Example usage for Java java.util Spliterator fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
int | ORDERED Characteristic value signifying that an encounter order is defined for elements. |
int | DISTINCT Characteristic value signifying that, for each pair of encountered elements x, y , !x.equals(y) . |
int | SORTED Characteristic value signifying that encounter order follows a defined sort order. |
int | SIZED Characteristic value signifying that the value returned from estimateSize() prior to traversal or splitting represents a finite size that, in the absence of structural source modification, represents an exact count of the number of elements that would be encountered by a complete traversal. |
int | NONNULL Characteristic value signifying that the source guarantees that encountered elements will not be null . |
int | IMMUTABLE Characteristic value signifying that the element source cannot be structurally modified; that is, elements cannot be added, replaced, or removed, so such changes cannot occur during traversal. |
int | CONCURRENT Characteristic value signifying that the element source may be safely concurrently modified (allowing additions, replacements, and/or removals) by multiple threads without external synchronization. |
int | characteristics() Returns a set of characteristics of this Spliterator and its elements. |
long | estimateSize() Returns an estimate of the number of elements that would be encountered by a #forEachRemaining traversal, or returns Long#MAX_VALUE if infinite, unknown, or too expensive to compute. |
void | forEachRemaining(Consumer super T> action) Performs the given action for each remaining element, sequentially in the current thread, until all elements have been processed or the action throws an exception. |
long | getExactSizeIfKnown() Convenience method that returns #estimateSize() if this Spliterator is #SIZED , else -1 . |
boolean | tryAdvance(Consumer super T> action) If a remaining element exists, performs the given action on it, returning true ; else returns false . |
Spliterator | trySplit() If this spliterator can be partitioned, returns a Spliterator covering elements, that will, upon return from this method, not be covered by this Spliterator. |