List of usage examples for Collectors counting
public static <T> Collector<T, ?, Long> counting()
From source
@Override public CompletableFuture<Tuple2<Supplier<List<Object>>, Supplier<Long>>> storeObjects(final List<O> new_objects, final boolean replace_if_present) { try {//from w w w . j a v a 2 s . co m final ReadWriteContext rw_context = getRwContextOrThrow(_state.es_context, "storeObjects"); final BulkRequestBuilder brb = .reduce(_state.client.prepareBulk().setConsistencyLevel(WriteConsistencyLevel.ONE) .setRefresh(CreationPolicy.AVAILABLE_IMMEDIATELY == _state.creation_policy), (acc, val) -> acc.add(singleObjectIndexRequest(Either.left(rw_context), Either.left(val), replace_if_present, true)), (acc1, acc2) -> { throw new RuntimeException("Internal logic error - Parallel not supported"); }); final BiConsumer<BulkResponse, CompletableFuture<Tuple2<Supplier<List<Object>>, Supplier<Long>>>> action_handler = new BiConsumer<BulkResponse, CompletableFuture<Tuple2<Supplier<List<Object>>, Supplier<Long>>>>() { // WARNING: mutable/imperative code ahead... long _curr_written = 0; List<Object> _id_list = null; HashMap<String, String> _mapping_failures = null; @Override public void accept(final BulkResponse result, final CompletableFuture<Tuple2<Supplier<List<Object>>, Supplier<Long>>> future) { if (result.hasFailures() && (rw_context .typeContext() instanceof ElasticsearchContext.TypeContext.ReadWriteTypeContext.AutoRwTypeContext)) { final ElasticsearchContext.TypeContext.ReadWriteTypeContext.AutoRwTypeContext auto_context = (ElasticsearchContext.TypeContext.ReadWriteTypeContext.AutoRwTypeContext) rw_context .typeContext(); // Recursive builder in case I need to build a second batch of docs BulkRequestBuilder brb2 = null; if (null == _id_list) { _id_list = new LinkedList<Object>(); } HashMap<String, String> temp_mapping_failures = null; final Iterator<BulkItemResponse> it = result.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { final BulkItemResponse bir =; if (bir.isFailed()) { if (bir.getFailure().getMessage().startsWith("MapperParsingException")) { final Set<String> fixed_type_fields = rw_context.typeContext() .fixed_type_fields(); if (!fixed_type_fields.isEmpty()) { // Obtain the field name from the exception (if we fail then drop the record) final String field = getFieldFromParsingException( bir.getFailure().getMessage()); if ((null == field) || fixed_type_fields.contains(field)) { continue; } } //(else roll on to...) // OK this is the case where I might be able to apply auto types: if (null == brb2) { brb2 = _state.client.prepareBulk() .setConsistencyLevel(WriteConsistencyLevel.ONE).setRefresh( CreationPolicy.AVAILABLE_IMMEDIATELY == _state.creation_policy); } String failed_json = null; if (null == _mapping_failures) { // first time through, use item id to grab the objects from the original request if (null == temp_mapping_failures) { temp_mapping_failures = new HashMap<String, String>(); } final ActionRequest<?> ar = brb.request().requests().get(bir.getItemId()); if (ar instanceof IndexRequest) { IndexRequest ir = (IndexRequest) ar; failed_json = ir.source().toUtf8(); temp_mapping_failures.put(bir.getId(), failed_json); } } else { // have already grabbed all the failure _ids and stuck in a map failed_json = _mapping_failures.get(bir.getId()); } if (null != failed_json) { brb2.add(singleObjectIndexRequest( Either.right(Tuples._2T(bir.getIndex(), ElasticsearchContextUtils.getNextAutoType( auto_context.getPrefix(), bir.getType()))), Either.right(Tuples._2T(bir.getId(), failed_json)), false, true)); } } // Ugh otherwise just silently fail I guess? //(should I also look for transient errors and resubmit them after a pause?!) } else { // (this item worked) _id_list.add(bir.getId()); _curr_written++; } } if (null != brb2) { // found mapping errors to retry with if (null == _mapping_failures) // (first level of recursion) _mapping_failures = temp_mapping_failures; // (note that if brb2.request().requests().isEmpty() this is an internal logic error, so it's OK to throw) ElasticsearchFutureUtils.wrap(brb2.execute(), future, this, (error, future2) -> { future2.completeExceptionally(error); }); } else { // relative success, plus we've built the list anyway future.complete(Tuples._2T(() -> _id_list, () -> (Long) _curr_written)); } } else { // No errors with this iteration of the bulk request _curr_written += result.getItems().length; if (null == _id_list) { // This is the first bulk request, no recursion on failures, so can lazily create the list in case it isn't needed final Supplier<List<Object>> get_objects = () -> { return, false) .filter(bir -> !bir.isFailed()).map(bir -> bir.getId()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); }; final Supplier<Long> get_count_workaround = () -> { return, false) .filter(bir -> !bir.isFailed()).collect(Collectors.counting()); }; get_count_workaround.get(); future.complete(Tuples._2T(get_objects, get_count_workaround)); } else { // have already calculated everything so just return it future.complete(Tuples._2T(() -> _id_list, () -> (Long) _curr_written)); } } } }; return ElasticsearchFutureUtils.wrap(brb.execute(), new CompletableFuture<Tuple2<Supplier<List<Object>>, Supplier<Long>>>(), action_handler, (error, future) -> { future.completeExceptionally(error); }); } catch (Exception e) { return FutureUtils.returnError(e); } }
From source
@Test public void testStreamLatestVersionInPartition() throws IOException { // Put some files in the partition String fullPartitionPath = basePath + "/2016/05/01/"; new File(fullPartitionPath).mkdirs(); String commitTime1 = "1"; String commitTime2 = "2"; String commitTime3 = "3"; String commitTime4 = "4"; String fileId1 = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); String fileId2 = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); String fileId3 = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); String fileId4 = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); new File(fullPartitionPath + FSUtils.makeDataFileName(commitTime1, 1, fileId1)).createNewFile(); new File(fullPartitionPath + FSUtils.makeDataFileName(commitTime4, 1, fileId1)).createNewFile(); new File( fullPartitionPath + FSUtils.makeLogFileName(fileId1, HoodieLogFile.DELTA_EXTENSION, commitTime4, 0)) .createNewFile();// w w w . j ava 2s. c o m new File( fullPartitionPath + FSUtils.makeLogFileName(fileId1, HoodieLogFile.DELTA_EXTENSION, commitTime4, 1)) .createNewFile(); new File(fullPartitionPath + FSUtils.makeDataFileName(commitTime1, 1, fileId2)).createNewFile(); new File(fullPartitionPath + FSUtils.makeDataFileName(commitTime2, 1, fileId2)).createNewFile(); new File(fullPartitionPath + FSUtils.makeDataFileName(commitTime3, 1, fileId2)).createNewFile(); new File( fullPartitionPath + FSUtils.makeLogFileName(fileId2, HoodieLogFile.DELTA_EXTENSION, commitTime3, 0)) .createNewFile(); new File(fullPartitionPath + FSUtils.makeDataFileName(commitTime3, 1, fileId3)).createNewFile(); new File(fullPartitionPath + FSUtils.makeDataFileName(commitTime4, 1, fileId3)).createNewFile(); new File( fullPartitionPath + FSUtils.makeLogFileName(fileId4, HoodieLogFile.DELTA_EXTENSION, commitTime4, 0)) .createNewFile(); new File(basePath + "/.hoodie/" + commitTime1 + ".commit").createNewFile(); new File(basePath + "/.hoodie/" + commitTime2 + ".commit").createNewFile(); new File(basePath + "/.hoodie/" + commitTime3 + ".commit").createNewFile(); new File(basePath + "/.hoodie/" + commitTime4 + ".commit").createNewFile(); // Now we list the entire partition FileStatus[] statuses = metaClient.getFs().listStatus(new Path(fullPartitionPath)); assertEquals(11, statuses.length); refreshFsView(null); // Check files as of lastest commit. List<FileSlice> allSlices = rtView.getAllFileSlices("2016/05/01").collect(Collectors.toList()); assertEquals(8, allSlices.size()); Map<String, Long> fileSliceMap = .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(slice -> slice.getFileId(), Collectors.counting())); assertEquals(2, fileSliceMap.get(fileId1).longValue()); assertEquals(3, fileSliceMap.get(fileId2).longValue()); assertEquals(2, fileSliceMap.get(fileId3).longValue()); assertEquals(1, fileSliceMap.get(fileId4).longValue()); List<HoodieDataFile> dataFileList = roView.getLatestDataFilesBeforeOrOn("2016/05/01", commitTime4) .collect(Collectors.toList()); assertEquals(3, dataFileList.size()); Set<String> filenames = Sets.newHashSet(); for (HoodieDataFile status : dataFileList) { filenames.add(status.getFileName()); } assertTrue(filenames.contains(FSUtils.makeDataFileName(commitTime4, 1, fileId1))); assertTrue(filenames.contains(FSUtils.makeDataFileName(commitTime3, 1, fileId2))); assertTrue(filenames.contains(FSUtils.makeDataFileName(commitTime4, 1, fileId3))); filenames = Sets.newHashSet(); List<HoodieLogFile> logFilesList = rtView.getLatestFileSlicesBeforeOrOn("2016/05/01", commitTime4) .map(slice -> slice.getLogFiles()).flatMap(logFileList -> logFileList).collect(Collectors.toList()); assertEquals(logFilesList.size(), 4); for (HoodieLogFile logFile : logFilesList) { filenames.add(logFile.getFileName()); } assertTrue(filenames .contains(FSUtils.makeLogFileName(fileId1, HoodieLogFile.DELTA_EXTENSION, commitTime4, 0))); assertTrue(filenames .contains(FSUtils.makeLogFileName(fileId1, HoodieLogFile.DELTA_EXTENSION, commitTime4, 1))); assertTrue(filenames .contains(FSUtils.makeLogFileName(fileId2, HoodieLogFile.DELTA_EXTENSION, commitTime3, 0))); assertTrue(filenames .contains(FSUtils.makeLogFileName(fileId4, HoodieLogFile.DELTA_EXTENSION, commitTime4, 0))); // Reset the max commit time List<HoodieDataFile> dataFiles = roView.getLatestDataFilesBeforeOrOn("2016/05/01", commitTime3) .collect(Collectors.toList()); assertEquals(dataFiles.size(), 3); filenames = Sets.newHashSet(); for (HoodieDataFile status : dataFiles) { filenames.add(status.getFileName()); } assertTrue(filenames.contains(FSUtils.makeDataFileName(commitTime1, 1, fileId1))); assertTrue(filenames.contains(FSUtils.makeDataFileName(commitTime3, 1, fileId2))); assertTrue(filenames.contains(FSUtils.makeDataFileName(commitTime3, 1, fileId3))); logFilesList = rtView.getLatestFileSlicesBeforeOrOn("2016/05/01", commitTime3) .map(slice -> slice.getLogFiles()).flatMap(logFileList -> logFileList).collect(Collectors.toList()); assertEquals(logFilesList.size(), 1); assertTrue(logFilesList.get(0).getFileName() .equals(FSUtils.makeLogFileName(fileId2, HoodieLogFile.DELTA_EXTENSION, commitTime3, 0))); }
From source
private AdditionalData<String, Map.Entry<String, String>> createSummaryAdditionalData() { List<Map.Entry<String, String>> summary = new ArrayList<>(); // Calculate some summary values. long numChanges = potentialChanges.size(); summary.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, String>("Number of binomial changes", String.valueOf(potentialChanges.size()))); // How many have a note? summary.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, String>("Number of changes with annotations", String.valueOf( -> ch.getNote().isPresent()).count()))); // Calculate overall addition and deletion. // Summarize by types of change. Map<ChangeType, List<Change>> potentialChangesByType = .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(ch -> ch.getType())); summary.addAll(potentialChangesByType.keySet().stream().sorted() .map(type -> new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, String>( "Number of binomial changes of type '" + type + "'", String.valueOf(potentialChangesByType.get(type).size()))) .collect(Collectors.toList())); // Summarize by reason. Map<String, Long> potentialChangesByReason = .map(pc -> pc.getType() + " because of " + calculateReason(pc)) .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Function.identity(), Collectors.counting())); summary.addAll(potentialChangesByReason.keySet().stream().sorted() .map(reason -> new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, String>( "Number of binomial changes for reason '" + reason + "'", potentialChangesByReason.get(reason).toString())) .collect(Collectors.toList())); // Make an additional data about it. Map<String, List<Map.Entry<String, String>>> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put("Summary", summary); List<TableColumn<Map.Entry<String, String>, String>> cols = new ArrayList<>(); TableColumn<Map.Entry<String, String>, String> colKey = new TableColumn<>("Property"); colKey.setCellValueFactory(cdf -> new ReadOnlyStringWrapper(cdf.getValue().getKey())); cols.add(colKey);//w w w . ja v a 2 s . c o m TableColumn<Map.Entry<String, String>, String> colValue = new TableColumn<>("Value"); colValue.setCellValueFactory(cdf -> new ReadOnlyStringWrapper(cdf.getValue().getValue())); cols.add(colValue); TableColumn<Map.Entry<String, String>, String> colPercent = new TableColumn<>("Percentage"); colPercent.setCellValueFactory(cdf -> { String result = "NA"; if (cdf.getValue() != null && cdf.getValue().getValue() != null && !cdf.getValue().getValue().equals("null")) { long longVal = Long.parseLong(cdf.getValue().getValue()); result = (longVal == 0) ? "NA" : (((double) longVal / numChanges * 100) + "%"); } return new ReadOnlyStringWrapper(result); }); cols.add(colPercent); return new AdditionalData<String, Entry<String, String>>("Summary", Arrays.asList("Summary"), map, cols); }
From source
public List<CivHighscoreDTO> getCivHighscore() { if (!CivSingleton.instance().itemsCache().containsKey(GameType.WAW)) { readItemFromExcel(GameType.WAW, new ItemReader()); }/*from w w w.j a v a2 s .c o m*/ ItemReader itemReader = CivSingleton.instance().itemsCache().get(GameType.WAW); if (itemReader == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List<PBF> pbfs = pbfCollection.find().toArray(); try { Map<String, Long> numberOfCivsWinning = .filter(pbf -> !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(pbf.getWinner())).filter(pbf -> !pbf.isActive()) .filter(pbf -> { String playerWhoWon = pbf.getWinner(); return pbf.getPlayers().stream().filter(p -> p.getUsername().equals(playerWhoWon)) .filter(p -> p.getCivilization() != null).findFirst().isPresent(); }).map(pbf -> { String playerWhoWon = pbf.getWinner(); Playerhand playerhand = pbf.getPlayers().stream() .filter(p -> p.getUsername().equals(playerWhoWon)) .filter(p -> p.getCivilization() != null).findFirst().get(); return playerhand.getCivilization().getName(); }).collect(Collectors.groupingBy(e -> e, Collectors.counting())); Map<String, Long> numberOfCivAttempts = .filter(pbf -> !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(pbf.getWinner())).filter(pbf -> !pbf.isActive()) .flatMap(pbf -> pbf.getPlayers().stream()).filter(p -> p.getCivilization() != null) .map(p -> p.getCivilization().getName()) .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(e -> e, Collectors.counting())); return -> new CivHighscoreDTO(civ.getName(), numberOfCivsWinning.get(civ.getName()), numberOfCivAttempts.get(civ.getName()))).sorted() .collect(toList()); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return Collections.emptyList(); } }
From source
public List<WinnerDTO> getWinners() { List<PBF> pbfs = pbfCollection.find().toArray(); final ListMultimap<String, String> multimap = ArrayListMultimap.create(); -> !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(pbf.getWinner())) .forEach(pbf -> multimap.put(pbf.getWinner(), pbf.getId())); Map<String, Long> attemptsPerUsername = -> !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(pbf.getWinner())) .filter(pbf -> !pbf.isActive()).flatMap(pbf -> pbf.getPlayers().stream()) .map(Playerhand::getUsername).collect(Collectors.groupingBy(e -> e, Collectors.counting())); List<Player> allPlayers = playerCollection.find().toArray(); List<WinnerDTO> filteredPlayers = .filter(p -> !multimap.containsKey(p.getUsername()) && p.getUsername() != null).map(p -> { long attempts = attemptsPerUsername.get(p.getUsername()) == null ? 0L : attemptsPerUsername.get(p.getUsername()); WinnerDTO winner = new WinnerDTO(p.getUsername(), 0, attempts); return winner; }).collect(toList());/*from w w w . j av a 2s .co m*/ List<WinnerDTO> winners = multimap.keySet().stream() .map(user -> new WinnerDTO(user, multimap.get(user).size(), attemptsPerUsername.get(user))) .collect(toList()); winners.addAll(filteredPlayers); Collections.sort(winners); return winners; }
From source
/** * Replicates the request to all nodes in the given set of node identifiers * * @param nodeIds the NodeIdentifiers that identify which nodes to send the request to * @param method the HTTP method to use * @param uri the URI to send the request to * @param entity the entity to use * @param headers the HTTP Headers * @param performVerification whether or not to verify that all nodes in the cluster are connected and that all nodes can perform request. Ignored if request is not mutable. * @param response the response to update with the results * @param executionPhase <code>true</code> if this is the execution phase, <code>false</code> otherwise * @param monitor a monitor that will be notified when the request completes (successfully or otherwise) * @return an AsyncClusterResponse that can be used to obtain the result *//* w w w . java 2 s . c o m*/ AsyncClusterResponse replicate(final Set<NodeIdentifier> nodeIds, final String method, final URI uri, final Object entity, final Map<String, String> headers, final boolean performVerification, StandardAsyncClusterResponse response, final boolean executionPhase, final boolean merge, final Object monitor) { try { // state validation Objects.requireNonNull(nodeIds); Objects.requireNonNull(method); Objects.requireNonNull(uri); Objects.requireNonNull(entity); Objects.requireNonNull(headers); if (nodeIds.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot replicate request to 0 nodes"); } // verify all of the nodes exist and are in the proper state for (final NodeIdentifier nodeId : nodeIds) { final NodeConnectionStatus status = clusterCoordinator.getConnectionStatus(nodeId); if (status == null) { throw new UnknownNodeException("Node " + nodeId + " does not exist in this cluster"); } if (status.getState() != NodeConnectionState.CONNECTED) { throw new IllegalClusterStateException( "Cannot replicate request to Node " + nodeId + " because the node is not connected"); } } logger.debug("Replicating request {} {} with entity {} to {}; response is {}", method, uri, entity, nodeIds, response); // Update headers to indicate the current revision so that we can // prevent multiple users changing the flow at the same time final Map<String, String> updatedHeaders = new HashMap<>(headers); final String requestId = updatedHeaders.computeIfAbsent(REQUEST_TRANSACTION_ID_HEADER, key -> UUID.randomUUID().toString()); long verifyClusterStateNanos = -1; if (performVerification) { final long start = System.nanoTime(); verifyClusterState(method, uri.getPath()); verifyClusterStateNanos = System.nanoTime() - start; } int numRequests = responseMap.size(); if (numRequests >= maxConcurrentRequests) { numRequests = purgeExpiredRequests(); } if (numRequests >= maxConcurrentRequests) { final Map<String, Long> countsByUri = responseMap.values().stream().collect( Collectors.groupingBy(StandardAsyncClusterResponse::getURIPath, Collectors.counting())); logger.error( "Cannot replicate request {} {} because there are {} outstanding HTTP Requests already. Request Counts Per URI = {}", method, uri.getPath(), numRequests, countsByUri); throw new IllegalStateException("There are too many outstanding HTTP requests with a total " + numRequests + " outstanding requests"); } // create a response object if one was not already passed to us if (response == null) { // create the request objects and replicate to all nodes. // When the request has completed, we need to ensure that we notify the monitor, if there is one. final CompletionCallback completionCallback = clusterResponse -> { try { onCompletedResponse(requestId); } finally { if (monitor != null) { synchronized (monitor) { monitor.notify(); } logger.debug("Notified monitor {} because request {} {} has completed", monitor, method, uri); } } }; final Runnable responseConsumedCallback = () -> onResponseConsumed(requestId); response = new StandardAsyncClusterResponse(requestId, uri, method, nodeIds, responseMapper, completionCallback, responseConsumedCallback, merge); responseMap.put(requestId, response); } if (verifyClusterStateNanos > -1) { response.addTiming("Verify Cluster State", "All Nodes", verifyClusterStateNanos); } logger.debug("For Request ID {}, response object is {}", requestId, response); // if mutable request, we have to do a two-phase commit where we ask each node to verify // that the request can take place and then, if all nodes agree that it can, we can actually // issue the request. This is all handled by calling performVerification, which will replicate // the 'vote' request to all nodes and then if successful will call back into this method to // replicate the actual request. final boolean mutableRequest = isMutableRequest(method, uri.getPath()); if (mutableRequest && performVerification) { logger.debug("Performing verification (first phase of two-phase commit) for Request ID {}", requestId); performVerification(nodeIds, method, uri, entity, updatedHeaders, response, merge, monitor); return response; } else if (mutableRequest) { response.setPhase(StandardAsyncClusterResponse.COMMIT_PHASE); } // Callback function for generating a NodeHttpRequestCallable that can be used to perform the work final StandardAsyncClusterResponse finalResponse = response; NodeRequestCompletionCallback nodeCompletionCallback = nodeResponse -> { logger.debug("Received response from {} for {} {}", nodeResponse.getNodeId(), method, uri.getPath()); finalResponse.add(nodeResponse); }; // instruct the node to actually perform the underlying action if (mutableRequest && executionPhase) { updatedHeaders.put(REQUEST_EXECUTION_HTTP_HEADER, "true"); } // replicate the request to all nodes final Function<NodeIdentifier, NodeHttpRequest> requestFactory = nodeId -> new NodeHttpRequest(nodeId, method, createURI(uri, nodeId), entity, updatedHeaders, nodeCompletionCallback, finalResponse); submitAsyncRequest(nodeIds, uri.getScheme(), uri.getPath(), requestFactory, updatedHeaders); return response; } catch (final Throwable t) { if (monitor != null) { synchronized (monitor) { monitor.notify(); } logger.debug("Notified monitor {} because request {} {} has failed with Throwable {}", monitor, method, uri, t); } if (response != null) { final RuntimeException failure = (t instanceof RuntimeException) ? (RuntimeException) t : new RuntimeException("Failed to submit Replication Request to background thread", t); response.setFailure(failure, new NodeIdentifier()); } throw t; } }
From source
/** * Gets the label definition./*from w w w . j ava 2 s. c o m*/ * * @param _parameter Parameter as passed by the eFaps API * @return the label definition * @throws EFapsException on error */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Return getTargetDocInfo4PaymentFieldValue(final Parameter _parameter) throws EFapsException { final Return ret = new Return(); final String key = Period.class.getName() + ".RequestKey4TargetDocInfo4PaymentFieldValue"; final Map<Instance, String> values; if (Context.getThreadContext().containsRequestAttribute(key)) { values = (Map<Instance, String>) Context.getThreadContext().getRequestAttribute(key); } else { values = new HashMap<>(); Context.getThreadContext().setRequestAttribute(key, values); final List<Instance> instances = (List<Instance>) _parameter.get(ParameterValues.REQUEST_INSTANCES); final MultiPrintQuery print = new MultiPrintQuery(instances); final SelectBuilder selTargetInsts = SelectBuilder.get().linkfrom(CISales.Payment.TargetDocument) .linkto(CISales.Payment.CreateDocument).instance(); print.addSelect(selTargetInsts); print.execute(); while ( { final List<String> labels = new ArrayList<>(); final Object obj = print.getSelect(selTargetInsts); if (obj != null) { final List<Instance> targetInsts; if (obj instanceof Instance) { targetInsts = new ArrayList<>(); targetInsts.add((Instance) obj); } else { targetInsts = (List<Instance>) obj; } for (final Instance targetInst : targetInsts) { final SelectBuilder selActName; if (InstanceUtils.isType(targetInst, CISales.PaymentOrder)) { selActName = SelectBuilder.get() .linkfrom(CISales.ActionDefinitionPaymentOrder2Document.ToLinkAbstract) .linkto(CISales.ActionDefinitionPaymentOrder2Document.FromLinkAbstract) .attribute(CISales.ActionDefinitionPaymentOrder.Name); } else if (InstanceUtils.isType(targetInst, CISales.CollectionOrder)) { selActName = SelectBuilder.get() .linkfrom(CISales.ActionDefinitionCollectionOrder2Document.ToLinkAbstract) .linkto(CISales.ActionDefinitionCollectionOrder2Document.FromLinkAbstract) .attribute(CISales.ActionDefinitionCollectionOrder.Name); } else if (InstanceUtils.isType(targetInst, CISales.IncomingExchange)) { selActName = SelectBuilder.get() .linkfrom(CISales.ActionDefinitionIncomingExchange2Document.ToLinkAbstract) .linkto(CISales.ActionDefinitionIncomingExchange2Document.FromLinkAbstract) .attribute(CISales.ActionDefinitionIncomingExchange.Name); } else { selActName = null; } if (selActName != null) { final PrintQuery print2 = new PrintQuery(targetInst); print2.addSelect(selActName); print2.execute(); final String actname = print2.getSelect(selActName); if (actname == null) { labels.add(targetInst.getType().getLabel()); } else { labels.add(targetInst.getType().getLabel() + " - " + actname); } } else { labels.add(targetInst.getType().getLabel()); } } final Map<String, Long> map = .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Function.identity(), Collectors.counting())); final StringBuilder bldr = new StringBuilder(); for (final Entry<String, Long> entry : map.entrySet()) { if (bldr.length() > 0) { bldr.append(", "); } bldr.append(entry.getValue()).append(" x ").append(entry.getKey()); } values.put(print.getCurrentInstance(), bldr.toString()); } } } ret.put(ReturnValues.VALUES, values.get(_parameter.getInstance())); return ret; }
From source
@Override public Map<Alarm.SeverityLevel, Long> getAlarmCounts(DeviceId deviceId) { return getAlarms(deviceId).stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Alarm::severity, Collectors.counting())); }
From source
@Override public Map<Alarm.SeverityLevel, Long> getAlarmCounts() { return getAlarms().stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Alarm::severity, Collectors.counting())); }
From source
@Override public Map<Alarm.SeverityLevel, Long> getAlarmCounts(DeviceId deviceId) { return getAlarms(deviceId).stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Alarm::severity, Collectors.counting())); }