOTE: This method should only be invoked on the JFX thread */ public synchronized void layoutDateLabels() { //clear old labels branchPane.getChildren().clear(); leafPane.getChildren().clear(); //since the tickmarks aren't necessarily in value/position order, //make a clone of the list sorted by position along axis ObservableList<Axis.TickMark<X>> tickMarks = FXCollections.observableArrayList(getXAxis().getTickMarks()); tickMarks.sort( (Axis.TickMark<X> t, Axis.TickMark<X> t1) ->, t1.getPosition())); if (tickMarks.isEmpty() == false) { //get the spacing between ticks in the underlying axis double spacing = getTickSpacing(); //initialize values from first tick TwoPartDateTime dateTime = new TwoPartDateTime(getTickMarkLabel(tickMarks.get(0).getValue())); String lastSeenBranchLabel = dateTime.branch; //cumulative width of the current branch label //x-positions (pixels) of the current branch and leaf labels double leafLabelX = 0; if (dateTime.branch.equals("")) { //if there is only one part to the date (ie only year), just add a label for each tick for (Axis.TickMark<X> t : tickMarks) { assignLeafLabel(new TwoPartDateTime(getTickMarkLabel(t.getValue())).leaf, spacing, leafLabelX, isTickBold(t.getValue())); leafLabelX += spacing; //increment x } } else { //there are two parts so ... //initialize additional state double branchLabelX = 0; double branchLabelWidth = 0; for (Axis.TickMark<X> t : tickMarks) { //for each tick //split the label into a TwoPartDateTime dateTime = new TwoPartDateTime(getTickMarkLabel(t.getValue())); //if we are still on the same branch if (lastSeenBranchLabel.equals(dateTime.branch)) { //increment branch width branchLabelWidth += spacing; } else {// we are on to a new branch, so ... assignBranchLabel(lastSeenBranchLabel, branchLabelWidth, branchLabelX); //and then update label, x-pos, and width lastSeenBranchLabel = dateTime.branch; branchLabelX += branchLabelWidth; branchLabelWidth = spacing; } //add the label for the leaf (highest frequency part) assignLeafLabel(dateTime.leaf, spacing, leafLabelX, isTickBold(t.getValue())); //increment leaf position leafLabelX += spacing; } //we have reached end so add branch label for current branch assignBranchLabel(lastSeenBranchLabel, branchLabelWidth, branchLabelX); } } //request layout since we have modified scene graph structure requestParentLayout(); }
From source
/** * iterate through the list of tick-marks building a two level structure of * replacement tick marl labels. (Visually) upper level has most * detailed/highest frequency part of date/time. Second level has rest of * date/time grouped by unchanging part. eg: * * * october-30_october-31_september-01_september-02_september-03 * * becomes// www . j a v a 2 s . c om * * _________30_________31___________01___________02___________03 * * _________october___________|_____________september___________ * * * NOTE: This method should only be invoked on the JFX thread */ public synchronized void layoutDateLabels() { //clear old labels branchPane.getChildren().clear(); leafPane.getChildren().clear(); //since the tickmarks aren't necessarily in value/position order, //make a clone of the list sorted by position along axis ObservableList<Axis.TickMark<X>> tickMarks = FXCollections.observableArrayList(getXAxis().getTickMarks()); tickMarks.sort( (Axis.TickMark<X> t, Axis.TickMark<X> t1) ->, t1.getPosition())); if (tickMarks.isEmpty() == false) { //get the spacing between ticks in the underlying axis double spacing = getTickSpacing(); //initialize values from first tick TwoPartDateTime dateTime = new TwoPartDateTime(getTickMarkLabel(tickMarks.get(0).getValue())); String lastSeenBranchLabel = dateTime.branch; //cumulative width of the current branch label //x-positions (pixels) of the current branch and leaf labels double leafLabelX = 0; if (dateTime.branch.isEmpty()) { //if there is only one part to the date (ie only year), just add a label for each tick for (Axis.TickMark<X> t : tickMarks) { assignLeafLabel(new TwoPartDateTime(getTickMarkLabel(t.getValue())).leaf, spacing, leafLabelX, isTickBold(t.getValue())); leafLabelX += spacing; //increment x } } else { //there are two parts so ... //initialize additional state double branchLabelX = 0; double branchLabelWidth = 0; for (Axis.TickMark<X> t : tickMarks) { //for each tick //split the label into a TwoPartDateTime dateTime = new TwoPartDateTime(getTickMarkLabel(t.getValue())); //if we are still on the same branch if (lastSeenBranchLabel.equals(dateTime.branch)) { //increment branch width branchLabelWidth += spacing; } else {// we are on to a new branch, so ... assignBranchLabel(lastSeenBranchLabel, branchLabelWidth, branchLabelX); //and then update label, x-pos, and width lastSeenBranchLabel = dateTime.branch; branchLabelX += branchLabelWidth; branchLabelWidth = spacing; } //add the label for the leaf (highest frequency part) assignLeafLabel(dateTime.leaf, spacing, leafLabelX, isTickBold(t.getValue())); //increment leaf position leafLabelX += spacing; } //we have reached end so add branch label for current branch assignBranchLabel(lastSeenBranchLabel, branchLabelWidth, branchLabelX); } } //request layout since we have modified scene graph structure requestParentLayout(); }