Example usage for java.util.stream Collectors toList

List of usage examples for java.util.stream Collectors toList


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util.stream Collectors toList.


public static <T> Collector<T, ?, List<T>> toList() 

Source Link


Returns a Collector that accumulates the input elements into a new List .


From source file:com.example.geomesa.kafka08.KafkaLoadTester.java

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // read command line args for a connection to Kafka
    CommandLineParser parser = new BasicParser();
    Options options = getCommonRequiredOptions();
    CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args);
    String visibility = getVisibility(cmd);

    if (visibility == null) {
        System.out.println("visibility: null");
    } else {//  ww  w  .  ja v a2  s  .  c  o m
        System.out.println("visibility: '" + visibility + "'");

    // create the producer and consumer KafkaDataStore objects
    Map<String, String> dsConf = getKafkaDataStoreConf(cmd);
    System.out.println("KDS config: " + dsConf);
    dsConf.put("isProducer", "true");
    DataStore producerDS = DataStoreFinder.getDataStore(dsConf);
    dsConf.put("isProducer", "false");
    DataStore consumerDS = DataStoreFinder.getDataStore(dsConf);

    // verify that we got back our KafkaDataStore objects properly
    if (producerDS == null) {
        throw new Exception("Null producer KafkaDataStore");
    if (consumerDS == null) {
        throw new Exception("Null consumer KafkaDataStore");

    // create the schema which creates a topic in Kafka
    // (only needs to be done once)
    final String sftName = "KafkaStressTest";
    final String sftSchema = "name:String,age:Int,step:Double,lat:Double,dtg:Date,*geom:Point:srid=4326";
    SimpleFeatureType sft = SimpleFeatureTypes.createType(sftName, sftSchema);
    // set zkPath to default if not specified
    String zkPath = (dsConf.get(ZK_PATH) == null) ? "/geomesa/ds/kafka" : dsConf.get(ZK_PATH);
    SimpleFeatureType preppedOutputSft = KafkaDataStoreHelper.createStreamingSFT(sft, zkPath);
    // only create the schema if it hasn't been created already
    if (!Arrays.asList(producerDS.getTypeNames()).contains(sftName))

    System.out.println("Register KafkaDataStore in GeoServer (Press enter to continue)");

    // the live consumer must be created before the producer writes features
    // in order to read streaming data.
    // i.e. the live consumer will only read data written after its instantiation
    SimpleFeatureStore producerFS = (SimpleFeatureStore) producerDS.getFeatureSource(sftName);
    SimpleFeatureSource consumerFS = consumerDS.getFeatureSource(sftName);

    // creates and adds SimpleFeatures to the producer every 1/5th of a second
    System.out.println("Writing features to Kafka... refresh GeoServer layer preview to see changes");

    SimpleFeatureBuilder builder = new SimpleFeatureBuilder(sft);

    Integer numFeats = getLoad(cmd);

    System.out.println("Building a list of " + numFeats + " SimpleFeatures.");
    List<SimpleFeature> features = IntStream.range(1, numFeats)
            .mapToObj(i -> createFeature(builder, i, visibility)).collect(Collectors.toList());

    // set variables to estimate feature production rate
    Long startTime = null;
    Long featuresSinceStartTime = 0L;
    int cycle = 0;
    int cyclesToSkip = 50000 / numFeats; // collect enough features
                                         // to get an accurate rate estimate

    while (true) {
        // write features
        features.forEach(feat -> {
            try {
                DefaultFeatureCollection featureCollection = new DefaultFeatureCollection();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.out.println("Caught an exception while writing features.");

        // count features written
        Integer consumerSize = consumerFS.getFeatures().size();
        featuresSinceStartTime += consumerSize;
        System.out.println("At " + new Date() + " wrote " + consumerSize + " features");

        // if we've collected enough features, calculate the rate
        if (cycle >= cyclesToSkip || startTime == null) {
            Long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            if (startTime != null) {
                Long diffTime = endTime - startTime;
                Double rate = (featuresSinceStartTime.doubleValue() * 1000.0) / diffTime.doubleValue();
                System.out.printf("%.1f feats/sec (%d/%d)\n", rate, featuresSinceStartTime, diffTime);
            cycle = 0;
            startTime = endTime;
            featuresSinceStartTime = 0L;

From source file:com.example.geomesa.kafka.KafkaLoadTester.java

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // read command line args for a connection to Kafka
    CommandLineParser parser = new BasicParser();
    Options options = getCommonRequiredOptions();
    CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args);
    String visibility = getVisibility(cmd);
    Integer delay = getDelay(cmd);

    if (visibility == null) {
        System.out.println("visibility: null");
    } else {//from   w  w  w.  java2s  . co m
        System.out.println("visibility: '" + visibility + "'");

    // create the producer and consumer KafkaDataStore objects
    Map<String, String> dsConf = getKafkaDataStoreConf(cmd);
    System.out.println("KDS config: " + dsConf);
    dsConf.put("kafka.consumer.count", "0");
    DataStore producerDS = DataStoreFinder.getDataStore(dsConf);
    dsConf.put("kafka.consumer.count", "1");
    DataStore consumerDS = DataStoreFinder.getDataStore(dsConf);

    // verify that we got back our KafkaDataStore objects properly
    if (producerDS == null) {
        throw new Exception("Null producer KafkaDataStore");
    if (consumerDS == null) {
        throw new Exception("Null consumer KafkaDataStore");

    try {
        // create the schema which creates a topic in Kafka
        // (only needs to be done once)
        final String sftName = "KafkaStressTest";
        final String sftSchema = "name:String,age:Int,step:Double,lat:Double,dtg:Date,*geom:Point:srid=4326";
        SimpleFeatureType sft = SimpleFeatureTypes.createType(sftName, sftSchema);

        System.out.println("Register KafkaDataStore in GeoServer (Press enter to continue)");

        // the live consumer must be created before the producer writes features
        // in order to read streaming data.
        // i.e. the live consumer will only read data written after its instantiation
        SimpleFeatureStore producerFS = (SimpleFeatureStore) producerDS.getFeatureSource(sftName);
        SimpleFeatureSource consumerFS = consumerDS.getFeatureSource(sftName);

        // creates and adds SimpleFeatures to the producer every 1/5th of a second
        System.out.println("Writing features to Kafka... refresh GeoServer layer preview to see changes");

        SimpleFeatureBuilder builder = new SimpleFeatureBuilder(sft);

        Integer numFeats = getLoad(cmd);

        System.out.println("Building a list of " + numFeats + " SimpleFeatures.");
        List<SimpleFeature> features = IntStream.range(1, numFeats)
                .mapToObj(i -> createFeature(builder, i, visibility)).collect(Collectors.toList());

        // set variables to estimate feature production rate
        Long startTime = null;
        Long featuresSinceStartTime = 0L;
        int cycle = 0;
        int cyclesToSkip = 50000 / numFeats; // collect enough features
                                             // to get an accurate rate estimate

        while (true) {
            // write features
            features.forEach(feat -> {
                try {
                    DefaultFeatureCollection featureCollection = new DefaultFeatureCollection();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    System.out.println("Caught an exception while writing features.");

            // count features written
            Integer consumerSize = consumerFS.getFeatures().size();
            featuresSinceStartTime += consumerSize;
            System.out.println("At " + new Date() + " wrote " + consumerSize + " features");

            // if we've collected enough features, calculate the rate
            if (cycle >= cyclesToSkip || startTime == null) {
                Long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                if (startTime != null) {
                    Long diffTime = endTime - startTime;
                    Double rate = (featuresSinceStartTime.doubleValue() * 1000.0) / diffTime.doubleValue();
                    System.out.printf("%.1f feats/sec (%d/%d)\n", rate, featuresSinceStartTime, diffTime);
                cycle = 0;
                startTime = endTime;
                featuresSinceStartTime = 0L;

            // sleep before next write
            if (delay != null) {
                System.out.printf("Sleeping for %d ms\n", delay);

    } finally {

From source file:com.searchcode.app.App.java

public static void main(String[] args) {
    injector = Guice.createInjector(new InjectorConfig());
    int server_port = Helpers.tryParseInt(
            Properties.getProperties().getProperty(Values.SERVERPORT, Values.DEFAULTSERVERPORT),
            Values.DEFAULTSERVERPORT);/*from  ww w . ja  v  a 2s  .com*/
    boolean onlyLocalhost = Boolean
            .parseBoolean(Properties.getProperties().getProperty("only_localhost", "false"));

    // Database migrations happen before we start

    LOGGER.info("Starting searchcode server on port " + server_port);

    JobService js = injector.getInstance(JobService.class);
    Repo repo = injector.getInstance(Repo.class);
    Data data = injector.getInstance(Data.class);
    Api api = injector.getInstance(Api.class);

    ApiService apiService = injector.getInstance(ApiService.class);
    StatsService statsService = new StatsService();

    scl = Singleton.getSearchcodeLib(data);

    Gson gson = new Gson();


    before((request, response) -> {
        if (onlyLocalhost) {
            if (!request.ip().equals("")) {

    get("/", (req, res) -> {
        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();

        map.put("repoCount", repo.getRepoCount());

        if (req.queryParams().contains("q") && !req.queryParams("q").trim().equals("")) {
            String query = req.queryParams("q").trim();
            int page = 0;

            if (req.queryParams().contains("p")) {
                try {
                    page = Integer.parseInt(req.queryParams("p"));
                    page = page > 19 ? 19 : page;
                } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
                    page = 0;

            List<String> reposList = new ArrayList<>();
            List<String> langsList = new ArrayList<>();
            List<String> ownsList = new ArrayList<>();

            if (req.queryParams().contains("repo")) {
                String[] repos = new String[0];
                repos = req.queryParamsValues("repo");

                if (repos.length != 0) {
                    reposList = Arrays.asList(repos);

            if (req.queryParams().contains("lan")) {
                String[] langs = new String[0];
                langs = req.queryParamsValues("lan");

                if (langs.length != 0) {
                    langsList = Arrays.asList(langs);

            if (req.queryParams().contains("own")) {
                String[] owns = new String[0];
                owns = req.queryParamsValues("own");

                if (owns.length != 0) {
                    ownsList = Arrays.asList(owns);

            map.put("searchValue", query);
                    gson.toJson(new CodePreload(query, page, langsList, reposList, ownsList)));

            map.put("logoImage", getLogo());
            map.put("isCommunity", ISCOMMUNITY);
            return new ModelAndView(map, "search_test.ftl");

        // Totally pointless vanity but lets rotate the image every week
        int photoId = getWeekOfMonth();

        if (photoId <= 0) {
            photoId = 3;
        if (photoId > 4) {
            photoId = 2;

        CodeSearcher cs = new CodeSearcher();

        map.put("photoId", photoId);
        map.put("numDocs", cs.getTotalNumberDocumentsIndexed());
        map.put("logoImage", getLogo());
        map.put("isCommunity", ISCOMMUNITY);
        return new ModelAndView(map, "index.ftl");
    }, new FreeMarkerEngine());

    get("/html/", (req, res) -> {
        CodeSearcher cs = new CodeSearcher();
        CodeMatcher cm = new CodeMatcher(data);
        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();

        map.put("repoCount", repo.getRepoCount());

        if (req.queryParams().contains("q")) {
            String query = req.queryParams("q").trim();
            String altquery = query.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9 ]", " ").trim().replaceAll(" +", " ");
            int page = 0;

            if (req.queryParams().contains("p")) {
                try {
                    page = Integer.parseInt(req.queryParams("p"));
                    page = page > 19 ? 19 : page;
                } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
                    page = 0;

            String[] repos = new String[0];
            String[] langs = new String[0];
            String reposFilter = "";
            String langsFilter = "";
            String reposQueryString = "";
            String langsQueryString = "";

            if (req.queryParams().contains("repo")) {
                repos = req.queryParamsValues("repo");

                if (repos.length != 0) {
                    List<String> reposList = Arrays.asList(repos).stream()
                            .map((s) -> "reponame:" + QueryParser.escape(s)).collect(Collectors.toList());

                    reposFilter = " && (" + StringUtils.join(reposList, " || ") + ")";

                    List<String> reposQueryList = Arrays.asList(repos).stream()
                            .map((s) -> "&repo=" + URLEncoder.encode(s)).collect(Collectors.toList());

                    reposQueryString = StringUtils.join(reposQueryList, "");

            if (req.queryParams().contains("lan")) {
                langs = req.queryParamsValues("lan");

                if (langs.length != 0) {
                    List<String> langsList = Arrays.asList(langs).stream()
                            .map((s) -> "languagename:" + QueryParser.escape(s)).collect(Collectors.toList());

                    langsFilter = " && (" + StringUtils.join(langsList, " || ") + ")";

                    List<String> langsQueryList = Arrays.asList(langs).stream()
                            .map((s) -> "&lan=" + URLEncoder.encode(s)).collect(Collectors.toList());

                    langsQueryString = StringUtils.join(langsQueryList, "");

            // split the query escape it and and it together
            String cleanQueryString = scl.formatQueryString(query);

            SearchResult searchResult = cs.search(cleanQueryString + reposFilter + langsFilter, page);
            searchResult.setCodeResultList(cm.formatResults(searchResult.getCodeResultList(), query, true));

            for (CodeFacetRepo f : searchResult.getRepoFacetResults()) {
                if (Arrays.asList(repos).contains(f.getRepoName())) {

            for (CodeFacetLanguage f : searchResult.getLanguageFacetResults()) {
                if (Arrays.asList(langs).contains(f.getLanguageName())) {

            map.put("searchValue", query);
            map.put("searchResult", searchResult);
            map.put("reposQueryString", reposQueryString);
            map.put("langsQueryString", langsQueryString);

            map.put("altQuery", altquery);

            map.put("isHtml", true);
            map.put("logoImage", getLogo());
            map.put("isCommunity", ISCOMMUNITY);
            return new ModelAndView(map, "searchresults.ftl");

        // Totally pointless vanity but lets rotate the image every week
        int photoId = getWeekOfMonth();

        if (photoId <= 0) {
            photoId = 3;
        if (photoId > 4) {
            photoId = 2;

        map.put("photoId", photoId);
        map.put("numDocs", cs.getTotalNumberDocumentsIndexed());
        map.put("logoImage", getLogo());
        map.put("isCommunity", ISCOMMUNITY);
        return new ModelAndView(map, "index.ftl");
    }, new FreeMarkerEngine());

     * Allows one to write literal lucene search queries against the index
     * TODO This is still very much WIP
    get("/literal/", (req, res) -> {
        CodeSearcher cs = new CodeSearcher();
        CodeMatcher cm = new CodeMatcher(data);
        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();

        map.put("repoCount", repo.getRepoCount());

        if (req.queryParams().contains("q")) {
            String query = req.queryParams("q").trim();

            int page = 0;

            if (req.queryParams().contains("p")) {
                try {
                    page = Integer.parseInt(req.queryParams("p"));
                    page = page > 19 ? 19 : page;
                } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
                    page = 0;

            String altquery = query.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9 ]", " ").trim().replaceAll(" +", " ");

            SearchResult searchResult = cs.search(query, page);
            searchResult.setCodeResultList(cm.formatResults(searchResult.getCodeResultList(), altquery, false));

            map.put("searchValue", query);
            map.put("searchResult", searchResult);
            map.put("reposQueryString", "");
            map.put("langsQueryString", "");

            map.put("altQuery", "");

            map.put("logoImage", getLogo());
            map.put("isCommunity", ISCOMMUNITY);
            return new ModelAndView(map, "searchresults.ftl");

        map.put("numDocs", cs.getTotalNumberDocumentsIndexed());
        map.put("logoImage", getLogo());
        map.put("isCommunity", ISCOMMUNITY);
        return new ModelAndView(map, "index.ftl");
    }, new FreeMarkerEngine());

     * This is the endpoint used by the frontend.
    get("/api/codesearch/", (req, res) -> {
        CodeSearcher cs = new CodeSearcher();
        CodeMatcher cm = new CodeMatcher(data);

        if (req.queryParams().contains("q") && req.queryParams("q").trim() != "") {
            String query = req.queryParams("q").trim();

            int page = 0;

            if (req.queryParams().contains("p")) {
                try {
                    page = Integer.parseInt(req.queryParams("p"));
                    page = page > 19 ? 19 : page;
                } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
                    page = 0;

            String[] repos = new String[0];
            String[] langs = new String[0];
            String[] owners = new String[0];
            String reposFilter = "";
            String langsFilter = "";
            String ownersFilter = "";

            if (req.queryParams().contains("repo")) {
                repos = req.queryParamsValues("repo");

                if (repos.length != 0) {
                    List<String> reposList = Arrays.asList(repos).stream()
                            .map((s) -> "reponame:" + QueryParser.escape(s)).collect(Collectors.toList());

                    reposFilter = " && (" + StringUtils.join(reposList, " || ") + ")";

            if (req.queryParams().contains("lan")) {
                langs = req.queryParamsValues("lan");

                if (langs.length != 0) {
                    List<String> langsList = Arrays.asList(langs).stream()
                            .map((s) -> "languagename:" + QueryParser.escape(s)).collect(Collectors.toList());

                    langsFilter = " && (" + StringUtils.join(langsList, " || ") + ")";

            if (req.queryParams().contains("own")) {
                owners = req.queryParamsValues("own");

                if (owners.length != 0) {
                    List<String> ownersList = Arrays.asList(owners).stream()
                            .map((s) -> "codeowner:" + QueryParser.escape(s)).collect(Collectors.toList());

                    ownersFilter = " && (" + StringUtils.join(ownersList, " || ") + ")";

            // Need to pass in the filters into this query
            String cacheKey = query + page + reposFilter + langsFilter + ownersFilter;

            if (cache.containsKey(cacheKey)) {
                return cache.get(cacheKey);

            // split the query escape it and and it together
            String cleanQueryString = scl.formatQueryString(query);

            SearchResult searchResult = cs.search(cleanQueryString + reposFilter + langsFilter + ownersFilter,
            searchResult.setCodeResultList(cm.formatResults(searchResult.getCodeResultList(), query, true));


            for (String altQuery : scl.generateAltQueries(query)) {

            // Null out code as it isnt required and there is no point in bloating our ajax requests
            for (CodeResult codeSearchResult : searchResult.getCodeResultList()) {

            cache.put(cacheKey, searchResult);
            return searchResult;

        return null;
    }, new JsonTransformer());

    get("/api/repo/add/", "application/json", (request, response) -> {
        boolean apiEnabled = Boolean
                .parseBoolean(Properties.getProperties().getProperty("api_enabled", "false"));
        boolean apiAuth = Boolean
                .parseBoolean(Properties.getProperties().getProperty("api_key_authentication", "true"));

        if (!apiEnabled) {
            return new ApiResponse(false, "API not enabled");

        String publicKey = request.queryParams("pub");
        String signedKey = request.queryParams("sig");
        String reponames = request.queryParams("reponame");
        String repourls = request.queryParams("repourl");
        String repotype = request.queryParams("repotype");
        String repousername = request.queryParams("repousername");
        String repopassword = request.queryParams("repopassword");
        String reposource = request.queryParams("reposource");
        String repobranch = request.queryParams("repobranch");

        if (reponames == null || reponames.trim().equals(Values.EMPTYSTRING)) {
            return new ApiResponse(false, "reponame is a required parameter");

        if (repourls == null || repourls.trim().equals(Values.EMPTYSTRING)) {
            return new ApiResponse(false, "repourl is a required parameter");

        if (repotype == null) {
            return new ApiResponse(false, "repotype is a required parameter");

        if (repousername == null) {
            return new ApiResponse(false, "repousername is a required parameter");

        if (repopassword == null) {
            return new ApiResponse(false, "repopassword is a required parameter");

        if (reposource == null) {
            return new ApiResponse(false, "reposource is a required parameter");

        if (repobranch == null) {
            return new ApiResponse(false, "repobranch is a required parameter");

        if (apiAuth) {
            if (publicKey == null || publicKey.trim().equals(Values.EMPTYSTRING)) {
                return new ApiResponse(false, "pub is a required parameter");

            if (signedKey == null || signedKey.trim().equals(Values.EMPTYSTRING)) {
                return new ApiResponse(false, "sig is a required parameter");

            String toValidate = String.format(
                    URLEncoder.encode(publicKey), URLEncoder.encode(reponames), URLEncoder.encode(repourls),
                    URLEncoder.encode(repotype), URLEncoder.encode(repousername),
                    URLEncoder.encode(repopassword), URLEncoder.encode(reposource),

            boolean validRequest = apiService.validateRequest(publicKey, signedKey, toValidate);

            if (!validRequest) {
                return new ApiResponse(false, "invalid signed url");

        // Clean
        if (repobranch == null || repobranch.trim().equals(Values.EMPTYSTRING)) {
            repobranch = "master";

        repotype = repotype.trim().toLowerCase();
        if (!"git".equals(repotype) && !"svn".equals(repotype)) {
            repotype = "git";

        RepoResult repoResult = repo.getRepoByName(reponames);

        if (repoResult != null) {
            return new ApiResponse(false, "repository name already exists");

        repo.saveRepo(new RepoResult(-1, reponames, repotype, repourls, repousername, repopassword, reposource,

        return new ApiResponse(true, "added repository successfully");
    }, new JsonTransformer());

    get("/api/repo/delete/", "application/json", (request, response) -> {
        boolean apiEnabled = Boolean
                .parseBoolean(Properties.getProperties().getProperty("api_enabled", "false"));
        boolean apiAuth = Boolean
                .parseBoolean(Properties.getProperties().getProperty("api_key_authentication", "true"));

        if (!apiEnabled) {
            return new ApiResponse(false, "API not enabled");

        String publicKey = request.queryParams("pub");
        String signedKey = request.queryParams("sig");
        String reponames = request.queryParams("reponame");

        if (reponames == null || reponames.trim().equals(Values.EMPTYSTRING)) {
            return new ApiResponse(false, "reponame is a required parameter");

        if (apiAuth) {
            if (publicKey == null || publicKey.trim().equals(Values.EMPTYSTRING)) {
                return new ApiResponse(false, "pub is a required parameter");

            if (signedKey == null || signedKey.trim().equals(Values.EMPTYSTRING)) {
                return new ApiResponse(false, "sig is a required parameter");

            String toValidate = String.format("pub=%s&reponame=%s", URLEncoder.encode(publicKey),

            boolean validRequest = apiService.validateRequest(publicKey, signedKey, toValidate);

            if (!validRequest) {
                return new ApiResponse(false, "invalid signed url");

        RepoResult rr = repo.getRepoByName(reponames);
        if (rr == null) {
            return new ApiResponse(false, "repository already deleted");


        return new ApiResponse(true, "repository queued for deletion");
    }, new JsonTransformer());

    get("/api/repo/list/", "application/json", (request, response) -> {
        boolean apiEnabled = Boolean
                .parseBoolean(Properties.getProperties().getProperty("api_enabled", "false"));
        boolean apiAuth = Boolean
                .parseBoolean(Properties.getProperties().getProperty("api_key_authentication", "true"));

        if (!apiEnabled) {
            return new ApiResponse(false, "API not enabled");

        String publicKey = request.queryParams("pub");
        String signedKey = request.queryParams("sig");

        if (apiAuth) {
            if (publicKey == null || publicKey.trim().equals(Values.EMPTYSTRING)) {
                return new ApiResponse(false, "pub is a required parameter");

            if (signedKey == null || signedKey.trim().equals(Values.EMPTYSTRING)) {
                return new ApiResponse(false, "sig is a required parameter");

            String toValidate = String.format("pub=%s", URLEncoder.encode(publicKey));

            boolean validRequest = apiService.validateRequest(publicKey, signedKey, toValidate);

            if (!validRequest) {
                return new ApiResponse(false, "invalid signed url");

        List<RepoResult> repoResultList = repo.getAllRepo();

        return new RepoResultApiResponse(true, Values.EMPTYSTRING, repoResultList);
    }, new JsonTransformer());

    get("/admin/", (request, response) -> {
        if (getAuthenticatedUser(request) == null) {
            return null;

        CodeSearcher cs = new CodeSearcher();

        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();

        map.put("repoCount", repo.getRepoCount());
        map.put("numDocs", cs.getTotalNumberDocumentsIndexed());

        map.put("numSearches", statsService.getSearchCount());
        map.put("uptime", statsService.getUptime());

        // Put all properties here
                Properties.getProperties().getProperty(Values.SQLITEFILE, Values.DEFAULTSQLITEFILE));
                Properties.getProperties().getProperty(Values.SERVERPORT, Values.DEFAULTSERVERPORT));
        map.put(Values.REPOSITORYLOCATION, Properties.getProperties().getProperty(Values.REPOSITORYLOCATION,
                Properties.getProperties().getProperty(Values.INDEXLOCATION, Values.DEFAULTINDEXLOCATION));
                Properties.getProperties().getProperty(Values.FACETSLOCATION, Values.DEFAULTFACETSLOCATION));
        map.put(Values.CHECKREPOCHANGES, Properties.getProperties().getProperty(Values.CHECKREPOCHANGES,
                Properties.getProperties().getProperty(Values.ONLYLOCALHOST, Values.DEFAULTONLYLOCALHOST));
                Properties.getProperties().getProperty(Values.LOWMEMORY, Values.DEFAULTLOWMEMORY));
        map.put(Values.SPELLINGCORRECTORSIZE, Properties.getProperties()
                Properties.getProperties().getProperty(Values.USESYSTEMGIT, Values.DEFAULTUSESYSTEMGIT));
                Properties.getProperties().getProperty(Values.GITBINARYPATH, Values.DEFAULTGITBINARYPATH));
                Properties.getProperties().getProperty(Values.APIENABLED, Values.DEFAULTAPIENABLED));
                Properties.getProperties().getProperty(Values.APIKEYAUTH, Values.DEFAULTAPIKEYAUTH));
                Properties.getProperties().getProperty(Values.SVNBINARYPATH, Values.DEFAULTSVNBINARYPATH));
                Properties.getProperties().getProperty(Values.SVNENABLED, Values.DEFAULTSVNENABLED));
        map.put(Values.MAXDOCUMENTQUEUESIZE, Properties.getProperties().getProperty(Values.MAXDOCUMENTQUEUESIZE,
        map.put(Values.MAXDOCUMENTQUEUELINESIZE, Properties.getProperties()
        map.put(Values.MAXFILELINEDEPTH, Properties.getProperties().getProperty(Values.MAXFILELINEDEPTH,

        map.put("deletionQueue", Singleton.getUniqueDeleteRepoQueue().size());

        map.put("version", VERSION);

        map.put("logoImage", getLogo());
        map.put("isCommunity", ISCOMMUNITY);
        return new ModelAndView(map, "admin.ftl");
    }, new FreeMarkerEngine());

    get("/admin/repo/", (request, response) -> {
        if (getAuthenticatedUser(request) == null) {
            return null;

        int repoCount = repo.getRepoCount();
        String offSet = request.queryParams("offset");
        String searchQuery = request.queryParams("q");
        int indexOffset = 0;

        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();

        if (offSet != null) {
            try {
                indexOffset = Integer.parseInt(offSet);
                if (indexOffset > repoCount || indexOffset < 0) {
                    indexOffset = 0;

            } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
                indexOffset = 0;

        if (searchQuery != null) {
            map.put("repoResults", repo.searchRepo(searchQuery));
        } else {
            map.put("repoResults", repo.getPagedRepo(indexOffset, 100));

        map.put("searchQuery", searchQuery);
        map.put("hasPrevious", indexOffset > 0);
        map.put("hasNext", (indexOffset + 100) < repoCount);
        map.put("previousOffset", "" + (indexOffset - 100));
        map.put("nextOffset", "" + (indexOffset + 100));

        map.put("logoImage", getLogo());
        map.put("isCommunity", ISCOMMUNITY);
        return new ModelAndView(map, "admin_repo.ftl");
    }, new FreeMarkerEngine());

    get("/admin/bulk/", (request, response) -> {
        if (getAuthenticatedUser(request) == null) {
            return null;

        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();

        map.put("logoImage", getLogo());
        map.put("isCommunity", ISCOMMUNITY);
        return new ModelAndView(map, "admin_bulk.ftl");
    }, new FreeMarkerEngine());

    get("/admin/api/", (request, response) -> {
        if (getAuthenticatedUser(request) == null) {
            return null;

        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();

        map.put("apiKeys", api.getAllApi());

        boolean apiEnabled = Boolean
                .parseBoolean(Properties.getProperties().getProperty("api_enabled", "false"));
        boolean apiAuth = Boolean
                .parseBoolean(Properties.getProperties().getProperty("api_key_authentication", "true"));

        map.put("apiAuthentication", apiEnabled && apiAuth);
        map.put("logoImage", getLogo());
        map.put("isCommunity", ISCOMMUNITY);
        return new ModelAndView(map, "admin_api.ftl");
    }, new FreeMarkerEngine());

    post("/admin/api/", (request, response) -> {
        if (getAuthenticatedUser(request) == null) {
            return null;


        return null;
    }, new FreeMarkerEngine());

    get("/admin/api/delete/", "application/json", (request, response) -> {
        if (getAuthenticatedUser(request) == null || !request.queryParams().contains("publicKey")) {
            return false;

        String publicKey = request.queryParams("publicKey");

        return true;
    }, new JsonTransformer());

    get("/admin/settings/", (request, response) -> {
        if (getAuthenticatedUser(request) == null) {
            return null;

        String[] highlighters = "agate,androidstudio,arta,ascetic,atelier-cave.dark,atelier-cave.light,atelier-dune.dark,atelier-dune.light,atelier-estuary.dark,atelier-estuary.light,atelier-forest.dark,atelier-forest.light,atelier-heath.dark,atelier-heath.light,atelier-lakeside.dark,atelier-lakeside.light,atelier-plateau.dark,atelier-plateau.light,atelier-savanna.dark,atelier-savanna.light,atelier-seaside.dark,atelier-seaside.light,atelier-sulphurpool.dark,atelier-sulphurpool.light,brown_paper,codepen-embed,color-brewer,dark,darkula,default,docco,far,foundation,github-gist,github,googlecode,grayscale,hopscotch,hybrid,idea,ir_black,kimbie.dark,kimbie.light,magula,mono-blue,monokai,monokai_sublime,obsidian,paraiso.dark,paraiso.light,pojoaque,railscasts,rainbow,school_book,solarized_dark,solarized_light,sunburst,tomorrow-night-blue,tomorrow-night-bright,tomorrow-night-eighties,tomorrow-night,tomorrow,vs,xcode,zenburn"

        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
        map.put("logoImage", getLogo());
        map.put("syntaxHighlighter", getSyntaxHighlighter());
        map.put("highlighters", highlighters);
        map.put("averageSalary", "" + (int) getAverageSalary());
        map.put("matchLines", "" + (int) getMatchLines());
        map.put("maxLineDepth", "" + (int) getMaxLineDepth());
        map.put("minifiedLength", "" + (int) getMinifiedLength());
        map.put("isCommunity", ISCOMMUNITY);

        return new ModelAndView(map, "admin_settings.ftl");
    }, new FreeMarkerEngine());

    get("/admin/reports/", (request, response) -> {
        if (getAuthenticatedUser(request) == null) {
            return null;

        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
        map.put("logoImage", getLogo());
        map.put("isCommunity", ISCOMMUNITY);

        return new ModelAndView(map, "admin_reports.ftl");
    }, new FreeMarkerEngine());

    post("/admin/settings/", (request, response) -> {
        if (getAuthenticatedUser(request) == null) {
            return null;

        if (ISCOMMUNITY) {

        String logo = request.queryParams("logo").trim();
        String syntaxHighlighter = request.queryParams("syntaxhighligher");

        try {
            double averageSalary = Double.parseDouble(request.queryParams("averagesalary"));
            data.saveData(Values.AVERAGESALARY, "" + (int) averageSalary);
        } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
            data.saveData(Values.AVERAGESALARY, Values.DEFAULTAVERAGESALARY);

        try {
            double averageSalary = Double.parseDouble(request.queryParams("matchlines"));
            data.saveData(Values.MATCHLINES, "" + (int) averageSalary);
        } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
            data.saveData(Values.MATCHLINES, Values.DEFAULTMATCHLINES);

        try {
            double averageSalary = Double.parseDouble(request.queryParams("maxlinedepth"));
            data.saveData(Values.MAXLINEDEPTH, "" + (int) averageSalary);
        } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
            data.saveData(Values.MAXLINEDEPTH, Values.DEFAULTMAXLINEDEPTH);

        try {
            double minifiedlength = Double.parseDouble(request.queryParams("minifiedlength"));
            data.saveData(Values.MINIFIEDLENGTH, "" + (int) minifiedlength);
        } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
            data.saveData(Values.MINIFIEDLENGTH, Values.DEFAULTMINIFIEDLENGTH);

        data.saveData(Values.LOGO, logo);
        data.saveData(Values.SYNTAXHIGHLIGHTER, syntaxHighlighter);

        // Redo anything that requires updates at this point
        scl = Singleton.getSearchcodeLib(data);

        return null;
    }, new FreeMarkerEngine());

    post("/admin/bulk/", (request, response) -> {
        if (getAuthenticatedUser(request) == null) {
            return null;

        String repos = request.queryParams("repos");
        String repolines[] = repos.split("\\r?\\n");

        for (String line : repolines) {
            String[] repoparams = line.split(",", -1);

            if (repoparams.length == 7) {

                String branch = repoparams[6].trim();
                if (branch.equals(Values.EMPTYSTRING)) {
                    branch = "master";

                String scm = repoparams[1].trim().toLowerCase();
                if (scm.equals(Values.EMPTYSTRING)) {
                    scm = "git";

                RepoResult rr = repo.getRepoByName(repoparams[0]);

                if (rr == null) {
                    repo.saveRepo(new RepoResult(-1, repoparams[0], scm, repoparams[2], repoparams[3],
                            repoparams[4], repoparams[5], branch));

        return null;
    }, new FreeMarkerEngine());

    post("/admin/repo/", (request, response) -> {
        if (getAuthenticatedUser(request) == null) {
            return null;

        String[] reponames = request.queryParamsValues("reponame");
        String[] reposcms = request.queryParamsValues("reposcm");
        String[] repourls = request.queryParamsValues("repourl");
        String[] repousername = request.queryParamsValues("repousername");
        String[] repopassword = request.queryParamsValues("repopassword");
        String[] reposource = request.queryParamsValues("reposource");
        String[] repobranch = request.queryParamsValues("repobranch");

        for (int i = 0; i < reponames.length; i++) {
            if (reponames[i].trim().length() != 0) {

                String branch = repobranch[i].trim();
                if (branch.equals(Values.EMPTYSTRING)) {
                    branch = "master";

                repo.saveRepo(new RepoResult(-1, reponames[i], reposcms[i], repourls[i], repousername[i],
                        repopassword[i], reposource[i], branch));

        return null;
    }, new FreeMarkerEngine());

    get("/login/", (request, response) -> {
        if (getAuthenticatedUser(request) != null) {
            return null;
        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
        map.put("logoImage", getLogo());
        map.put("isCommunity", ISCOMMUNITY);
        return new ModelAndView(map, "login.ftl");
    }, new FreeMarkerEngine());

    post("/login/", (req, res) -> {
        if (req.queryParams().contains("password") && req.queryParams("password")
                .equals(com.searchcode.app.util.Properties.getProperties().getProperty("password"))) {
        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
        map.put("logoImage", getLogo());
        map.put("isCommunity", ISCOMMUNITY);
        return new ModelAndView(map, "login.ftl");
    }, new FreeMarkerEngine());

    get("/logout/", (req, res) -> {
        return null;

    get("/admin/delete/", "application/json", (request, response) -> {
        if (getAuthenticatedUser(request) == null || !request.queryParams().contains("repoName")) {
            return false;

        String repoName = request.queryParams("repoName");
        RepoResult rr = repo.getRepoByName(repoName);

        if (rr != null) {

        return true;
    }, new JsonTransformer());

    get("/admin/checkversion/", "application/json", (request, response) -> {
        if (getAuthenticatedUser(request) == null) {
            return false;

        String version;
        try {
            version = IOUtils.toString(new URL("https://searchcode.com/product/version/")).replace("\"",
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            return "Unable to determine if running the latest version. Check https://searchcode.com/product/download/ for the latest release.";

        if (App.VERSION.equals(version)) {
            return "Your searchcode server version " + version + " is the latest.";
        } else {
            return "Your searchcode server version " + App.VERSION
                    + " instance is out of date. The latest version is " + version + ".";
    }, new JsonTransformer());

    get("/file/:codeid/:reponame/*", (request, response) -> {
        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();

        CodeSearcher cs = new CodeSearcher();
        Cocomo2 coco = new Cocomo2();

        StringBuilder code = new StringBuilder();

        String fileName = Values.EMPTYSTRING;
        if (request.splat().length != 0) {
            fileName = request.splat()[0];

        CodeResult codeResult = cs.getByRepoFileName(request.params(":reponame"), fileName);

        if (codeResult == null) {
            int codeid = Integer.parseInt(request.params(":codeid"));
            codeResult = cs.getById(codeid);

        if (codeResult == null) {

        List<String> codeLines = codeResult.code;
        for (int i = 0; i < codeLines.size(); i++) {
            code.append("<span id=\"" + (i + 1) + "\"></span>");

        boolean highlight = true;
        if (Integer.parseInt(codeResult.codeLines) > 1000) {
            highlight = false;

        RepoResult repoResult = repo.getRepoByName(codeResult.repoName);

        if (repoResult != null) {
            map.put("source", repoResult.getSource());

        map.put("fileName", codeResult.fileName);
        map.put("codePath", codeResult.codePath);
        map.put("codeLength", codeResult.codeLines);
        map.put("languageName", codeResult.languageName);
        map.put("md5Hash", codeResult.md5hash);
        map.put("repoName", codeResult.repoName);
        map.put("highlight", highlight);
        map.put("repoLocation", codeResult.getRepoLocation());

        map.put("codeValue", code.toString());
        map.put("highligher", getSyntaxHighlighter());
        map.put("codeOwner", codeResult.getCodeOwner());

        double estimatedEffort = coco.estimateEffort(scl.countFilteredLines(codeResult.getCode()));
        int estimatedCost = (int) coco.estimateCost(estimatedEffort, getAverageSalary());
        if (estimatedCost != 0 && !scl.languageCostIgnore(codeResult.getLanguageName())) {
            map.put("estimatedCost", estimatedCost);

        map.put("logoImage", getLogo());
        map.put("isCommunity", ISCOMMUNITY);
        return new ModelAndView(map, "coderesult.ftl");
    }, new FreeMarkerEngine());

     * Deprecated should not be used
     * TODO delete this method
    get("/codesearch/view/:codeid", (request, response) -> {
        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();

        int codeid = Integer.parseInt(request.params(":codeid"));
        CodeSearcher cs = new CodeSearcher();
        Cocomo2 coco = new Cocomo2();

        StringBuilder code = new StringBuilder();

        // escape all the lines and include deeplink for line number
        CodeResult codeResult = cs.getById(codeid);

        if (codeResult == null) {

        List<String> codeLines = codeResult.code;
        for (int i = 0; i < codeLines.size(); i++) {
            code.append("<span id=\"" + (i + 1) + "\"></span>");

        boolean highlight = true;
        if (Integer.parseInt(codeResult.codeLines) > 1000) {
            highlight = false;

        RepoResult repoResult = repo.getRepoByName(codeResult.repoName);

        if (repoResult != null) {
            map.put("source", repoResult.getSource());

        map.put("fileName", codeResult.fileName);
        map.put("codePath", codeResult.codePath);
        map.put("codeLength", codeResult.codeLines);
        map.put("languageName", codeResult.languageName);
        map.put("md5Hash", codeResult.md5hash);
        map.put("repoName", codeResult.repoName);
        map.put("highlight", highlight);
        map.put("repoLocation", codeResult.getRepoLocation());

        map.put("codeValue", code.toString());
        map.put("highligher", getSyntaxHighlighter());
        map.put("codeOwner", codeResult.getCodeOwner());

        double estimatedEffort = coco.estimateEffort(scl.countFilteredLines(codeResult.getCode()));
        int estimatedCost = (int) coco.estimateCost(estimatedEffort, getAverageSalary());
        if (estimatedCost != 0 && !scl.languageCostIgnore(codeResult.getLanguageName())) {
            map.put("estimatedCost", estimatedCost);

        map.put("logoImage", getLogo());
        map.put("isCommunity", ISCOMMUNITY);
        return new ModelAndView(map, "coderesult.ftl");
    }, new FreeMarkerEngine());

    get("/documentation/", (request, response) -> {
        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();

        map.put("logoImage", getLogo());
        map.put("isCommunity", ISCOMMUNITY);
        return new ModelAndView(map, "documentation.ftl");
    }, new FreeMarkerEngine());

    get("/search_test/", (request, response) -> {
        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();

        map.put("logoImage", getLogo());
        map.put("isCommunity", ISCOMMUNITY);
        return new ModelAndView(map, "search_test.ftl");
    }, new FreeMarkerEngine());

    get("/404/", (request, response) -> {
        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();

        map.put("logoImage", getLogo());
        map.put("isCommunity", ISCOMMUNITY);
        return new ModelAndView(map, "404.ftl");

    }, new FreeMarkerEngine());

     * Test that was being used to display blame information
    //        get("/test/:reponame/*", (request, response) -> {
    //            User user = injector.getInstance(User.class);
    //            user.Blame(request.params(":reponame"), request.splat()[0]);
    //            return "";
    //        }, new JsonTransformer());

From source file:com.act.lcms.db.analysis.BestMoleculesPickerFromLCMSIonAnalysis.java

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Options opts = new Options();
    for (Option.Builder b : OPTION_BUILDERS) {
        opts.addOption(b.build());//  w w w  .j a  va 2  s. c om

    CommandLine cl = null;
    try {
        CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser();
        cl = parser.parse(opts, args);
    } catch (ParseException e) {
        HELP_FORMATTER.printHelp(BestMoleculesPickerFromLCMSIonAnalysis.class.getCanonicalName(), HELP_MESSAGE,
                opts, null, true);

    if (cl.hasOption("help")) {
        HELP_FORMATTER.printHelp(BestMoleculesPickerFromLCMSIonAnalysis.class.getCanonicalName(), HELP_MESSAGE,
                opts, null, true);

    List<String> positiveReplicateResults = new ArrayList<>(

    if (cl.hasOption(OPTION_MIN_OF_REPLICATES)) {
        HitOrMissReplicateFilterAndTransformer transformer = new HitOrMissReplicateFilterAndTransformer();

        List<IonAnalysisInterchangeModel> models = positiveReplicateResults.stream().map(file -> {
            try {
                return IonAnalysisInterchangeModel.loadIonAnalysisInterchangeModelFromFile(file);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new UncheckedIOException(e);

        IonAnalysisInterchangeModel transformedModel = IonAnalysisInterchangeModel
                .filterAndOperateOnMoleculesFromMultipleReplicateModels(models, transformer);

        printInchisAndIonsToFile(transformedModel, cl.getOptionValue(OPTION_OUTPUT_FILE),

    Double minSnrThreshold = Double.parseDouble(cl.getOptionValue(OPTION_MIN_SNR_THRESHOLD));
    Double minIntensityThreshold = Double.parseDouble(cl.getOptionValue(OPTION_MIN_INTENSITY_THRESHOLD));
    Double minTimeThreshold = Double.parseDouble(cl.getOptionValue(OPTION_MIN_TIME_THRESHOLD));

    if (cl.hasOption(OPTION_GET_IONS_SUPERSET)) {
        List<IonAnalysisInterchangeModel> models = positiveReplicateResults.stream().map(file -> {
            try {
                return IonAnalysisInterchangeModel.loadIonAnalysisInterchangeModelFromFile(file);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new UncheckedIOException(e);

        IonAnalysisInterchangeModel transformedModel = IonAnalysisInterchangeModel
                .getSupersetOfIonicVariants(models, minSnrThreshold, minIntensityThreshold, minTimeThreshold);

        printInchisAndIonsToFile(transformedModel, cl.getOptionValue(OPTION_OUTPUT_FILE),

    if (cl.hasOption(OPTION_THRESHOLD_ANALYSIS)) {

        if (positiveReplicateResults.size() > 1) {
            LOGGER.error("Since this is a threshold analysis, the number of positive replicates should be 1.");

        // We need to set this variable as a final since it is used in a lambda function below.
        final Set<String> ions = new HashSet<>();
        if (cl.hasOption(OPTION_FILTER_BY_IONS)) {

        HitOrMissSingleSampleFilterAndTransformer hitOrMissSingleSampleTransformer = new HitOrMissSingleSampleFilterAndTransformer(
                minIntensityThreshold, minSnrThreshold, minTimeThreshold, ions);

        IonAnalysisInterchangeModel model = IonAnalysisInterchangeModel.filterAndOperateOnMoleculesFromModel(

        printInchisAndIonsToFile(model, cl.getOptionValue(OPTION_OUTPUT_FILE),

From source file:Main.java

public static <T> List<T> asList(T... values) {
    return Arrays.stream(values).collect(Collectors.toList());

From source file:Main.java

public static <T> List<T> arrayToList(T[] array) {
    return Arrays.stream(array).collect(Collectors.toList());//NOSONAR: This stream doesn't need to be closed

From source file:Main.java

public static <T> List<String> toStringsList(List<T> list) {
    return list.stream().map(x -> x.toString()).collect(Collectors.toList());

From source file:Main.java

public static <T> List<T> filter(Collection<T> toFilter, Predicate<T> predicate) {
    return toFilter.stream().filter(predicate).collect(Collectors.toList());

From source file:Main.java

public static <T, R> List<R> map(List<T> list, Function<T, R> fun) {
    return list.stream().map(fun::apply).collect(Collectors.toList());

From source file:Main.java

public static <A, B> List<Pair<A, B>> zip(final List<A> as, final List<B> bs) {
    return IntStream.range(0, Math.min(as.size(), bs.size())).mapToObj(i -> new Pair<>(as.get(i), bs.get(i)))