List of usage examples for java.util Scanner next
public String next()
From source
public void find_historical_data(int month, int day, int year) { try {/* w ww. jav a 2 s . com*/ String url = "" + this.ticker + "&d=" + month + "&e=" + day + "&f=" + year + "&g=d&a=0&b=1&c=1970&ignore=.csv"; InputStream input; input = new URL(url).openStream(); Scanner s = new Scanner(input); s.useDelimiter("\\A"); String csv = s.hasNext() ? : ""; s.close(); input.close(); csv = csv.replace("\"", ""); historical_data = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(csv.split("\n"))); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Could not retrieve historical data"); System.out.println("Error with connection"); } }
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public void processReadTag(NdefMessage ndef) { final String tag_content = new String(ndef.getRecords()[0].getPayload()); //setContentView(R.layout.tag_viewer); //? EditText twitterHandleEditText = (EditText) findViewById(; final String twitter_handle = twitterHandleEditText.getText().toString(); Log.i(">>> NDEF:", tag_content); Log.i(">>> TWITTER:", twitter_handle); // THIS DOESN'T GET PRINTED?! // this doesn't seem like the proper way to do this #yolo Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override/*from ww w . j ava 2 s. co m*/ public void run() { try { // build request URL url = new URL(""); //URL url = new URL(""); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); conn.setRequestMethod("POST"); conn.setRequestProperty("Content-type", "application/json"); conn.setDoInput(true); conn.setDoOutput(true); /* // create POST body and send it over Uri.Builder builder = new Uri.Builder() .appendQueryParameter("ndef", tag_content) .appendQueryParameter("twitter_handle", "omerk"); String query =; */ OutputStream os = conn.getOutputStream(); //BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(os, "UTF-8")); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("ndef", tag_content); json.put("twitter", twitter_handle); os.write(json.toString().getBytes("UTF-8")); os.flush(); os.close(); conn.connect(); // read the response Log.i(">>> ResponseCode: ", "" + conn.getResponseCode()); InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(conn.getInputStream()); java.util.Scanner s = new java.util.Scanner(in).useDelimiter("\\A"); String r = s.hasNext() ? : ""; Log.i(">>> ResponseBody: ", r); } catch (Exception e) { Log.i(">>> OOPS: ", e.toString()); } } }); thread.start(); }
From source
/** * Get Command List JSON File From Server * /*from ww w. j a va 2s. c om*/ * @throws IOException * @throws MalformedURLException * @throws JSONException */ public void getCommandsList() throws IOException, MalformedURLException, JSONException { // Connect to Intel Galileo get Commands List HttpURLConnection httpCon = (HttpURLConnection) commandsJSONUrl.openConnection(); httpCon.setReadTimeout(10000); httpCon.setConnectTimeout(15000); httpCon.setRequestMethod("GET"); httpCon.setDoInput(true); httpCon.connect(); // Read JSON File as InputStream InputStream readCommand = httpCon.getInputStream(); Scanner scanCommand = new Scanner(readCommand).useDelimiter("\\A"); // Set stream to String String commandFile = scanCommand.hasNext() ? : ""; // Initialize serveFile as read string JSONObject commandsList = new JSONObject(commandFile); JSONObject temp = (JSONObject) commandsList.get("commands"); JSONArray comArray = (JSONArray) temp.getJSONArray("command"); int numberOfCommands = comArray.length(); commands = new String[numberOfCommands]; // Fill the Array for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCommands; i++) { JSONObject commandObject = (JSONObject) comArray.get(i); commands[i] = commandObject.getString("text"); } Log.d("JSON", "Loaded " + commands[2]); httpCon.disconnect(); }
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public void run(File runnersFile, File jobsFile) { try {/*from ww w. j a v a 2s . c o m*/ if (runnersFile != null) { mng.loadRunners(runnersFile); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } try { if (jobsFile != null) { mng.loadJobs(jobsFile); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } final Scanner lineSC = new Scanner(; while (true) { System.out.print("> "); String option =; Scanner sc = new Scanner(lineSC.nextLine()); try { switch (option) { case "addrunner": mng.addRunner(sc.nextLine()); break; case "loadrunners": while (sc.hasNext()) { mng.loadRunners(new File(; } break; case "addjobs": mng.addJob(sc.nextLine()); break; case "loadjobs": while (sc.hasNext()) { mng.loadJobs(new File(; } break; case "remove": while (sc.hasNext()) { mng.removeFromWaiting(; } break; case "killrunner": while (sc.hasNextInt()) { mng.killRunner(sc.nextInt()); } break; case "kill": while (sc.hasNext()) { mng.killJob(; } break; case "killall": mng.failed.addAll(mng.waitingList); mng.waitingList.clear(); List<Job> running = new ArrayList<>(mng.running.values()); for (Job j : running) { mng.killJob(; } break; case "output": int id = sc.nextInt(); int l = sc.hasNextInt() ? sc.nextInt() : lines; System.out.println(mng.getOutput(id, l)); break; case "jobs": while (sc.hasNext()) { String jobid =; List<Job> found = mng.findJobs(jobid); for (Job j : found) { System.out.println(j.detailedToString() + "\n-----------------"); } } break; case "status": int ls = sc.hasNextInt() ? sc.nextInt() : lines; System.out.println("Completed: " + mng.completed.size() + "\tWaiting: " + mng.waitingList.size() + "\tFailed: " + mng.failed.size() + "\tRunning: " + mng.running.size() + "/" + mng.runners.size() + " " + (mng.runningStatus() ? "(ACTIVE)" : "(PAUSED)")); for (Entry<JobRunner, Job> e : mng.running.entrySet()) { System.out.println("== " + e.getValue() + " @ " + e.getKey() + " ========"); System.out.println(mng.getOutput(e.getKey().id, ls)); } break; case "list": while (sc.hasNext()) { String t =; if (t.equals("failed")) { for (int i = mng.failed.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Job j = mng.failed.get(i); System.out.println(df.format(j.submitted) + " " + j); } } else if (t.equals("completed")) { for (int i = mng.completed.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Job j = mng.completed.get(i); System.out.println(df.format(j.submitted) + " " + j); } } else if (t.equals("waiting")) { for (int i = mng.waitingList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Job j = mng.waitingList.get(i); System.out.println(df.format(j.submitted) + " " + j); } } else if (t.equals("runners")) { for (JobRunner r : mng.runners.values()) { if (mng.running.containsKey(r)) { Job runningJob = mng.running.get(r); System.out .println(df.format(runningJob.started) + " " + r + " @ " + runningJob); } else { System.out.println("Idle " + r); } } } else { error("Unknown list: " + t); } } break; case "retry": while (sc.hasNext()) { mng.retryJob(; } break; case "retryfailed": mng.retryFailed(); break; case "clear": while (sc.hasNext()) { String t =; if (t.equals("failed")) { mng.failed.clear(); } else if (t.equals("completed")) { mng.completed.clear(); } else if (t.equals("waiting")) { mng.waitingList.clear(); } else if (t.equals("runners")) { List<Integer> runners = new ArrayList<>(mng.runners.keySet()); for (Integer r : runners) { mng.killRunner(r); } } else { error("Unknown list: " + t); } } break; case "priority": String type =; while (sc.hasNext()) { String i =; if (type.equals("top")) { mng.topPriority(i); } else if (type.equals("bottom")) { mng.lowestPriority(i); } } break; case "sort": String sort =; if (sort.equals("job")) { mng.sortJobFirst(); } else if (sort.equals("date")) { mng.sortSubmissionDate(); } else { error("Unknown sorting method: " + sort); } break; case "pause": mng.pause(sc.hasNext() &&"force")); break; case "start": mng.resume(); break; case "exit": System.exit(0); break; case "set": String par =; switch (par) { case "lines": lines = sc.nextInt(); break; case "maxtries": mng.setMaxTries(sc.nextInt()); break; } break; case "mute": this.mute = true; break; case "unmute": this.mute = false; break; case "help": System.out.println("Available commands:\n" + "-- addrunner runner_type [config]\n" + "-- loadrunners [file]...\n" + "-- addjobs job_params\n" + "-- loadjobs [file]...\n" + "-- killrunner [runner_id]...\n" + "-- remove [job_id]...\n" + "-- kill [job_id]...\n" + "-- killall \n" + "-- output runner_id [lines]\n" + "-- jobs [job_id]...\n" + "-- status [lines]\n" + "-- list [waiting|completed|failed|runners]...\n" + "-- retry [job_id]...\n" + "-- retryfailed \n" + "-- priority top|bottom [job_id]...\n" + "-- sort batch|job|date\n" + "-- clear [waiting|completed|failed|runners]...\n" + "-- pause [force]\n" + "-- start \n" + "-- mute|unmute \n" + "-- exit \n" + "-- set lines|tries value"); break; default: System.out.println("Unknown command. Try help."); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
From source
@Override public void run() { try {/*from ww w. j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ UpnpService upnpService = new UpnpServiceImpl(); // Adiciona um verificador de novos registros de dispositivos UPNP / Add a listener for device registration events upnpService.getRegistry().addListener(createRegistryListener(upnpService)); // Envia a mensagem de busca de novos dispositivos UPNP para todos os dispositivos da rede / Broadcast a search message for all devices // Acontece s uma vez upnpService.getControlPoint().search(new STAllHeader()); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; String command = ""; while (!"quit".equals(command)) { command =; // leitor de comandos do servidor de borda if ("getDevices".equals(command)) { Collection<Device> devices = upnpService.getRegistry().getDevices(); int devicessize = devices.size(); System.out.printf("Esses so os dispositivos locais ( %d )\n", devicessize); System.out.println(Arrays.toString(upnpService.getRegistry().getDevices().toArray())); RemoteDevice newdevice; for (int i = 0; i < devices.size(); i++) { newdevice = (RemoteDevice) devices.toArray()[i]; System.out.println(newdevice.getDetails().getFriendlyName()); } } else if ("exec".equals(command)) { /*Collection<Device> devices = upnpService.getRegistry().getDevices(); ServiceId serviceId = new UDAServiceId("NodoTemp"); RemoteDevice newdevice; for(int i = 0 ; i < devices.size() ; i++){ newdevice = (RemoteDevice) devices.toArray()[i]; Service edgeServer; if ((edgeServer = newdevice.findService(serviceId)) != null) { //AO A SER EXECUTADA QUANDO ENCONTRADO DISPOSITIVO //ADICIONAR O DISPOSITIVO EM ALGUM LUGAR PRA MONITORAMENTO executeAction(upnpService, edgeServer); } }*/ } else if ("countCadGateways".equals(command)) { synchronized (gatewaysCadastrados) { System.out.println(gatewaysCadastrados.size()); } } } System.exit(0); } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println("Exception occured: " + ex); System.exit(1); } }
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/** * Constructor. Create a GroupDetails within the given constraint according to the given specification * // w w w . j a v a 2 s. c o m * @param specification * See the comments at the top of this class, and the unit tests, for more details * @param parentConstraint */ public GroupDetails(String specification, EnhancedSecurityConstraint parentConstraint) { // Check params look OK if (specification == null || parentConstraint == null) { throw new EnhancedSecurityException( "Both the specification and the parent constraint must be non-null to create a GroupDetails"); } // Parse out key=value,key=value pairs and use setKVPair to set relevant properties try { _constraint = parentConstraint; Scanner keyValuePair = new Scanner(specification.trim()); keyValuePair.useDelimiter("\n+"); while (keyValuePair.hasNext()) { String keyOrValueStr =; if (keyOrValueStr.equals("")) { continue; } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Found Key/Value Pair: " + keyOrValueStr); } Scanner keyOrValue = new Scanner(keyOrValueStr); keyOrValue.useDelimiter("="); String key =; LOG.debug(" Found Key: " + key); String value =; LOG.debug(" Found Value: " + value); if (keyOrValue.hasNext()) { throw new EnhancedSecurityException("Was expecting a single '=' in [" + keyValuePair + "]"); } setKVPair(key, value); } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { throw new EnhancedSecurityException( "The group details specification was incorrectly formatted. It should be key=value [lineBreak] key=value with no '=' charecters in the keys or values", e); } }
From source
public static int loadControls(ServletContext servletContext) throws Exception { // assume no controls int controlCount = 0; // create a list for our controls List<JSONObject> jsonControls = new ArrayList<JSONObject>(); // get the directory in which the control xml files are stored File dir = new File(servletContext.getRealPath("/WEB-INF/controls/")); // create a filter for finding .control.xml files FilenameFilter xmlFilenameFilter = new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".control.xml"); }/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s .com*/ }; // create a schema object for the xsd Schema schema = _schemaFactory .newSchema(new File(servletContext.getRealPath("/WEB-INF/schemas/") + "/control.xsd")); // create a validator Validator validator = schema.newValidator(); // loop the xml files in the folder for (File xmlFile : dir.listFiles(xmlFilenameFilter)) { // get a scanner to read the file Scanner fileScanner = new Scanner(xmlFile).useDelimiter("\\A"); // read the xml into a string String xml =; // close the scanner (and file) fileScanner.close(); // validate the control xml file against the schema validator.validate(new StreamSource(new ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes("UTF-8")))); // convert the string into JSON JSONObject jsonControlCollection = org.json.XML.toJSONObject(xml).getJSONObject("controls"); JSONObject jsonControl; int index = 0; int count = 0; if (jsonControlCollection.optJSONArray("control") == null) { jsonControl = jsonControlCollection.getJSONObject("control"); } else { jsonControl = jsonControlCollection.getJSONArray("control").getJSONObject(index); count = jsonControlCollection.getJSONArray("control").length(); } do { // check this type does not already exist for (int i = 0; i < jsonControls.size(); i++) { if (jsonControl.getString("type").equals(jsonControls.get(i).getString("type"))) throw new Exception(" control type is loaded already. Type names must be unique"); } // add the jsonControl to our array jsonControls.add(jsonControl); // inc the control count controlCount++; // inc the count of controls in this file index++; // get the next one if (index < count) jsonControl = jsonControlCollection.getJSONArray("control").getJSONObject(index); } while (index < count); } // sort the list of controls by name Collections.sort(jsonControls, new Comparator<JSONObject>() { @Override public int compare(JSONObject c1, JSONObject c2) { try { return Comparators.AsciiCompare(c1.getString("name"), c2.getString("name"), false); } catch (JSONException e) { return 0; } } }); // create a JSON Array object which will hold json for all of the available controls JSONArray jsonArrayControls = new JSONArray(jsonControls); // put the jsonControls in a context attribute (this is available via the getJsonControls method in RapidHttpServlet) servletContext.setAttribute("jsonControls", jsonArrayControls); + " controls loaded in .control.xml files"); return controlCount; }
From source
private AssayInfoBean createAssayInfoBean(AssayInfoBean assayInfoBean, String assayRepresentation) { assayRepresentation = assayRepresentation.replace("assay(", "").replace(")", ""); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(assayRepresentation); scanner.useDelimiter("\\|"); if (scanner.hasNext()) { assayInfoBean.setEndPoint(; } else {/* w ww .j av a2s . com*/ assayInfoBean.setEndPoint(""); } if (scanner.hasNext()) { String token =; try { // check to see if the String can be made into a number. Integer.valueOf(token); assayInfoBean.setCount(token); assayInfoBean.setTechnology(""); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { assayInfoBean.setTechnology(token); if (scanner.hasNext()) { assayInfoBean.setCount(; } else { assayInfoBean.setCount("0"); } } } return assayInfoBean; }
From source
public String getCluster(String hostname) throws IOException { String urlString = String.format("http://%s/api/v1/getCluster?hostname=%s", apiHostname, StringUtil.cleanseToken(hostname)); if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Requesting cluster for " + hostname); }/*from w ww . ja va 2 m*/ URL url = new URL(urlString); URLConnection connection = url.openConnection(); connection.setConnectTimeout(this.connectTimeout); connection.setReadTimeout(this.readTimeout); InputStream input = connection.getInputStream(); java.util.Scanner s = new java.util.Scanner(input).useDelimiter("\\A"); String cluster = s.hasNext() ? : ""; try { input.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.error("IOException in closing input stream, returning no error " + ioe.getMessage()); } return cluster; }
From source
public final void testRequestSubQuery() throws Exception { Fragment[] frags = sm.split("employee", 40000); int splitIdx = (int) Math.ceil(frags.length / 2.f); QueryIdFactory.reset();// w ww . jav a 2s . co m Worker worker1 = util.getMiniTajoCluster().getWorker(0); Worker worker2 = util.getMiniTajoCluster().getWorker(1); SubQueryId sid = QueryIdFactory.newSubQueryId(QueryIdFactory.newQueryId()); QueryUnitId qid1 = QueryIdFactory.newQueryUnitId(sid); QueryUnitId qid2 = QueryIdFactory.newQueryUnitId(sid); PlanningContext context = analyzer.parse("testLeafServer := select name, empId, deptName from employee"); LogicalNode plan = planner.createPlan(context); plan = LogicalOptimizer.optimize(context, plan); sm.initTableBase(frags[0].getMeta(), "testLeafServer"); QueryUnitRequest req1 = new QueryUnitRequestImpl(QueryIdFactory.newQueryUnitAttemptId(qid1, 0), Lists.newArrayList(Arrays.copyOfRange(frags, 0, splitIdx)), "", false, plan.toJSON()); QueryUnitRequest req2 = new QueryUnitRequestImpl(QueryIdFactory.newQueryUnitAttemptId(qid2, 0), Lists.newArrayList(Arrays.copyOfRange(frags, splitIdx, frags.length)), "", false, plan.toJSON()); assertNotNull(worker1.requestQueryUnit(req1.getProto())); Thread.sleep(1000); assertNotNull(worker2.requestQueryUnit(req2.getProto())); Thread.sleep(1000); // for the report sending test TajoMaster master = util.getMiniTajoCluster().getMaster(); Set<QueryUnitAttemptId> submitted = Sets.newHashSet(); submitted.add(req1.getId()); submitted.add(req2.getId()); assertSubmittedAndReported(master, submitted); Scanner scanner = sm.getTableScanner("testLeafServer"); int j = 0; @SuppressWarnings("unused") Tuple tuple = null; while ( != null) { j++; } assertEquals(tupleNum, j); }