Example usage for java.util Vector toString

List of usage examples for java.util Vector toString


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util Vector toString.


public synchronized String toString() 

Source Link


Returns a string representation of this Vector, containing the String representation of each element.


From source file:org.zaproxy.zap.extension.ascanrulesAlpha.ProxyDisclosureScanner.java

 * scans for Proxy Disclosure issues, using the TRACE and OPTIONS method with 'Max-Forwards',
 * and the TRACK method. The code attempts to enumerate and identify all proxies identified
 * between the Zap instance and the origin web server.
 *///from   ww w .  ja v  a 2 s  .  c o  m
public void scan() {
    try {
        // where's what we're going to do (roughly):
        // 1: If TRACE is enabled on the origin web server, we're going to use it, and the
        // "Max-Forwards" header to verify
        //    if *no* proxy exists between Zap and the origin web server.
        // 2: If we can't do that, because TRACE is not supported, or because there appears to
        // be a proxy between Zap
        //   and the origin web server, we use the "Max-Forwards" compatible methods (TRACE and
        // OPTIONS) to
        //    iterate through each of the proxies between Zap and the origin web server.
        //    We will attempt to fingerprint each proxy / web server along the way, using various
        // techniques.
        // 3: At this point, depending on the proxies and their configurations, there is a
        // possibility that we have not
        //    identified *all* of the nodes (proxies / web servers) that the request/response
        // traverses.  We will use
        //    other HTTP methods, such as "TRACK" to obtain an error-type response. In all of the
        // cases we have tested so far,
        //   such an error response comes from the origin web server, rather than an
        // intermediate proxy.  We then fingerprint
        //    the origin web server.  If the origin web server's signature is not the same as the
        // final node that we have
        //    already identified, we consider the origin web server to be an additional node in
        // the path.
        // 4: Report the results.

        // Step 1: Using TRACE, identify if *no* proxies are used between the Zap instance and
        // the origin web server
        // int maxForwardsMaximum = 7;  //Anonymous only use 7 proxies, so that's good enough
        // for us too.. :)
        int step1numberOfProxies = 0;
        // this variable is to track proxies that set cookies, but are otherwise complete
        // invisible, and do not
        // respond per spec (RFC2616, RFC2965) to OPTIONS/TRACE with Max-Forwards.
        // They do not set headers that can be identified.
        // They are also inherently un-ordered, because we do not, and cannot be sure at what
        // point they fit into the topology
        // that we can otherwise document using OPTIONS/TRACE + Max-Forwards.
        Set<String> silentProxySet = new HashSet<String>();
        boolean endToEndTraceEnabled = false;
        boolean proxyTraceEnabled = false;

        URI traceURI = getBaseMsg().getRequestHeader().getURI();
        HttpRequestHeader traceRequestHeader = new HttpRequestHeader();
        // go to the URL requested, in case the proxy is configured on a per-URL basis..
        // traceRequestHeader.setURI(new URI(traceURI.getScheme() + "://" +
        // traceURI.getAuthority()+ "/",true));
        traceRequestHeader.setVersion(HttpRequestHeader.HTTP11); // or 1.1?
        traceRequestHeader.setHeader("Max-Forwards", String.valueOf(MAX_FORWARDS_MAXIMUM));
        traceRequestHeader.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); // we do not want cached content. we want content from the origin
        // server
        traceRequestHeader.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); // similarly, for HTTP/1.0

        HttpMessage tracemsg = getNewMsg();
        // create a random cookie, and set it up, so we can detect if the TRACE is enabled (in
        // which case, it should echo it back in the response)
        String randomcookiename = RandomStringUtils.random(15,
        String randomcookievalue = RandomStringUtils.random(40,
        TreeSet<HtmlParameter> cookies = tracemsg.getCookieParams();
        cookies.add(new HtmlParameter(HtmlParameter.Type.cookie, randomcookiename, randomcookievalue));

        sendAndReceive(tracemsg, false); // do not follow redirects.
        // is TRACE enabled?
        String traceResponseBody = tracemsg.getResponseBody().toString();
        if (traceResponseBody.contains(randomcookievalue)) {
            // TRACE is enabled. Look at the Max-Forwards in the response, to see if it was
            // decremented
            // if it was decremented, there is definitely a proxy..
            // if not, it *suggests* there is no proxy (or any proxies present are not compliant
            // --> all bets are off)
            boolean proxyActuallyFound = false;
            // found a TRACE from Zap all the way through to the Origin server.. not good!!
            endToEndTraceEnabled = true; // this will raise the risk from Medium to High if a Proxy Disclosure
            // was found!
            // TODO: raise a "TRACE" type alert (if no proxy disclosure is found, but TRACE
            // enabled?)

            Matcher matcher = MAX_FORWARDS_RESPONSE_PATTERN.matcher(traceResponseBody);
            if (matcher.find()) {
                String maxForwardsResponseValue = matcher.group(1);
                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    log.debug("TRACE with \"Max-Forwards: " + MAX_FORWARDS_MAXIMUM
                            + "\" causes response body Max-Forwards value '" + maxForwardsResponseValue + "'");
                if (maxForwardsResponseValue.equals(String.valueOf(MAX_FORWARDS_MAXIMUM))) {
                    // (probably) no proxy!
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                        log.debug("TRACE with \"Max-Forwards: " + MAX_FORWARDS_MAXIMUM
                                + "\" indicates that there is *NO* proxy in place. Note: the TRACE method is supported.. that's an issue in itself! :)");

                    // To be absolutely certain, check that the cookie info in the response
                    // header,
                    // and proxy request headers in the response body (via TRACE) do not leak
                    // the presence of a proxy
                    // This would indicate a non-RFC2606 compliant proxy, since these are
                    // supposed to decrement the Max-Forwards.
                    // it does happen in the wild..
                    String traceResponseHeader = tracemsg.getResponseHeader().toString();

                    // look for cookies set by the proxy, which will be in the response header
                    Iterator<Pattern> cookiePatternIterator = PROXY_COOKIES.keySet().iterator();
                    while (cookiePatternIterator.hasNext() && !proxyActuallyFound) {
                        Pattern cookiePattern = cookiePatternIterator.next();
                        String proxyServer = PROXY_COOKIES.get(cookiePattern);
                        Matcher cookieMatcher = cookiePattern.matcher(traceResponseHeader);
                        if (cookieMatcher.find()) {
                            String cookieDetails = cookieMatcher.group(1);
                            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                proxyActuallyFound = true;
                                if (!proxyServer.equals("") && !silentProxySet.contains(proxyServer))
                                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                                    log.debug("TRACE with \"Max-Forwards: " + MAX_FORWARDS_MAXIMUM
                                            + "\" indicates that there is *NO* proxy in place, but a known proxy cookie ("
                                            + cookieDetails + ", which indicates proxy server '" + proxyServer
                                            + "') in the response header contradicts this..");
                    // look for request headers set by the proxy, which will end up in the
                    // response body if the TRACE succeeded
                    Iterator<Pattern> requestHeaderPatternIterator = PROXY_REQUEST_HEADERS.keySet().iterator();
                    while (requestHeaderPatternIterator.hasNext() && !proxyActuallyFound) {
                        Pattern proxyHeaderPattern = requestHeaderPatternIterator.next();
                        String proxyServer = PROXY_REQUEST_HEADERS.get(proxyHeaderPattern);
                        Matcher proxyHeaderMatcher = proxyHeaderPattern.matcher(traceResponseBody);
                        if (proxyHeaderMatcher.find()) {
                            String proxyHeaderName = proxyHeaderMatcher.group(1);
                            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                proxyActuallyFound = true;
                                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                                    log.debug("TRACE with \"Max-Forwards: " + MAX_FORWARDS_MAXIMUM
                                            + "\" indicates that there is *NO* proxy in place, but a known proxy request header ("
                                            + proxyHeaderName + ", which indicates proxy server '" + proxyServer
                                            + "') in the response body contradicts this..");

                } else {
                    // Trace indicates there is a proxy in place.. (or multiple proxies)
                    // Note: this number cannot really be trusted :( we don't use it, other than
                    // for informational purposes
                    step1numberOfProxies = MAX_FORWARDS_MAXIMUM - Integer.parseInt(maxForwardsResponseValue);
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                        log.debug("TRACE with \"Max-Forwards: " + MAX_FORWARDS_MAXIMUM
                                + "\" indicates that there *IS* at least one proxy in place (Likely number: "
                                + step1numberOfProxies + "). Note: the TRACE method is also supported!");
                    proxyActuallyFound = true;
            } else {
                // The Max-Forwards does not appear in the response body, even though the cookie
                // value appeared in the response body, using TRACE.. Why?
                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                            "TRACE support is indicated via an echoed cookie, but the Max-Forwards value from the request is not echoed in the response. Why? Load balancer? WAF?");
                proxyActuallyFound = true;
            // no conflicting evidence (ie, no proxy indicated) ==> return
            if (!proxyActuallyFound)
        } else {
            // TRACE is NOT enabled, so we can't use this technique to tell if there is *no*
            // proxy between Zap and the origin server
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                        "TRACE is not supported, so we cannot quickly check for *no* proxies. Falling back to the hard way");

        // bale out if we were asked nicely. it's nice to be nice.
        if (isStop()) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Stopping the scan due to a user request (after step 1)");

        // Step 2: Use Max-Forwards with OPTIONS and TRACE to iterate through each of the
        // proxies
        HttpRequestHeader baseRequestHeader = getBaseMsg().getRequestHeader();
        URI baseRequestURI = baseRequestHeader.getURI();
        int step2numberOfNodes = 0;
        String[] nodeServers = new String[MAX_FORWARDS_MAXIMUM + 2]; // up to n proxies, and an origin server.

        // for each of the methods
        for (String httpMethod : MAX_FORWARD_METHODS) {
            // for each method, increment the Max-Forwards, and look closely at the response
            // TODO: loop from 0 to numberOfProxies -1????
            int step2numberOfNodesForMethod = 0;
            String[] nodeServersForMethod = new String[MAX_FORWARDS_MAXIMUM + 2];
            String previousServerDetails = RandomStringUtils.random(15, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789");
            int previousResponseStatusCode = 0;
            int responseStatusCode = 0;
            boolean httpHandled = false; // a flag to handle an extra HTTP request for this method, if the URL
            // is HTTPS

            // if the TRACE worked in step 1, and we know how many proxies there are, do that
            // number + 1, else just do the maximum defined on the attack strength
            for (int maxForwards = 0; maxForwards < (step1numberOfProxies > 0 ? step1numberOfProxies + 1
                    : MAX_FORWARDS_MAXIMUM); maxForwards++) {

                HttpMessage testMsg = getNewMsg(); // get a new message, with the request attributes cloned
                // from the base message
                HttpRequestHeader origRequestHeader = testMsg.getRequestHeader();

                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    log.debug("Trying method " + httpMethod + " with MAX-FORWARDS: "
                            + Integer.toString(maxForwards));

                // if we're on the right iteration (Max-Forwards=0, ie first proxy, and a HTTPS
                // request, then
                // then prepare to try an additional HTTP request..
                boolean tryHttp = (!httpHandled && maxForwards == 0 && baseRequestHeader.isSecure());

                HttpRequestHeader requestHeader = new HttpRequestHeader();
                // requestHeader.setURI(new URI(origURI.getScheme() + "://" +
                // origURI.getAuthority()+ "/",true));
                requestHeader.setVersion(HttpRequestHeader.HTTP11); // OPTIONS and TRACE are supported under 1.0, but for
                // multi-homing, we need to use 1.1
                if (tryHttp) {
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                                "Blind-spot testing, using a HTTP connection, to try detect an initial proxy, which we might not see via HTTPS");
                    requestHeader.setHeader("Max-Forwards", "0");
                } else {
                    requestHeader.setHeader("Max-Forwards", Integer.toString(maxForwards));
                requestHeader.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); // we do not want cached content. we want content from the
                // origin server
                requestHeader.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); // similarly, for HTTP/1.0

                HttpMessage mfMethodMsg = getNewMsg();

                // create a random cookie, and set it up, so we can detect if the TRACE is
                // enabled (in which case, it should echo it back in the response)
                String randomcookiename2 = RandomStringUtils.random(15,
                String randomcookievalue2 = RandomStringUtils.random(40,
                TreeSet<HtmlParameter> cookies2 = mfMethodMsg.getCookieParams();
                        new HtmlParameter(HtmlParameter.Type.cookie, randomcookiename2, randomcookievalue2));

                try {
                    sendAndReceive(mfMethodMsg, false); // do not follow redirects.
                } catch (Exception e) {
                            "Failed to send a request in step 2 with method " + httpMethod + ", Max-Forwards: "
                                    + requestHeader.getHeader("Max-Forwards") + ": " + e.getMessage());
                    break; // to the next method

                // if the response from the proxy/origin server echoes back the cookie (TRACE,
                // or other method), that's serious, so we need to check.
                String methodResponseBody = mfMethodMsg.getResponseBody().toString();
                if (methodResponseBody.contains(randomcookievalue2)) {
                    proxyTraceEnabled = true; // this will raise the risk from Medium to High if a Proxy
                    // Disclosure was found!
                    // TODO: raise a "TRACE" type alert (if no proxy disclosure is found, but
                    // TRACE enabled?)

                // check if the Server response header differs
                // the server header + powered by list is what we will record if a key attribute
                // changes between requests.
                HttpResponseHeader responseHeader = mfMethodMsg.getResponseHeader();
                String serverHeader = responseHeader.getHeader("Server");
                if (serverHeader == null)
                    serverHeader = "";

                String poweredBy;
                Vector<String> poweredByList = responseHeader.getHeaders("X-Powered-By");
                if (poweredByList != null)
                    poweredBy = poweredByList.toString(); // uses format: "[a,b,c]"
                    poweredBy = "";
                String serverDetails = serverHeader
                        + (poweredBy.equals("") || poweredBy.equals("[]") ? "" : poweredBy);
                responseStatusCode = responseHeader.getStatusCode();

                if (!serverDetails.equals(previousServerDetails)) {
                    // it's a new node that we don't appear to have previously seen (for this
                    // HTTP method).
                    nodeServersForMethod[step2numberOfNodesForMethod] = serverDetails;
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                        log.debug("Identified a new node for method " + httpMethod + ", by server details: "
                                + serverDetails + ". That makes " + step2numberOfNodesForMethod
                                + " nodes so far");
                } else {
                    // else check if the HTTP status code differs
                    if (responseStatusCode != previousResponseStatusCode) {
                        // if the status code is different, this likely indicates a different
                        // node
                        nodeServersForMethod[step2numberOfNodesForMethod] = serverDetails;
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                            log.debug("Identified a new node for method " + httpMethod
                                    + ", by response status : " + responseStatusCode + ". That makes "
                                    + step2numberOfNodesForMethod + " nodes so far");
                previousServerDetails = serverDetails;
                previousResponseStatusCode = responseStatusCode;

                // if the base URL is HTTPS, and we just did an extra "blind spot" check for
                // HTTP, go into the next iteration with the same
                // "Max-Forwards" value that we just handled, but set the flag to false so that
                // we don't attempt to do the HTTP "blind spot" request again.
                if (tryHttp) {
                    httpHandled = true;

                // bale out if we were asked nicely. it's nice to be nice.
                if (isStop()) {
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                        log.debug("Stopping the scan due to a user request");
            // if the number of nodes (proxies+origin web server) detected using this HTTP
            // method is greater than the number detected thus far, use the data
            // gained using this HTTP method..
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("The number of nodes detected using method " + httpMethod + " is "
                        + step2numberOfNodesForMethod);
            if (step2numberOfNodesForMethod > step2numberOfNodes) {
                step2numberOfNodes = step2numberOfNodesForMethod;
                nodeServers = nodeServersForMethod;
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("The maximum number of nodes detected using any Max-Forwards method  is "
                    + step2numberOfNodes);

        // Step 3: For the TRACK, use a random URL, to force an error, and to bypass any cached
        // file.
        URI trackURI = getBaseMsg().getRequestHeader().getURI();
        HttpRequestHeader trackRequestHeader = new HttpRequestHeader();
        trackRequestHeader.setMethod("TRACK"); // There is no suitable constant on HttpRequestHeader
        // go to a similar (but random) URL requested
        //   - in case a proxy is configured on a per-URL basis.. (this is the case on some of my
        // real world test servers)
        //   - to try to ensure we get an error message that we can fingerprint
        //   - to bypass caching (if it's a random filename, if won't have been seen before, and
        // won't be cached)
        //     yes, I know TRACK requests should *not* be cached, but not all servers are
        // compliant.
        String randompiece = RandomStringUtils.random(5, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789");
        trackRequestHeader.setURI(new URI(
                trackURI.getScheme() + "://" + trackURI.getAuthority() + getPath(trackURI) + randompiece,

        trackRequestHeader.setVersion(HttpRequestHeader.HTTP11); //
        trackRequestHeader.setHeader("Max-Forwards", String.valueOf(MAX_FORWARDS_MAXIMUM));
        trackRequestHeader.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); // we do not want cached content. we want content from the origin
        // server
        trackRequestHeader.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); // similarly, for HTTP/1.0

        HttpMessage trackmsg = getNewMsg();

        sendAndReceive(trackmsg, false); // do not follow redirects.

        // TODO: fingerprint more origin web servers response to a TRACK request for a file that
        // does not exist.
        String trackResponseBody = trackmsg.getResponseBody().toString();
        Matcher unsupportedApacheMatcher = NOT_SUPPORTED_APACHE_PATTERN.matcher(trackResponseBody);
        if (unsupportedApacheMatcher.find()) {
            String originServerName = unsupportedApacheMatcher.group(1);
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Identified the origin node using TRACK, with server header: " + originServerName);
            // check if this is the same as the last node we've identified, and if so, discard
            // it. If not, add it to to the end (as the origin server).
            if (!nodeServers[step2numberOfNodes - 1].equals(originServerName)) {
                // it's different to the last one seen.. add it.
                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                            "The origin node was not already recorded using the Max-Forwards method, so adding it in.");
                nodeServers[step2numberOfNodes] = originServerName;

        // TODO: compare step2numberOfProxies and step1numberOfProxies?

        // log the nodes we have noted so far
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            for (int nodei = 0; nodei < step2numberOfNodes; nodei++) {
                log.debug("Node " + nodei + " is "
                        + (!nodeServers[nodei].equals("") ? nodeServers[nodei] : "Unknown"));
            // log the "silent" proxies that we saw.
            for (String silentServer : silentProxySet) {
                log.debug("Silent Proxy: " + (!silentServer.equals("") ? silentServer : "Unknown"));

        // Note: there will always be an origin web server, so check for >1, not <0 number of
        // nodes.
        if (step2numberOfNodes > 1 || silentProxySet.size() > 0) {
            // bingo with the list of nodes (proxies+origin web server) that we detected.
            String unknown = Constant.messages.getString(MESSAGE_PREFIX + "extrainfo.unknown");
            String proxyServerHeader = Constant.messages
                    .getString(MESSAGE_PREFIX + "extrainfo.proxyserver.header");
            String webServerHeader = Constant.messages.getString(MESSAGE_PREFIX + "extrainfo.webserver.header");
            String silentProxyServerHeader = Constant.messages
                    .getString(MESSAGE_PREFIX + "extrainfo.silentproxyserver.header");

            // get the proxy server information (ie, all but the last node)
            String proxyServerInfo = "";
            if (step2numberOfNodes > 0) {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                for (int nodei = 0; nodei < step2numberOfNodes - 1; nodei++) {
                    String proxyServerNode = Constant.messages.getString(
                            MESSAGE_PREFIX + "extrainfo.proxyserver",
                            (!nodeServers[nodei].equals("") ? nodeServers[nodei] : unknown));
                proxyServerInfo = sb.toString();
            // get the origin web server information (ie, the last node)
            String webServerInfo = "";
            if (step2numberOfNodes > 0) {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                String webServerNode = Constant.messages.getString(MESSAGE_PREFIX + "extrainfo.webserver",
                        (!nodeServers[step2numberOfNodes - 1].equals("") ? nodeServers[step2numberOfNodes - 1]
                                : unknown));
                webServerInfo = sb.toString();
            // get the silent proxy information
            String silentProxyServerInfo = "";
            if (silentProxySet.size() > 0) {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                for (String silentServer : silentProxySet) {
                    // log.debug("Silent Proxy:
                    // "+(!silentServer.equals("")?silentServer:"Unknown"));
                    String silentProxyServerNode = Constant.messages.getString(
                            MESSAGE_PREFIX + "extrainfo.silentproxyserver",
                            (!silentServer.equals("") ? silentServer : unknown));
                silentProxyServerInfo = sb.toString();
            String traceInfo = "";
            if (endToEndTraceEnabled || proxyTraceEnabled) {
                traceInfo = Constant.messages.getString(MESSAGE_PREFIX + "extrainfo.traceenabled");

            // all the info is collated nicely. raise the alert.
            String extraInfo = "";
            if (!proxyServerInfo.equals("")) {
                extraInfo += proxyServerInfo;
            if (!webServerInfo.equals("")) {
                extraInfo += webServerInfo;
            if (!silentProxyServerInfo.equals("")) {
                extraInfo += silentProxyServerInfo;
            if (!traceInfo.equals("")) {
                extraInfo += traceInfo;

            // raise the alert on the original message
            // there are multiple messages on which the issue could have been raised, but each
            // individual atatck message
            // tells only a small part of the story. Explain it in the "extra info" instead.
            bingo(endToEndTraceEnabled || proxyTraceEnabled ? Alert.RISK_HIGH : getRisk(),
                    Alert.CONFIDENCE_MEDIUM, getName(),
                    Constant.messages.getString(MESSAGE_PREFIX + "desc",
                            step2numberOfNodes - 1 + silentProxySet.size()),
                    getBaseMsg().getRequestHeader().getURI().getURI(), // url
                    "", // there is no parameter of interest
                    getAttack(), // the attack. who'd have thunk it?
                    extraInfo, // extra info.. all the detail of the proxy, etc.
                    getSolution(), "", // evidence
                    this.getCweId(), this.getWascId(), getBaseMsg() // the message on which we place the alert

    } catch (Exception e) {
        // Do not try to internationalise this.. we need an error message in any event..
        // if it's in English, it's still better than not having it at all.
        log.error("An error occurred checking for proxy disclosure", e);

From source file:com.dragonflow.StandardMonitor.URLMonitor.java

private static Vector finalHTTPClientlRequestPreparation(URLContext urlcontext,
        HTTPRequestSettings httprequestsettings, Array array, long l) throws Exception {
    if (httprequestsettings.getAuthUserName() == null || httprequestsettings.getAuthUserName().length() == 0) {
        String s = urlcontext.getMonitor().getSetting("_defaultAuthUsername");
        if (s.length() > 0) {
        }// ww  w.j  av  a2s.c  o  m
    if (httprequestsettings.getAuthenticationOnFirstRequest() == null) {
        String s1 = urlcontext.getMonitor().getSetting("_defaultAuthWhenToAuthenticate");
        if (!$assertionsDisabled && s1.length() <= 0) {
            throw new AssertionError(
                    "add or set _defaultAuthWhenToAuthenticate=authOnFirst setting in master.config");
    if (httprequestsettings.getAuthNTLMDomain().length() <= 0) {
        String as[] = splitUserDomain_If_NTChallengeInMonitor(httprequestsettings.getAuthUserName(),
        if (as != null) {
    long l1 = l - System.currentTimeMillis();
    if (l1 <= 0L) {
        throw new Exception("timed out");
    httprequestsettings.setConnectionTimeoutMS((int) l1);
    httprequestsettings.setRequestTimeoutMS((int) l1);
    String s2 = urlcontext.getMonitor().getSetting("_URLMonitorProxyExceptions");
    String s3 = httprequestsettings.getHost();
    if (httprequestsettings.getProxy().length() != 0 && isProxyExcluded(s2, s3)) {
    Vector vector = new Vector();
    if (urlcontext.getMonitor().getSetting("_sslKeepAlive").length() > 0) {
        if (httprequestsettings.getProxy().length() > 0) {
            vector.add(new Header("Proxy-Connection", "Keep-Alive"));
        } else {
            vector.add(new Header("Connection", "Keep-Alive"));
    String s4 = getUserAgent(array);
    if (s4.length() == 0) {
        s4 = urlcontext.getMonitor().getSetting("_URLUserAgent");
    vector.add(new Header("User-Agent", s4));
    if (array != null) {
        Enumeration enumeration = array.elements();
        do {
            if (!enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
            String s5 = (String) enumeration.nextElement();
            if (TextUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(s5, CUSTOM_HEADER)) {
                String s7 = s5.substring(CUSTOM_HEADER.length());
                String as1[] = s7.split(":", 2);
                if (!$assertionsDisabled && (as1 == null || as1.length <= 0)) {
                    throw new AssertionError();
                if (as1.length > 1) {
                    vector.add(new Header(as1[0].trim(), as1[1].trim()));
                } else {
                    vector.add(new Header(as1[0].trim(), ""));
        } while (true);
    Vector vector1 = urlcontext.getCookieHeader(httprequestsettings.getUrl());
    if (vector1 != null) {
        if (debugURL != 0) {
                    "URLMonitor.checkURLRetrieveDoneHere: COOKIE ADD TO HEADERS: " + vector1.toString());
    } else if (debugURL != 0) {
        System.out.println("URLMonitor.checkURLRetrieveDoneHere: COOKIE ADD TO HEADERS: NULL - NONE TO ADD ");
    String s6 = urlcontext.getStreamEncoding();
    if (s6.length() > 0) {
        vector.add(new Header("Accept-charset", s6));
    vector.add(new Header("Accept", "*/*"));
    Vector vector2 = prepareParametersForApache(array);
    if (vector2.size() > 0) {
        String s8 = "";
        if (s6.length() > 0) {
            s8 = "; charset=" + s6;
        String s9 = getContentType(array);
        vector.add(new Header("Content-Type", s9 + s8));
    long l2 = urlcontext.getMonitor().getSettingAsLong("_urlKeepAlive");
    if (urlcontext.getMonitor().getSetting("_HTTPVersion10").length() > 0) {
    if (urlcontext.getMonitor().getSetting("_sslAcceptAllUntrustedCerts").length() > 0) {
    if (urlcontext.getMonitor().getSetting("_sslAcceptInvalidCerts").length() > 0) {
    String s10 = urlcontext.getEncodePostData();
    if (s10.equals(urlencodedDropDown[0]) || s10.equals("")) {
        Vector vector3 = httprequestsettings.getHeaders();
        Iterator iterator = vector3.iterator();
        do {
            if (!iterator.hasNext()) {
            Header header = (Header) iterator.next();
            if (!header.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Content-Type")
                    || header.getValue().toLowerCase().indexOf("urlencoded") < 0) {
        } while (true);
        String s12 = urlcontext.getMonitor().getSetting("_urlMonitorEncodePostData");
        if (s12.length() > 0) {
    } else if (s10.equals(urlencodedDropDown[2])) {
    } else if (s10.equals(urlencodedDropDown[4])) {
    } else if (!$assertionsDisabled) {
        throw new AssertionError("_dontEncodePostData= " + s10
                + ". Must be contentTypeUrlencoded, forceEncode, or forceNoEncode.");
    int i = 0;
    String s11 = urlcontext.getMonitor().getSetting("_keepTryingForGoodStatus");
    if (s11.length() > 0) {
        i = TextUtils.toInt(s11);
    if (i > 0) {
    setClientSideCertSettings(urlcontext, httprequestsettings);
    return vector2;

From source file:org.zaproxy.zap.extension.pscanrules.ContentSecurityPolicyScanner.java

public void scanHttpResponseReceive(HttpMessage msg, int id, Source source) {
    boolean cspHeaderFound = false;
    int noticesRisk = Alert.RISK_INFO;
    // LOGGER.setLevel(Level.DEBUG); //Enable for debugging

    if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOGGER.debug("Start " + id + " : " + msg.getRequestHeader().getURI().toString());
    }//w w w.  j av  a  2 s .  co m

    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

    if (!msg.getResponseHeader().isHtml() && !AlertThreshold.LOW.equals(this.getAlertThreshold())) {
        // Only really applies to HTML responses, but also check everything on Low threshold

    // Content-Security-Policy is supported by Chrome 25+, Firefox 23+,
    // Safari 7+, Edge but not Internet Explorer
    Vector<String> cspOptions = msg.getResponseHeader().getHeaders(HTTP_HEADER_CSP);
    if (cspOptions != null && !cspOptions.isEmpty()) {
        cspHeaderFound = true;

    // X-Content-Security-Policy is an older header, supported by Firefox
    // 4.0+, and IE 10+ (in a limited fashion)
    Vector<String> xcspOptions = msg.getResponseHeader().getHeaders(HTTP_HEADER_XCSP);
    if (xcspOptions != null && !xcspOptions.isEmpty()) {
        raiseAlert(msg, Constant.messages.getString(MESSAGE_PREFIX + "xcsp.name"), id,
                Constant.messages.getString(MESSAGE_PREFIX + "xcsp.desc"),
                getHeaderField(msg, HTTP_HEADER_XCSP).get(0), cspHeaderFound ? Alert.RISK_INFO : Alert.RISK_LOW,

    // X-WebKit-CSP is supported by Chrome 14+, and Safari 6+
    Vector<String> xwkcspOptions = msg.getResponseHeader().getHeaders(HTTP_HEADER_WEBKIT_CSP);
    if (xwkcspOptions != null && !xwkcspOptions.isEmpty()) {
        raiseAlert(msg, Constant.messages.getString(MESSAGE_PREFIX + "xwkcsp.name"), id,
                Constant.messages.getString(MESSAGE_PREFIX + "xwkcsp.desc"),
                getHeaderField(msg, HTTP_HEADER_WEBKIT_CSP).get(0),
                cspHeaderFound ? Alert.RISK_INFO : Alert.RISK_LOW, xwkcspOptions.get(0));

    if (cspHeaderFound) {
        ArrayList<Notice> notices = new ArrayList<>();
        Origin origin = URI.parse(msg.getRequestHeader().getURI().toString());
        String policyText = cspOptions.toString().replace("[", "").replace("]", "");
        Policy pol = ParserWithLocation.parse(policyText, origin, notices); // Populate notices

        if (!notices.isEmpty()) {
            String cspNoticesString = getCSPNoticesString(notices);
            if (cspNoticesString.contains(Constant.messages.getString(MESSAGE_PREFIX + "notices.errors"))
                    || cspNoticesString
                            .contains(Constant.messages.getString(MESSAGE_PREFIX + "notices.warnings"))) {
                noticesRisk = Alert.RISK_LOW;
            } else {
                noticesRisk = Alert.RISK_INFO;
            raiseAlert(msg, Constant.messages.getString(MESSAGE_PREFIX + "notices.name"), id, cspNoticesString,
                    getHeaderField(msg, HTTP_HEADER_CSP).get(0), noticesRisk, cspOptions.get(0));

        List<String> allowedWildcardSources = getAllowedWildcardSources(policyText, origin);
        if (!allowedWildcardSources.isEmpty()) {
            String allowedWildcardSrcs = allowedWildcardSources.toString().replace("[", "").replace("]", "");
            String wildcardSrcDesc = Constant.messages.getString(MESSAGE_PREFIX + "wildcard.desc",
            raiseAlert(msg, Constant.messages.getString(MESSAGE_PREFIX + "wildcard.name"), id, wildcardSrcDesc,
                    getHeaderField(msg, HTTP_HEADER_CSP).get(0), Alert.RISK_MEDIUM, cspOptions.get(0));

        if (pol.allowsUnsafeInlineScript()) {
            raiseAlert(msg, Constant.messages.getString(MESSAGE_PREFIX + "scriptsrc.unsafe.name"), id,
                    Constant.messages.getString(MESSAGE_PREFIX + "scriptsrc.unsafe.desc"),
                    getHeaderField(msg, HTTP_HEADER_CSP).get(0), Alert.RISK_MEDIUM, cspOptions.get(0));

        if (pol.allowsUnsafeInlineStyle()) {
            raiseAlert(msg, Constant.messages.getString(MESSAGE_PREFIX + "stylesrc.unsafe.name"), id,
                    Constant.messages.getString(MESSAGE_PREFIX + "stylesrc.unsafe.desc"),
                    getHeaderField(msg, HTTP_HEADER_CSP).get(0), Alert.RISK_MEDIUM, cspOptions.get(0));

    if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOGGER.debug("\tScan of record " + String.valueOf(id) + " took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)
                + " ms");

From source file:edu.caltechUcla.sselCassel.projects.jMarkets.server.control.CallMarketEngine.java

 *  Calculate the price p in the given market that minimizes the difference between the number of buy
 *  orders >= p and the number of asks <= p. Return -1 if there is no execute price found (should only
 *  occur if there were no bids/asks on that market. If multiple minima are found, pick one at random.
 *///from  www  .j  av a2s.  com
private int getExecutePrice(int marketId, OfferBook offerBook) {
    int numPrices = offerBook.getNumPrices();
    int difference = 10000;
    Vector executePriceIds = new Vector();

    for (int p = 0; p < numPrices; p++) {
        int numBids = offerBook.getGreaterThanOrEqualToBidOrders(marketId, p, -1);
        int numAsks = offerBook.getLessThanOrEqualToAskOrders(marketId, p, -1);

        int diff = Math.abs(numBids - numAsks);
        if (diff < difference && numBids != 0 && numAsks != 0) {
            difference = diff;
            executePriceIds.add(new Integer(p));
        } else if (diff == difference && numBids != 0 && numAsks != 0) {
            executePriceIds.add(new Integer(p));

    if (executePriceIds.size() > 0) {
        int mid = executePriceIds.size() / 2;
        log.info("Found the following execute price minima on market " + marketId + ": "
                + executePriceIds.toString() + " -- selecting one at random");

        int executePriceId = ((Integer) executePriceIds.get(mid)).intValue();
        float executePrice = offerBook.getPrice(marketId, executePriceId);

        log.info("Execute price for market " + marketId + " is: ID=" + executePriceId + ", Value="
                + executePrice);
        return executePriceId;
    } else {
        log.info("No possible transactions on market " + marketId + " -- no execute price found");

    return -1;

From source file:es.emergya.ui.plugins.AdminPanel.java

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    String cmd = e.getActionCommand();
    if (cmd.indexOf("Seleccionar Tod") == 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < table.getRowCount(); i++) {
            table.getModel().setValueAt(Boolean.TRUE, i, 0);
        }//from  w  w  w .  java  2 s.c  o m
    } else if (cmd.indexOf("Deseleccionar Tod") == 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < table.getRowCount(); i++) {
            table.getModel().setValueAt(Boolean.FALSE, i, 0);
    } else if (cmd.indexOf("Eliminar Seleccionad") == 0) {
        boolean alguno = false;
        for (int i = table.getRowCount() - 1; i >= 0 && !alguno; i--) {
            if ((Boolean) table.getModel().getValueAt(i, 0)) {
                alguno = true;

        if (!alguno) {

        if (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this, "Buttons.delete.confirm", "Selecciona una opcin",
                JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION) != JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {
        Vector<Object> fail = new Vector<Object>();
        int total = 0;
        for (int i = table.getRowCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if ((Boolean) table.getModel().getValueAt(i, 0)) {
                DeleteAction a = (DeleteAction) ((JButton) table.getValueAt(i, table.getColumnCount() - 1))
                if (!a.delete(false)) {
                    fail.add(table.getValueAt(i, 1));


        if (this.father != null) {

        if (total == 0) {
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "No hay elementos seleccionados para eliminar.", null,

        if (fail.size() > 0) {
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, errorString + ":\n" + fail.toString() + "\n" + errorCause, null,

    } else
        log.error("Comando no encontrado: " + cmd);

From source file:server.MapEndpointStore.java

public Vector<Vector<String>> openMapFromLink(String mapId) throws EndpointCommunicationException {

    Vector<Vector<String>> allLayersInfo = new Vector<Vector<String>>();
    Vector<String> results = null;
    int count = 0;

    String map = MapVocabulary.INSTANCE_NAMESPACE + mapId;
    String list = null;// w w w .  j  a v  a2 s .  c o  m

    String graph = " GRAPH <http://geo.linkedopendata.gr/map/" + mapId + "> ";

    //construct query to get layer list for this map
    String queryList = "SELECT ?l WHERE {" + graph + "{<" + map + "> <" + MapVocabulary.HASORDEREDLIST
            + "> ?l .}}";
    results = getResultFromQuery(endpoint_query, queryList, "strabon");
    if (results.size() != 0) {
        list = new String(results.get(0));
    } else {
        return null;

    //construct query to get the number of layers 
    String queryCount = "SELECT (COUNT(?x) as ?c) WHERE {" + graph + " {?x <" + RDF.TYPE.toString() + "> <"
            + MapVocabulary.LAYER.toString() + "> . <" + list + "> ?hasLayer ?x .}}";
    results = getResultFromQuery(endpoint_query, queryCount, "strabon");
    if (results.size() != 0) {
        count = Integer.parseInt(results.get(0));
    } else {
        return null;

    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {

        Vector<String> layerInfo = new Vector<String>();

        results = null;

        String id = ((Integer) (i + 1)).toString();

        String query0 = "SELECT ?x WHERE {" + graph + " {<" + list + "> <" + RDF.NAMESPACE + "_" + id
                + "> ?x}}";
        results = getResultFromQuery(endpoint_query, query0, "strabon");
        if (results.size() != 0) {

            String layerId = results.get(0);

            String query1 = "SELECT ?x WHERE { " + graph + " {<" + layerId + "> <"
                    + MapVocabulary.HASNAME.toString() + "> ?x}}";
            results = getResultFromQuery(endpoint_query, query1, "strabon");
            String layerName = results.get(0);
            if (results.size() != 0) {

            } else {

            String query2 = "SELECT ?x WHERE {" + graph + " {<" + layerId + "> <"
                    + MapVocabulary.PRODUCEDBYQUERY.toString() + "> ?q." + "?q <"
                    + MapVocabulary.HASVALUE.toString() + "> ?x.}}";
            results = getResultFromQuery(endpoint_query, query2, "strabon");
            if (results.size() != 0)

            String query3 = "SELECT ?x WHERE { " + graph + "{<" + layerId + "> <"
                    + MapVocabulary.HASKMLFILE.toString() + "> ?x}}";
            results = getResultFromQuery(endpoint_query, query3, "strabon");
            if (results.size() != 0)

            String query4 = "SELECT ?x WHERE {" + graph + " {<" + layerId + "> <"
                    + MapVocabulary.PRODUCEDBYQUERY.toString() + "> ?q." + "?q  <"
                    + MapVocabulary.DERIVEDBY.toString() + "> ?e. ?e <" + MapVocabulary.HASURI.toString()
                    + "> ?x.}}";
            results = getResultFromQuery(endpoint_query, query4, "strabon");
            if (results.size() != 0)

            String query5 = "SELECT ?x WHERE { " + graph + "{<" + layerId + "> <"
                    + MapVocabulary.HASPOLYSTYLECOLOR.toString() + "> ?x}}";
            results = getResultFromQuery(endpoint_query, query5, "strabon");
            if (results.size() != 0)

            String query6 = "SELECT ?x WHERE { " + graph + "{<" + layerId + "> <"
                    + MapVocabulary.HASLINESTYLECOLOR.toString() + "> ?x}}";
            results = getResultFromQuery(endpoint_query, query6, "strabon");
            if (results.size() != 0)

            String query7 = "SELECT ?x WHERE { " + graph + "{<" + layerId + "> <"
                    + MapVocabulary.HASICON.toString() + "> ?x}}";
            results = getResultFromQuery(endpoint_query, query7, "strabon");
            if (results.size() != 0)

            String query8 = "SELECT ?x WHERE { " + graph + "{<" + layerId + "> <"
                    + MapVocabulary.HASICONSCALE.toString() + "> ?x}}";
            results = getResultFromQuery(endpoint_query, query8, "strabon");
            if (results.size() != 0) {

            } else {

            String query9 = "SELECT ?x WHERE { " + graph + "{<" + layerId + "> <"
                    + MapVocabulary.IS_TEMPORAL_LAYER.toString() + "> ?x}}";
            results = getResultFromQuery(endpoint_query, query9, "strabon");
            if (results.size() > 0) {
                 * The result is a String corresponding to a Boolean value (e.g., true, True, false, False, 0, or 1)
                 * However, in Java valid boolean values are the first two, plus "yes" and "no".
                 * Therefore, to be on the safe side, I parse the result using the utility of Sesame to get
                 * a Boolean Java object and then I get the corresponding String value for which I
                 * am sure that when I construct a Boolean object on the client side (e.g., when initializing
                 * whether a layer is temporal or not), there will not be any errors.

                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    if (XMLDatatypeUtil.parseBoolean(results.get(0))) {
                        logger.debug("[{}] Layer '{}' is temporal.", moduleName, layerName);
            } else {
                // for compatibility with maps that have been produced with the
                // older version of Sextant in which there is no RDF property
                // inserted to mark a layer whether is temporal or not

            String query10 = "SELECT ?x WHERE { " + graph + "{<" + layerId + "> <"
                    + MapVocabulary.HASIMAGEBOX.toString() + "> ?x}}";
            results = getResultFromQuery(endpoint_query, query10, "strabon");
            if (results.size() != 0) {

            } else {

            String query11 = "SELECT ?x WHERE { " + graph + "{<" + layerId + "> <"
                    + MapVocabulary.HASLAYERTYPE.toString() + "> ?x}}";
            results = getResultFromQuery(endpoint_query, query11, "strabon");
            if (results.size() != 0) {

            } else {

        } else {

            return null;


    //construct query to get the number of charts 
    String queryCountCharts = "SELECT (COUNT(?x) as ?c) WHERE {" + graph + " {?x <" + RDF.TYPE.toString()
            + "> <" + MapVocabulary.CHART.toString() + "> . }}";
    results = getResultFromQuery(endpoint_query, queryCountCharts, "strabon");
    if (results.size() != 0) {
        count = Integer.parseInt(results.get(0));

        //Add to allLayersInfo a Vector<String> to separate layers' info from charts' info
        Vector<String> separate = new Vector<String>();

        //Get the charts' information
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            Vector<String> chartInfo = new Vector<String>();

            results = null;
            String id = ((Integer) (i)).toString();
            String chartId = map.concat("ch" + id);

            String query11 = "SELECT ?x WHERE { " + graph + "{<" + chartId + "> <" + RDF.TYPE.toString()
                    + "> ?x}}";
            results = getResultFromQuery(endpoint_query, query11, "strabon");
            if (results.size() != 0) {
            } else {

            String query12 = "SELECT ?x WHERE { " + graph + "{<" + chartId + "> <"
                    + MapVocabulary.HASCHARTTYPE.toString() + "> ?x}}";
            results = getResultFromQuery(endpoint_query, query12, "strabon");
            if (results.size() != 0) {
            } else {

            String query13 = "SELECT ?x WHERE { " + graph + "{<" + chartId + "> <"
                    + MapVocabulary.PRODUCEDBYQUERY.toString() + "> ?q . " + "?q <"
                    + MapVocabulary.HASVALUE.toString() + "> ?x . }}";
            results = getResultFromQuery(endpoint_query, query13, "strabon");
            if (results.size() != 0) {
            } else {

            String query14 = "SELECT ?x WHERE {" + graph + " {<" + chartId + "> <"
                    + MapVocabulary.PRODUCEDBYQUERY.toString() + "> ?q." + "?q  <"
                    + MapVocabulary.DERIVEDBY.toString() + "> ?e. ?e <" + MapVocabulary.HASURI.toString()
                    + "> ?x.}}";
            results = getResultFromQuery(endpoint_query, query14, "strabon");
            if (results.size() != 0) {
            } else {

            //construct query to get the number of measures in the chart 
            String queryCountMeasures = "SELECT (COUNT(?x) as ?c) WHERE {" + graph + " { <" + map
                    + "listMeasures" + id
                    + "> ?p ?x . FILTER(?p != <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> ) . }}";
            results = getResultFromQuery(endpoint_query, queryCountMeasures, "strabon");
            Vector<String> m = new Vector<String>();
            if (results.size() != 0) {
                int counter = Integer.parseInt(results.get(0));
                for (int j = 0; j < counter; j++) {
                    String query15 = "SELECT ?x WHERE { " + graph + "{<" + chartId + "> <"
                            + MapVocabulary.HASMEASURES.toString() + "> <" + map + "listMeasures" + id + "> . "
                            + "<" + map + "listMeasures" + id + "> <" + RDF.NAMESPACE + "Measure_" + id + "_"
                            + new Integer(j).toString() + "> ?m . " + "?m <" + MapVocabulary.HASNAME.toString()
                            + "> ?x . }}";
                    results = getResultFromQuery(endpoint_query, query15, "strabon");
                    if (results.size() != 0) {
                    } else {

            //construct query to get the number of freeDims in the chart 
            String queryCountFreeDims = "SELECT (COUNT(?x) as ?c) WHERE {" + graph + " { <" + map
                    + "listFreeDims" + id
                    + "> ?p ?x . FILTER(?p != <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> ) . }}";
            results = getResultFromQuery(endpoint_query, queryCountFreeDims, "strabon");
            Vector<String> dims = new Vector<String>();
            if (results.size() != 0) {
                int counter = Integer.parseInt(results.get(0));
                for (int j = 0; j < counter; j++) {
                    String query16 = "SELECT ?x ?order ?ref WHERE { " + graph + "{<" + chartId + "> <"
                            + MapVocabulary.HASFREEDIMS.toString() + "> <" + map + "listFreeDims" + id + "> . "
                            + "<" + map + "listFreeDims" + id + "> <" + RDF.NAMESPACE + "FreeDim_" + id + "_"
                            + new Integer(j).toString() + "> ?fd . " + "?fd <"
                            + MapVocabulary.HASNAME.toString() + "> ?x . " + "?fd <"
                            + StatisticsVocabulary.ORDER.toString() + "> ?order . " + "?fd <"
                            + MapVocabulary.REFERS.toString() + "> ?ref . }}";
                    results = getResultFromQuery(endpoint_query, query16, "strabon");
                    if (results.size() != 0) {
                        for (int k = 0; k < results.size(); k++) {
                    } else {

            //construct query to get the number of instances in the chart 
            String queryCountInstances = "SELECT (COUNT(?x) as ?c) WHERE {" + graph + " { <" + map
                    + "listInstances" + id
                    + "> ?p ?x . FILTER(?p != <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> ) . }}";
            results = getResultFromQuery(endpoint_query, queryCountInstances, "strabon");
            Vector<String> inst = new Vector<String>();
            if (results.size() != 0) {
                int counter = Integer.parseInt(results.get(0));
                for (int j = 0; j < counter; j++) {
                    String query17 = "SELECT ?x WHERE { " + graph + "{<" + chartId + "> <"
                            + MapVocabulary.HASINSTANCES.toString() + "> <" + map + "listInstances" + id
                            + "> . " + "<" + map + "listInstances" + id + "> <" + RDF.NAMESPACE + "Instance_"
                            + id + "_" + new Integer(j).toString() + "> ?inst . " + "?inst <"
                            + MapVocabulary.HASNAME.toString() + "> ?x . }}";
                    results = getResultFromQuery(endpoint_query, query17, "strabon");
                    if (results.size() != 0) {
                    } else {

    return allLayersInfo;

From source file:org.powertac.officecomplexcustomer.customers.OfficeComplex.java

 * This function is utilized in order to reschedule the consumption load for
 * the next day of the competition according to the tariff rates of the
 * subscriptions under contract.//  ww w  .ja va  2 s. c  o  m
void rescheduleNextDay(String type) {
    int serial = service.getTimeslotRepo().currentSerialNumber();
    int day = (int) (serial / OfficeComplexConstants.HOURS_OF_DAY) + 1;

    int dayTemp = day % (OfficeComplexConstants.DAYS_OF_BOOTSTRAP + OfficeComplexConstants.DAYS_OF_COMPETITION);

    double[] nonDominantUsage = getNonDominantUsage(dayTemp, type);

    Vector<Long> controllableVector = new Vector<Long>();

    CustomerInfo customer = service.getCustomerRepo()
            .findByNameAndPowerType(name + " " + type + " Controllable", PowerType.INTERRUPTIBLE_CONSUMPTION);

    TariffSubscription sub = service.getTariffSubscriptionRepo().findActiveSubscriptionsForCustomer(customer)

    log.debug("Old Consumption for day " + day + ": " + getControllableConsumptions(dayTemp, type).toString());
    double[] newControllableLoad = dailyShifting(sub.getTariff(), nonDominantUsage, dayTemp, type);

    for (int i = 0; i < OfficeComplexConstants.HOURS_OF_DAY; i++) {
        String newControllableLoadString = Double.toString(newControllableLoad[i]);
        newControllableLoadString = newControllableLoadString.replace(".0", "");

    log.debug("New Consumption for day " + day + ": " + controllableVector.toString());

    aggDailyControllableLoadInHoursSS.set(dayTemp, controllableVector);


From source file:org.powertac.householdcustomer.customers.Village.java

 * This function is utilized in order to reschedule the consumption load for
 * the next day of the competition according to the tariff rates of the
 * subscriptions under contract./*from   w w w . j a  va 2  s.com*/
void rescheduleNextDay(String type) {
    int serial = service.getTimeslotRepo().currentSerialNumber();
    int day = (int) (serial / VillageConstants.HOURS_OF_DAY) + 1;

    int dayTemp = day % (VillageConstants.DAYS_OF_BOOTSTRAP + VillageConstants.DAYS_OF_COMPETITION);

    double[] nonDominantUsage = getNonDominantUsage(dayTemp, type);

    Vector<Long> controllableVector = new Vector<Long>();

    CustomerInfo customer = service.getCustomerRepo()
            .findByNameAndPowerType(name + " " + type + " Controllable", PowerType.INTERRUPTIBLE_CONSUMPTION);

    TariffSubscription sub = service.getTariffSubscriptionRepo().findActiveSubscriptionsForCustomer(customer)

    log.debug("Old Consumption for day " + day + ": " + getControllableConsumptions(dayTemp, type).toString());
    double[] newControllableLoad = dailyShifting(sub.getTariff(), nonDominantUsage, dayTemp, type);

    for (int i = 0; i < VillageConstants.HOURS_OF_DAY; i++) {
        String newControllableLoadString = Double.toString(newControllableLoad[i]);
        newControllableLoadString = newControllableLoadString.replace(".0", "");

    log.debug("New Consumption for day " + day + ": " + controllableVector.toString());

    if (type.equals("RaS")) {
        aggDailyControllableLoadInHoursRaS.set(dayTemp, controllableVector);
    } else if (type.equals("ReS")) {
        aggDailyControllableLoadInHoursReS.set(dayTemp, controllableVector);
    } else {
        aggDailyControllableLoadInHoursSS.set(dayTemp, controllableVector);


From source file:eionet.gdem.qa.XQueryService.java

 */// w  w w. j  av  a  2 s .  c  o m
public Vector analyzeXMLFiles(String schema, String origFile, Vector result) throws GDEMException {

    LOGGER.info("XML/RPC call for analyze xml: " + origFile);

    if (result == null) {
        result = new Vector();
    Vector outputTypes = null;
    // get all possible xqueries from db
    String newId = "-1"; // should not be returned with value -1;
    String file = origFile;

    Vector queries = listQueries(schema);

    try {
        outputTypes = convTypeDao.getConvTypes();
    } catch (SQLException sqe) {
        throw new GDEMException("DB operation failed: " + sqe.toString());

    try {
        // get the trusted URL from source file adapter
        file = SourceFileManager.getSourceFileAdapterURL(getTicket(), file, isTrustedMode());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        String err_mess = "File URL is incorrect";
        LOGGER.error(err_mess + "; " + e.toString());
        throw new GDEMException(err_mess, e);

    if (!Utils.isNullVector(queries)) {

        for (int j = 0; j < queries.size(); j++) {
            Hashtable query = (Hashtable) queries.get(j);
            String query_id = String.valueOf(query.get("query_id"));
            String queryFile = (String) query.get("query");
            String contentType = (String) query.get("content_type_id");
            String fileExtension = getExtension(outputTypes, contentType);
            String resultFile = Properties.tmpFolder + File.separatorChar + "gdem_q" + query_id + "_"
                    + System.currentTimeMillis() + "." + fileExtension;
            try {
                int queryId = 0;
                try {
                    queryId = Integer.parseInt(query_id);
                } catch (NumberFormatException n) {
                    queryId = 0;
                // if it is a XQuery script, then append the system folder
                if (queryId != Constants.JOB_VALIDATION
                        && queryFile.startsWith(Properties.gdemURL + "/" + Constants.QUERIES_FOLDER)) {
                    queryFile = Utils.Replace(queryFile, Properties.gdemURL + "/" + Constants.QUERIES_FOLDER,
                            Properties.queriesFolder + File.separator);
                newId = xqJobDao.startXQJob(file, queryFile, resultFile, queryId);
            } catch (SQLException sqe) {
                throw new GDEMException("DB operation failed: " + sqe.toString());
            Vector queryResult = new Vector();

    LOGGER.info("Analyze xml result: " + result.toString());
    return result;

From source file:webServices.RestServiceImpl.java

@Produces({ MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN })// w w w .  ja  va  2  s  . c  o m
public String twitterSearchRest(@QueryParam("keys") String searchKeys, @QueryParam("sinceId") long sinceId,
        @QueryParam("maxId") long maxId, @QueryParam("update") boolean update,
        @QueryParam("location") String location) {

    final Vector<String> results = new Vector<String>();
    String output = "";
    long higherStatusId = Long.MIN_VALUE;
    long lowerStatusId = Long.MAX_VALUE;

    Query searchQuery = new Query(searchKeys);

    if (sinceId != 0) {
        if (update) {
        higherStatusId = sinceId;
    if (maxId != 0) {
        if (!update) {
        lowerStatusId = maxId;
    if (location != null) {
        double lat = Double.parseDouble(location.substring(0, location.indexOf(",")));
        double lon = Double.parseDouble(location.substring(location.indexOf(",") + 1, location.length()));

        searchQuery.setGeoCode(new GeoLocation(lat, lon), 10, Query.KILOMETERS);

    try {
        QueryResult qResult = twitter.search(searchQuery);

        for (Status status : qResult.getTweets()) {
            //System.out.println(Long.toString(status.getId())+"  ***  "+Long.toString(status.getUser().getId())+"  ***  "+status.isRetweet()+"  ***  "+status.isRetweeted());

            higherStatusId = Math.max(status.getId(), higherStatusId);
            lowerStatusId = Math.min(status.getId(), lowerStatusId);

            if (!status.isRetweet()) {
                if (status.getGeoLocation() != null) {
                    System.out.println(Long.toString(status.getId()) + "@"
                            + Double.toString(status.getGeoLocation().getLatitude()) + ","
                            + Double.toString(status.getGeoLocation().getLongitude()));
                    results.add(Long.toString(status.getId()) + "@"
                            + Double.toString(status.getGeoLocation().getLatitude()) + ","
                            + Double.toString(status.getGeoLocation().getLongitude()));
                } else {
                    results.add(Long.toString(status.getId()) + "@null");

    } catch (TwitterException e1) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    TwitterResults resultsObj = new TwitterResults(results.toString(), higherStatusId, lowerStatusId);
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    try {
        output = mapper.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(resultsObj);
    } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    return output;