List of usage examples for java.util Scanner nextDouble
public double nextDouble()
From source
private void loadFile(File file) throws IOException { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(file); scanner.useLocale(Locale.US); List<List<Coordinate>> coordinates = new ArrayList<List<Coordinate>>(); while (true) { try {/*from www. j a va2 s . co m*/ int num = scanner.nextInt();; double x = scanner.nextDouble(); double y = scanner.nextDouble(); if (num > 0) { num--; while (coordinates.size() <= num) { coordinates.add(new ArrayList<Coordinate>()); } Coordinate coordinate = new Coordinate(x, y); coordinates.get(num).add(coordinate); } } catch (NoSuchElementException ex) { break; } } for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.size(); i++) { Coordinate c = coordinates.get(i).get(0); coordinates.get(i).add(c); } culling(coordinates); }
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private void setVal(String newVal) { if (decimalPlaces != null) { Scanner sc = new Scanner(newVal.trim()); if (sc.hasNextDouble()) { NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getInstance(); format.setMaximumFractionDigits(decimalPlaces.intValue()); newVal = format.format(sc.nextDouble()); }/* w ww.j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ sc.close(); } val = newVal; if (!isDisposed()) { if (minPeriodMS != null) { if (!textUpdateScheduled) { textUpdateScheduled = true; display.asyncExec(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { display.timerExec(minPeriodMS, setTextRunnable); } }); } } else { display.asyncExec(setTextRunnable); } } }
From source
@Test public void testResultLarge() throws Exception { LongestCommonSubsequenceDistance lcss = new LongestCommonSubsequenceDistance(0.1, 0.05); int m = 128;/* w w w . ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ ZNormalizer normalizer = new ZNormalizer(); Scanner dataScanner = new Scanner(getClass().getResourceAsStream("data-100k.txt")) .useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); double[] data = new double[m]; double[] copy = new double[m]; for (int i = 0; i < m && dataScanner.hasNextDouble(); i++) { data[i] = dataScanner.nextDouble(); } Scanner queryScanner = new Scanner(getClass().getResourceAsStream("query-128.txt")) .useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); double[] query = new double[m]; for (int i = 0; i < m && queryScanner.hasNextDouble(); i++) { query[i] = queryScanner.nextDouble(); } query = normalizer.normalize(query); double min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; int posMin = 0; int n = 0; // long duration = 0; while (dataScanner.hasNextDouble()) { System.arraycopy(data, 1, copy, 0, m - 1); copy[m - 1] = dataScanner.nextDouble(); double[] normalizedCopy = normalizer.normalize(copy); // long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); double d = lcss.compute(normalizedCopy, query, min); // duration += System.currentTimeMillis() - start; if (d < min) { min = d; posMin = n; } data = copy; n++; } // System.out.println("duration=" + duration); Assert.assertEquals(93728, posMin); Assert.assertEquals(0.5625, min, TimeSeriesPrecision.EPSILON); }
From source
/** * Copies new events into the TimeSeries parameter - which is also returned. * /*from ww w. j a v a2s .c o m*/ * @param ts * a {@code TimeSeries} that will be added to * @param s * a duration string * @return the same{@code TimeSeries} that you passed in */ public static TimeSeries getDurationAsTimeSeries(TimeSeries ts, String s) { String token = null; Scanner scanner = new Scanner(s); if (s.indexOf(',') != -1) { scanner.useDelimiter(","); } while (scanner.hasNext()) { if (scanner.hasNext(dpattern)) { token =; double d = getDottedValue(token); ts.add(d); logger.debug("'{}' is dotted value is {}", token, d); } else if (scanner.hasNext(pattern)) { token =; double d = durKeyMap.get(token); ts.add(d); logger.debug("'{}' is not dotted value is {}", token, d); // } else if (scanner.hasNext(tripletPattern)) { // token =; // double d = durKeyMap.get(token); // ts.add(d); // System.out.println(String // .format("'%s' is not dotted value is %f", // token, // d)); } else if (scanner.hasNextDouble()) { double d = scanner.nextDouble(); ts.add(d); logger.debug("{} is a double", d); } else { // just ignore it. or throw exception? String skipped =; logger.debug("skipped '{}'", skipped); } } scanner.close(); return ts; }
From source
/** * Convert a given object into a String. * /*from w ww. jav a 2 s. c o m*/ * @param obj * Xpath Object * @return String representation of the node */ private String nodeToString(Object obj) { String ret = null; if (nodeType == XPathConstants.BOOLEAN) { return (((Boolean) obj)) ? "1" : "0"; } if (nodeType == XPathConstants.NUMBER) return ((Double) obj).toString().trim(); if (nodeType == XPathConstants.NODE || nodeType == XPathConstants.NODESET) { if (obj instanceof String) { ret = ((String) obj).trim(); } else { if (null == obj) { return null; } Node node = (Node) obj; NamedNodeMap nodeMap = node.getAttributes(); if ((null != nodeMap) && (null != nodeMap.getNamedItem("time"))) { ret = nodeMap.getNamedItem("time").getTextContent(); } if (null == ret) { ret = node.getTextContent().trim(); } } } if (nodeType == XPathConstants.STRING) ret = ((String) obj).trim(); // for Node/String/NodeSet, try and parse it as a double. // we don't store a double, so just throw away the result. Scanner scanner = new Scanner(ret); if (scanner.hasNextDouble()) { return String.valueOf(scanner.nextDouble()); } return null; }
From source
public static List<Double> getDurationsAsList(String durations) { String token = null;/*from w ww .ja va 2 s .c om*/ List<Double> list = new ArrayList<Double>(); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(durations); if (durations.indexOf(',') != -1) { scanner.useDelimiter(","); } while (scanner.hasNext()) { if (scanner.hasNext(dpattern)) { token =; double d = getDottedValue(token); list.add(d); logger.debug("'{}' is dotted value is {}", token, d); } else if (scanner.hasNext(pattern)) { token =; double d = durKeyMap.get(token); list.add(d); logger.debug("'{}' is not dotted value is {}", token, d); // } else if (scanner.hasNext(tripletPattern)) { // token =; // double d = durKeyMap.get(token); // ts.add(d); // System.out.println(String // .format("'%s' is not dotted value is %f", // token, // d)); } else if (scanner.hasNextDouble()) { double d = scanner.nextDouble(); list.add(d); logger.debug("{} is a double", d); } else { // just ignore it. or throw exception? String skipped =; logger.debug("skipped '{}'", skipped); } } scanner.close(); return list; }
From source
@Test public void testHetSensDistributions() throws Exception { //Expect theoretical sens to be close to .9617 for Solexa-332667 final double tolerance = 0.02; final double expectedResult = .9617; final int maxDepth = 500; final double[] depthDistribution = new double[maxDepth + 1]; final double[] qualityDistribution = new double[50]; final Scanner scanDepth = new Scanner(DEPTH); for (int i = 0; scanDepth.hasNextDouble(); i++) { depthDistribution[i] = scanDepth.nextDouble(); }/*from w w w . java 2 s . c om*/ final Scanner scanBaseQ = new Scanner(BASEQ); for (int j = 0; scanBaseQ.hasNextDouble(); j++) { qualityDistribution[j] = scanBaseQ.nextDouble(); } final int sampleSize = 1_000; final double logOddsThreshold = 3.0; final double result = TheoreticalSensitivity.hetSNPSensitivity(depthDistribution, qualityDistribution, sampleSize, logOddsThreshold); Assert.assertEquals(result, expectedResult, tolerance); }
From source
public static void batchSim_fixedconnessioni() { Scanner valore = new Scanner(; double o; //omogeneit System.out.print("\n==================================="); System.out.print("\nSIMULAZIONE BATCH con individui crescenti e numero di connessioni fisse\n"); System.out.print("\n==================================="); System.out.print("\n\nDimensione della comunit iniziale "); int comIniziali = valore.nextInt(); System.out.print("Dimensione della comunit finale "); int comFinale = valore.nextInt(); System.out.print("Incremento comunit "); int incrementocomunita = valore.nextInt(); System.out.print("Numero collegamenti "); GlobalVar.numcollegamenti = valore.nextInt(); System.out.print("Dimensione del DNA "); GlobalVar.dimDNA = valore.nextInt(); System.out.print("Quante ere "); GlobalVar.numERE = valore.nextInt(); System.out.print("Soglia di omogeneit "); GlobalVar.omoSoglia = valore.nextDouble(); System.out.println("\nINDIVIDUI\tCONNESSIONI\tCICLI\tOMOGENEIT"); for (int i = comIniziali; i < comFinale; i = i + incrementocomunita) { GlobalVar.dimensionecom = i;//from w w w.j a v a 2 s . c o m o = ciclocomunita(); System.out.println( "\n" + i + "\t\t" + GlobalVar.numcollegamenti + "\t\t" + GlobalVar.ereEffettuate + "\t\t" + o); } }
From source
public static void batchSim_fixedindividui() { Scanner valore = new Scanner(; double o; //omogeneit System.out.print("\n==================================="); System.out.print("\nSIMULAZIONE BATCH con connessioni crescenti e numero di individui fissi\n"); System.out.print("\n==================================="); System.out.print("\n\nDimensione della comunit (fisso) "); GlobalVar.dimensionecom = valore.nextInt(); System.out.print("Numero collegamenti iniziale "); int colIniziali = valore.nextInt(); System.out.print("Numero collegamenti finale "); int colFinali = valore.nextInt(); System.out.print("Incremento collegamenti "); int incrementocollegamenti = valore.nextInt(); System.out.print("Dimensione del DNA "); GlobalVar.dimDNA = valore.nextInt(); System.out.print("Quante ere "); GlobalVar.numERE = valore.nextInt(); System.out.print("Soglia di omogeneit "); GlobalVar.omoSoglia = valore.nextDouble(); System.out.println("\nINDIVIDUI\tCONNESSIONI\tCICLI\tOMOGENEIT"); for (int i = colIniziali; i < colFinali; i = i + incrementocollegamenti) { GlobalVar.numcollegamenti = i;//w w w. j av a 2 s. c om o = ciclocomunita(); System.out.println( "\n" + GlobalVar.dimensionecom + "\t\t" + i + "\t\t" + GlobalVar.ereEffettuate + "\t\t" + o); } }
From source
public static void batchSim_completa() { Scanner valore = new Scanner(; double o; //omogeneit System.out.print("\n==================================="); System.out.print("\nSIMULAZIONE BATCH completa\n"); System.out.print("\n==================================="); System.out.print("\n\nNumero individui iniziale "); int comIniziali = valore.nextInt(); System.out.print("Numero individui finale "); int comFinale = valore.nextInt(); System.out.print("Incremento individui "); int incrementocomunita = valore.nextInt(); System.out.print("Numero collegamenti iniziale "); int colIniziali = valore.nextInt(); System.out.print("Numero collegamenti finale "); int colFinali = valore.nextInt(); System.out.print("Incremento collegamenti "); int incrementocollegamenti = valore.nextInt(); System.out.print("Dimensione del DNA "); GlobalVar.dimDNA = valore.nextInt(); System.out.print("Soglia ere massima "); GlobalVar.numERE = valore.nextInt(); System.out.print("Soglia di omogeneit "); GlobalVar.omoSoglia = valore.nextDouble(); //modifica/*from w w w . j ava 2 s . c o m*/ //System.out.println("\nind\tcon\tere\tomo"); //Riga degli individui for (int i = comIniziali; i <= comFinale; i = i + incrementocomunita) System.out.print("\t" + i); System.out.println(); for (int j = colIniziali; j <= colFinali; j = j + incrementocollegamenti) { System.out.print(j + "\t"); for (int i = comIniziali; i <= comFinale; i = i + incrementocomunita) { GlobalVar.dimensionecom = i; GlobalVar.numcollegamenti = j; o = ciclocomunita(); System.out.print(GlobalVar.ereEffettuate + "\t"); } System.out.println(); } }