List of usage examples for java.util Scanner nextInt
public int nextInt()
From source
private boolean resultsWithinBounds(Rectangle bounds) { if (resultsWindowShowing()) { float minx = bounds.x; float maxx = minx + bounds.width; float miny = bounds.y; float maxy = miny + bounds.height; for (int i = 0; i < resultsWindow.getTextPanel().getLineCount(); i++) { String line = resultsWindow.getTextPanel().getLine(i); Scanner s = new Scanner(line); s.useDelimiter("\t"); s.nextInt(); float cx = s.nextFloat(); // cx float cy = s.nextFloat(); // cy s.close();//from w w w . ja v a 2s .c o m if (cx >= minx && cx <= maxx && cy >= miny && cy <= maxy) { return true; } } } return false; }
From source
public void run(File runnersFile, File jobsFile) { try {/*from w w w . java 2 s .c o m*/ if (runnersFile != null) { mng.loadRunners(runnersFile); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } try { if (jobsFile != null) { mng.loadJobs(jobsFile); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } final Scanner lineSC = new Scanner(; while (true) { System.out.print("> "); String option =; Scanner sc = new Scanner(lineSC.nextLine()); try { switch (option) { case "addrunner": mng.addRunner(sc.nextLine()); break; case "loadrunners": while (sc.hasNext()) { mng.loadRunners(new File(; } break; case "addjobs": mng.addJob(sc.nextLine()); break; case "loadjobs": while (sc.hasNext()) { mng.loadJobs(new File(; } break; case "remove": while (sc.hasNext()) { mng.removeFromWaiting(; } break; case "killrunner": while (sc.hasNextInt()) { mng.killRunner(sc.nextInt()); } break; case "kill": while (sc.hasNext()) { mng.killJob(; } break; case "killall": mng.failed.addAll(mng.waitingList); mng.waitingList.clear(); List<Job> running = new ArrayList<>(mng.running.values()); for (Job j : running) { mng.killJob(; } break; case "output": int id = sc.nextInt(); int l = sc.hasNextInt() ? sc.nextInt() : lines; System.out.println(mng.getOutput(id, l)); break; case "jobs": while (sc.hasNext()) { String jobid =; List<Job> found = mng.findJobs(jobid); for (Job j : found) { System.out.println(j.detailedToString() + "\n-----------------"); } } break; case "status": int ls = sc.hasNextInt() ? sc.nextInt() : lines; System.out.println("Completed: " + mng.completed.size() + "\tWaiting: " + mng.waitingList.size() + "\tFailed: " + mng.failed.size() + "\tRunning: " + mng.running.size() + "/" + mng.runners.size() + " " + (mng.runningStatus() ? "(ACTIVE)" : "(PAUSED)")); for (Entry<JobRunner, Job> e : mng.running.entrySet()) { System.out.println("== " + e.getValue() + " @ " + e.getKey() + " ========"); System.out.println(mng.getOutput(e.getKey().id, ls)); } break; case "list": while (sc.hasNext()) { String t =; if (t.equals("failed")) { for (int i = mng.failed.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Job j = mng.failed.get(i); System.out.println(df.format(j.submitted) + " " + j); } } else if (t.equals("completed")) { for (int i = mng.completed.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Job j = mng.completed.get(i); System.out.println(df.format(j.submitted) + " " + j); } } else if (t.equals("waiting")) { for (int i = mng.waitingList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Job j = mng.waitingList.get(i); System.out.println(df.format(j.submitted) + " " + j); } } else if (t.equals("runners")) { for (JobRunner r : mng.runners.values()) { if (mng.running.containsKey(r)) { Job runningJob = mng.running.get(r); System.out .println(df.format(runningJob.started) + " " + r + " @ " + runningJob); } else { System.out.println("Idle " + r); } } } else { error("Unknown list: " + t); } } break; case "retry": while (sc.hasNext()) { mng.retryJob(; } break; case "retryfailed": mng.retryFailed(); break; case "clear": while (sc.hasNext()) { String t =; if (t.equals("failed")) { mng.failed.clear(); } else if (t.equals("completed")) { mng.completed.clear(); } else if (t.equals("waiting")) { mng.waitingList.clear(); } else if (t.equals("runners")) { List<Integer> runners = new ArrayList<>(mng.runners.keySet()); for (Integer r : runners) { mng.killRunner(r); } } else { error("Unknown list: " + t); } } break; case "priority": String type =; while (sc.hasNext()) { String i =; if (type.equals("top")) { mng.topPriority(i); } else if (type.equals("bottom")) { mng.lowestPriority(i); } } break; case "sort": String sort =; if (sort.equals("job")) { mng.sortJobFirst(); } else if (sort.equals("date")) { mng.sortSubmissionDate(); } else { error("Unknown sorting method: " + sort); } break; case "pause": mng.pause(sc.hasNext() &&"force")); break; case "start": mng.resume(); break; case "exit": System.exit(0); break; case "set": String par =; switch (par) { case "lines": lines = sc.nextInt(); break; case "maxtries": mng.setMaxTries(sc.nextInt()); break; } break; case "mute": this.mute = true; break; case "unmute": this.mute = false; break; case "help": System.out.println("Available commands:\n" + "-- addrunner runner_type [config]\n" + "-- loadrunners [file]...\n" + "-- addjobs job_params\n" + "-- loadjobs [file]...\n" + "-- killrunner [runner_id]...\n" + "-- remove [job_id]...\n" + "-- kill [job_id]...\n" + "-- killall \n" + "-- output runner_id [lines]\n" + "-- jobs [job_id]...\n" + "-- status [lines]\n" + "-- list [waiting|completed|failed|runners]...\n" + "-- retry [job_id]...\n" + "-- retryfailed \n" + "-- priority top|bottom [job_id]...\n" + "-- sort batch|job|date\n" + "-- clear [waiting|completed|failed|runners]...\n" + "-- pause [force]\n" + "-- start \n" + "-- mute|unmute \n" + "-- exit \n" + "-- set lines|tries value"); break; default: System.out.println("Unknown command. Try help."); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
From source
private void saveTraces() { if (!onFrames.isEmpty() && updated) { GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); gd.enableYesNoCancel();//from www. j a v a 2s .c om gd.hideCancelButton(); gd.addMessage("The list contains unsaved selected frames.\n \nDo you want to continue?"); gd.showDialog(); if (!gd.wasOKed()) return; } // For all spots in the results window, get the ID and then save the traces to memory if (!resultsWindowShowing()) return; // Create a results set in memory MemoryPeakResults results = new MemoryPeakResults(); results.setName(TITLE); results.begin(); MemoryPeakResults.addResults(results); ArrayList<TraceResult> traceResults = new ArrayList<TraceResult>( resultsWindow.getTextPanel().getLineCount()); for (int i = 0; i < resultsWindow.getTextPanel().getLineCount(); i++) { String line = resultsWindow.getTextPanel().getLine(i); Scanner s = new Scanner(line); s.useDelimiter("\t"); int id = s.nextInt(); s.nextDouble(); // cx s.nextDouble(); // cy double signal = s.nextDouble(); s.close(); Trace trace = traces.get(id); if (trace != null) { results.addAll(trace.getPoints()); traceResults.add(new TraceResult(new Spot(id, signal), trace)); } } results.end(); saveTracesToFile(traceResults); IJ.showStatus("Saved traces"); }
From source
public void readRequest() throws IOException, ACIDException { int i = 0;/*from 2s. c om*/ LockRequest lockRequest = null; TransactionContext txnContext = null; HashMap<Integer, TransactionContext> jobMap = new HashMap<Integer, TransactionContext>(); int threadId; String requestType; int jobId; int datasetId; int PKHashVal; int waitTime; ArrayList<Integer> list = null; String lockMode; Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new FileInputStream(requestFileName)); while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { try { threadId = Integer.parseInt(; requestType =; if (requestType.equals("CSQ") || requestType.equals("CST") || requestType.equals("END")) { log("LockRequest[" + i++ + "]:T" + threadId + "," + requestType); lockRequest = new LockRequest("Thread-" + threadId, getRequestType(requestType)); if (requestType.equals("CSQ") || requestType.equals("CST")) { list = new ArrayList<Integer>(); while (scanner.hasNextInt()) { threadId = scanner.nextInt(); if (threadId < 0) { break; } list.add(threadId); } expectedResultList.add(list); } } else if (requestType.equals("DW")) { defaultWaitTime = scanner.nextInt(); log("LockRequest[" + i++ + "]:T" + threadId + "," + requestType + "," + defaultWaitTime); continue; } else if (requestType.equals("W")) { waitTime = scanner.nextInt(); log("LockRequest[" + i++ + "]:T" + threadId + "," + requestType); lockRequest = new LockRequest("Thread-" + threadId, getRequestType(requestType), waitTime); } else { jobId = Integer.parseInt(; datasetId = Integer.parseInt(; PKHashVal = Integer.parseInt(; lockMode =; txnContext = jobMap.get(jobId); if (txnContext == null) { txnContext = new TransactionContext(new JobId(jobId), txnProvider); jobMap.put(jobId, txnContext); } log("LockRequest[" + i++ + "]:T" + threadId + "," + requestType + ",J" + jobId + ",D" + datasetId + ",E" + PKHashVal + "," + lockMode); lockRequest = new LockRequest("Thread-" + threadId, getRequestType(requestType), new DatasetId(datasetId), PKHashVal, getLockMode(lockMode), txnContext); } requestList.add(lockRequest); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { scanner.close(); break; } } }
From source
/** Parses a header line from the SP3 file (line number 1 - 22). * @param lineNumber the current line number * @param line the line as read from the SP3 file * @param pi the current {@link ParseInfo} object * @throws OrekitException if a non-supported construct is found */// w ww.j a va2 s .c o m private void parseHeaderLine(final int lineNumber, final String line, final ParseInfo pi) throws OrekitException { final SP3File file = pi.file; Scanner scanner = null; try { scanner = new Scanner(line).useDelimiter("\\s+").useLocale(Locale.US); // CHECKSTYLE: stop FallThrough check switch (lineNumber) { // version, epoch, data used and agency information case 1: { scanner.skip("#"); final String v =; final char version = v.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase().charAt(0); if (version != 'a' && version != 'b' && version != 'c') { throw new OrekitException(OrekitMessages.SP3_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION, version); } pi.hasVelocityEntries = "V".equals(v.substring(1, 2)); final int year = Integer.parseInt(v.substring(2)); final int month = scanner.nextInt(); final int day = scanner.nextInt(); final int hour = scanner.nextInt(); final int minute = scanner.nextInt(); final double second = scanner.nextDouble(); final AbsoluteDate epoch = new AbsoluteDate(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, TimeScalesFactory.getGPS()); file.setEpoch(epoch); final int numEpochs = scanner.nextInt(); file.setNumberOfEpochs(numEpochs); // data used indicator file.setDataUsed(; file.setCoordinateSystem(; file.setOrbitType(SP3OrbitType.valueOf(; file.setAgency(; break; } // additional date/time references in gps/julian day notation case 2: { scanner.skip("##"); // gps week file.setGpsWeek(scanner.nextInt()); // seconds of week file.setSecondsOfWeek(scanner.nextDouble()); // epoch interval file.setEpochInterval(scanner.nextDouble()); // julian day file.setJulianDay(scanner.nextInt()); // day fraction file.setDayFraction(scanner.nextDouble()); break; } // line 3 contains the number of satellites case 3: pi.maxSatellites = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(4, 6).trim()); // fall-through intended - the line contains already the first entries // the following 4 lines contain additional satellite ids case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: { final int lineLength = line.length(); int count = file.getSatelliteCount(); int startIdx = 9; while (count++ < pi.maxSatellites && (startIdx + 3) <= lineLength) { final String satId = line.substring(startIdx, startIdx + 3).trim(); file.addSatellite(satId); startIdx += 3; } break; } // the following 5 lines contain general accuracy information for each satellite case 8: case 9: case 10: case 11: case 12: { final int lineLength = line.length(); int satIdx = (lineNumber - 8) * 17; int startIdx = 9; while (satIdx < pi.maxSatellites && (startIdx + 3) <= lineLength) { final SatelliteInformation satInfo = file.getSatellite(satIdx++); final int exponent = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(startIdx, startIdx + 3).trim()); // the accuracy is calculated as 2**exp (in m) -> can be safely // converted to an integer as there will be no fraction satInfo.setAccuracy((int) Math.pow(2d, exponent)); startIdx += 3; } break; } case 13: { file.setType(getFileType(line.substring(3, 5).trim())); // now identify the time system in use final String tsStr = line.substring(9, 12).trim(); final TimeSystem ts = TimeSystem.GPS; if (!tsStr.equalsIgnoreCase("ccc")) { TimeSystem.valueOf(tsStr); } file.setTimeSystem(ts); switch (ts) { case GPS: pi.timeScale = TimeScalesFactory.getGPS(); break; case GAL: pi.timeScale = TimeScalesFactory.getGST(); break; case GLO: case QZS: throw new OrekitException(OrekitMessages.SP3_UNSUPPORTED_TIMESYSTEM,; case TAI: pi.timeScale = TimeScalesFactory.getTAI(); break; case UTC: pi.timeScale = TimeScalesFactory.getUTC(); break; default: pi.timeScale = TimeScalesFactory.getGPS(); break; } break; } case 14: // ignore additional custom fields break; // load base numbers for the standard deviations of // position/velocity/clock components case 15: { // String base = line.substring(3, 13).trim(); // if (!base.equals("0.0000000")) { // // (mm or 10**-4 mm/sec) // pi.posVelBase = Double.valueOf(base); // } // base = line.substring(14, 26).trim(); // if (!base.equals("0.000000000")) { // // (psec or 10**-4 psec/sec) // pi.clockBase = Double.valueOf(base); // } break; } case 16: case 17: case 18: // ignore additional custom parameters break; case 19: case 20: case 21: case 22: // ignore comment lines break; default: // ignore -> method should only be called up to line 22 break; } // CHECKSTYLE: resume FallThrough check } finally { if (scanner != null) { scanner.close(); } } }
From source
private Iterator<ViewPanel> sortPanels(List<ViewPanel> viewPanelList) { Collections.sort(viewPanelList, new Comparator<ViewPanel>() { @Override/*from w w w. j a v a 2 s . com*/ public int compare(ViewPanel panel1, ViewPanel panel2) { Scanner scan1 = new Scanner(panel1.getPanelLevel()); Scanner scan2 = new Scanner(panel2.getPanelLevel()); scan1.useDelimiter("\\."); scan2.useDelimiter("\\."); try { while (scan1.hasNextInt() && scan2.hasNextInt()) { int v1 = scan1.nextInt(); int v2 = scan2.nextInt(); if (v1 < v2) { return -1; } else if (v1 > v2) { return 1; } } if (scan2.hasNextInt()) { return -1; } if (scan1.hasNextInt()) { return 1; } return 0; } finally { scan1.close(); scan2.close(); } } }); return viewPanelList.iterator(); }
From source
public void loadTextData(File file) { try {//from w w w .j a v a 2 s.c o m RandomAccessFile in = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r"); // Skip header in.readLine(); in.readLine(); in.readLine(); // Skip Subject Information in.readLine(); in.readLine(); in.readLine(); in.readLine(); in.readLine(); in.readLine(); String startTimeInput = in.readLine(); String commentsInput = in.readLine(); String data = in.readLine(); while (!data.startsWith("2) System Configuration")) { commentsInput += data; data = in.readLine(); } // System configuration // in.readLine(); in.readLine(); String timeCounstantInput = in.readLine(); String cameraGainInput = in.readLine(); String exposureTimeInput = in.readLine(); in.readLine(); in.readLine(); in.readLine(); String resolutionInput = in.readLine(); // Time Data in.readLine(); String timeDataInput = in.readLine(); String totalImagesInput = in.readLine(); in.readLine(); in.readLine(); // in.readLine(); // System.out.println(in.readLine()); // in.readLine(); // Parse important Size high = (new Scanner(resolutionInput.split(":")[1])).nextInt(); wide = (new Scanner(resolutionInput.split(",")[1])).nextInt(); int tot = 1; try { tot = (new Scanner(totalImagesInput.split(":")[1])).nextInt(); } catch (Exception e) { } System.out.println(wide + "," + high); // Parse timeInformation SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm:ss (dd/MM/yy)"); Date startTime = null; try { startTime = format.parse(startTimeInput.split(": ")[1]); } catch (ParseException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } String[] frameTimeData = timeDataInput.split("information:")[1].split(","); Date[] timeInfo = new Date[tot]; for (int i = 0; i < frameTimeData.length - 1; i++) { GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); cal.setTime(startTime); String dat = (frameTimeData[i]); String[] timeVals = dat.split(":"); int hour = Integer.parseInt(StringOperations.removeNonNumber(timeVals[0])); int min = Integer.parseInt(StringOperations.removeNonNumber(timeVals[1])); int sec = Integer.parseInt(StringOperations.removeNonNumber(timeVals[2])); int msec = Integer.parseInt(StringOperations.removeNonNumber(timeVals[3])); cal.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, hour); cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, min); cal.add(Calendar.SECOND, sec); cal.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, msec); timeInfo[i] = cal.getTime(); } // Parse Image Data /* * Close Random access file and switch to scanner first store pos * then move to correct point. */ long pos = in.getFilePointer(); in.close(); FileInputStream fIn = new FileInputStream(file); fIn.skip(pos); BufferedInputStream bIn = new BufferedInputStream(fIn); Scanner sIn = new Scanner(bIn); short[][][] holder = new short[tot][wide][high]; JFrame f = new JFrame(); f.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); StatusBarPanel stat = new StatusBarPanel(); stat.setMaximum(high); f.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout()); f.getContentPane().add(stat, BorderLayout.CENTER); f.setSize(200, 60); f.setVisible(true); for (int i = 0; i < tot; i++) { // Skip over the heading values stat.setStatusMessage("Loading " + i + " of " + tot); sIn.useDelimiter("\n");;;; if (i != 0) {; } sIn.reset(); for (int y = 0; y < high; y++) { stat.setValue(y); sIn.nextInt(); for (int x = 0; x < wide; x++) { holder[i][x][y] = sIn.nextShort(); } } addData(timeInfo[i], holder[i]); } // FrameFactroy.getFrame(new DynamicRangeImage(data[0])); // Start Image Data } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
From source
@Override public void buildClassifier(Instances i) throws Exception { Instance temp_instance = null;/*from w ww .java2s . c o m*/ RealMatrix error_output; RealMatrix error_hidden; RealMatrix input_matrix; RealMatrix hidden_matrix; RealMatrix output_matrix; Instances temp_instances; int r = 0; Scanner scan = new Scanner(; output_layer = i.numDistinctValues(i.classIndex()); //3 temp_instances = filterNominalNumeric(i); if (output_layer == 2) { Add filter = new Add(); filter.setAttributeIndex("last"); filter.setAttributeName("dummy"); filter.setInputFormat(temp_instances); temp_instances = Filter.useFilter(temp_instances, filter); // System.out.println(temp_instances); for (int j = 0; j < temp_instances.numInstances(); j++) { if (temp_instances.instance(j).value(temp_instances.numAttributes() - 2) == 0) { temp_instances.instance(j).setValue(temp_instances.numAttributes() - 2, 1); temp_instances.instance(j).setValue(temp_instances.numAttributes() - 1, 0); } else { temp_instances.instance(j).setValue(temp_instances.numAttributes() - 2, 0); temp_instances.instance(j).setValue(temp_instances.numAttributes() - 1, 1); } } } //temp_instances.randomize(temp_instances.getRandomNumberGenerator(1)); //System.out.println(temp_instances); input_layer = temp_instances.numAttributes() - output_layer; //4 hidden_layer = 0; while (hidden_layer < 1) { System.out.print("Hidden layer : "); hidden_layer = scan.nextInt(); } int init_hidden = hidden_layer; error_hidden = new BlockRealMatrix(1, hidden_layer); error_output = new BlockRealMatrix(1, output_layer); input_matrix = new BlockRealMatrix(1, input_layer + 1); //Menambahkan bias buildWeight(input_layer, hidden_layer, output_layer); long last_time = System.nanoTime(); double last_error_rate = 1; double best_error_rate = 1; double last_update = System.nanoTime(); // brp iterasi // for( long itr = 0; last_error_rate > 0.001; ++ itr ){ for (long itr = 0; itr < 50000; ++itr) { if (r == 10) { break; } long time = System.nanoTime(); if (time - last_time > 2000000000) { Evaluation eval = new Evaluation(i); eval.evaluateModel(this, i); double accry = eval.correct() / eval.numInstances(); if (eval.errorRate() < last_error_rate) { last_update = System.nanoTime(); if (eval.errorRate() < best_error_rate) SerializationHelper.write(accry + "-" + time + ".model", this); } if (accry > 0) last_error_rate = eval.errorRate(); // 2 minute without improvement restart if (time - last_update > 30000000000L) { last_update = System.nanoTime(); learning_rate = random() * 0.05; hidden_layer = (int) (10 + floor(random() * 15)); hidden_layer = (int) floor((hidden_layer / 25) * init_hidden); if (hidden_layer == 0) { hidden_layer = 1; } itr = 0; System.out.println("RESTART " + learning_rate + " " + hidden_layer); buildWeight(input_layer, hidden_layer, output_layer); r++; } System.out.println(accry + " " + itr); last_time = time; } for (int j = 0; j < temp_instances.numInstances(); j++) { // foward !! temp_instance = temp_instances.instance(j); for (int k = 0; k < input_layer; k++) { input_matrix.setEntry(0, k, temp_instance.value(k)); } input_matrix.setEntry(0, input_layer, 1.0); // bias hidden_matrix = input_matrix.multiply(weight1); for (int y = 0; y < hidden_layer; ++y) { hidden_matrix.setEntry(0, y, sig(hidden_matrix.getEntry(0, y))); } output_matrix = hidden_matrix.multiply(weight2).add(bias2); for (int y = 0; y < output_layer; ++y) { output_matrix.setEntry(0, y, sig(output_matrix.getEntry(0, y))); } // backward << // error layer 2 double total_err = 0; for (int k = 0; k < output_layer; k++) { double o = output_matrix.getEntry(0, k); double t = temp_instance.value(input_layer + k); double err = o * (1 - o) * (t - o); total_err += err * err; error_output.setEntry(0, k, err); } // back propagation layer 2 for (int y = 0; y < hidden_layer; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < output_layer; ++x) { double wold = weight2.getEntry(y, x); double correction = learning_rate * error_output.getEntry(0, x) * hidden_matrix.getEntry(0, y); weight2.setEntry(y, x, wold + correction); } } for (int x = 0; x < output_layer; ++x) { double correction = learning_rate * error_output.getEntry(0, x); // anggap 1 inputnya bias2.setEntry(0, x, bias2.getEntry(0, x) + correction); } // error layer 1 for (int k = 0; k < hidden_layer; ++k) { double o = hidden_matrix.getEntry(0, k); double t = 0; for (int x = 0; x < output_layer; ++x) { t += error_output.getEntry(0, x) * weight2.getEntry(k, x); } double err = o * (1 - o) * t; error_hidden.setEntry(0, k, err); } // back propagation layer 1 for (int y = 0; y < input_layer + 1; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < hidden_layer; ++x) { double wold = weight1.getEntry(y, x); double correction = learning_rate * error_hidden.getEntry(0, x) * input_matrix.getEntry(0, y); weight1.setEntry(y, x, wold + correction); } } } } }
From source
/** * Read the drift file storing the T,X,Y into the class level calculatedTimepoints, lastdx and lastdy * arrays. Ignore any records where T is outside the limits. * //from w w w.j a va 2s . c o m * @param limits * @return The number of records read */ private int readDriftFile(int[] limits) { int ok = 0; BufferedReader input = null; try { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(driftFilename); input = new BufferedReader(new UnicodeReader(fis, null)); String line; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("[\t, ]+"); while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) { if (line.length() == 0) continue; if (Character.isDigit(line.charAt(0))) { try { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(line); scanner.useDelimiter(pattern); scanner.useLocale(Locale.US); final int t = scanner.nextInt(); if (t < limits[0] || t > limits[1]) continue; final double x = scanner.nextDouble(); final double y = scanner.nextDouble(); calculatedTimepoints[t] = ++ok; lastdx[t] = x; lastdy[t] = y; scanner.close(); } catch (InputMismatchException e) { } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { } } } } catch (IOException e) { // ignore } finally { try { if (input != null) input.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // Ignore } } return ok; }
From source
/** * GUI: update the develop window to reflect the current state of the * project driver (open file, etc.)/* ww w . j ava2 s . co m*/ * * @param commitCurrentAsm Whether to commit currently open asm file * in the editor before refreshing. * @return PLP_OK */ public int refreshProjectView(boolean commitCurrentAsm) { Msg.D("Project view refresh...", 3, this); if (plpfile == null) { g_dev.disableBuildControls(); g_dev.catchyPLP(); g_dev.getProjectTree() .setModel(new DefaultTreeModel(new DefaultMutableTreeNode("No project file open."))); return Constants.PLP_OK; } if (commitCurrentAsm) updateAsm(open_asm, g_dev.getEditorText()); updateWindowTitle(); DefaultMutableTreeNode root = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(plpfile.getName()); DefaultMutableTreeNode srcRoot = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Source Files"); DefaultMutableTreeNode metaRoot = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Meta Information"); root.add(srcRoot); root.add(metaRoot); for (int i = 0; i < asms.size(); i++) srcRoot.add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode(i + ": " + asms.get(i).getAsmFilePath())); Scanner metaScanner = new Scanner(meta); metaScanner.findWithinHorizon("DIRTY=", 0); int meta_dirty = metaScanner.nextInt(); metaRoot.add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode("meta.DIRTY=" + meta_dirty)); metaRoot.add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode("ISA=" + ArchRegistry.getStringID(arch.getID()))); g_dev.getProjectTree().setModel(new DefaultTreeModel(root)); for (int i = 0; i < g_dev.getProjectTree().getRowCount(); i++) g_dev.getProjectTree().expandRow(i); if (!asms.get(open_asm).getAsmString().equals(g_dev.getEditorText())) g_dev.setEditorText(asms.get(open_asm).getAsmString()); g_dev.getEditor().setEnabled(true); g_dev.getEditor().setVisible(true); g_dev.getEditor().setCaretPosition(0); g_dev.enableBuildControls(); String header = asms.get(open_asm).getAsmFilePath(); if (open_asm == 0) header += " <main program>"; g_dev.setCurFile(header); CallbackRegistry.callback(CallbackRegistry.GUI_VIEW_REFRESH, commitCurrentAsm); Msg.D("Done.", 3, this); return Constants.PLP_OK; }