List of usage examples for javafx.application Platform runLater
public static void runLater(Runnable runnable)
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/** * TODO: this method implementation is wrong and just a place holder *//* w w w .java2s. c o m*/ @Subscribe public void handleTimeLineTagEvent(TagsDeletedEvent event) { Sets.SetView<Long> difference = Sets.difference(getEvent().getEventIDs(), event.getUpdatedEventIDs()); if (false == difference.isEmpty()) { Platform.runLater(() -> { show(tagIV, true); }); } }
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/** */* w ww .java 2 s. c o m*/ * @param s */ @Override public void setPosition(String s) { RunLater rl = new RunLater(position, s); Platform.runLater(rl); }
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@FXML private void handleMenuItemShowEarningsChart(final ActionEvent event) { Platform.runLater(() -> showEarningsChart()); }
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private <T> void refreshFilter(Aggregator<T> aggregator, FilterGroup<T> filter, Iterable<T> values, String defaultLabel, Function<T, String> converter) { Platform.runLater(() -> { // NOTE: Remember the values that were excluded before the refresh and exclude them. // That way the filter stays the same and new values are included automatically. Set<T> excluded = filter.getExcludedValues(); filter.getItems().clear();/*from w w w.j a va2 s. c o m*/ values.forEach(p -> { FilterControl<T> item = new FilterControl<>(); item.setValue(p); item.setConverter(val -> { if (val == null) { return defaultLabel; } return converter.apply(val); }); item.setIncluded(!excluded.contains(p)); item.setCount(aggregator.getCount(p)); filter.getItems().add(item); }); }); }
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@FXML private void handleMenuItemShowNightlyRateChart(final ActionEvent event) { Platform.runLater(() -> showNightlyRateChart()); }
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void setGroupBy(DrawableAttribute<?> groupBy) { this.groupBy = groupBy; Platform.runLater(() -> groupByProp.set(groupBy)); }
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@FXML private void handleMenuItemShowMonthlyMoney(final ActionEvent event) { Platform.runLater(() -> showMonthlyMoney()); }
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@FXML private void handleMenuItemShowProfitChart(final ActionEvent event) { Platform.runLater(() -> showProfitChart()); }
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/** * Inform the user the some precess is working * * @param working/*from w ww.j a v a2 s . co m*/ */ public static void loadNotification(final boolean working) { Platform.runLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (working) { getStage().getScene().setCursor(Cursor.WAIT); } else { getStage().getScene().setCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT); } } }); }
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void setSortOrder(SortOrder sortOrder) { this.sortOrder = sortOrder; Platform.runLater(() -> sortOrderProp.set(sortOrder)); }