List of usage examples for java.util SortedSet toArray
<T> T[] toArray(T[] a);
From source
/** * Returns the ice asteroids of this sector. * //from w w w. j ava m * @return The ice asteroids */ public Asteroid[] getIceAsteroids() { final SortedSet<Asteroid> asteroids = new TreeSet<Asteroid>(); for (final Asteroid asteroid : getAsteroids()) { if (asteroid.getWare().isIce()) { asteroids.add(asteroid); } } return asteroids.toArray(new Asteroid[asteroids.size()]); }
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/** * Returns the nividium asteroids of this sector. * //from w w w . jav a 2 s. co m * @return The nividium asteroids */ public Asteroid[] getNividiumAsteroids() { final SortedSet<Asteroid> asteroids = new TreeSet<Asteroid>(); for (final Asteroid asteroid : getAsteroids()) { if (asteroid.getWare().isNividium()) { asteroids.add(asteroid); } } return asteroids.toArray(new Asteroid[asteroids.size()]); }
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/** * Returns the silicon asteroids of this sector. * //from w w w . j a v a 2s . c o m * @return The silicon asteroids */ public Asteroid[] getSiliconAsteroids() { final SortedSet<Asteroid> asteroids = new TreeSet<Asteroid>(); for (final Asteroid asteroid : getAsteroids()) { if (asteroid.getWare().isSiliconWafers()) { asteroids.add(asteroid); } } return asteroids.toArray(new Asteroid[asteroids.size()]); }
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/** * Get IRI of next version of a DiSCO./*from ww w.j a va 2 s .c o m*/ * * @param discoID IRI of DISCO * @param event2disco Map from events to all versions of DiSCOs * @param date2event Map from date events associated with version of DiSCO * @param ts the triplestore instance * @return IRI of next version of DiSCO, or null if none found * @throws RMapException the RMap exception * @throws RMapObjectNotFoundException the RMap object not found exception * @throws RMapDefectiveArgumentException the RMap defective argument exception */ protected IRI getNextIRI(IRI discoID, Map<IRI, IRI> event2disco, Map<Date, IRI> date2event, SesameTriplestore ts) throws RMapException, RMapObjectNotFoundException, RMapDefectiveArgumentException { if (discoID == null) { throw new RMapDefectiveArgumentException("null DiSCO id"); } if (event2disco == null) { throw new RMapDefectiveArgumentException("Null event2disco map"); } Map<IRI, IRI> disco2event = Utils.invertMap(event2disco); if (date2event == null) { date2event = eventmgr.getDate2EventMap(event2disco.keySet(), ts); } Map<IRI, Date> event2date = Utils.invertMap(date2event); IRI discoEventId = disco2event.get(discoID); Date eventDate = event2date.get(discoEventId); SortedSet<Date> sortedDates = new TreeSet<Date>(); sortedDates.addAll(date2event.keySet()); SortedSet<Date> laterDates = sortedDates.tailSet(eventDate); IRI nextDiscoId = null; if (laterDates.size() > 1) { Date[] dateArray = laterDates.toArray(new Date[laterDates.size()]); IRI nextEventId = date2event.get(dateArray[1]); nextDiscoId = event2disco.get(nextEventId); } return nextDiscoId; }
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/** * Returns a sorted array containing all of the elements in the {@link Set} * for the given {@link DeviceProtocolInfoSource}. * <p>//from w ww .j a v a2 s . com * The returned array will be "safe" in that no reference to it is * maintained. (In other words, this method must allocate a new array). The * caller is thus free to modify the returned array. * * @param type the {@link DeviceProtocolInfoSource} type whose elements to * convert to an {@code array}. * @return An array containing all the {@link ProtocolInfo} instances in the * {@link Set} for {@code type}. */ public ProtocolInfo[] toArray(DeviceProtocolInfoSource<?> type) { setsLock.readLock().lock(); try { SortedSet<ProtocolInfo> set = protocolInfoSets.get(type); return set == null ? null : set.toArray(new ProtocolInfo[protocolInfoSets.size()]); } finally { setsLock.readLock().unlock(); } }
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private void updateData() { Display.getDefault().asyncExec(new Runnable() { public void run() { IMap activeMap = ApplicationGIS.getActiveMap(); ViewportModel viewportModel = (ViewportModel) activeMap.getViewportModel(); activeMap.addMapListener(NavigationView.this); activeMap.addMapCompositionListener(NavigationView.this); ReferencedEnvelope bounds = viewportModel.getBounds(); double west = bounds.getMinX(); double east = bounds.getMaxX(); double north = bounds.getMaxY(); double south = bounds.getMinY(); if (lowerLeftText.isDisposed()) { return; }/*from w w w. j a va2 s.c om*/ lowerLeftText.setText(numFormatter.format(west) + ", " + numFormatter.format(south)); upperRightText.setText(numFormatter.format(east) + ", " + numFormatter.format(north)); canvas.redraw(); SortedSet<Double> preferredScaleDenominators = viewportModel.getPreferredScaleDenominators(); Double[] scalesArray = (Double[]) preferredScaleDenominators .toArray(new Double[preferredScaleDenominators.size()]); String[] scales = new String[scalesArray.length]; for (int i = 0; i < scales.length; i++) { scales[i] = "1:" + String.valueOf(scalesArray[i]); } int itemCount = scaleCombo.getItemCount(); int selectionIndex = scaleCombo.getSelectionIndex(); scaleCombo.setItems(scales); if (scales.length == itemCount) {; } List<DateTime> availableTimesteps = viewportModel.getAvailableTimesteps(); if (availableTimesteps != null) { dateTimeCombo.setEnabled(true); dtDownButton.setEnabled(true); dtUpButton.setEnabled(true); String[] dates = new String[availableTimesteps.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < dates.length; i++) { dates[i] = ISO_DATE_TIME_FORMATTER.print(availableTimesteps.get(i)); } itemCount = dateTimeCombo.getItemCount(); selectionIndex = dateTimeCombo.getSelectionIndex(); dateTimeCombo.setItems(dates); if (dates.length == itemCount) {; } } else { dateTimeCombo.setEnabled(false); dtDownButton.setEnabled(false); dtUpButton.setEnabled(false); } List<Double> availableElevation = viewportModel.getAvailableElevation(); if (availableElevation != null) { verticalCombo.setEnabled(true); verticalDownButton.setEnabled(true); verticalUpButton.setEnabled(true); String[] elev = new String[availableElevation.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < elev.length; i++) { elev[i] = String.valueOf(availableElevation.get(i)); } itemCount = verticalCombo.getItemCount(); selectionIndex = verticalCombo.getSelectionIndex(); verticalCombo.setItems(elev); if (elev.length == itemCount) {; } } else { verticalCombo.setEnabled(false); verticalDownButton.setEnabled(false); verticalUpButton.setEnabled(false); } } }); }
From source
private void updateControls() { if (dirty == false || updating == true) { return;/* w ww. j a va2s .com*/ } if (options.getCheckinNotesReadOnly() && (checkinNote == null || checkinNote.getValues().length == 0)) { dirty = false; updateEmptyControl(); return; } else if (options.getCheckinNotesReadOnly()) { dirty = false; updateReadOnlyControl(); return; } else if (options.getCheckinNotesHistoric()) { /* Set updating to true to suppress modify events */ dirty = false; updating = true; fieldControls = updateHistoricControl(); updating = false; return; } else if (projects == null || projects.length == 0) { dirty = false; updateEmptyControl(); return; } else if (repository == null || !ConnectionHelper.isConnected(repository.getConnection())) { dirty = false; updateEmptyControl(); return; } updateEmptyControl(); updating = true; fieldControls = new CheckinNoteFieldControl[0]; updateBusyControl(); /* * Set dirty now so that we can detect if we need to (again) requery. * Another thread may set us dirty. */ dirty = false; /* * Run a background job that queries the check-in notes for the * currently selected projects, and build the note fields on the UI * thread. */ final Display display = getDisplay(); final TFSRepository repository = this.repository; final String[] projects = this.projects; final Job updateJob = new Job(BUSY_MESSAGE) { @Override protected IStatus run(final IProgressMonitor monitor) { try { if (projects.length == 1) {"Querying checkin notes for project {0}", projects[0])); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else {"Querying checkin notes for team projects"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } final SortedSet definitionSet = repository.getVersionControlClient() .queryCheckinNoteFieldDefinitionsForServerPaths(projects); final CheckinNoteFieldDefinition[] definitions = (CheckinNoteFieldDefinition[]) definitionSet .toArray(new CheckinNoteFieldDefinition[definitionSet.size()]); display.asyncExec(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { if (definitions == null || definitions.length == 0) { updateEmptyControl(); } else { fieldControls = updateFieldControl(definitions); } updateCheckinNote(); } finally { updating = false; if (dirty == true) { updateControls(); } } } }); } catch (final Exception e) { return new Status(IStatus.ERROR, TFSCommonUIClientPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, 0, Messages.getString("NotesCheckinControl.CouldNotQueryNotes"), //$NON-NLS-1$ e); } return Status.OK_STATUS; } }; updateJob.schedule(); }
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@Override public String[] listAll() throws IOException { LOG.debug("listAll [{0}]", getPath()); if (_useCache) { Set<String> names = new HashSet<String>(_fileStatusMap.keySet()); return names.toArray(new String[names.size()]); }//from ww w . j a va 2 s. c om Tracer trace = Trace.trace("filesystem - list", Trace.param("path", getPath())); try { FileStatus[] files = _fileSystem.listStatus(getPath(), new PathFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(Path path) { try { return _fileSystem.isFile(path); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }); SortedSet<String> result = new TreeSet<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { String name = files[i].getPath().getName(); if (name.endsWith(LNK)) { result.add(getRealFileName(name)); } else { result.add(name); } } return result.toArray(new String[result.size()]); } finally { trace.done(); } }
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@Override public ProcessExecutionResults findExecutions(SearchCriteria criteria) throws ProcessEngineException { if (!criteria.getEngines().contains(getKey())) return null; HistoricProcessInstanceQuery query = instanceQuery(criteria); ProcessExecutionResults.Builder resultsBuilder = new ProcessExecutionResults.Builder(); List<HistoricProcessInstance> instances; // Can't use paging since we're going to filter after the fact instances = query.list();//w ww . ja v a 2 s .co m int size = instances.size(); resultsBuilder.firstResult(0); resultsBuilder.maxResults(size);; // Only need to worry about filtering if there are more than 1 key, since with 1 key // it's part of the search that Activiti performs --- see the instanceQuery() method SortedSet<String> engineProcessDefinitionKeys = new TreeSet<String>( criteria.getEngineProcessDefinitionKeys()); Set<String> processDefinitionIds = proxyHelper.getProcessDefinitionIds( engineProcessDefinitionKeys.toArray(new String[engineProcessDefinitionKeys.size()])); List<ProcessExecution> executions; if (instances != null && !instances.isEmpty()) { executions = new ArrayList<ProcessExecution>(instances.size()); for (HistoricProcessInstance instance : instances) { if (!processDefinitionIds.contains(instance.getProcessDefinitionId())) continue; ProcessExecution.Builder executionBuilder = new ProcessExecution.Builder() .executionId(instance.getId()).businessKey(instance.getBusinessKey()) .initiatorId(instance.getStartUserId()).deleteReason(instance.getDeleteReason()); if (criteria.isIncludeVariables()) { Map<String, Object> variables = processEngine.getRuntimeService() .getVariables(instance.getId());; } executions.add(; } } else { executions = Collections.emptyList(); } resultsBuilder.executions(executions); return; }
From source
/** * Returns a sorted array containing all of the elements for all of the * {@link DeviceProtocolInfoSource} {@link Set}s. * <p>//from w w w. j a v a 2 s . com * The returned array will be "safe" in that no reference to it is * maintained. (In other words, this method must allocate a new array). The * caller is thus free to modify the returned array. * * @return An array containing all the {@link ProtocolInfo} instances. */ public ProtocolInfo[] toArray() { SortedSet<ProtocolInfo> result = new TreeSet<>(); setsLock.readLock().lock(); try { for (SortedSet<ProtocolInfo> set : protocolInfoSets.values()) { if (set != null) { result.addAll(set); } } } finally { setsLock.readLock().unlock(); } return result.toArray(new ProtocolInfo[result.size()]); }