List of usage examples for LongStream range
public static LongStream range(long startInclusive, final long endExclusive)
From source
@Test public void shouldNotCreateEmptyFiles() throws IOException, InterruptedException { final Schema schema = schemaFromClassPath("/MinimalRecord.avsc"); final Config config = ConfigFactory .parseString("divolte.hdfs_flusher.simple_rolling_file_strategy.roll_every = 100 millisecond\n" + "divolte.hdfs_flusher.simple_rolling_file_strategy.working_dir = \"" + tempInflightDir.toString() + "\"\n" + "divolte.hdfs_flusher.simple_rolling_file_strategy.publish_dir = \"" + tempPublishDir.toString() + '"') .withFallback(ConfigFactory.parseResources("hdfs-flusher-test.conf")); final ValidatedConfiguration vc = new ValidatedConfiguration(() -> config); final List<Record> records = LongStream.range(0, 5).mapToObj( (time) -> new GenericRecordBuilder(schema).set("ts", time).set("remoteHost", ARBITRARY_IP).build()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); final HdfsFlusher flusher = new HdfsFlusher(vc, schema); records.forEach((record) -> flusher.process(AvroRecordBuffer.fromRecord(DivolteIdentifier.generate(), DivolteIdentifier.generate(), System.currentTimeMillis(), 0, record))); for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++) { Thread.sleep(500);//from w ww .ja va2s .c om flusher.heartbeat(); } records.forEach((record) -> flusher.process(AvroRecordBuffer.fromRecord(DivolteIdentifier.generate(), DivolteIdentifier.generate(), System.currentTimeMillis(), 0, record))); flusher.cleanup(); final MutableInt count = new MutableInt(0); Files.walk(tempPublishDir).filter((p) -> p.toString().endsWith(".avro")).forEach((p) -> { verifyAvroFile(records, schema, p); count.increment(); }); assertEquals(2, count.intValue()); }
From source
@Test public void testCheckPointForEntryLoggerWithMultipleActiveEntryLogs() throws Exception { File tmpDir = createTempDir("DiskCheck", "test"); final ServerConfiguration conf = TestBKConfiguration.newServerConfiguration() .setMetadataServiceUri(zkUtil.getMetadataServiceUri()).setZkTimeout(5000) .setJournalDirName(tmpDir.getPath()).setLedgerDirNames(new String[] { tmpDir.getPath() }) .setAutoRecoveryDaemonEnabled(false).setFlushInterval(3000) .setBookiePort(PortManager.nextFreePort()) // entrylog per ledger is enabled .setEntryLogPerLedgerEnabled(true) .setLedgerStorageClass(MockInterleavedLedgerStorage.class.getName()); Assert.assertEquals("Number of JournalDirs", 1, conf.getJournalDirs().length); // we know there is only one ledgerDir File ledgerDir = Bookie.getCurrentDirectories(conf.getLedgerDirs())[0]; BookieServer server = new BookieServer(conf); server.start();//from w ww. j a va2 m ClientConfiguration clientConf = new ClientConfiguration(); clientConf.setMetadataServiceUri(zkUtil.getMetadataServiceUri()); final BookKeeper bkClient = new BookKeeper(clientConf); int numOfLedgers = 12; int numOfEntries = 100; byte[] dataBytes = "data".getBytes(); AtomicBoolean receivedExceptionForAdd = new AtomicBoolean(false); LongStream.range(0, numOfLedgers).parallel().mapToObj((ledgerId) -> { LedgerHandle handle = null; try { handle = bkClient.createLedgerAdv(ledgerId, 1, 1, 1, DigestType.CRC32, "passwd".getBytes(), null); } catch (BKException | InterruptedException exc) { receivedExceptionForAdd.compareAndSet(false, true); LOG.error("Got Exception while trying to create LedgerHandle for ledgerId: " + ledgerId, exc); } return handle; }).forEach((writeHandle) -> { IntStream.range(0, numOfEntries).forEach((entryId) -> { try { writeHandle.addEntry(entryId, dataBytes); } catch (BKException | InterruptedException exc) { receivedExceptionForAdd.compareAndSet(false, true); LOG.error("Got Exception while trying to AddEntry of ledgerId: " + writeHandle.getId() + " entryId: " + entryId, exc); } }); try { writeHandle.close(); } catch (BKException | InterruptedException e) { receivedExceptionForAdd.compareAndSet(false, true); LOG.error("Got Exception while trying to close writeHandle of ledgerId: " + writeHandle.getId(), e); } }); Assert.assertFalse( "There shouldn't be any exceptions while creating writeHandle and adding entries to writeHandle", receivedExceptionForAdd.get()); executorController.advance(Duration.ofMillis(conf.getFlushInterval())); // since we have waited for more than flushInterval SyncThread should have checkpointed. // if entrylogperledger is not enabled, then we checkpoint only when currentLog in EntryLogger // is rotated. but if entrylogperledger is enabled, then we checkpoint for every flushInterval period File lastMarkFile = new File(ledgerDir, "lastMark"); Assert.assertTrue("lastMark file must be existing, because checkpoint should have happened", lastMarkFile.exists()); LogMark rolledLogMark = readLastMarkFile(lastMarkFile); Assert.assertNotEquals("rolledLogMark should not be zero, since checkpoint has happenend", 0, LogMark())); bkClient.close(); // here we are calling shutdown, but MockInterleavedLedgerStorage shudown/flush // methods are noop, so entrylogger is not flushed as part of this shutdown // here we are trying to simulate Bookie crash, but there is no way to // simulate bookie abrupt crash server.shutdown(); // delete journal files and lastMark, to make sure that we are not reading from // Journal file File[] journalDirs = conf.getJournalDirs(); for (File journalDir : journalDirs) { File journalDirectory = Bookie.getCurrentDirectory(journalDir); List<Long> journalLogsId = Journal.listJournalIds(journalDirectory, null); for (long journalId : journalLogsId) { File journalFile = new File(journalDirectory, Long.toHexString(journalId) + ".txn"); journalFile.delete(); } } // we know there is only one ledgerDir lastMarkFile = new File(ledgerDir, "lastMark"); lastMarkFile.delete(); // now we are restarting BookieServer conf.setLedgerStorageClass(InterleavedLedgerStorage.class.getName()); server = new BookieServer(conf); server.start(); BookKeeper newBKClient = new BookKeeper(clientConf); // since Bookie checkpointed successfully before shutdown/crash, // we should be able to read from entryLogs though journal is deleted AtomicBoolean receivedExceptionForRead = new AtomicBoolean(false); LongStream.range(0, numOfLedgers).parallel().forEach((ledgerId) -> { try { LedgerHandle lh = newBKClient.openLedger(ledgerId, DigestType.CRC32, "passwd".getBytes()); Enumeration<LedgerEntry> entries = lh.readEntries(0, numOfEntries - 1); while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { LedgerEntry entry = entries.nextElement(); byte[] readData = entry.getEntry(); Assert.assertEquals("Ledger Entry Data should match", new String("data".getBytes()), new String(readData)); } lh.close(); } catch (BKException | InterruptedException e) { receivedExceptionForRead.compareAndSet(false, true); LOG.error("Got Exception while trying to read entries of ledger, ledgerId: " + ledgerId, e); } }); Assert.assertFalse("There shouldn't be any exceptions while creating readHandle and while reading" + "entries using readHandle", receivedExceptionForRead.get()); newBKClient.close(); server.shutdown(); }
From source
@Test public void testExponential() throws Exception { Stream<Long> backoffs = Backoff.exponential(1000, 2, Long.MAX_VALUE).limit(10); Stream<Long> expectedBackoffs = LongStream.range(0L, 10L).mapToObj(i -> (1000L << i)); assertStreamEquals(expectedBackoffs, backoffs); }
From source
@Test public void testExponentialPolicy() throws Exception { Stream<Long> expectedBackoffs = LongStream.range(0L, 10L).mapToObj(i -> (1000L << i)); Backoff.Policy policy = Backoff.Exponential.of(1000, Long.MAX_VALUE, 2, 10); assertStreamEquals(expectedBackoffs, policy.toBackoffs()); }
From source
@Test public void testExponentialWithUpperLimit() throws Exception { Stream<Long> backoffs = Backoff.exponential(1000, 2, 32000).limit(10); Stream<Long> expectedBackoffs = LongStream.range(0L, 10L).mapToObj(i -> Math.min(1000L << i, 32000)); assertStreamEquals(expectedBackoffs, backoffs); }
From source
@Test public void testExponentialPolicyWithUpperLimit() throws Exception { Stream<Long> expectedBackoffs = LongStream.range(0L, 10L).mapToObj(i -> Math.min(1000L << i, 32000)); Backoff.Policy policy = Backoff.Exponential.of(1000, 32000, 2, 10); assertStreamEquals(expectedBackoffs, policy.toBackoffs()); }
From source
@Test public void testConstant() throws Exception { Stream<Long> backoffs = Backoff.constant(12345L).limit(10); Stream<Long> expectedBackoffs = LongStream.range(0L, 10L).mapToObj(i -> 12345L); assertStreamEquals(expectedBackoffs, backoffs); }
From source
@Test public void testConstantPolicy() throws Exception { Stream<Long> backoffs = Backoff.Constant.of(12345L, 10).toBackoffs(); Stream<Long> expectedBackoffs = LongStream.range(0L, 10L).mapToObj(i -> 12345L); assertStreamEquals(expectedBackoffs, backoffs); }
From source
private static void verifyAssignmentData(ClusterAssignmentData newAssignment, Set<BookieSocketAddress> currentCluster, boolean isInitialIdealState) throws Exception { int numServers = currentCluster.size(); assertEquals(numServers, newAssignment.getServersCount()); Set<Long> assignedContainers = Sets.newHashSet(); Set<BookieSocketAddress> assignedServers = Sets.newHashSet(); int numContainersPerServer = NUM_STORAGE_CONTAINERS / numServers; int serverIdx = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, ServerAssignmentData> entry : newAssignment.getServersMap().entrySet()) {"Check assignment for server {} = {}", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); BookieSocketAddress address = new BookieSocketAddress(entry.getKey()); assignedServers.add(address);/*from ww w . ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ assertEquals(serverIdx + 1, assignedServers.size()); ServerAssignmentData serverData = entry.getValue(); assertEquals(numContainersPerServer, serverData.getContainersCount()); List<Long> containers = Lists.newArrayList(serverData.getContainersList()); Collections.sort(containers); assignedContainers.addAll(containers); if (isInitialIdealState) { long startContainerId = containers.get(0); for (int i = 0; i < containers.size(); i++) { assertEquals(startContainerId + i * numServers, containers.get(i).longValue()); } } ++serverIdx; } // each server should be assigned with equal number of containers assertTrue(Sets.difference(currentCluster, assignedServers).isEmpty()); // all containers should be assigned Set<Long> expectedContainers = LongStream.range(0L, NUM_STORAGE_CONTAINERS) .mapToObj(scId -> Long.valueOf(scId)).collect(Collectors.toSet()); assertTrue(Sets.difference(expectedContainers, assignedContainers).isEmpty()); }
From source
private static void verifyAssignmentDataWhenHasMoreServers(ClusterAssignmentData newAssignment, Set<BookieSocketAddress> currentCluster) throws Exception { int numServers = currentCluster.size(); assertEquals(numServers, newAssignment.getServersCount()); Set<Long> assignedContainers = Sets.newHashSet(); Set<BookieSocketAddress> assignedServers = Sets.newHashSet(); int numEmptyServers = 0; int numAssignedServers = 0; int serverIdx = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, ServerAssignmentData> entry : newAssignment.getServersMap().entrySet()) {"Check assignment for server {} = {}", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); BookieSocketAddress address = new BookieSocketAddress(entry.getKey()); assignedServers.add(address);/* www.j a v a2 s. co m*/ assertEquals(serverIdx + 1, assignedServers.size()); ServerAssignmentData serverData = entry.getValue(); if (serverData.getContainersCount() > 0) { assertEquals(1, serverData.getContainersCount()); ++numAssignedServers; } else { ++numEmptyServers; } List<Long> containers = Lists.newArrayList(serverData.getContainersList()); Collections.sort(containers); assignedContainers.addAll(containers); ++serverIdx; } assertEquals(numServers / 2, numEmptyServers); assertEquals(numServers / 2, numAssignedServers); // each server should be assigned with equal number of containers assertTrue(Sets.difference(currentCluster, assignedServers).isEmpty()); // all containers should be assigned Set<Long> expectedContainers = LongStream.range(0L, NUM_STORAGE_CONTAINERS) .mapToObj(scId -> Long.valueOf(scId)).collect(Collectors.toSet()); assertTrue(Sets.difference(expectedContainers, assignedContainers).isEmpty()); }