List of usage examples for javafx.animation KeyValue KeyValue
public <T> KeyValue(@NamedArg("target") WritableValue<T> target, @NamedArg("endValue") T endValue)
From source
private void addWinLineOnWin(Board.WinnerInfo winnerInfo, Paint color, Runnable onFinished) { Line originLine = new Line(0, 0, 0, 0); winLineGroup.getChildren().add(originLine); WinLine winLine = new WinLine(winnerInfo); double winLineEndX = winLine.endArc.getCenterX(); double winLineEndY = winLine.endArc.getCenterY(); winLine.startArc.setFill(color);//from w ww . java2s . co m winLine.startArc.setStrokeWidth(0); winLine.endArc.setFill(color); winLine.endArc.setStrokeWidth(0); winLine.rightLine.setStrokeWidth(0); winLine.leftLine.setStrokeWidth(0); winLine.centerLine.setStroke(color); winLine.centerLine.strokeWidthProperty().bind(winLine.startArc.radiusXProperty().multiply(2)); winLineGroup.getChildren().addAll(winLine.getAll()); blurNode(gamePane, 4); winLineGroup.setOpacity(0); GaussianBlur blur = new GaussianBlur(100); winLineGroup.setEffect(blur); winLineGroup.setBlendMode(BlendMode.DARKEN); winLineGroup.setVisible(true); double winLineAnimationX1 = 0.2; double winLineAnimationX2 = 0.5; KeyValue stretchKeyValue1x = new KeyValue(winLine.endArc.centerXProperty(), winLine.startArc.getCenterX()); KeyValue stretchKeyValue1y = new KeyValue(winLine.endArc.centerYProperty(), winLine.startArc.getCenterY()); KeyFrame stretchKeyFrame1 = new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(0), stretchKeyValue1x, stretchKeyValue1y); KeyValue stretchKeyValue2x = new KeyValue(winLine.endArc.centerXProperty(), winLine.startArc.getCenterX(), new CustomEaseBothInterpolator(winLineAnimationX1, winLineAnimationX2)); KeyValue stretchKeyValue2y = new KeyValue(winLine.endArc.centerYProperty(), winLine.startArc.getCenterY(), new CustomEaseBothInterpolator(winLineAnimationX1, winLineAnimationX2)); KeyFrame stretchKeyFrame2 = new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(100), stretchKeyValue2x, stretchKeyValue2y); KeyValue stretchKeyValue3x = new KeyValue(winLine.endArc.centerXProperty(), winLineEndX, new CustomEaseBothInterpolator(winLineAnimationX1, winLineAnimationX2)); KeyValue stretchKeyValue3y = new KeyValue(winLine.endArc.centerYProperty(), winLineEndY, new CustomEaseBothInterpolator(winLineAnimationX1, winLineAnimationX2)); KeyFrame stretchKeyFrame3 = new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(800), stretchKeyValue3x, stretchKeyValue3y); KeyValue opacityKeyValue1 = new KeyValue(winLineGroup.opacityProperty(), 0.8); KeyFrame opacityKeyFrame1 = new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(400), opacityKeyValue1); Timeline timeline = new Timeline(); timeline.getKeyFrames().addAll(stretchKeyFrame1, stretchKeyFrame2, stretchKeyFrame3, opacityKeyFrame1);; timeline.setOnFinished((event) ->; }
From source
private void showLooser(Board.WinnerInfo winnerInfo) { String looserName = board.getOpponent(winnerInfo.winningPlayer).getName(); guiAnimationQueue.submitWaitForUnlock(() -> { ShakeTransition anim = new ShakeTransition(gamePane, null); anim.playFromStart();//w w w. ja v a2 s .c o m Timeline timeline = new Timeline(); Circle c1 = new Circle((452 / 600.0) * looserPane.getWidth(), (323 / 640.0) * looserPane.getHeight(), 0); GaussianBlur circleBlur = new GaussianBlur(30); c1.setEffect(circleBlur); looseImage.setClip(c1); addWinLineOnLoose(winnerInfo); KeyValue keyValue1 = new KeyValue(c1.radiusProperty(), 0); KeyFrame keyFrame1 = new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(800), keyValue1); KeyValue keyValue2 = new KeyValue(c1.radiusProperty(), (500 / 640.0) * looserPane.getHeight()); KeyFrame keyFrame2 = new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(900), keyValue2); timeline.getKeyFrames().addAll(keyFrame1, keyFrame2); looseMessage.setOpacity(0); looserText.setText(looserName + " lost :("); looserPane.setVisible(true); looserPane.setOpacity(1); timeline.setOnFinished((event) -> { looseImage.setClip(null); winLineGroup.setClip(null); blurGamePane(); PauseTransition wait = new PauseTransition(); wait.setDuration(Duration.seconds(1)); wait.setOnFinished((event2) -> { FadeTransition looseMessageTransition = new FadeTransition(); looseMessageTransition.setNode(looseMessage); looseMessageTransition.setFromValue(0); looseMessageTransition.setToValue(1); looseMessageTransition.setDuration(Duration.millis(500)); looseMessageTransition.setAutoReverse(false);; });; });; }); }
From source
private void addWinLineOnLoose(Board.WinnerInfo winnerInfo) { final double strokeWidth = 2; Line originLine = new Line(0, 0, 0, 0); winLineGroup.getChildren().add(originLine); WinLine winLine = new WinLine(winnerInfo); winLine.startArc.setFill(Color.TRANSPARENT); winLine.startArc.setStroke(Color.BLACK); winLine.startArc.setStrokeWidth(strokeWidth); winLine.endArc.setFill(Color.TRANSPARENT); winLine.endArc.setStroke(Color.BLACK); winLine.endArc.setStrokeWidth(strokeWidth); winLine.rightLine.setStrokeWidth(strokeWidth); winLine.leftLine.setStrokeWidth(strokeWidth); winLine.centerLine.setStrokeWidth(0); winLineGroup.getChildren().addAll(winLine.getAll()); winLineGroup.setOpacity(0);//from w w w. ja v a2 s . c o m GaussianBlur blur = new GaussianBlur(7); winLineGroup.setEffect(blur); winLineGroup.setVisible(true); KeyValue keyValue1 = new KeyValue(winLineGroup.opacityProperty(), 0); KeyFrame keyFrame1 = new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(900), keyValue1); KeyValue keyValue2 = new KeyValue(winLineGroup.opacityProperty(), 1); KeyFrame keyFrame2 = new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(950), keyValue2); Timeline timeline = new Timeline(); timeline.getKeyFrames().addAll(keyFrame1, keyFrame2);; }
From source
private void blurNode(Node node, double toValue, @SuppressWarnings("SameParameterValue") Runnable onFinish) { guiAnimationQueue.submit(() -> {/*from www .j a va 2s . c o m*/ GaussianBlur blur = (GaussianBlur) node.getEffect(); if (blur == null) { blur = new GaussianBlur(0); node.setEffect(blur); } node.setEffect(blur); Timeline timeline = new Timeline(); KeyValue keyValue = new KeyValue(blur.radiusProperty(), toValue); KeyFrame keyFrame = new KeyFrame(Duration.seconds(animationSpeed), keyValue); timeline.getKeyFrames().add(keyFrame); timeline.setOnFinished((event) -> { if (toValue == 0) { node.setEffect(null); } if (onFinish != null) {; } });; }); }
From source
public void updateOpponentsTurnHBox(boolean noAnimation, boolean isShown) { double destinationTranslate; double animationOffsetInSeconds = 0; if (!isShown) { destinationTranslate = opponentsTurnHBox.getHeight() + 3; double timeSinceLastShownInMillis = Calendar.getInstance().getTime().getTime() - opponentsTurnLabelLastShown.getTime().getTime(); double timeSinceLastShownInSeconds = timeSinceLastShownInMillis / 1000; animationOffsetInSeconds = Math .max(opponentsTurnLabelShownForAtLeastSeconds - timeSinceLastShownInSeconds, 0); } else {//from ww w .ja v a 2 s .c om destinationTranslate = 0; String opponentsName; if (board.getCurrentPlayer() == null || board.getOpponent(board.getCurrentPlayer()) == null) { opponentsName = "Opponent"; } else { Player player; if (board.getCurrentPlayer().getPlayerMode() == PlayerMode.localHuman) { player = board.getOpponent(board.getCurrentPlayer()); } else { player = board.getCurrentPlayer(); } opponentsName = player.getName(); } opponentsTurnLabel.setText(opponentsName + "'s turn..."); } if (noAnimation) { opponentsTurnHBox.setTranslateY(destinationTranslate); } else { KeyValue keyValue1 = new KeyValue(opponentsTurnHBox.translateYProperty(), opponentsTurnHBox.getTranslateY()); KeyFrame keyFrame1 = new KeyFrame(Duration.seconds(animationOffsetInSeconds), keyValue1); KeyValue keyValue2 = new KeyValue(opponentsTurnHBox.translateYProperty(), destinationTranslate); KeyFrame keyFrame2 = new KeyFrame(Duration.seconds(animationSpeed + animationOffsetInSeconds), keyValue2); Timeline timeline = new Timeline(keyFrame1, keyFrame2); timeline.setOnFinished((event) -> { if (isShown) { opponentsTurnLabelLastShown = Calendar.getInstance(); } });; } }
From source
public void flashOpponentsTurnHBox() { KeyValue keyValue1Color = new KeyValue(((DropShadow) opponentsTurnAnchorPane.getEffect()).colorProperty(), Color.RED);//from ww w . j av a 2s . c om KeyValue keyValue1Width = new KeyValue(((DropShadow) opponentsTurnAnchorPane.getEffect()).widthProperty(), 30); KeyValue keyValue1Height = new KeyValue(((DropShadow) opponentsTurnAnchorPane.getEffect()).heightProperty(), 30); KeyFrame keyFrame1 = new KeyFrame(Duration.seconds(animationSpeed / 2), keyValue1Color, keyValue1Width, keyValue1Height); KeyValue keyValue2Color = new KeyValue(((DropShadow) opponentsTurnAnchorPane.getEffect()).colorProperty(), Color.BLACK); KeyValue keyValue2Width = new KeyValue(((DropShadow) opponentsTurnAnchorPane.getEffect()).widthProperty(), 12); KeyValue keyValue2Height = new KeyValue(((DropShadow) opponentsTurnAnchorPane.getEffect()).heightProperty(), 12); KeyFrame keyFrame2 = new KeyFrame(Duration.seconds(animationSpeed), keyValue2Color, keyValue2Width, keyValue2Height); Timeline timeline = new Timeline(keyFrame1, keyFrame2); // play it twice timeline.setOnFinished((event -> new Timeline(keyFrame1, keyFrame2).play()));; }
From source
private void initializeViewAnimation() { // gets captured in the closure final double defaultMainHorizontalSplitPaneDividerPosition = mainHorizontalSplitPane .getDividerPositions()[0];// w w w. j a va 2 s. c o m // show/ hide bottom pane bottomTabsToggle.selectedProperty().addListener((observable, wasExpanded, isNowExpanded) -> { KeyValue keyValue = null; DoubleProperty divPosition = mainHorizontalSplitPane.getDividers().get(0).positionProperty(); if (wasExpanded && !isNowExpanded) { keyValue = new KeyValue(divPosition, 1); } else if (!wasExpanded && isNowExpanded) { keyValue = new KeyValue(divPosition, defaultMainHorizontalSplitPaneDividerPosition); } if (keyValue != null) { Timeline timeline = new Timeline(new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(200), keyValue));; } }); }
From source
/** * layout the nodes in the given list, starting form the given minimum y * coordinate./* w w w . j a v a 2 s . c om*/ * * Layout the nodes representing events via the following algorithm. * * we start with a list of nodes (each representing an event) - sort the * list of nodes by span start time of the underlying event - initialize * empty map (maxXatY) from y-position to max used x-value - for each node: * * -- size the node based on its children (recursively) * * -- get the event's start position from the dateaxis * * -- to position node (1)check if maxXatY is to the left of the left x * coord: if maxXatY is less than the left x coord, good, put the current * node here, mark right x coord as maxXatY, go to next node ; if maxXatY * greater than start position, increment y position, do check(1) again * until maxXatY less than start position * * @param nodes collection of nodes to layout * @param minY the minimum y coordinate to position the nodes at. */ double layoutEventBundleNodes(final Collection<? extends EventBundleNodeBase<?, ?, ?>> nodes, final double minY) { TreeRangeMap<Double, Double> treeRangeMap = TreeRangeMap.create(); // maximum y values occupied by any of the given nodes, updated as nodes are layed out. double localMax = minY; Set<String> activeQuickHidefilters = getController().getQuickHideFilters().stream() .filter(AbstractFilter::isActive).map(DescriptionFilter::getDescription) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); //for each node do a recursive layout to size it and then position it in first available slot for (EventBundleNodeBase<?, ?, ?> bundleNode : nodes) { //is the node hiden by a quick hide filter? boolean quickHide = activeQuickHidefilters.contains(bundleNode.getDescription()); if (quickHide) { //hide it and skip layout bundleNode.setVisible(false); bundleNode.setManaged(false); } else { bundleLayoutHelper(bundleNode); //get computed height and width double h = bundleNode.getBoundsInLocal().getHeight(); double w = bundleNode.getBoundsInLocal().getWidth(); //get left and right x coords from axis plus computed width double xLeft = getXForEpochMillis(bundleNode.getStartMillis()) - bundleNode.getLayoutXCompensation(); double xRight = xLeft + w + MINIMUM_EVENT_NODE_GAP; //initial test position double yTop = minY; if (oneEventPerRow.get()) { // if onePerRow, just put it at end yTop = (localMax + MINIMUM_EVENT_NODE_GAP); } else { double yBottom = yTop + h; //until the node is not overlapping any others try moving it down. boolean overlapping = true; while (overlapping) { overlapping = false; //check each pixel from bottom to top. for (double y = yBottom; y >= yTop; y--) { final Double maxX = treeRangeMap.get(y); if (maxX != null && maxX >= xLeft - MINIMUM_EVENT_NODE_GAP) { //if that pixel is already used //jump top to this y value and repeat until free slot is found. overlapping = true; yTop = y + MINIMUM_EVENT_NODE_GAP; yBottom = yTop + h; break; } } } treeRangeMap.put(Range.closed(yTop, yBottom), xRight); } localMax = Math.max(yTop + h, localMax); if ((xLeft != bundleNode.getLayoutX()) || (yTop != bundleNode.getLayoutY())) { //animate node to new position Timeline timeline = new Timeline( new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(100), new KeyValue(bundleNode.layoutXProperty(), xLeft), new KeyValue(bundleNode.layoutYProperty(), yTop))); timeline.setOnFinished((ActionEvent event) -> { requestChartLayout(); });; } } } return localMax; //return new max }
From source
void animateTo(double xLeft, double yTop) { if (timeline != null) { timeline.stop();//w w w . ja v a 2s .c om Platform.runLater(this::requestChartLayout); } timeline = new Timeline(new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(100), new KeyValue(layoutXProperty(), xLeft), new KeyValue(layoutYProperty(), yTop))); timeline.setOnFinished(finished -> Platform.runLater(this::requestChartLayout));; }